The Alaafin of Oyo,
Oba Lamidi Olayiwola Adeyemi and his four wives welcomed indigenes of the state who came to felicitate with him on his recent birthday & other achievements at his Palace today. The Alaafin spoke and danced for his guests. See more photos after the cut...
Photo Credit: Facebook/Oyostate
Four wives Visit your #1 Entertainment Hub ☺♥
Alafin tii ilu Oyo
Hmmmm no b small enjoyment. His wives re pretty though
#money speaking
Still on the birthday?!!!!! Wasn't it last month?
Alaafin ndewo sir but i dont understand de reason of those people lying down pls
Chai I feel for the youngest wife....wan ti gbese le....she's neva smiling...#isorryforyou#ifeelurpain
Loolz the sight of those men lying down there.
So one of those wife's looks like my age!! I'm less than 25 urs old!! But let me just go back to Grinding this pepper!!
Seriously, it's that merry Christmas on the wall behind him?
Kaaaabiesi o. Iku baba yeye o, alase ikeji orisha. Ee gbo, ee to, ee fi owo pa ewu, ee fi erigi j'obi, igba odun, odun ka ni o. As'odun mo'dun l'awo a'sodun mo'dun, aso'su mo'su la'wo aso'su mo'su. Ile Oduduwa ko ni baje l'ase edumare, ASE!
The wives be like statute, local,razz people,money miss road...pfffttt
Lol.....This here dude na Badoo! ......All these yellow yellow plenty women to hisself! ......Baddest Alafin ever liveth!
Xcuse my Errant thoughts tho...Can't help wondering if they like do "Menagie trois"? .....Threesome or foursome things??
On 2 the Next!
All I can see is a bleaching competition among the wives.
Polygamous royalty receiving guest at their palace.
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Beautiful women ,dey all look alike thou.buh the man done old shall ,any money speaks.
Rich man with her beautiful wives ,anyway money dey
Big man.....
Beautiful women ,dey all look alike thou.buh the man done old shall ,any money speaks.
Ha! Just feeling 4 d first wife
The man like omo pupa sha!
Chai see d way three woman's among d four wife's of oba alafin {ojo pa sekere omo atiba} bleach, i don't know why some ladies believe bleach make them look beauty whereas they look like chicken way enter hot water
when will he finish celebrating this his birthday bikonu?
beautiful young ladies, my eye on you oo
I can imagine how dey take turns wit dis man.#eileen
Wow! See his beautiful wives 'lol' Yoruba's knows how to respect and honor their own very well. Nice one #onelovefromSnow#
Oba u like better thing. As u marry all the small small fine fine girls finish which one youths for ur community go marry?
This alaafin of oyo self too dey show himself.
and they all sit or stand around him in clusters! House of tourism.who are those prostrating wit dia xmas cloth.chai yoruba! Ooo chi mooo
Polygamous home=world war 3...I wish the wives sincerely love each other.hmmm
Na the oba house be that? I don't wish to be in any of the wives shoes. The house itself looks depressing.
Y did the 3 other wives look alike? Olubukola daniels aka blackmamba...
Em de enjoy 4wives,menh nawa sha...... Mak una fear God ooo
~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~
Dis birthday na everyday??
source Facebook? whose Facebook acct??
There are more than 4 o!
This alafin like fair things oooh.. oboi see sharp wives....
Can he even screw any of these women? Mtcheew, he just married women for younger boys. Rubbish
These people like Linda Ikeji. Looks like its the turn of two of his other wives, but the youngest is still there looking innocent. A reality TV show coming up maybe?
Chai...Linda has learnt to to give photo credit. Once beaten twice shy. Nice one!!!
that man is enjoying life big time
that man is enjoying life big time
Just take a gud looks at d real ollori at d righ... Old n not well dressed like d younger wives... And dis must be d real true love before d fame.. Men Sha ...... Dee
Wow big man tins
The first wife looks pretty with her age, guess she's aging gracefully.
I feel for the youngest wife, make konji no kee her for that tasteless palace ooh.
I bet they all use d same body cream buh Datz NOMB! # Sipschilledorijinnwalksaway
My thougt exactly. I really feel for her. Everything is not about money.
Why would you understand when you don't have culture!
You need to go back to elementary class to learn words such as he, her, herslf, himself, ourselves etc.
Why would you understand when you don't have culture!
Na real old soldier never die
No now, it is decoration, na wa for u.
First wife is ok. The rest are whitenecious users
Baby boy!
Enjoymnt.. Him own beta
Is it "happy Christmas" already at the home of the Alafin? no be "Happy Christmas" dey hang for their doormot so?
so dat is d oba house? Nawa oo
merry christmas decoration already at his palace???
Foolish. Goat, ppl can no longer b light skinned xcpt dey bleach...
I ve noticed dat d last wife is neva smiling,always giving dt face
I noticed something, why Olori Agba cloth looks different in colour, others are in white lace while she is butter colour. Well na them sabi. Congratulations Kabiyesi, Baba ke e pe.
Weldone my king
and The Merry Christmas? It is only October HRM'sworld😥
Chris okotie said to CAN"I will not nobilitate such prosaic apologetic by a retort" .....Me i will.
...Anon 3.40 ..When it comes to the proper use of English words......i don't know you but i doubt if your vocabulary will stand anywhere close to mine! ........This is a semiformal write up.........Obviously the "Pun" intended supercedes your IQ vex
On 2 the Next!
Bleach make them beauty kee!!!!!Bros I fear u Oooo,probably nt u.av 2 blame ur fone 4 d errrrs.
Go and sit down in one corner. Cos you hv no manners does no mean u shld bring it out in the public. I'm sure you think your father is your age mate.
The last wife is still looking lost,I wonder how the two met,maybe the last wife(A) was a party girl,you know all those girls that sneak out of school their school(lead city university)and goan party,dance for old men and gbam!Alaafin saw her and became interested and he gbeseled(pardon my french)the lady.Maybe A is wishing right now she hadn't left school that day,at least she'll be happy right now and won't continually look lost.
This man is just sooooo too vain! Pls all this prostrating in public like sixteenth century black slaves to their white masters is simply deifying an ordinary man. Bigots should stop attacking ppl who question such infra dig attitudes as 'not having culture.' Respect & honour should be moderated pls, except to God. There's a thin line between respect and idolatry. Extreme acts of 'respect' like some ppl who have 'culture' do is idolatry in disguise. Man is man, and God is God. If I were the state governor or head of state, I wuld look for a respectful way to throw this man out for such obscenities here and there. And dat includes d other one in Benin...
Who cares? Women shaa! Marriage + money - love = misery. That's all I can read in the younger wives' faces.
all this bleaching must cost a fortune!
Marrying a FINISHED man all because of what they will gain.. lol.
The oldest wife did not come with him to UK last month
Culture la wa.
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