Dear LIB readers; I've been sleeping with my cousin for the past year and now we want to tell our family | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday 11 December 2014

Dear LIB readers; I've been sleeping with my cousin for the past year and now we want to tell our family

I blame Telemundo for this...:-). From a female LIB reader
I guess I should start by specifying that we’re not first cousins, but I don’t know if we qualify as second cousins or not. His mother and my grandfather are brother and sister, in a family where there are as many aunts, uncles, cousins, and siblings as trees in a forest. The two of them are separated by fifteen years, six siblings, and enough difference in upbringing that they would often talk about how they felt more like uncle and niece than brother and sister. I think that their disparity in childhood is probably a lot of the reason why we felt it was okay to do at first, because it was barely even like they were siblings.
We were so used to the big family reunions where everyone would get lost in the mix, and there were always new babies being born and new marriages and new extensions to the family tree — it was easy to pretend like we didn’t know what the situation was.

But we know, and since we first kissed outside a bar just over a year ago (on a night that was more about having shots and finding excuses to get close to each other than it was about welcoming him to Austin), we have been a couple. We are very private about our relationship — no PDA, only a few select friends know, never any evidence or anything on Facebook — but it’s a huge part of both of our lives. We are lucky to live far enough away from our family (they are almost all back on the east coast, we are here in Texas) that we can be pretty free with who we are. But if we are being honest with ourselves, we know that we share the kind of history and family relationship that would make most people cringe at the idea of us being together.

No one who knows that we are a couple know that we are from the same family. And although I often wish that I could confide in a close friend, I am simply not ready for the kinds of questions and judgment that would follow. They would tell me that it’s wrong, that it’s gross, that it is unnatural, and that I’m insane. And there is a good chance that they’re right, but the situation is just so hard to understand unless you’ve lived in it. Although it’s true that we are blood relatives, we only saw each other about once or twice a year. As I said before, the difference in age between his mother and my grandfather is enough that they are amongst the least close of all of their family, and I am much more familiar with a lot of my other cousins than I am with him. Even though I knew I could always see him at a family reunion or a wedding, I never really got that “close-knit upbringing” feel that you share with someone who you knew well in childhood. Hell, I even have friends from elementary school that I feel more of a kinship with because we were together for a lot of our important moments. Nick (a fake name, of course) was only there for the big stuff.
But I knew I loved him pretty young. We would always be the two kids at the event who would go off and play by themselves, and when we hit our pre-teen/teenage years, the bond that we had formed playing in the backyard at a family gathering turned into something much more profound. I could tell him things, he listened to me, he knew who I was in a way that almost no one else did — even though we saw each other very rarely. By the time I kissed him that night (I was 23), it felt like the release of something I had been waiting for my whole life. I wanted him to be with me, and only me, because I had always felt like I had to share him — with my family, with the girlfriends who would ask if he was single because they knew I could never be with him, with my parents who would make us leave an event early and take me away from him. For once, I had him all to myself, and I finally knew that he felt the same way about me that I did about him. I could be honest for the first time, even if it was only with him.

That night, we spent about three hours frantically Googling everything from local laws, to genetic risks, to “How to tell your family you’re in love with a relative.” We were insane, and scared, and completely lost — but so happy. So in love. Every day I look back on that night fondly, going from the computer to the bed trying to find out if the way we felt was okay, even though we knew that nothing we were going to find would change our minds. On some level, we realized that day that we were going to need to tell our family members. But at least, at the time, it was something we could procrastinate on.

I thought a long time about writing this, in a lot of ways it felt like the first real step to telling our family, because I finally have to put it all in words and acknowledge that it’s true. We decided, out loud for the first time not too long ago, that we would accept the consequences if our family could not have us around anymore. It’s a terrifying idea, and the loss of a family as big and amazing as ours would be a lifelong wound, but it’s something that is simply necessary. It is legal for us to get married, and if we won’t have our parents at our wedding, we’re going to do it some day. Nothing in the world makes me happier than the prospect of telling Nick, in front of anyone who is willing to watch us, that he is the love of my life. In many ways it feels unfair that we were burdened with the same blood, that we could have been just like any other couple around us who has the full support of everyone they love. But if we hadn’t been born who we are, we may have never met. And even if it costs me my family, it is a choice I am willing to make.


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Anonymous said...

My dear u hav a big problem. I know u need god in ur life. This is my first time commenting on this kind of story. I hav never heard of something so sick. Is better to be gay than to do this.u and ur boyfriend need to be arrested for such rubbish. And u are even proud to write ur story on social media. LIBs members we need to pray for this stupid bitch and her stupid ass boyfriend or what ever she calls him to satisfy her selfish desirer. This is so shamefull,stupid,crazy, and disrespectful to ur family and disgrace.i didn't even finish the story becos it was so nasty to read. Fuck u bitch

Unknown said...

Is in dis country, u will c someone introduce himself as ur cousin! "I am ur great grand father"s sister's son's son

MamaWhat??? said...

Hmmmm...This is problem about extended family,like a country's

Anonymous said...

wel it a gud to tell yor family abt said...

Hmmm super story. I can't understand what she wrote. Pls linda just bless me dis month. Am lukin for money to pay my school fee.

Unknown said...

From your whole story i don't think you're seeking advice, all i see is someone seeking empathy. I don't think anyone can change your mind.


N.C. Chima said...

It is very un-natural to be sleeping with a blood relation.Look for another lover,transfer the love u have for this guy to him,with time you will begin to see that ur cousin as a true brother,forget the past.Good-luck.

Unknown said...

This is insanity!!!

Oreoluwa said...


Unknown said...

The earlier u guys stop that act the better for u. There are other guys out there than ur cousin.

Unknown said...

This is too long....

Anonymous said...


dessylnd said...

The Lord will see you through.

Unknown said...

u ve said it all, wat kind of advise do u need

Lewis said...

U better jawo nibe...

Anonymous said...

wel it's a gud tin to tell yor family abt it.

spicey said...

Its better u tell o chaiiiiii life sha

best baby said...

Things dey happen oh, dis life is turning in2 somtin else.

Unknown said...

Oh wow strange things are happening everyday na wa o

Sandra Sunday said...

You better tell your parents

Hope said...

yes tell your family and brace yourself for what ever

Kester Eke said...

Wow...Love breaks curse, I advice you stay with the love of your life Cus family will one day fade away

REXOVIC said...


Anonymous said...

E dey sweet u nawao abomination. FREDA

Unknown said...

Big issue. if you are from Edo which I think you are from, the lady will loose the family and some rituals will be performed on your behalf. But logically you will still have your family because the guy's family is also your family. So, tell your family and be free. Nothing is new on earth, but don't blame it on anything because God has given us our conscience to put us in check always and I am sure you choose to ignore it.
Bonne Chance!

Anonymous said...

girl u better wake up from ur slumber,dudes just having fun with you cos he knows your family will not agree to the relationship.

MichoHay said...

My Dear, the answer to the question is in your heart already...don't be deceived, I have been in that situation before (many years back)but not to the extent of sleeping with each other, though it almost happened, and deep within our heart we knew what we are indulging in is not right. What both of you are feeling right now is just lust and not love no matter how you may put the feelings. Incest is sexual intercourse between closely related persons, in the sight of God it is not right. Both of you know that your parents will not approve of it. My dear don't bring children that will grow up hating you. My advice for you is be separated from him, avoid seeing or contacting each other by any means, try concentrating on something better about your future, as time goes on the lust will fade and your eyes will be open. What you think is love will end up destroying your future. If it can work for me it will do for you too. All the best.

Anonymous said...

May God be with you

jessiemor said...

Hmmmmmm, this is serious o.

Unknown said...

Forbidden fruits can be too appealing

uzzy mami said...

Loooooool this is so funny!!!! goodluck lady!

Itseofficial said...

may god punish you ... stupid girl why on earth did she sleep with her cousin well #backinspace

Just wini said...

were niyen gan. Whats the need to ask for Libers opinion when you've already made up your mind to marry him.Ode oshi

nicki k said...

like seriously???!!!

Anonymous said...

It is permitted by religion for cousins to marry each other.

Unknown said...

hmmmm. abomination

Unknown said...

I think is okay, you guys can get married.
Carry go jare!

Cyril Iwegbu said...

Really complicated though.

Unknown said...

Telemundo pple una hear!!

Favour belle said...

See gobe.....the devil is a liar.

Aphrodite said...

ALU! Thats Incest babes! Kai!

Anonymous said...

this is preety deep

Favour belle said...

Blood or no blood, he's your cousin. ...and people still commit these atrocities smh

Unknown said...

Lolssss....I really blame it on telemundo...buh criouxly bae datz a taboo big tym...

Baby P said...


rita said...

pls do tell, to keep the load out of ur mind

Unknown said...

hallo dear.
you are in a situation called "Soul tie". what you feel looks almost real and undeniable, but in the heart-of-hearts and reality it's wrong. Situations like this can keep you disillusioned and entangled in an unhealthy relationship for years without finding your way out of it.

From your write up, you acknowledged (in your full consciousness) the fact that you guys are blood relatives and can't marry. So it is! No matter how you want to conjure your biased new-world-order ideas and legal believes; and manipulate your sub-consciousness to agree that you are free and have the right to marry YOUR BLOOD BROTHER, you are set out to fail. Yes!

Unless you are from the part of the world where such relationship is not a taboo. So much as your root and origin (that's who you are) see your relationship as a taboo, it will hunt you all your life, and the lifes of your descendants. Are you ready for such???

Soul ties can be spiritual and can be well broken and salvaged with the power of prayers and the world of God. YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND ONLY THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.

Google 'SOUL TIE' too. Goodluck!

Anonymous said...


Mrs CJ said...

U need Jesus!

Unknown said...

hallo dear.
you are in a situation called "Soul tie". what you feel looks almost real and undeniable, but in the heart-of-hearts and reality it's wrong. Situations like this can keep you disillusioned and entangled in an unhealthy relationship for years without finding your way out of it.

From your write up, you acknowledged (in your full consciousness) the fact that you guys are blood relatives and can't marry. So it is! No matter how you want to conjure your biased new-world-order ideas and legal believes; and manipulate your sub-consciousness to agree that you are free and have the right to marry YOUR BLOOD BROTHER, you are set out to fail. Yes!

Unless you are from the part of the world where such relationship is not a taboo. So much as your root and origin (that's who you are) see your relationship as a taboo, it will hunt you all your life, and the lifes of your descendants. Are you ready for such???

Soul ties can be spiritual and can be well broken and salvaged with the power of prayers and the world of God. YOU SHALL KNOW THE TRUTH, AND ONLY THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE.

Google 'SOUL TIE' too. Goodluck!

Anonymous said...

Dear poster,

I'm tired of reading through all these stories. The issue is not about others, it's about you and your concerns...

More than thousands of your categories have married, personally i almost most marry to my cousin too because in love and kindness she was wonderful.

So follow your concerns leave others, there's no big deal...

ehinome said...

hmhmhm well we find love in hopeless placess

Unknown said...

Don't know wat to say

Unknown said...

Don't know wat to say deary...u don't get easy answers at dis one...

sandyberry22 said...

Incest that is what this sin is called,and you guys need a confession,stop blaming telemundo for anything.

Mimi said...

it's wrong and you telling your parents and family members will only cause problems and stigmatization.

Unknown said...

Aikor uwa bt u seriously need prayers b4 things get worst

Obiii said...

You sound like you've already concluded. Sis, there are many people out there you can fall in love with and finally go far with the person than falling in love with your own blood which is totally against God and Moral principles. Since you've made the mistake of already sleeping with you own cousin, go ahead, be courageous and tell your family members. Again seek the assistance of a genuine Man of God to help you out in prayers. There's no sin God cannot forgive if you repent genuinely.

sandyberry22 said...

Incest that is what this sin is called,and you guys need a confession,stop blaming telemundo for anything.

Anonymous said...


Obiii said...

You sound like you've already concluded. Sis, there are many people out there you can fall in love with and finally go far with the person than falling in love with your own blood which is totally against God and Moral principles. Since you've made the mistake of already sleeping with you own cousin, go ahead, be courageous and tell your family members. Again seek the assistance of a genuine Man of God to help you out in prayers. There's no sin God cannot forgive if you repent genuinely.

El_gee said...

Anonymous said...

Hey! Let me say first of all I have been in your shoes & he was my FIRST cousin.

Secondly, same thing has happened in my paternal side of the family. They had to go their separate ways. This happened way back before my dad ever met my mom but even the next generation got to hear abt the family's black sheep.

Also, Madam hope NICK is on the same page as you? Best be sure you guys are on the same page lest you find yourself alone!

Next thing Missy, as I said earlier I ve been in ur shoes so don't feel like you are weirdo cos honey it happens more times than ppl are willing to admit.

So, if you and Nick want to tell hey God's speed. But best be prepared for the worst case scenario which in my opinion is either the disown you both or they separate you by all means possible.

Best of luck.

Just one question pls how do you plan on explaining this to your offspring?

Unknown said...

Its also a matter of what you think, don't always go by what you feels because most time the feeling of the body is just devilish and temporal..think about it and don't feel about it...

Unknown said...

Linda what is happening now,u havent posted my comments...

Mela said...

Hey lady! Pause 4 a min, take several deep breaths,ponder through it all & listen 2 dat still voice within u telling u d exact truth, den try 2 accept & com 2 terms with it. Mit b way more difficult dan it sounds but trust me it'll pay off well @last. Family is one of d greatest gift from God on earth, I bet u don't wanna sideline dem jst like dat after over 23yrs of ur life. Emotions overflowing I know dearie... but seek God's strength above all. #SwitchOnYourSpiritualWillPower..... #TurnItUpToAthousandWax....

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Shit happens

Unknown said...

please tell your family abeg

Anonymous said...

I think its allowed in islam

Anonymous said...

This is a tough one. Truly I think you should go for it. Its going to be really hard, people are going to say all sorts and u guys would have to fight like never before. But if u are both prepared to face the consequences, if u believe u have found HIM, THE ONE... if u really believe that this is it.. then hold on as hard as u can.

Kofoworola Thompson said...

oh boy..this is super story..for the love sha..I"d stay with d guy..but for family I'd leave him...Dear Liber...follow ur heart..

Unknown said...

oyo STORY FOR THE small small godz

Fab girl said...

Report ursefs to ur parents,stop the relationship,go for cleansing.. Your relationship is an abomination against God,whether first or last cousins.. Come here and say thanks to all who advised u rightly bcause I knw some people will be in support of what you are doing... Lastly, God should guide you to the right path..

Unknown said...

A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever.
My sister, there is nothing new under the Sun.

ARIANNA said...

Your already condemned by your conscience.
In some cultures and traditions, such relationships are not allowed and considered an abomination.
In places like India, Indonesia etc such union is allowed. Even in the Bible, we've read of relatives getting married.
You two are matured. Instead of beating around the bush, I advice you two go straight to his grandfather and his mother to air your situation before talking to your parents.

Unknown said...

My dear, u r ryt on track. That's y Islam doesn't forbid it... U r even a bit far since he isnt ur 1st cousin. Many marriages lyk dis hav been conducted n dey r more dan successful... Wish u d best of luck.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm. Twisted and twisted and lots more twisted!!!

Anonymous said...

I think the Hausa's marry their cousins, if I'm not mistaking. It depends on your tribe and culture And you can only know if you two are allowed to get married, when you tell your parents about it. You don't sound like one who needs advice anyways, so let me save my 2cents...

<< LIB addict >>

Unknown said...

wow...not sure about this but pray about it

Kobii said...

Hmmm aint ur fault, ur parents should have known & stop dis frm re u sure u ready 4 d family drama?

Unknown said...

U need Jesus in ur life.Please repent.

Unknown said...

Dis is one serious issue

Unknown said...

2much fantasy!smh

placid said...

God help u guys.

Anonymous said...

Abomination . If una like una tell una family, if una no like una kip am to una selves. D bottom line b say, una know d truth say wet in una dey do dey wrong and very bad. Una get conscience, so advice ur selves.

NaijaDeltaBabe said...

Too long..... Whether close or distant, it's n will foreva be wrong. You just ve to tell dem and desist

Unknown said...

It's a big risk my girl

gbemsco said... is well

peculiar said...

you can't be serious about dat decision will surely hunt u dear...its a terrible mistake u are about to make.
my candid opinion

sandyberry22 said...

You be really crazy,am sure you don't know the implication of the choice you are about to make,

peculiar said...

you can't be serious about dat decision will surely hunt u dear...its a terrible mistake u are about to make.
my candid opinion

Unknown said...

Story 4 d gods

Unknown said...

Forbidden to you in marriage are: your mothers, your daughters, your sisters, your father's sisters, your mother's sisters, your brother's sisters, your sister's daughters, your wet nurse, your 'sisters' by nursing, your wives mothers, your step daughters under your guardianship born of your wives with whom you have consummated - if you did not consummate then there is no sin upon you, the wives of your blood sons, two sisters at the same time, except for that which has already passed. Verily, Allah is Forgiving, Merciful." [Noble Quran 4:22-24

Anonymous said...

Abomination . If una like una tell una family, if una no like una kip am to una selves. D bottom line b say, una know d truth say wet in una dey do dey wrong and very bad. Una get conscience, so advice ur selves.

peculiar said...

you can't be serious about dat decision will surely hunt u dear...its a terrible mistake u are about to make.
my candid opinion

sandyberry22 said...

You be really crazy,am sure you don't know the implication of the choice you are about to make,

Unknown said...

clap for ursef.

goodlinknews said...

i think i understand your feeling, be bold and tell your parents about it. there is nothing new under the heaven.

Anonymous said...

Foolish pigs better stop it by the time this mumu euphoria fades away u will want to kill ur selves .incestous beasts of zerubabbel

Rosey O. said...

we always wanna find excuses for our mistakes, because deep down, u know it's wrong. you could have asked ur folks first if it was ok before venturing into such. come out clean with your family now and accept the consequences

Anonymous said...

I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but you have to sit and look at this well. I know nobody wants to hear what if. But what if it doesn't work out? Are you willing to lose your family for that? As a medical practitioner, there are a lot of genetic risks to consider. How do you explain it to your child? That he/she is a product of inbreeding? lol these things you have to consider. In my opinion nobody is worth losing family over. And as you're so close to yours. You need to think this through. The heartbreak it could cause. You shouldn't be judged. That's not fair. Your friends should help you decide. Look for one friend that is least likely to judge. I'm sure you'll figure it out. I wish you the best in life :)

goodlinknews said...

i think i understand your feeling, be bold and tell your parents about it. there is nothing new under the heaven.

Unknown said...

You both need to see a physiologist. I almost had a similar issue with my cousin. She was so young and needed a mans touch, and she was always around me. I noticed it and had to be strong enough to resist it before it wen out of hand. Its a sweet feeling of course but all in all what is wrong is wrong.

The African blood still flows through you two and its so wrong to do this in Africa. Please see a phycologist and prepare your mind to leave each other.

Diana said...

This is insane!

goodlinknews said...

I think i understand your feeling, be bold and tell your parents about it. there is nothing new under the heaven.

Unknown said...

Follow your heart!
It's your life and not someone else's.

Unknown said...

hmmmmm speechless..

Unknown said...

Ur cousin, it's well our God is a merciful God. Make up ur mind ad withdraw from it ad back it up with prayer ad also ask God for forgiveness ok. God help u

Unknown said...

What a long story Whew lol I think u guys u stop b4 it get ugly @

Unknown said...

What a long story Whew lol I think u guys shuld stop b4 it get ugly @

dimma said...

Kaii dats too bad u guys should stop already.

Unknown said...

What a long story Whew lol I think u guys shuld stop b4 it get ugly @

dharmmy said...

Awww, M soo sorry. If it's not incest then? I don't know

harleyberry said...

Hmm....short of words

Anonymous said...

Alu... Abomination

Unknown said...

It's your life and so is any decision you take.

Exquisite 27 said...

is dis love

Unknown said...

Get ready for your doom

chioma said...


Anonymous said...

Is wrong...

OMG!WOMAN said...

Damn. Sometimes I want to be by your side and the other times reality strucks. I actually believe there are no feelings you can't get over if you really want to.

Unknown said...

Shey na only ena dey watch Telemundo.. are you from the brando family..

Unknown said...

Not too good a story

Lovely said...

my dear, incest is incest! telemundo or not. pray for God to help you.

kuby said...

na wa oooo

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmmmm! dear, d journey ure about to embark upon its a taboo in yoruba land dunno of other places

Unknown said...

wow, wow, wow......I hope the dude is on the same page as you

Unknown said...

2nd cousins are free to be together..only direct cousins are forbidden religiously.

abbeymacho said...

wow.....telemundo na oyinbo things oooo

Anonymous said...

Dnt tell ur

Anonymous said...

I think this is too much to process; do not push your family away for the pleasures of your heart. If it fades away some day, you will need them.
P.S. Sleeping with a relative no matter the distance is rash and stupid.
Wish u the best tho!

Unknown said...

stories like this in the Northern Nigeria where i schooled wont be strange because there are cases where you marry your cousin...

san said...

Your mind has been made already,so whatever consequence u see u take it.

Unknown said...

i think its best u guys stop it...

Anonymous said...

My dear Linda,first wen we looked at in the pint of religion it is highly prohibited and it a grave sin according to Islamic injuctions,by judging with African traditions it is an abomination. Then let's go back to western ways of life it not a taboo but why is it that we have lost our dignity all in the name of love? Just to satisfy our burning desire at the expense of indecency,taboo,abormination,and selling off our tradition including disrespecting God's this is big lesson for we parents, there is need for us to educate our children on relationship up to telling the clear and full genealogy of our family so as to clear this shit that is now common in Africa though not in African culture. Linda I still want to remind you I need that handset

Unknown said...

My advice is for them to open up to their family about the situation incase of any curse that can affect cousins or blood related people who sleep with each other.

kellie said...

Wow. Dilemma. Its ok to tell you family. You know it's wrong so try to do the right thing. Blood will never let it work out with you two....unless by some miracle of nature one of you is adopted

egbukichi elizabeth said...


Walata said...

smh the poster wrote an essay letter writting wtf she can't even summarize wella, story for the gods pls do not marry ur cousin period

CELEB said...

Fantasy story. Nothing will change ur mind but u

Unknown said...

I dont think this relationship is healthy guys.

stridesangel said...

Ask the holy spirit for help and if HE is okay with it, you have the divine Go-ahead. With time, everything will fall in place-it is well.

Anonymous said...

telemundo ....... hmm

ColdFlame said...

"And even if it costs me my family, it is a choice I am willing to make."

By that closing line I guess you have your mind made up and your fate sealed. Readers' opinion certainly has no place in all of this and the idea of sharing was misplaced from the start. It is what it is.

Unknown said...

Nothing is new under the sun oh

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

telling ur family about a taboo like this is not the best..or are u guyz from china..?

Anonymous said...

Ii understand how u feel lets exclude the biblical aspect if u guys have kids cosanguinity is a high risk factor for genetic abnormalities

Baby P said...

Lol.u have to come out soon

Unknown said...

It is well

Anonymous said...

It depends on your religion and tribe because some Muslims marry their cousins but Yoruba people do not even if they were Muslims like the Hausa people do.

In Yoruba land, it is a taboo to date or screw your relative. It is classified as a curse. Telling your family will allow them to hate and disown both of you.

If you are Christians then go and confess your sins ASAP. Stop seeing each other. Shameless!!!

Anonymous said...

This is a tough one. Truly I think you should go for it. Its going to be really hard, people are going to say all sorts and u guys would have to fight like never before. But if u are both prepared to face the consequences, if u believe u have found HIM, THE ONE... if u really believe that this is it.. then hold on as hard as u can.

Boladale emvicc2000@yahoo,com said...

Are you sure you are real?,

ifunseekers said...

u said it all, with out being told you already know the result. so choose wisely.

Unknown said...

Naughty child,get some help

Anonymous said...

Wow dats advice u b open 2 a family member abt ds so to know if u guys can continue or let go b4 it's too al d same gud luck

shannaro said...

where is your question?#too long.otherwise yep its gross(for me) Take responsability and dn't waste too much time justifying your rl because you will still be judged no matter what. You are in love period we get it.Cousins still get married across the world (e.g lebanon,muslim parts of Africa etc) so whatever floats your boat I guess

Unknown said...

Love is magical!

Anonymous said...

telemundo na oyinbo thinz africa you dey please open ya eyes oooo.

Anonymous said...

to me I don't see the incest. you are not first cousins but close enough to be considered queer. however, I have since fire love fuelled by taboo related issues. when everyone has gone thru the madness and all calm down and let you go on your way, I hope the love will still be there. that's my prayer for you. call your mother first and discuss with her and see her reaction. you may just be surprised.

Anonymous said...

telemundo.... na film ooo ... think......

Popsy said...


Unknown said...

Nwanne adighi alu nwanne ya unless obu na mgbago mgbago......china.

Unknown said...

Too long and boring

yawanow said...

There are numerous examples of incest in the Bible. The most commonly thought-of examples are the sons/daughters of Adam and Eve (Genesis 4), Abraham marrying his half-sister Sarah (Genesis 20:12), Lot and his daughters (Genesis 19), Moses’ father Amram who married his aunt Jochebed (Exodus 6:20), and David’s son Amnon with his half-sister Tamar (2 Samuel 13). It is important to note, however, that in two of the above instances (Tamar and Lot) one of the parties involved was an unwilling participant in the incest.

It is important to distinguish between incestuous relationships prior to God commanding against them (Leviticus 18:6-18) and incest that occurred after God’s commands had been revealed. Until God commanded against it, it was not incest. It was just marrying a close relative. It is undeniable that God allowed incest in the early centuries of humanity. If Adam and Eve were indeed the only two human beings God created, their sons and daughters would have had no other choice but to marry and reproduce with their siblings and close relatives. The second generation would have had to marry their cousins, just as after the flood the grandchildren of Noah would have had to intermarry amongst their cousins. The reason incest is so strongly discouraged in the world today is the understanding that reproduction between closely related individuals has a much higher risk of causing genetic abnormalities. In the early days of humanity, though, this was not a risk due to the fact that the human genetic code was relatively free of defects.

It seems, then, that by the time of Moses, the human genetic code had become polluted enough that close intermarriage was no longer safe. So, God commanded against sexual relations with siblings, half-siblings, parents, and aunts/uncles (Genesis 2:24 seems to indicate that marriage and sexual relations between parents and children were never allowed by God). It was not until many centuries later that humanity discovered the genetic reason that incest is unsafe and unwise. While the idea of incest is disgusting and abhorrent to us today, as it should be, we have to remember why it is sinful, that is, the genetic problems. Since this was not an issue in the early centuries of humanity, what occurred between Adam and Eve’s children, Abraham and Sarah, and Amram and Jochebed, should not be viewed as incest. Again, the key point is that sexual relations between close relatives must be viewed differently pre-Law and post-Law. It did not become “incest” until God commanded against it.

elovi said...

Just stop it aunty linda pls na

shannaro said...

ps: linda i've been meaning to ask do u pay people to write rubbish fiction and post on here to get traffic

Anonymous said...

She has to stop doing what she's doing and tell her family.....

Anonymous said...

Its a taboo, and abominable before God.
God is Love.
Love will surely locate you in due course but not with your cousin (whether distant or relative)
Seek for forgiveness and redirect your focus/love on another man for the sake of your future and after life.


Anonymous said...

She has to force herself to leave him alone....

Anonymous said...

there's nothing wrong with what you have. you are perfectly allowed to marry him. Islamically, you are even allowed to marry your first cousins. Bibblically, the Bible is even filled with examples of our esteemed men of God who married their cousins. Isaac (Abrahams son)was one of them.
please go marry and make legitimate what you have. you can marry, it has been ordained by God. all d best.

Anonymous said...

Thats absurd.....

Unknown said...

It is a brave new world out there ... I wonder what the future holds for the unborn children?

Unknown said...

Uhmmmm I dunno what To see

SunnyBriggs. said...

This should be a conversation btw you and your people. Not really our business if I must say.

Anonymous said...

na wa oo

Unknown said...

Chaii. Dats really bad o.

Sylcrypt said...

Oh dear!you need to stay away!both of you need to stop this!its am abominable act!Honestly,i understand the pain of loosing such à great love but if two of go on with this,its going to cause à hell of à future and that of generation!Meet à counsellor please!Remain bless!

peculiar said...

pls I want to know if I'm to comment here only or any of the post I have always wanted to comment but av not bin able to

APPLE said...


Anonymous said...

Pls linda post my comment

AY DOT said...

you are stupid

Unknown said...

Its not right, you both just find it hard to believe it, just stay apart and open up to someone else

Unknown said...

hmm, mouth sealed o

F.y.F said...

hmmm family affair!!!

finest loves Bloglord😍 said...


Anonymous said...

depends thou....

Anonymous said...

Taboo indeed

iphie said...

this is incredible.
Please put an end to it my dear. You guys are blood related no matter the distance. I just hope you can find the courage to do that

favourite girlfriend said...

Its soo wrong..plesse der re so many guys out der for u

iphie said...

this is incredible.
Please put an end to it my dear. You guys are blood related no matter the distance. I just hope you can find the courage to do that

Unknown said...

Your solution is in your hands

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

What U 2 Have Is Called "Forbidden Passion" Gux U watch Telemundo 2 well U Can Remember vividly well wat Happen 2 Burno nd His Uncle's Wife... if U dnt Stop Uar Sending. d Anger Or God 2 ur lifes... is A decision U nd ur cousin Has 2mak U dnt need us 2 tell u anyfin,uar adults so tiink like one...... enjoy

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

My cousin from my mums side got married to my cousin from my dad side,its very much ok if you love him go for it

Unknown said...

Pls somebody find me this girl. Lemme reset her manually wt slap

Anonymous said...

For real,they always say na bad thing dey sweet pass,u r not even sure if he truly feels d same way,even at that,tufiakwa

Unknown said...


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