How do you see the statement credited to Rev. Father Ejike Mbaka?
Any serious priest will not speak the way he spoke. I am not saying that he is not serious. I will not agree with the things he said. According to what I read in the newspapers, a few weeks earlier, the First Lady, Mrs. Patience Jonathan, visited his Adoration Ground in Enugu and he prayed for her. At that occasion, he was said to have lambasted the opposition party, APC, and now to turn around overnight and start lambasting President Goodluck Jonathan shows that there is something wrong somewhere.
Personally, I felt bad because it is not the place of a priest to go to that extent. He can have his personal opinion, but to go to the extent that he went is abnormal. I want you to know that he wasn’t speaking for the church. He said he was moved by the spirit, and I wonder what kind of spirit was that.
He said he was under the inspiration of the spirit. If he was under the inspiration of the spirit, I wonder if the spirit is that of God. I don’t think the spirit he’s referring to is the spirit of God. He must have been under the influence of another spirit. He must have been listening to a wrong spirit.
Is the statement not embarrassing to the Catholic Church as a whole?
Indeed, it is. But I must say to you that he was not speaking on behalf of the church. No! No!! No!!! Anybody with such opinion is in error. The man cannot hold brief for the church. Pardon me, but how can I say you are bloody fool and anybody takes that to mean that all journalists are bloody fools. It’s very funny.
In a situation such as this, what does the Catholic Church do?
Well, the Catholic Church is structured in such a way that there are dioceses where each priest belongs. This particular priest happens to come from Enugu Diocese, so it is left for the bishop in charge of that diocese to discipline him. If the priest fails to obey the discipline, then the bishop is obligated to report the mother to the Catholic Bishops Conference of Nigeria, CBCN.
You may have heard the Bishop of Abuja Diocese, John Cardinal Onaiyekan, who said that if the priest were to be in his diocese, he would discipline him straight. But he is not in his diocese. The best anyone of us can do is just to advise him that he had gone too far and he is free to take our advice and he may not. God gave every one of us a free will and we are at liberty to use the freewill as we choose.
What kind of sanction can be given to such a priest?
It depends on his bishop. You cannot dictate for his bishop. Don’t forget that this same man was at loggerheads with a former governor of Enugu State, Chimaroke Nnamanni, and it was the same Adoration Ground in Enugu. If I have my way, we should close that place because a lot of things have been happening there that are out of tune. I think Gov. Peter Obi also went there for prayers at one point. If I have my way, I won’t go there for anything…
Rubbish... Men of God making demselves slaves to politicians...
Only God knows who is in another spirit. Some Todays men of God has turn to another thing els........
lols another spirit indeed....
mbaka was right jo
Mbaka as said d truth and everything left for Mr President
Make una leave Fr. Mbaka alone, at least thr is still something known as freedom of speech. Dis is supposed to b a democratic regime. Linda take note!
Hmmm. Shyt is getting realer. These people should stop already
The spirit plenty
Loolz another Angu.
Hey! Plz God protect your church from Naija politics.
Don't know about someone under spirit but surprised at Rev Okogie's comment saying The Rev was under another spirit. Has he called him to find out what led to his utterances.
Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
Ndi Amansea anyugbuo onwe fa Na nsi
Okay heard....that's their business not mine but Mbaka is not controversial ...I heard heard of him as a fearless man of God
Lyk you rightly said, you can only advise him but in d end he az d power to choose. Linda take note!
I'm sure a counterfeit spirit.......it was never the spirit of the holy spirit.
this is very bad comming from us #eyesclosed
hahahaha..spirit don possess am indeed..all of u are possessed..............................#KingOfKings #6God
hmm. drama unfolds as diverse opinions emerge in the Nigeria Catholic church. Odiegwu oh........
Hypocrites! All of them!
Ghen ghen,another palava,pls they should treat dis matter wit care n wisdom,and on a lighter note d priests should know when they r crossing d lines in matters of politics cos there r rules guiding d churches
lol.bloody fool was funny.spirit tins!#lindi change ur profile picshure#:)
Hypocrites! All of them.
Abeg make dem go sleep.
pot calling kettle black
Man of God? Nah! He's a man of politics? Ok bye!
Am soo disappointed by mbaka, he should b called to order abeg
Okogie criticise everybody,Father Mbaka is a game changer and cannot be ignored by we easterners,you may love him or hate him.He will say his mind.
ok ooooooh.
wow, bishop Okogie is not mincing words!
pls visit my blog...
MR EDDY said.
Lol. Holy Spirit indeed.
^™THAT EDO BOY.COM~wishes u happy new year.
Bt sir,you didn't see anytin wrong in his statement to the opposition party,now that it's jonathan,there is smetin wrong,there is God ooo
I had respect for this bishop, but I am beginning to dislike him. How can he be attacking the messenger and not the message.
Tell us if what Mbaka said is wrong or is he eating from the same government purse.
I can't agree less.
He is talking because the poor peopLe who go to church still have the heart to give offerings. If they stop giving offerings, then they will know that Mbaka is saying the truth and that this government failed Nigerians.
They are all gaining from the government and so they will definitely criticise a true man of God. What did Mbaka say wrong that he is saying that he should be sanctioned.
Nna mehn
What Mbaka said was out of line αи∂ he shouldn't point it to Holy spirit inclination......am not gonna side him cos if its from another church, we Catholics will blaster †Ñ’ξ pastor αи∂ all that....buh heeeeey!!!! I somehow perceived jealousy from this Bishop's talk.....or is it that he doesn't like Mbaka or what?????
Men of God should learn to stick to their ministry αи∂ stop meddling with Politics....if u wanna be a politician, fine αи∂ good buh u don't combine it with Church...
#face one , just look aaat how Mbaka is been degraded cos of this....heard another news that Ngige Chris paid him ransomely to support APC, who knws which one is †Ñ’ξ truth????
Anyways, everything still is in God's hands
Nna mehn
What Mbaka said was out of line αи∂ he shouldn't point it to Holy spirit inclination......am not gonna side him cos if its from another church, we Catholics will blaster †Ñ’ξ pastor αи∂ all that....buh heeeeey!!!! I somehow perceived jealousy from this Bishop's talk.....or is it that he doesn't like Mbaka or what?????
Men of God should learn to stick to their ministry αи∂ stop meddling with Politics....if u wanna be a politician, fine αи∂ good buh u don't combine it with Church...
#face one , just look aaat how Mbaka is been degraded cos of this....heard another news that Ngige Chris paid him ransomely to support APC, who knws which one is †Ñ’ξ truth????
Anyways, everything still is in God's hands
Funny how when he prayed for mama peace and spoke against apc, there was no uproar, bt when it was against oga jona, everybody az an opinion
Its cool to express ur opinion on political matters as a Citizen, its ur legal right αи∂ all that buh u don't push it on ppl saying its Holy spirit inclined...it doesn't work that way cos ppl will turn against u
Its cool to express ur opinion on political matters as a Citizen, its ur legal right αи∂ all that buh u don't push it on ppl saying its Holy spirit inclined...it doesn't work that way cos ppl will turn against u
Hmmmmmm. Okay o.. Let's wait and see
Watch and pray for the evil days are here
""He said he was moved by the spirit, and I wonder what kind of spirit was that."" lmaoooo..... Abeg make them free mbaka abeg.......
Linda is secretly supporting PDP I can see. She didn't include the whole interview where he condemned the present govt
I have nothing to say... na only God know the truth of the matter.
God knows who will win d next election.
Okegie okegie.... you sound likr u r jealous of ur fellow priest
Abeg they should leave Father Mbaka alone. Its democracy joor.
They shld close up that place he called a church
Exactly another spirit!!! *foma*
Look at him like the monkeys of the Alps, why won't he say rubbish, when he has been bribed by the APC fools in Lagos....Oga bishop abi cardinal shut up.....that the Joly spirit doesn't guide u doesn't mean its same for every man of God.....accept the truth, it won't kill u
Thank God you don't have your way therefore you cannot anything.
Thanks his eminence, u have said it all
####### that Igala boy###########
Just listening.
Abeg leave the man Jor! U are the one with d spirit of keeping quite and suffering . To tell the truth has become a problem in this country.
Hmmmm this one is now priests versus priest.....
BEAUTIFUL9JADELTABABE... Hmmmmm naija pastor God take control. Justsayingmaownohh... Via ma LATEST TECHNO F7.
Let his bishop do something oooo
D bishop can't say dat,made up story
Wev heard him,if he had his way,but we thank God he doesn't have his way
This bishop shud go n sit down
Hmmm... I don't even knw wat to say
I smell foul play... Xo he wants Buhari?
* *
Maybe acoholic spirit
You don vex
This drama weda wen e go end o me no sabi. Anyone that speaks against Jona is regarded as operating in another spirit. Naija nawaooooo
Wait a minute....when Mbaka was supporting the Jonathans he happened not to be under the influence of a bad spirit....I'm starting to think the Cardinal has been given something by Jonathan....I'm a catholic but Cardinal u should have simply kept quiet and let it go.....what u are saying makes no sense!!!
Okay oo
true its totally under an influence
lol lmao, these men of God are hilarious
So why has the bishop in Enugu diocese not disciplined him? Or he hasn't seen anything wrong with the utterances of Mbaka
It doesn't end here...truth is dt ardent folowers of fr.mbaka cares nt abt other peopls opinion and dey won't recal dt d same man said ills abt apc som tym ago. He is seriously mkin gravious mistks.spirit of God isn't knwn wit confusion.
Hmmmmm. I didn't see anything bad in his message, he spoke d truth.
Lips sealed
Mbaka's statement did seem a trite contrived! He sounded like our politicians, one day singing one song and the next changing it!
Sometimes silence is golden. Fr Mbaka is under another diocese bah? Then let the bishop there talk about and resolve it. Another spirit ke? That's going too far
Honorable Cardinal Okogie, you went too far. Mbaka was directed by the holy spirit. He said the truth. The truth is bitter to swallow.
Interesting...' Under d influence of another spirit' isokay
Honestly fr Mbaka is very controversial and the spirit of Gof is not controversial! God can never descent so low. I'm so angry in my spirit concerning the way this man of God is confusing the pple. Never was it recorded that God changes overnight or speak to His prophets the way Mbaka proclaims. All the doom he prophesied to ex governor Chimaraoke Nnamani during his tenure, how many of them happened to him? Even the ones he said will happen to him while in power, did they take place? Some people just talk bcos they think they can talk. spirits can be tested. Mbaka should just lower his mega phone and concerntrate more on his primary assignment which is raising men/women to the kingdom
i love dis....i dey watch
With due respect to the Cardinal, Fr. Mbaka never said he was speaking for the church. He has not violated any canonical law, and so the idea of sanction is out of the picture. Okogie should should not even speak against what Mbaka said cos he, Okogie did far worse than that as the former arch-bishop of Lagos archdiocese during the military regime under IBB.
well, this is very serious.......
Lol @ you're a bloody fool. The cardinal sure is pissed.
Well spoken,is now left for the Bishop of Enugu diocese to decide what he wants to do to him.
Well spoken,is now left for the Bishop of Enugu diocese to decide what he wants to do to him.
Really,maybe he was drunk that day
Even men of God now dirty there hands in politics,na waooo.am nt surprised bcos de bible said judgement will start 4rom de household of God.
Uummmmmmmmmm.....I comment my reserved.....
oya ooooo nothing I no go take eye see...
I neva get wetin to tell you Linda, until end of d year, if you lyk post my comment or not, I won't miss commenting on any single post you make. Agbacha oso a'yi ga gu d miles togeda. Linda take note!
Speaking against GEJ isn't the problem here, buh the problem is that as a clergy, he is not supposed to get involved in political issues...
AND THIS IS WHY I LOVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. Brainwashed people take note. Meanwhile your pastors oyedapo and co are partying it up with your president at his daughter's wedding. I mean not judging anyone but...: God gave us eyes to see and ears too hear
Are you Catholic? From your comment I fully doubt you are
Thank you ijeoma. Educated person. I don't get what's soo complicated in the point Hes trying to make
Why is it only in Nigeria that religious bodies are allegedly 'moved' by the spirit to get involved in politics? You people will seriously swallow any pill at this point. Wow!
Like your comment
I don't like to talk about MOG but I have to say this about this Cardinal, he's prompt to saying stuffs about fellow MOG. I don't want to question his office as cardinal but one thing I know is he doesn't any right to criticise anyone, bible clearly stated this. Fr Mbaka said the message is from Holy Spirit, who's cardinal to question the Holy Spirit? This MOG don't just read the word of God again. I think the cardinal is corrupt from his statement, pls learn to keep quiet MR Cardinal when it's Holy Spirit affairs.
Both of them are not serious, they are just mere men, clearly not Men of God! anyways I don't believe in what they believe in.
Catholics don't release birds!! That is juju! Hence a different spirit!
He will say his mind after allegedly collecting money? Mbaka is not God.
Don't be fooled, Mbaka may have collected money'
Controversy in the church.
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All I want to say concerning this is that he shouldn't have said all that to the public.
U that is talking hav u seen holy spirit before, how did u know that mbaka got the message, our God is not a God of confusion as mabaka has created many
Et apostolicam eclessia...
let assume prophet mbaka was possessed however he has hit the true picture of present cabal so let him be.
There is freedom to opine
Na lie **DOPEY SAID SO**
Na lie **DOPEY SAID SO**
Why not wait till February 14th if the spirit is true or fake?
Leave Fr Mbaka alone,he said d truth and d truth will always prevail,all he said are d true conditions and situations in dis our country,is it dat we don't want d truth to be told?
Abeg who fit borrow me Nokia communicator charge make I care my fone before I can comment on these people. .....
Only those who speaks in support of gej re men of God....stupid man
I am a Catholic and they do somethings depending on what is going on how does a bird signify juju?
Please shut the fuck up with your linda take note that you always say jare
just as they will close up that thing you call a life..you have no respect for God n its sad
its Holy and dont insult they anointed of the Lord its in the bible think before writing it goes a long way
Politicians should stop taking their silly campaigns to churches thereby bringing confusions and controversy into d church!
Diz pple shud stp makin a jest of God............ While he(mbaka) was annointin dem initially he wasn't directed by the spirit????? Nw d same spirit z askin him 2 rebuke d pple he blessed??????
Diz pple shud stp makin a jest of God............ While he(mbaka) was annointin dem initially he wasn't directed by the spirit????? Nw d same spirit z askin him 2 rebuke d pple he blessed??????
Fr with dew respect pls go back to your parish and leav mbaka alone.The Spirit of God has spoken.Mbaka stands for good not evil.For your info ,Mbaka is one of d men of God dat is serious with their service to God and I respect him so much so Chill Sir.
Did u just make sense
I am nt a Catholic faithful bt all am saying is that the true state of our dear nation is questionable under GEJ, look @ d high rate of corruption in ds country, God sent a prophet to Hezekiah that he will ammend his huz bt when he prayd God sent another message bk to him, Patience went to harvest and bazzar @ Fr Mbaka adoration min, ordinarily he supposed to pray for dem, bt when God spokes otherwise Fr Mbaka has nthn bt to say what he deemd it fit, or are we so blind that we cannot see that Naija is collapssing, 2nd naija Bridge propoganda,naira is almost 200, oil zero, blood shedding 80%,let GEJ come down and let another take his position in PDP than all these attacking Mbaka, Oga Jona has faild ds nation, does it mean Military dnt ve Jet again, why must it be Ayo Oritsejiofor own that they must use, pls i need an ans
I am nt a Catholic faithful bt all am saying is that the true state of our dear nation is questionable under GEJ, look @ d high rate of corruption in ds country, God sent a prophet to Hezekiah that he will ammend his huz bt when he prayd God sent another message bk to him, Patience went to harvest and bazzar @ Fr Mbaka adoration min, ordinarily he supposed to pray for dem, bt when God spokes otherwise Fr Mbaka has nthn bt to say what he deemd it fit, or are we so blind that we cannot see that Naija is collapssing, 2nd naija Bridge propoganda,naira is almost 200, oil zero, blood shedding 80%,let GEJ come down and let another take his position in PDP than all these attacking Mbaka, Oga Jona has faild ds nation, does it mean Military dnt ve Jet again, why must it be Ayo Oritsejiofor own that they must use, pls i need an ans
I am totally disappointed in Cardinal Okogie.....While will he utter such things like if he has the power he will close de Adoration Ground.....
Maybe he was speaking as led by the spirit of McDowells........God help us.
Seriously I'm beginning to doubt that man.
Your an annoying peace of shit @juliet iwuno.... wtf is Linda take note!... @linda, pls be watching out for her flimsy comment and delete them... haba, immaturity at its peak!
Go and read his comment on Jonathan my friend, he went to far
Rubbish. See division! Babylon the great has fallen
Anybody calling his brother a fool is liable to the lake of fire" the bible said so...so Archbishop don't anybody a fool please
How he take know?
2nd Chronicles 7:14-15.this is what is expected from our Men of God but all are busy with Politics.How many politicians has involve himself with christian crusade.All this pastors should please go back to Bethel.why are the Imams not talking. .
Okojie.. your words are unbecoming of a catholic priest. Wec dont castigate ourselves in public no matter what! you of all pple should know dat
Well, Cardinal Okogie, that priests outburst is good in my opinion.. why would you religious leaders be so disconnected from reality and only tell your congregation to pray for Nigeria, tell people to vote.. this present Nigeria is a terrible state, something must be done.. oh, Cardinal, you are based in benin, or Lagos? Well, I wish you were based in Baga or chibok.. you would know what a life is worth.. or you would tell me those dead died because it's God's plan.?
Thank God he did not have the power
What bishop said against mbaka is wrong, pls u people should live mbaka alone
If u are so comfortable with the mass killing in northern Nigeria just because you don't live there or refuse to speak out.. You are then so insensitive and so disconnected from God.. you are selfish Cardinal, there is fire on the roof.. kudos to mbaka for getting involved.
Mbaka is very controversial, he will say this today, tomrw he will say another one with that same mouth.
Oga Okogie, you are the one with your devilish spirit. Look at how you grounded the Catholic Charismatic from moving fwd in Lagos during your reign. You stopped worshippers from clapping in church and singing praises to God apart from hymns. Do you know or read the Bible at all? You suspended and intimidated priests and laity who exhibited the gifts of the Holy Spirit in your Diocese. Do you don't know that it is God who removed you? Old goat! If you ever were unlucky to have headed Enugu Diocese, you would have been dead by now cos the Charismatic priests would have used prayers to grind you down. Agent of Satan! We know you! Ask Bishop Gbuji and you will know that there is a limit you can fight God. Touch Mbaka and see your long awaited demise. Even Pope Francis is more open minded than you, pre Vatican II old troll. You are in retire so shut the f**** up!
A bishop coming out to speak against a priest in this manner is not acceptable. Even to the extent of saying if he has his way, he would close the Enugu Adoration ministry. I don't want to say he is jealous of his progress. I want to remind u, if u have forgotten that Fr Mbaka through this Enugu Adoration Ministry has, and will continue to save so many orphans. Their prayers alone will NEVER let you have your way to close down the ministry.
If you want to attack a man, you attack him personally, not his progress!!! (This kind of articles tries to bring division in the catholic Church). Once human, always human.
it is quite appalling that some ministers of God who should be a support to Fr Mbaka their fellow Minister of God, and raise him up when they feel he fails as a result of human limitations, are even the ones poisoning the minds of the lay people through their harsh envious destructive criticisms
Some Ministers of God came up with certain malignant accusations against Fr Mbaka such as:
That he supported, prayed and blessed the First Lady on Adoration ground Enugu on November 2014, and now he is criticizing. Fr Mbaka initially supported his Excellency Good Luck Jonathan, but should that make him not to reveal the message God commanded him to give to Nigerians, even though the message is contrary to Fr Mbaka’s good opinion about His Excellency, Good Luck Jonathan?. It is not very easy to accept the will of God, especially when it is in contrary to one’s own wish. Abraham in (Genesis 22:1-12) did not find it funny to accept sacrificing his only son Isaac when God commanded him to do so. Can you accuse Abraham for loving Isaac initially, and now accepted to sacrifice him in the name of obeying God’s command?. Base on the statement of Fr Mbaka, have any of these Ministers of God asked why the First Lady refused to give Fr Mbaka her phone number to relate to her any subsequent message concerning 2015 election that might come up?. Is the First Lady having a hidden agenda which she would not like the Holy Spirit to reveal to Fr Mbaka?. Thanks be to God that when the Holy Spirit is at work no one can hinder him. In (Isaiah 43:13), God says, “ Hence forth I am God, who can deliver from my hand?, I work who can hinder it?.
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