According to Sunday Sun, Mrs Ifewulu, a business woman, was found lying on the staircase of her home in the pool of her blood by her young children who just returned from School.
Narrating how he got to know of his wife's murder, bereaved husband, 52 year old Chief Lawrence Ugochukwu Ifewulu (above), said he was still in shock and does not know how and why his wife was murdered
"Up till this very moment, I can’t just imagine that this actually happened. But, actually, it happened. On Monday, 1st December, we had our morning devotion and rejoiced that we were able to make it to December as a family. That morning, I was not really feeling fine and I thought of going for a medical checkup. I even jokingly asked her to go to the laboratory with me, but she declined because she wanted to go to Trade Fair to buy some things. So, I left the house around 10:30am. Even as I am talking to you now, I have not even gone for the result of the test because I left the laboratory around noon. When I wanted to leave the laboratory, I tried to call her to tell her I was leaving for the office but she did not pick the call. I kept calling her line up till 3pm but there was no response. I even got very annoyed wondering where she must have kept her phone.
Getting to my office, after the usual traffic jam along the road, I got a call from one of our tenants, a woman. The woman was just crying and telling me to leave whatever I was doing and rush home. I asked her what happened, but she only said I should start coming immediately. I had to call one of my staff to drive me home because, due to my condition, I couldn’t even drive. Getting home, I could not imagine what I saw. I was told that when the children came back from school around 3:30pm and opened the door of the staircase, they just saw blood flowing down from the staircase. One of my girls tried to go upstairs and that was when she discovered my wife’s corpse and then raised the alarm. Neighbours came to the scene.
It was when I got in around 5pm that I asked what happened. The chairman of our estate was the one that called the DPO of Ejigbo Police Division and informed him about the incident. The police came down within 30 minutes of getting the news. They went round, took pictures, and took away all that was at the scene as exhibits. Her wristwatch, wedding ring (which must have fallen from her hand when struggling with the killers), phones and everything else, were intact. Even her phone kept ringing".Mr Ifewulu says doesn't know who he could have offended that would have wanted to hurt him by killing his wife
"I run my business all alone, and I can’t recall having any issue with anybody either in business or on the street. What will bring about such? If it is a matter of losing money that can cause a quarrel between me and anyone and I would just forget about the money. The arrangement we had that morning was that she would stop over at her shop and get some money to buy goods at the Trade Fair complex" he saidAsked whether his wife had any problems with anyone, Mr Ifeluwu said
" Hmm! I will like to hold on for now till a later time, because…let me just hold on for now.”Speaking on the incident, the Police Public Relations Officer for the Lagos State Police Command, Mr. Kenneth Nwosu, said a full scale investigation has been launched on the matter and that the case has now been transferred from the Ejigbo Police station where it was first reported to the State CID headquarters at Panti, Yaba.
“A crime has been committed and the police have a duty to thoroughly investigate it,” Nwosu said.
Jehovah!!! This is horrible.. Awwww may her soul Find Rest..
a journey of a thousand mile Begin's with T-FARE!!
Sad event
No criminal should go scot-free
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
Wat a wicked world we live in
Evil things can never cease,i wonder the kind of life we have.human life is just but a puff of smoke
What concern me most is NPF will always launch a case file and what happens thereafter are stories to the gods
So sad! May her soul rest in peace.
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Nawaaaoo....may her soul rest in. Peace.
Unfortunate incident. May her soul rest in peace!! ««QU££NMA¥A~REPORTING LIVE»»
Oh God I'm speechless, no matter what, why must one take another's life. I can't stop crying RIP madam nd I pray the perpetrators be fished out
Na wa o, it's only God that knows what happened that day
What a wicked world.....may her soul rest in peace
Too bad! RIP ma'm
so sad! may her sour rest in peace...the killers will be caught soon...
OMG! Who could have carried out such barbaric act.
I hope her killer will be apprehended in no distant time,and made to face the full wrath of the law.
Nawa oooo...so painful and sorrowful..may the perpetrators of this act not go uncaught
Chai! R.I.P
OMG! this is tragic.Such a beautiful woman! The husband seems to have a suspect in mind.I pray the killer is found
What a wicked world, RIP Ma
The murderer will never be found. Trust 9ja police
Na wa o! So touched! Rip
what wickedness.... what runs in the heart of human u can neva tell.... may her Gentle Soul rest in Peace and justice not be delayed!
They will be caught, bad people
I sure hope those kids would get over the trauma of losing their murder in such awful manner! It is just so awful
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checkout my blog
rest in peace madam and may the lord take care of ur kids
Dis is so painful........why are people dis wicked? ☹
Aww, what a life! Danger in every nook and cranny. RIP
People are wicked! R.I.P
Cold blooded
Shady story
God pls console this family
God pls console this family
God pls console this family
This is very sad.... May her soul RIP....
Such a sad tale. She was murdered without anything missing from the home. Means twas not a robbery gone wrong but a deliberate murder. The husband seems to be defensive in his narrative. I hope he is innocent considering the age gap. These things happen. If his alibi checks den no wahala. The police have a job to do.
Bad news i pray the police find d killer of this beautiful woman RIP
Hmmmmmm,mak dem ask questions well.... Nt sure dis man is bin truthful.
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Awwwww...... I take pity on those little kids..... May she find rest.
Mejidaniels@gmail.com (•͡.̮ •͡ )
Gruesome murder
Hmmmmmmmm, What a beautiful woman! I pray the police should get to the root of the matter.
One and only Ada David Omobabalanu says so
The police should not only investigate but fish out the culprit to face the full wrath of the law.
so sad...only God knows what happened.The most touching part of the husband's narration is "thanking God they saw december during their morning devotion" may God keep us from the hands of evil remaining days of the year and more IJN...oluwalobunmi
So sad. God mercy!
May her Soul RIP, Oh! She must've drafted her xmas schedule,God knows best
Gruesome indeed... may her soul rest in peace.
its a pity RIP
Beautiful woman! Who could murder in cold blood like dis? Onl God knows! RIP!
Chai! This is bad...he trauma those kids will b passing thru nw is a bother...may God grant them the fortitude to bear dis loss...and I pray the 'popo' get d murderer.
Hmmmm God of mercy dis is very very bad, u who kill dis woman will also die so death is turn by turn
Hmmmm God of mercy dis is very very bad, u who kill dis woman will also die so death is turn by turn
Every1 is a suspect hia, even d husband, e seems 2 ve a good alibi
All the tenants should b arrested and thoroughly questioned...may her soul rip
Na wa o,so sad.rip mrs
the policemen should do a truthful investigations so that the real culprit(s)will be found, arrested and tried at the court of justice in order not to go unpurnished. they should be careful to mistakenly arrest innocent pple in this matter. killing pple in nigeria has become a day to day evil activity...
So sad
The husband is the number one suspect.
His stories doesn't make sense.
He seem to be detailed about his whereabout and all he did.
RIP to the lost soul
Rip to her, I pray the culprits are nabbed in no time
Chai! Ife na eme oo,only God knws,but my her gentle soul rest in peace amen!
This is wicked. Such a beautiful woman to leave her children so early n in this manner. God, please accept her soul.
Oh what a pity.
OMG!!! It's a crazy and sad day in the world when a woman can be murdered in her own home. Smh.
Too bad. God pls take control of her family
Awwww is really a pity
Too sad. May her soul rest in peace.amen
God have mercy on us in this country
Jesus...can u imagine such beauty wasted gruesomely in cold blood. ...
Wat a way to die....
God forbid
#chineke ekwela ihe ojooor .!!!
Oh my God. I hope the policemen gets to the root of this matter. Let it be an abandoned case like the thousand cases that have been abandoned.God pls save us from the unknown. The kids must be devastated. #long sigh#. Too bad!
What a gruesome way to die. Hope the police find useful leads.
I think d woman had issues with someone which is why d husband wants to hold on possibly to be sure of what to say....#justsaying#
So sad!
On the 1st of December??
Father please keep us sensitive. A word, a nudge,a dream backed up with the appropriate action would have prevented this.
Father please comfort the family
So touching wat an evil world we live in, d killers their sins must find dem out. RIP
Nawah. evil that men do.
When God shall turn against the captivity of zion...
This country is in captivity and it takes the timely intervention God to return her out.
Gruesome murder? How can one explain this story kwanu eh?
RIP to the dead, and condolence to the bereaved.
So sorry for that....fish dem out corps...#charo
Death news everywhere so sad
No security 4 dis damn country sef...
Short of words
Eeyah...those children may neva remain d same! Rip beautiful woman nd I dnt knw why I am suspecting d man....* shruggs*
The Police should ask this question, "Did you have any misunderstanding with his wife."
Seems like an old Hollywood script...
God help them to unravel the mystery
Hmmmmm, what a tragedy! My condolence to her children, they have been thrown into an early suffering for a crime they didn't committed or knew nothing about.
Too badt... RIP
What if she slumped on d stairs dats if there is no evidence of a weapon being used on her
Really sad
So sad.
Jesus is Lord.
Hmmmmmmmm, may her gentle soul rest in peace.
d heart of man.......
This is really terrible...may the soul of the dead rest in perfect peace
See What this Man is Busy Doing with a Lady in an Uncompleted Building
Crazy Things Uniport Babes Do in their Room when they ‘re Bored.
Chai! This is very bad! And I know d man o! We all exercise at d field in pink street,bungalow oke-afa. I pray he gets justice for his wife and that d killers be exposed and punished. May ifeoma's soul rip.
Chai! This is very bad! And I know d man o! We all exercise at d field in pink street,bungalow oke-afa. I pray he gets justice for his wife and that d killers be exposed and punished. May ifeoma's soul rip.
So sad rip
Really sad, may God protect those she left behind
Too bad!
What a cold world
they should investigate the husband very well, he left d lab n was in traffic... but could not drive home himself. U dnt hold any evidence down by not saying anytin wen d police asked if he knew anyone who d wife could be havin problems with...I suspect d man
May the Almighty God expose her killer. Rest in peace. .
God have mercy on whoever did that to her and make those kids motherless ginika2nwa@yahoo.com
how come her ring was seen? im sure she wants out of d marriage or wateva...d husband i repeat, should be arrested for now
Painful tale. RIP ma'am
This is so horrible.......and d kids has to see dere mum body laying lifeless....May her soul reat in peace....Amen
That man is 17 yrs older than the wife which could be causing a lot of insecurities on his side. Hmmm, I hope what happened is not what I'm thinking. Rest in Peace beautiful one
Na wa o
Same thought. . something doesn't seem right abt his story
A pathetic story, its only a pity that the police find it difficult to solve such crime. even high profile killings like Bola ige, Funsho Williams amongst many others re yet to be solved.
May her soul rest in peace....ologunifemidolapo@yahoo.com
May the souls of all the faithful departed rest in lord. Amen my thought goes to the family at this challenging time. May God give you strength to withstand this pain.
This is so terrible omg.i sincerely pray that her soul keeps tormenting the killers till they are found.
May her soul RIP. Unfortunately, in a third world country like Nigeria, the forensic scientific investigation is lacking, therefore, the killer or killers may not be caught. The husband should intensely interrogated too.
Wickedness here and there. Such a cruel act
The husband is the first and only person that knows what, how and who killed his wife. He seems to be trying to cover his tracks. They should arrest him and make him tell the truth. All this I wanted her to go to lab with me, prayers on Dec 1 etc all is just to paint the picture that all is well with him and the wife. He is the murderer and that is the fact. If you watch 48 hours, you will understand more. He killed her chikena
The husband is a prime suspect. A lot of tension occurs in marriages with a wide age gap such as this...
This story is not complete... was she stabbed, shot or hit in the head? How was she murdered? So We could at least understand how the murder act was played....
Bloody liar, wen d police asked him if she had any issues wv ny1 he said she had a bf n was cheating on him, he caught her n she cobfessed but he has since forgiven her, n he took d police to d bfs arena bt he wasnt found, ds man killed hs wife, my dad was cald to d scene n he said she was butchered, stabbed n broke d window glass wen she was struggling wv d killers, her oldest is 11 n youngest 5, God 4gve me bt i suspect ds man killed hs wife, ow d hell wv dose kids feel fr life seeing dre dead mum. She was puttn on a green jeans n blue top as at her death, saddddd wen dey checked her fone he was d only 1 who rang her........ he nvr 4gave her......she has since been dropped at d mortuary, rip pretty lady. May God Look after ur kids.. i was shivering d day i was tld jst few mins aftr dey left mortuary....he sed d amount of blood flow was ridiculous n out of ds world. D man built d 2 story buildn dey live in n had tenants, ow cum no1 heard her struggles n scream, an insider dd d job who already noes d tenants routines which is none other dan d husband....... women pls if u nt happy in ur rship or v outgrown ur partners love it is beta u walk away bfr u die instead of cheating, evn at dat she nvr deserved death.
Amen boss
His alibi tayad me. The truth shall be revealed. R I P
The husbands story doesn't just add up. Why would he not disclose if the wife had any issue with anybody. I just hope this is not a case of where the woman cheated on the man and he found out and considering the age gap had to do away with her. Police abeg run finger prints and do a verification on where the man went. His phone calls for the past two weeks. I so suspect the husband. RIP lovely lady.
Watching too much investigative discovery are we? I know me too ! May her soul rest in peace . May the head of the little ones hurt the killers wherever they are! I can't imagine the nightmares those kids will have! Holy Mary please protect those kids.
Revenge is not the answer, an eye for an eye will leave all blind " Rv. B. Graham" May her soul rest in peace.
Dis is wickedness
NawaooO we living in a wicked world
:( sooo sad. She's in a better place now. So sad for her family...may she rest in peace.
Sad event, RIP
Rip. May her soul rest in perfect peace nd her killers b found soon
Rip. May her soul rest in perfect peace
We are really living in a crazy world
RIP madam
Rip. May her soul rest in perfect peace
Mother not murder! Thank me now!
may her soul rest in peace
This is surreal.May God grant her peace of mind.soon the killers shall be fished out.
Nice thought.
This is very sad.Chai!May the culprits be brought to book soon.Insha Allah,and may Allah give the family fortitude to bear the loss...the husband should be checked tho.
Proper investigation should be done,the husand is a prime suspect,his story don't add up.
wat a pity
Im tired of proving not a robot.
I don't trust the husband he has a lot of questions to answer. How come this whole thing happened when she was the only one at home, the husband said she was supposed to go to trade fair that morning how come they came before she left for her trip is obvious this whole thing was planned somebody was informing them.
Wicked world
Anon 4:47pm, I thought I was the only one who picked up on that fact. Hmmmm......
There is God ooo
May d Good Lord give d family d strength to bear dis loss. RIP
My thoughts too. Not to insinuate but thieves will usually still watches and rings and from the account hers were left behind. Also in Nig ppl usually have security how come this killer gained access so easily not just to her home but obviously went upstairs and if they left such a bloody scene, with easy access to neighbors sure someone will have spotted them leave. Something ain't right, may she rest in peace. I pray the responsible ppl are apprehended and recieve but with Nigerian police, I doubt anyone will pay for this gruesome crime.
Hmm Linda! How did d man know that d wife's wedding ring fell off as a result of struggling with the armed person which could not possibly be true? I smell something fishy with d old husband of hers.
Chai! What a wicked world, just like that Nd end a mother of 4kids. How would the children Nd hubby go about this. This is very terrible my God! Good peep keep dying while the evil ones stay alive Nd committing all sort of Evil. Kai! God you have a lot to judge on that day. Go well Ifeoma bt I challenge you to disgrace Nd expose whoever dat did this to you.
=CYNTHIA=commenting from my TOYOTA CRICKET
Linda y u dey swallow my post na,nd now u go talk sey na only bonario nd onyx dey regular wen u r busy swallowing my post each time i comment here.ow will dey know if am bin regular or not.
Rip woman.
Yemisi Z10 says so
Owww too bad...may her soul rest in peace
@APPLELIPX,she did not fall from the stairs! they killed her like a cow,just a little flesh holding her head to her neck. What am saying is that they cut off her head! I have the picture of her lifeless body but I can't share it here. She's a friend to my cousin and they live on the same street. When I was told about her death I asked them to hold her husband responsible because his story is not straight.
1. He was feeling sick and asked her to follow him to the Lab( so it will look like he also invited her to leave the house with him)
2. He was calling her from 10am to 3pm she wasn't picking and he got angry on why she wasn't picking(that time was when she was being killed,he was only confirming that she's dead and also want to make it look like he was trying his wife all through and she wasn't picking up her phone)
3. Nothing was taken from the house,her wrist watch and wedding band fell off and he thinks it was when she was struggling with the killers ( how did he know she struggled? How did he know they were killers and not a killer?)
4. When you kept calling her and she wasn't picking why did you not call her sales girl to ask her if her boss has reached her shop since she told you she would be going to her shop,pick up money and go to tradefair.
If I investigate this case this man will go to JAIL...
this is so painful...
RIP!!! This is so sad & i pray the find out the people responsible.
i don't trust this overbleached husband of hers, he shld be held responsible
Dis mans face looks like someone dat can kill!!! Its such a pity! I feel d kids.
Why take a life when you can't create one. So sad to imagine the plight of the children seeing her lifeless body.
Investigation should be properly done.
RIP pretty woman.
What a horrible way to die *sad face*. But for some weird reason, i feel the husband should be thoroughly investigated. You never can tell!
Is marriage a do or die affair? We need to understand that if it isn't working u just need to leave. Women r just been killed like chickens in the hands of their wicked husband. May God help us all. Rip sweet lady i pray the Lord forgive ur sins
it is well
Thank you. U hit the nail on the head. He's trying to create an alibi. But God is not sleeping
I read this story in the Sun yesterday. OMG. This is sad and gruesome. I feel so bad for the children. Who would do this and for what? God may your kingdom come!
The husband is the prime suspect
The husband is the prime suspect
Women Pls always tell someone ur story especially when u r in a violent relationship or one that has lost trust or love. I believe someone somewhere knows ds woman's story. Do not keep quiet it is never d beat option. If u r not so sure if whom to talk to go to ministry of women affairs n speak out. It may be ur only chance.....
Pls everyone be sure of what u say that's its her husband dt killed her..
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