Popular UK talk show, The Jeremy Kyle Show today featured this lady above who was begging “Stop harassing me just because I’m sleeping with your ex' but instead of fans of the show to concentrate on what the lady came to the show to talk about, British Twitter went crazy over her teeth. Can't blame them..lol. See some of the hilarious, classic responses on twitter after the cut..
Source: UK Mirror
Oh my gosh! What?
OMG, this one is very bad oo
OMG, this one is very bad oo
She must have an hausa blood in her.... Check well....
Hahahahahahah... People can be so unserious.in the middle of a serious matter like that, they still pick up something to laugh about
Enormous and absolutely Gigantic! Chai! Lord have mercy I can't create anyone ooo but wow. Father I thank u for the way u created me oo. Kai!
Linda that one no be teeth again o... choii
Engee says so via my Techno
Linda that one no be teeth again o... choii
Engee says so via my Techno
Oyinbo dem can worry eh! But dem tEEEEth tho!
Ewww! Her teeth though,and the tweets so hilarious.
Please who's d ex she's sleeping with? What does he/she look like? Do they kiss? If they do please How do kiss? These are my questions. Lord have mercy on me! Her teeth will distract u from the main reason why she's at the show! Choi!
Deir English cum be like americans!
Not her fault, she didn't create herself. Linda take note!
Not her fault, she didn't create herself. Linda take note!
Not her fault, she didn't create herself. Linda take note!
OMG, anyway she did not create herself.
Shalom in Nigeria, Amen
Chim ooo.
LMAO lol jeez lol that's some teeth lol
Not her fault, she didn't create herself. Linda take note!
Jordan & Nathan comments, were rather unfortunate...
For crying out loud, she is God creature and we hav no right to mak mockery of her.
She is beautifully made in Christ Jesus.
I love those special set of teeth of her's.
God bless her.
Eyinba of life
If dt. Teeth catch pesin ear
Like jesus talk "It is Finished"
Jordan & Nathan comments, are rather unfortunate...
For crying out loud, she is God creature and we hav no right to mak mockery of her.
She is beautifully made in Christ Jesus.
I love those special set of teeth of her's.
God bless her.
Jordan & Nathan comments, are rather unfortunate...
For crying out loud, she is God creature and we hav no right to mak mockery of her.
She is beautifully made in Christ Jesus.
I love those special set of teeth of her's.
God bless her.
The Jeremy kyle show is just teeth...Lmho
Pls visit my blog...
To be honest the only place you can find a teeth like that is from all this mallam in my street...teeth for that their kola nut. #dontgetmewrong#
Jordan & Nathan comments, are rather unfortunate...
For crying out loud, she is God creature and we hav no right to mak mockery of her.
She is beautifully made in Christ Jesus.
I love those special set of teeth of her's.
God bless her.
The teeth is somehow shaa
"Eyin the booz"
imagine a blowjob with them tooth...dayum...i have die
O mehn those teeth dey commit fornication..... Jor oh
Teeth of life...
Teeth Of Life!!! OJEZA!!!
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Dos are mean comments menh! She should get d help of a dentist already!
Her name should b titi or tatiana...lmfaooo
Lmao....this is really funny.
I am sure jeremys eye would be fixed on her teeth.meeeeen I will prefer a vampire teeth to this
Hahahahahahaha choi.This teeth is enough to disrupt the ecosystem.
I am sure jeremys eye would be fixed on her teeth.meeeeen I will prefer a vampire teeth to this
Holy Shit. She might have a condition. Ope she get help or somethin.
I used to have a discolored teeth, i mean brown teeth, its not nice to b bullied, she should do some thing ASAP, if u have a discolored or wanna brigthen ur smile without paying over d odds hala at me. I brigthen my smile with over 150k, which is very expensive buh i can help
God forgive me o, my neighbor get dis kind teeth na
Jilsox!! Despite the make-up, looks like something that was dug up from the grave! Orthdontists, dentists, anybody else who work on teeth should start work on her IMMEDIATELY!!!
My goodness#Americans are too mean Lol
Y will she say stop harrasiing me cus I'm sleeping with ex?who on earth has the guts to sleep with this thing.choi
She has to win award with that teeth oh lol
Nawah...dis one bite off prick...Lolz
Could that teeth be real?
Loooooooooooooool chineke!! Eze Ewu.. oh boy teeth of life
Wait doesn't she have a dental plan? Maybe after this show she could raise some money to final have her teeth done! How does she even kiss??
Blood of God, this looks like Linda's own LMAO
She explained why her teeth was like that, had an accident when she was a kid, but that's some peter rabbit
Vampire alert
hilarious, funny set of people
this lady teeth can pull out fresh ooo seriously
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Lol, these people are not serious
Lol, these people are not serious
What d f**k scaring set of teeth!
Tink say na only naija get bad mouth. Such teeth tho!
Hehehehheehe. Nawa ooo. #oneandonlynwa@gmail.com#
Her teeth is one of the most horrible things to look at! Fix it Jesus!! Help Her Jesus!!!
Teeth of death..LMAO
Funny teeth ..lol
Wakey see teeth
She looks like an alien frm another planet, Goddarn, @linda u the boss
I just died...lmaooooooo...
So mocking her will make her teeth look better? Na wa o
Wow, this is something else
She supposed to be applying for freewill donation for this lady to go for surgery rather than this rubbish
I swear if yu look like nicki minaj and ur teeth dey like that, pls dont even tell me hello or better still look at me......
Wetin b dis? Eeewh....
Lol vampire's diary
I don laff tire
I have major pride in d fact dat I've got s best set of teeth in Nigeria!! White,beautifully gap toothed... Awww,don't envy me! *wink*
is dat really teeth
Shop up...ewu na him be ur surname..y hausa is d terrible scene
Shop up...ewu na him be ur surname..y hausa is d terrible scene
So the stereotype is true okwa ya? British people and their bad teeth problem lol
You bi yeye.
Seriously"Finished" with cap F
Jeez.. Make dis woman no bite person o..... Even Luth go reject am.
Natural talent hunters, take note .This lady could just be the next star in an epic horror movie! Lol.
Hmm abeg make dat man no allow dis woman give m blow job with dis kind mouth lolss
Lol...and the so called ex that must have slept with her sha *makingasillyface*
How do they* kiss? Lord have mercy on me!
Who's the es that is sleeping with this teeth. Haaaaa them go be bird of same feather for sure.
U owe mee a tissue for this post
Its indeed enough to cause a meltdown o. Got scared just looking at it from the fone
Those NYSC sneakers in her mouth tho'
lol there are different kind of humans on the Jeremy Kyle show I swear lol, this teeth can dig into d human flesh within a second
This is so funny, coincidentally I turned on itv and the Jeremy Kyle show was on and the faces where so disgusting I changed the channel, I did not even wait to see the teeth
Oh! She needs a surgery...too bad.
I wonder how she brushes....I just fainted
i see your teeth>>> heheheh
ckjacob.blogspot.com check out my prose on domestic violence Prose: Enough Is Enough
I pity d guy wey she go giv BJ
I see nothing but gift, she is gifted dats all. All of you b writin like u r perfect. #lindagiveawayonmymind
I pity d guy wey she go giv Blowjob
Lmfao! Wilheminna moses you are so correct but expect your share of insults from the hausa cows coming your way.
singing - all things bright and beautiful , the Lord God made dem all . *gbam my take
Wait oooo...did dis wan actually snatch a man 4rm his gf. D man must be looking worse dan dis!!
Dis is gross!!
Halloween in the middle of January. She news a dentist asap.
OMG! This lady has got some weapons on... Good for self defense though lol
Its fake teeth
Take a chill pill biko
As if Uv never abused someone in ur life
When they get freshly baptised they ain't hard to recognise
Agreed the teeth is bad enough but what baffles me is that these whites are not very creative with their comments...compare these to Buhari's daughter's...we got game here man...up naija!
Lol...pple re so funny.see tweets na
Wtf! This is not sexy at all.
My God! What kind of teeth is that?
.....LIB addiction.....
Vampires slayer
Well said moses,lmao
Well said moses,lmao
OMG... Saw the show this morning... My sister and were in shock... Dracula has nothing on her...
OMG... Saw the show this morning... My sister and were in shock... Dracula has nothing on her...
She will have the best kinda smile...lol.
Holy shit! This is bad ooooo
#GEJ has failed thats why her teeth is like that Lol..
Make this one give u blowjob make teeth go enter persin blockos...smh! THE END!
Peeps are mean!! those comments .. damn! but she can have this fixed in UK easy, not sure why she choose to ignore
hahahahahahahahahaha....OMG!!THIS IS NOT FAIR NAA...
What is wrong with her? everything about health in the UK is free why not just go to a dentist and have your teeth fixed. Some get cap no head to wear the cap.
Eyin iku
Our Naija Bros will kiss this and lickit until they get their ILR (Indefinite leave to remain). And tomorrow this alligator will see you at the bus stop or tesco, then call you"f****** black ppl". Just saying. Cos the types of them are always very racist.
When watching it the shock and the body language closing his hands with his face he was very embarrassed and maybe she has of our mouth too I hope he helps her
she is a human being like us, why make fun of her. pray none of your offsprings has any disability.
Exactly and why is he being sarcastic by loving her special teeth, ewu.
Y'all are unreasonably mean. The lady didn't create herself. Her deformity don't make her less of a person than anyone else. She suffers from a birth defect and should not be laughed at. She didn't create herself. She didn't decide to look that way. She had no choice in the appearance she ended up with. I feel uncomfortable with everyone laughing at her deformity. If don't see most of you in heaven, I won't be surprised.
Knowing that horrible cretin, Jeremy Kyle's desperation for publicity, he most likely allowed the lady on his silly show so that she can be laughed, and he gets rating for his show. I hope it backfires in his ugly face.
Jeremy Kyle is trash. Ask anyone. If he was taken off the air, no one will mourn his absence. Jeremy Kyle's Talk Show is the worst trash tv, ever. His vomit inducing guests and audience are mainly chavs (very backward & illiterate people), absolute dead legs, drug addicts and alcoholics that look like extras from a horror movies, people on benefit, beggars, asylum seekers that don't yet know how to scam the system, Romanians, Albanians, East Europeans and the poorest foreigners, people with low IQ and half dead people, etc.
When I come across Jeremy Kyle's name, I think about EXPLOITATION. He exploits his audience cos they are not very intelligent, educated or articulate. Jeremy Kyle is talentless. He's satan's representative on earth and in hell. The odious creature bullies and humiliates his tv guests. If Jeremy Kyle never worked in tv, he'd be working the tills at Burger King or Aldi. Jeremy Kyle's show does more harm than good. The only person that profits is Jeremy Kyle and his boyfriend / wife / or crocodile. I'd relish it if Jeremy Kyle was implicated in a scandal that's so abhorrent that he's taken off air, permanently.
Nawa ooo, a very bad 👎 dentition
i wonder what the ex looks like...that teeth is something else
U're definitely a Mumu of life!!!
Damn! Teeth of life. lol
That teeth is scary mehn! Even if she didn't create herself, she has the power to change it jor.. If I had a sister with that teeth, I'll perform a surgery on her when she's asleep!!
The teeth deserves ballon d'or award
Just for the record, does she kiss?
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I trust Brotish people this publicity will make some charity act fast on her case. hmmm na this type we de call akonristic for Edo state wetin NHS NOR FIT DO SOMETHING FOR HER. I beg this one maga
dracular teeth
Some men can sleep with anything (i mean living and non-living). How can something like this turn a man on and i bet she gives d so called ex head too. Obara Jisos!
Oh my super G! It's baaaaaaad!
Lmfao..as in lol..it is really finishd..hywy pumping
Lol, her teeth na wow,
Ooo boy seeee teeth o.cartapillar.
Abegi leave story joor! Have you seen Celine Dion's teeth before she became a superstar.
When you have money, your teeth will rearrange and look like a closeup model!
Is it her fault? Haba fa..
Speechless! LOL at hilarious comments.
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