Speaking about the project, Vimbai passionately says, "It is so important for
African women to begin to take control of the image of the traditional roles we
have played through history. While we are not competing with men, there is not
enough being done to celebrate the strength of the African woman and the central
role she plays in society and in particularly in our culture as Africans”
The project is essentially a collaboration between Vimbai Mutinhiri and Reze Bonna to
celebrate the beacon that is the African woman: queen, mother, wife, daughter
and warrior.
The video below..
God bless Africa and all the beautiful women of Africa, I love Africa, but sometimes I wish I was not born an African, but where ever you are planted, don't complain, just grow. God bless Africa, God heal Nigeria
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Nyc 1 she looks cute
Oh Nice
May be in their country they dont celebrate women but here in the part of naija i came frm, women are more celebrated than men abeg.....
Vimbai,now you are all up in Nigeria and Nigerians as against your intense dislike for Nigeria and Nigerians during the big brother show.
Kai, see the space around that skirt, Lord please bless Vimbai with some meat, she's gonna hurt herself balancing on those toothpicks.. Please please Lord.
Massive respect to all African women in disapora.
She try nd mak she de dress like diz coz she is finer ds way. #justsaying
CRAP!!... Please add some flesh, then talk of an African woman.
Looking like a bony ghost as usual....pppffftttt
*My R1.50c comment *
totally love this. nice one vimbai
In my next world i will be an African i love my colour Die!!
I so did that suwe game in d 3rd pic, lol!
Celebrating backwardness. Rubbish!
indeed the strength of an African woman should be celebrated
O wow u r so ignorant it's amazing. England still has a monarchy that dates back to hundreds of years it's their heritage with they proudly nurture and maintain. When it's Africans u term it as been backwards. Go and deal with u very low self esteem and then return to make a valuable productive comment until then keep your ignorant comments to urself.
Celebrating africa woman is backwardness,bt gay is nt,a mentally sound woman cuming out wif see tru clothes showing all nakedness is forwardness in ur stinking brain.well matured woman dat suppose to bring change,moralty to d young girls re giving birth outside wedlock 4 celebrities just to tie d man or bcum popular is frwdness in ur village.dear if u don't support gud fins dat mins u re taboo itself.anu npama
Proudly African
Black is Beautiful
Nice one,proudly african
Africa O! Africa, my pride and my identity
Any one who need my n*du should hit mai name
Nigeria will not scatter, africa destroy
ooh! i want to buy these and decorate my house. these are absolutely lovely!
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