The vigilante rose to the occasion of safeguarding the community to forestall further attack when one of the thieves was shot dead while the remaining two escaped. At about 9am today, two more suspects were arrested before being whisked away to the police station with the corpse. *graphic pic of one of the robbers killed after the cut*
Jungle justice is not good
Serves him right. He met his Waterloo today.
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Idiot! see im small penis. Die well mumu...
Linda u had to leave DAT Ur favourite part abi, u shud av added for d ladies....mtwee
Robbery so much everywhere now.. december around d corner.. wow.. God help .
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They got what they asked for.
Nothing graphic for armed robber naked dead penis.
Bad boys. It was your last day.
Everyday for the thief one day for the owner...
good for him!
Linda, every month you post comments on Allu 4 asking for justice. How do we know that this is not another jungle justice. You and these your shitty stories. Why do you delight in morbid and horrible stories? I see you lack content.... strolls away to stella's blog.
How do we know that he was part of the gang. Remember the Aluu 4. Anything can go down in that hell hole called Nigeria. No jungle justice. An innocent person can easily become a victim. Just saying.
See d small dirty and bushy penis wey him dey carry fuck ashawo. God don catch u 2day. 2moro is 4 ur team mates.
This is not justice, poor souls
Say no to crime
Na only Wetin u see be dat.
Perv oshi!
oh Lord have mercy on us. Imagine the small boys of yesterday. Na waa ooo
Hmmm. make una take am easy oh..
Respect the dead at least
Na block them pieces for him head! See as him face be, like something wey see ojuju! Guess he did!
So nah only small penis you if see for him body
may God have mercy on his soul
He died on active service...state burial things...
only God knows how many people they have killed
Serves him right. I hope he burns in the hottest spot in hell
See him small tin!!die well and greet my daddy(God) for me!(if you ever see him tho.)
Others should learn from this...
Hope he finds rest were ever he is
U R d idiot,don't U think dis chap might just be innocent?and of all things na d penis U c,conji go wound U,go and get laid kiakia and get that web from ur pus..y,ur face says it all.
for dead penis abi?
Rot in hell thief.
Good they shld keep killing dem
Everyday for the thief,one day for the vigillante...die well........BALKAN
He stole therefore he should die. Nigerians n thier verdict! God help us!
They cant stop killing people everyday in Nigeria
19 Signs that you are backsliding
What Will Be Your Testimony?
3 Things That Makes People Cry
Lesson from the prodigal son
Abeg robbery full everywhere where now....last night car snatchers nearly shot me...if not for His Grace@God...say d bullet go upwards....I for no dy read linda new by now
Sorry, so you're d brother of the late thief. Be careful, b4 they catch u too. Pained mofo
If u see dem in act u wont pity dem. I still prefa de pick pocket dem.
Lord pls forgive him all his sins and remove his name from the book of death nd condemnation.have mercy on his soul my Lord.Holy spirit...arrest others who took part in d robbery so they can be saved! Thank u Jesus.
So na only de main thing wey u see be that,u too like penis.
Let him that thinks he Stands take Heed Lest he Fall.......
In nigeria we ve politicians as thieves and alot of others more, am not supporting d thieves but it should be legal in nigeria no job how to u expect the youth to survive everyone for him beelle is not right but it has to happen even in western world where social welfare is paid we still ve thieves they not shot they caught and taken to justice do not take d life of someone cos of material thing
Dis guy is not dressed like one, hope he's not an innocent boy
The end of road for him. such a pity
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