"The AGN was not established as a platform to canvass for political appointments or pursue selfish interests. Ms Onyeka Onwenu and Mr Kanayo O. Kanayo listed as examples in her address, became card carrying members of PDP and pursued the realization of PDP’s political goals to obtain their appointments. Ms Ibinabo Fiberisima should resign as AGN president for her brazen use of a body created to serve the creative interests of a group, to gain political appointment while in office. I enjoin her to follow the respectable road of her named predecessors, by joining the PDP and testing the real value of her self-earned popularity as an actress for political appointment,” she said.
"While it is not surprising that Ibinabo Fiberisima will display such a lack of knowledge of what advances screen actors professionally in the developed world, since she has not functioned consistently as an actor, and has less than 10 titles to her credit in a career spanning from the late 80s, it is however surprising that the established actors within her entourage watched in compliance, the denigration of the integrity of Nigerian screen actors, as she read her requests literally begging for crumbs from the president’s table,” said Chukwurah
True talk,but do u wnt d post madam?
Let her rsign period. She can ñ✽t serve two masters at the same time
Hehehe ! And life goes on
Abeg story too much
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Well, nt dt I hv any opinion on dis buh frm wht Lindodo has bin sampling to us abt Ibinabo, she has taken nollywood to a much higher level dan any other president (if dere was 1) & shown d spotlight on nollywood...d insiders knw betr
I believe she's right...
Lol. this woman is pained... she's right share, Ibinabo definitely got something out of her AGN visit
Lol. this woman is pained... she's right sha, Ibinabo definitely got something out of her AGN visit
I think madam Abiola is dam rit. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
correct clarion she used the AGN to gain appointment and u guys were just the escort lol this is funny mr ibu has said his own and ur next choi hatred is looming
#milito da great#
Is she not d same person who didn't get d name if her VC right when she went for some pageantry in d past. So AGN is now a platform for Actualizing ones political ambition. Come to think of it she has few films to her credit what can she possibly offer us at d national level. Hmmmmmmm smh.....
ok, make she resign na
No doubt, clarion is really saying the truth..... I dont even knw Ibinabo untill she was appointed as a president, ramsey should be the one running the presidency self judging frm his longevity in the industry and beside nw she is eating the bigger cake she should let go of this small one abeg.....
Just last week i was able to find out that this clarion gave birth to nigerian finest movie director..... Clarence peters.... Wow, i was really shocked...
Hmmm. Ω̴α beef be dis??? Anyway, madam AGN, U can't hold two offices @ †ђξ same time, so drop one says Clarion chukwurah
Kai! The beef is real!!
Who does not want to get a piece of the national cake??..Linda what are we waiting for? lol.. It's the right thing to do; step down. Does she want a piece from both sides?.. I guess Clarion is campaigning to take over but she deserves it hey, as she's been there before I was born..
* My R1.50c comment *
Are you jealous of her madam?
Begging for crumbs kwa?
Serious issue. The last I saw of her was her role in girls hostel. DuNno ao she won self!
spot on Clarion....so true, she can't hold d 2 offices
Pls leave ibinabo alone! Which kain jealousy be dis na???? Women hate to see their fellow women progress...Evils!!!!
Abegi na dem sabi, if u were there wont u do d same fin,
Y wunt u jst kip quiet n stp cryn abt ppls achievments.f u were in dier shoes m sure uw do worse.
Bad belle pple..
Trueee!people of honesty ,integrity and fearlessness still dwells amongst us *God bless this woman for speaking the truth
Oboyyyyy see jealousy, madam so all dat wickef role wey u dey play na ur true character? If ur angry bcus she was appointd instead of u, I wil advice u work down d street and hug a wet transformer
All na hustling. Politics na whr d moni dy. If I gt chance wl join 2. So, take a chill pill clarion chukwura
yes ma 'am..
She's so on point
U will do same madam Chukwurah if u wia in her shoes
Ibinabo watch ur bk b4 dm do u coup de tat!!cx dz 1 mama clarion dn dy para ontop ur matta lik diz..nr go let her CHANGE AM 4 U ooh..
First of all Clarion Chukwurah has beautiful skin... secondly weren't you people the ones who voted her as president of the AGN? I was shocked myself when i saw her as the president. first she is a terrible actor ( for people who would talk, actor can be used for both sexes) secondly she doesn't have a lot of work in her portfolio. Be that as it may, maybe she was appointed because she is one of the "less busy" ones.
Its not difficult occupying 2 positions if they have similar interests, you can use one to uphold the other and vice versa. But i think i agree with madam clarion that she should just step down, she hasn't done anything significant for the AGN but pursue selfish interests now that it's been achieved ngwanu commot make another person occupy.
Toh anoder wahala,una no even get problms dats y una won strt fyt
Ms Clarion Chukwurah would've done exactly the-same thing Ibinabo Fiberisima did if she was the President of the Actors Guild of Nigeria(AGN). 90% of this Nollywood Ladies have this Greedy Hustler DNA. Her Statement is more or less borne out of Jelousy and doesn't suggest she is trying to protect AGN. #GoodMessage; #BadMessanger!
Isokay.....madam Claron is angry oo....Ibinabo u sef step down...let som1 else take over since uv got a hand full of things to attend to....biko dnt kill d movie industry.....10Q
well said
Well said,Ibinabo pls resign
Supu beekee...my sister where is your hand>.. shake me...ehm confirm...speak English please you didn't use your school fees money to buy weave-on and Brazilian hair while in school.
If the job will take her away from functioning effectively as the AGN president then she should honorably resign but this call to resign is to fan egos of a selected few and meant to to divide the body then it should be outrightly ignored!
Totally in support of madam chukwurah. some wil say its jealousy, ßut that's the truth.
Madam Clarion u are soo correct cus frankly speakin,i'm yet 2 c a movie ds ibinabo starred in so on what basis is she d AGN president??al ds broke actors kissing d ass of those in govt,and funke,stephanie n d rest too did follow follow 2 go and beg.yet wen u meet dem outside dey wld be forming lyk say na dem make am pass!i'm sure dey went 2 beg so dey can use dem 4 anoda presidential campaign.classless humans!!
Well said.
I think madam Abiola is dam rit. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
So correct Ms chukwurah
Gbam,she is absolutely right
Now this is what is wrong with Nigerian youths and the masses, someone hot the nail on the head and spoke the truth and people are calling the jealousy. Others are saying they would have done the same if they were in her shoes. Corruption and greediness is not only rampant amongst the politicians but amongst the people/masses. Well I can only blame the POVERTY MENTALITY.
I wanted 2d criteria 4 electinq aa president 4 nollywood. Not a fan. Of nollywood but dis woman isn't a reqular face in d industry. Well na dem sabi
How I dislike dis clarion woman......bad belle for some1's success go n sit down n work on ur own career.....how u disgust me....mtchewwww...
1billiion like for ur "she's a terrible actress" her movies her wack like wack...I keep womdering hw she bcame president of AGN.
Good english aunty Clarion, but if U̶̲̥̅̊ have †ђε oppurtunity, U̶̲̥̅̊'ll do more dan her. Go take back sit jor!. Jealousy is †ђε root of hatred
Abeg she is jsst fyn dts all jare, pls hw many films has she done sef? Even as waka pass
The comments here show that a lot of Nigerian youths are lost causes just like the older generation if not even worse. It was sighted in the statement that Kanayo and Onyeka vacated their positions as AGN boss when they got political appointments, in developed countries this will be the case as well but some shallow, uneducated (Education is not about going to university) and myopic people are talking about bad belle and jealousy. Do these people expect her to keep her AGN (Guild)job and Govt appointment's? Do you know what a guild is and the parameter's surounding a guild? Check your dictionary. This is not about Clarion the fact is the fact, Ibinabo should vacate the guild leadership simple. Fela did not lie when he said "Suffer don spoil black man sense". Hunger is a bitch...
Will u shut up u this idiotic anon 8:38pm...ódé.
I hv been hearing d name Ibinabo or Ibinado Fiberismat(even d name self hard to pronouce pass kuli-kuli) for abt 6years and i keep asking myself;who d fuck is she?I'm 27 & hv never see her in a movie..Let's face d truth and for once be objective;It is wrong for her to hold such two national positions.Same thn wid Dame Jonathan who was appointed d Permanent Sec of Bayelsa State.
.......That's abuse of power and corruption.
D youths r worse n will be worse than these old hands. Imagine a frnd telling me 2 take down my views in d NIS charade on facebook? It is disheartening.
Me too
How she disgust u.. Com'n Linda's blog you're unknown, yet a whole clarion disgust u,till you die I know you will still be unknown bcos your type of pple dont progress.
#Original Igbo Gurl
Mumu, Ʊ jst ∂E̶̲̥̅̊Y̶̲̥̅̊ knw, stale news, olodo rabata
Why can't people be happy for others who are progressing? Without being told, a blind man can even see the jealousy in this letter? She was most likely excluded from the presdential visit and also bitter that in all her years of acting, she wsn't given a post by the present administartion. My advice to clarion and those like her- Learn to be happy for others when good things come their way so that can God can bless and also favor you.
South-South thing.......patronage
As in....it's deep.
The Trophy Wife- find out more on omalichaspeaks.blogspot.com
She is not competent in AGN what will she do in NCAC than Distroy it.
No comment pls!!!jst passing by
Oº°˚°º... @#Goodmessage #Badmessanger;L̳̿ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀=))ː̖́☺ö̤̣̇L̳̿ ... As in where as she been, can't smell her impact.. @Greedy hustler DNA;good thinking.. All nah for money sha both angry Clarion or ambitious Ibinabo.
Very real..she can't hide it again.
Its about time, I have been asking how this lady came to be president of AGN..., haven't seen her in any movie, in fact I don't know her . I only read about her on blogs and newspaper pages most especially during nollywood awards. But she's gotten a political post, she should resign, period.
First of all I understand Ms Clarion's point; however, I don't think Ibinabo holding two positions that can be complementary is as issue. If Clarion is calling for Ibinabo's resignation on the basis of her incompetence then that's a matter for consideration, but if its for holding two positions that in themselves do NOT require "full time" attention it is pointless. Being on a board is not that demanding, how many times to board members sit??? Besides the issue of Ibinabo's film credit did not rise during her nomination and confirmation as AGN presido, so it shouldn't come up now period.
All the same I like Ms Clarion
Aunty clarion u should be a mother to ibinabo instead of moving motion to bring her down. U guyz hv no issues. I expect an elderly person like u to be in position of calling ibinabo nd correcting her mistskes(if she hs any) instead of crying to d social media. Or r u hungry for relvance?no AGN president hs achieved wht ibinabo hs achieved in a short period of time she came in as d president of AGN. U hv been in dis industry like forever,wht hv u done for dis guild?she respects u so much so y can't u talk to her?y d pull her down sydrom?hw pained r u by her present position?hw many times do d board sit dat u think she won't be able to do her job?she's d only president who is working so hard to unite dis family. Y r u doing dis?wht do u stand to gain frm dis publicaton?am trying so hard to understand u. Pls u r too old for dis.Apine Iv Florence
Its unfortunate dat smone like mummy Clarion we respect so much will come out to disgrace herself by sayin the Pesident shd resign.President Ibinabo is the best thing dat happnd to Agn cos of her initiatives.Kudos to her for her Health plan so dat will nt become beggars once dey get sick, and gething a permanent site for AGN Headquarters in Abuja and ensuring de welfare of the up comers like us will also benefit.I know of one the Ex-President who collected a land in Abj in de name Agn bt diverted it to his personal property.Pls MUMMY CLARION WHAT HAVE U DONE AS A SENIOR ACTRESS TO IMPACT IN DE LIVES OF UNDERPREVILAGED? THIS IS PURE JELOUSY
ah! a person cannot work two jobs? Why are you hurt, face your own work too
True tok dearie. Clarion is jes jealous n I bet u, she wnts to b AGN president. Bad belle, wat cn she evn edge out 4 d actors. Ceschonda's corner.
ms clarion ibinabo is the best president A.G.N ever have, ibinabo has given the guild a new face and a new level, meeting with the president is for the betterment of the guild, accepting the appointment is for the betterment of the guild too as well, so let the sleeping dog lie,A.G.N the show must go on.
I think Clarion has a point... But wen it comes to weda she merited d position or not, my dear dat is where GRACE comes in ooo. When God wants to lift a Man UP, is always in a divine way. Some pple call it being partial, 4getin dt we all play by different set of rules. IF WE MUST ALL WORK FOR EVERYTIN IN LIFE, DEN WHERE IS D PLACE OF "GRACE"???
my only advice 4u madam clarion. ibinabo is d president of A.G.N no man can take it from her until she hands up 4 her tenor, pls lets not start ussing our bitter heart to spoil her good work madam clarion pls pls nd pls. nd mind u ibinabo is one of d best president ever in A.G.N so if any body is angry with her d person can try to run 4d next term A.G.N ELECTION
Ah ahn there's no need for Name calling now.
Madam Clarion I think the best thing you should do is write some good stuff about ibinabo instead of trying to rubbish her name we all know she is still the best the Guild has ever had so why worry about her achievements I mean if you all have good plans for the guild before this time why did you not signify by raising up your hand we would have supported you pls and pls and pls let the sleeping dog lie she is the best and we love her so try and use your precious time that is if you have one for something good that will move the guild A.G.N the show most go onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
@My Turn, It seems you ve nt heard of "UNMERITED FAVOUR" before??? By dear that is GRACE @ work. The RACE is nt to d swift...
Please anyone who want the position as the president of the Actors Guild of Nigeria should be ready to do more than what I.B is doing oooooooooooo all this long story we don't need them when its time for the next election abeg make una buy forms we go help una ministry grow ok live I.B alone she is the best if them like make them make her senior special adviser to the president all na appointment and na her achievements so all you haters please do some reasonable with your time that is if you have one. A.G.N the show most go onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
Why is it dat women can neva support each other bt will always wants to bring others down? Did any body eva stop u from contesting for the seat? Why cant u celebrate her and give her advice as a mother instead of saying rubbish.For the rest of ur life u can neva achieve what she has done.As for those u are saying U have a music director as a son,let me inform u dat Ibinabo's son also plays football for juniour Arsernal so take note.
Ibinabo ibinabo ibinabo d show most go on nd d show is going on. In d history of AGN nd d world at large, today ibinabo is a brand name jst like cocacola despite d fact dat she hs few movies to her credit said clarion she hs come along way to unit d whole quild wit her gifted wisdom nd ability in which in time to come will never be erradicated in d history of AGN. Yes clarion,whr wr u wn she ws contesting for d presidency in AGN?as a woman never demonstrate gratitude wit moderation. Its a sign of mediocrity. Ibinabo has build d guild wit a long lasting legacy dat time can never change.clarion u wnt to be noticed nd its politically accepted. In dis case am pleading wit my president Queen ibinano to pls gv clarion a political appointment as a messager in AGN national secretariate to balance d equation. Thrfor clarion bewere nd be warned dat ibinabo is one of d pillar of d nation nd need no distractions bt prayers nd God's protection to achieve all vital goals dat will benefit d youth,d guild nd d nation at large. Clarion respect urself nd ur son's long built reputation in d industry. AGN. Progress.Ibinabo d show most go on as u see d invinsible n do d imposible. Marx kayode j Adden.
It is very foolish of clarion to run to d social media to express her frustration. If ibinabo gts favor frm d president to move AGN forward its bcos of her hard work. Abeg no use president ibinabo shine. Leadership is nt meant for little minds like u clarion. AGN. Pregress
Guys pls ask mama clarion to tell u d last time she attended an AGN meeting. Am not joking bt am sure she won't remember. For an old woman like her to go pulling down a young lady who is spending sleepless night to take AGN to d nxt level am disappointed. Nw I knw clarion is as wicked as d movies she acts mtchww. Clarion pls go gt a life
D board sits once in three months. So wht d hell r u guyz talking abt. We shld be more educated dan dis.
Old fool. Am disappointed in this bitch woman called clarion. at her age she does not know that board appointment is not a full time job. Jealous of a performer. what have u contributed to the development of AGN. Always brewing crisis with ur dead brains. What Ibinabo has done in AGN in one year, u can do it in 20yrs. Popularity is not in the number of films acted but how has the film impacted on the society. U dont have to act in 1 million movies to become AGN president fool. Since u have been acting how many awards have u received, jealous woman. Go and die and leave Ibinabo alone.
Clarion Chukurah is an embarrassment to Nollywood. I never knew she is just a big fool. How can u comme to social media and disgrace urself over a woman who is performing to change peoples's lives. Ibinabo has change the face of AGN and improved on the welfare of members. She is building capacity in the Guild and putting lasting structures then this rabble rouser called clarion wahala is asking to resign over a mere Board appointment. Continue to wallop in jealousy cos she will soon become a minister. U are too big for this disgrace clarion. Do even know where AGN Secretariat is? Have u paid your dues since 2001? aaaah clarion never knew u were such a bitchy fool. Go get a life. Leave Ibinabo our President alone.
This clearly shows that Clarion is just jealous..saying things like this at her age berates her knowledge and understanding of the industry. she should just grow up. Let Ibinabo be. Dont use Ibinabo to gain relevance
Aunty Clarion, ur jealousy is glaring. U cannot be relevant if in this way. Its Ibinabo's time and she is doing well. Get ur facts right.
Bad belle in nollywood..aunty clarion, titles dont make gud leadership quality. Ibinabo is endowed. She has leadership quality. just leave her alone.
Madam jealous..why didnt u contest for agn president? U are just jealous of her...Get a life and look for anoda old man to marry
Aunty Clarion, ur jealousy is glaring. U cannot be relevant if in this way. Its Ibinabo's time and she is doing well. Get ur facts right.
Let me start by saying its a shame that the President appointed a known lesbian yet,the bans gay acts in Nigeria. Ibinabo is LESBIAN right from her secondary school. or will i say bi sexual? cos she also did guys den too sef. I can understand her Leading the guild, as most of them are morally bankrupt, but not the presidency... this jus means that anything goes. Whoever challenges dis gist will make me call names of her Lesbian partners when she was in FGGC New Bussa.
Dis Clarion woman alwayz attacking AGN's president., Does she want d appointment??? She seems pained 2 me...
Calm down Maamm....Is she still an actress??
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