I have black spots down there. It all started when I used shaving stick, first it was bumps. I managed to get rid of that but the spots won't go, Please what can I do to clear these spots? I'm not comfortable with it at all.Whitenicious won't help? #justasking...:-)
Contact my girl Dencia.. if you are anti-dencia, then lupita cant help you at this time sorry lol
Use iron sponge 2 scrub then us jik 2 rinse,trust me u will not c black sport ever again! #muchlove
Whitenicious will sooo help @ diz stage..... Dencie over 2 u,linda u sure sey d fin no go bleach her punani?
I have some terrible bumps down there and is so irritating. I need like help too
I wonder people ask LIB this kind of question when they can make research on google but since u asked I made some research on your behalf..... Mix two tea spoon of jik, 1 ajinomoto, 3 table spoon of ariel and half cup of car battery water. Rob it morning and night before bed. Thank me later
Just leave t to nature!
~D great anonymous!
Semen is good for it, use either Ur boyfriend or husbands own
Use Skineal or Funbact A
Any1 who need my nude pic hit mai name.
I don't expect any learned person to ask such question in this age and era when Google is your friend
If you still need ans then here it is
A good antibiotic cream (bacitracin, mupirocin, etc.) should resolve most razor bumps; the dark spots will slowly fade on their own. It's better, though, to prevent razor bumps in the first place by using a single-blade razor, which won't give you as close a shave, but that's the idea; shaving too close is what causes razor bumps in the first place.
Lmao.... This Whitenicious don suffer finish... See, if yu use Whitenicious u no go ever escape cancer of the vigina and beside the hospital in ur city might help yu solve the problem.....
Simply buy epiderm cream (tube). It is sold for just N200. apply morning and night on the affected area after bath. Trust it works effectively. Also learn not to scratch down there after shave.
Allow the hair to grow
I dont think dats a thing to joke about. Why bring whitenicious here? As far as im concerned dat rubbish product shld be extinct already
Please and me i have this dark spots at one side of my face. I have used several products and they just tend to bleach and not do the wrk. Please if u have ever used anything that cleared ur dark spots please tell me!! And pls dont suggest whitenicious?? Pls give ur honest suggestions tank u!
Lizard feaces....#thankmelater#
Thats why is not advisable to cut ur hair in those areas bcos God knw the reason why he put them there at the first place.... but yu could have use scissors other than the shaving stick.... Still on still, sorry for the unfortunate incidence....
Thats why is not advisable to cut ur hair in those areas bcos God knw the reason why he put them there at the first place.... but yu could have use scissors other than the shaving stick.... Still on still, sorry for the unfortunate incidence....
I have that problem too. I discovered it's ingrown hair. Very annoying
Use Dencia's whitenecious! lol!
Lol!! Funny question, pls dnt use whitenicious sha
It won't O...don't allow Dencia convince U.....use original DOVE cream nd soap
~Beautiful lopez~
Lol....whitenicious?hell no! I used to have dark spots down there too wen I was using a shaving stick.so I switched to scissors and the result is amazing.no itches and dark spots
Use jik.
Down where ?
I think u should just leave it cos its a very sensitive area and besides only ur boyfriend gets to see it. if he truly loves you, he'll appreciate u the way u are
I don't know. I want to know too
I used to have them and all I did was to stop using shaving sticks. Girl invest in clippers and say bye bye to bumps and spots.
Stop shaving, hairless pussy is always ugly. I don't shave except if I'm meeting a Guy for the first time.
use ur bf semen robb it on dat area three x for six weeks den cum back & tell me hw it wrks gud lock.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY
Any woman wey stil dey put razor for her totoh in the present century is jst smthing else! Wot hapnd to VEET? Enjoy ur dark spots jare.
Hahaha...m sory dear I have no idea.
Use dusting powder
Down wherever? Ok u can use aboniki
Lolz @whitenicious won't help? Linda u re very funny. Dear poster, how long have d spots lasted or re u worrying unnecessarily? If its just two months or thereabt, I suggest u gv it som tim. It'll clear wt time but if u can't leav it alone, use Funbact A. Its effective.
NEPA take light down there? I can imagine the blackness.
Total contrast between your face and down there. lol
I'm kidding :)
Original natural honey.
You can use CarotoneBSC. (BlackSpotRemover) it remove black spot, it work 4 me dat what I use 2 clear my own, n it just #500
Leave it
I had same issue too, bt wen I used veet eveytin gone, wen applyin mk sure u avoid ur clits.
Lmao kuruna tinz!!! Omo super blue omo, washes even brighter and it shows!
Buy pure glow baby
Pls how did u get rid of D bumps?? Pls I need an answer
Use dencia's whitenicious!!! Dats d ansa 2 all d back. Spot wahala! If u doubt me ask Dencia #wink#.
use freshly squeezed lemons twice daily u can add a little baking soda keep away from your vagina. trust me it works you dnt ve to buy creams or soaps
Use shea butter cus it solves all problems
Just let the hair grow out well before u shave, like 3month without shaving if u can, then when next u wanna shave, u can wax or if u are gonna shave, use a shaving stick with one blade and shave in just one direction. It always better u shave from up to down.
Rem for now don't shave ur hair completely until those bumps or black spot are gone.
Also Google why u have them and remedies, with that u will know what u are doing wrong.
Don't bother your self with them, they will clear on their own if u stop doing the wrong thing.
She must be rily desperate to have brought it to LIB...
Go for facial!
Whitenicious all the way girl!
sounds much like it! pls contact white girl dencia
Y evul
DENCIA all the way for best result! say goodbye to dark spots n hyper-pigmentation. worked for me lol
chemical peel! If u live in the US, TCA peel I will suggest!
leave the spot there abeg before u go and complicate the whole thing,afterall u're the only one seeing it....abi u get husband?
hmmmm...i really dunno...buh u nat white na...twill clear with time....keep having yo bath, and keeping the area dry....
Try electroylsis..painful but it removes the hair cells from beneath the skins and that is possibly what is causing the blackheads #seriousanswer
Okay, whitenicious work for evrything, right? Na soso bleaching u go bleach ur pu**y o
If dencia nor fit duam ,use omo and red oil Te rub DAT part every evening 4 eight days. Thank me later. Mr_melvin-say so. ODIGIE
If u use a bleaching cream down there then u are inviting stretch marks!.. Let it be,.. U are not de only one wt it!.. Abi u de sample am?
dencia see ur customer ohhhhh....whitenicious for black spot, if u try and d spots no comot abeg look for lupita to help u..
Like seriously blogs can't have all the answers sweetheart. U own a smart phone so am sure u r a lil bit educated. #make google ur friend#
dencia see ur customer ohhhhh....whitenicious for black spot, if u try and d spots no comot abeg look for lupita to help u..
Lmao.....see comment
Why would u want to. Get rid a down spot down there in the first place? *hiss* #OverSabi
anonymous 4:33 u re so funny. No b only iron sponge & jik.. Hahahahaha. Mk she manage am nw, dat won,t stop ur real man frm doing d egbongi & luvng u lol..
Lmao @ 'use iron sponge'...u r wicked o
Use skin doctor ingrow go Lotion available at Boots..
Use Skin Doctors ingrow go Lotion available at Boots, uk or buy online at boots.co. uk
Can't help, sorry.
Pls don't try any bleaching cream down there, if u do, stretch mark will pay u a wonderful visit!.. Let it be!.. U are not de only one wt it,. Abi u de sample am?
Witnicious ke u wan dat place to be white lyk dencia while uar dark or chocolate go see a cream specialist
my sister, please use Pure Extra-Virgin coconut oil. for more information on how to get it and use, call this number 08181697001
You guys don't help pple at alllllll.Always commenting unnecessary things.Nne /Nna plz use skineal ok. Via Cicero
Go see a dermatologist my dear. Also, shave with shaving stick or get laser hair removal, in grown hair after healing can cause dark spots. There is a medical term for that and can be cleared, please dont use bleaching cream. Also, try to loose some weight to reduce the thigh-clapping and dont wear overly tight clothing, those add to the irritation that leads to black spots.
OK on a serious note, how does one get rid of black patches in between the thighs (ibotan). I find it totally unsexy. And it's such commonplace in Nigerian girls
I find dis funi, jes lv it.. wit tym yu'll b fyn.
See a dermatologist. My sister had same problem.
Bleach ur down there...how about dat
U r bad just like ur name!..buhahahahahaha
@ Poster,sorry,dear.
Contact Dencia*winks*
Linda trust me,you won't like being a guest to Dencia's wrath.I have a feeling this post was meant to ridicule Dencia's whitenecious.Thread with caution pls
What's the best tool for shaving down there?
Lol,very funny........... see a professional dear
Uti nwachukwu speaks on his first s*xual encounter, says he could not where to put it
No mind anony4:33 pm o. Jik will only make it more obvious. Use acid wash am jare.
Call Dencia..Lol
Anon 4:33pm your are so so funny. use iron sponge and jim lmao. make una help a sister nag. loool
Dencia or that other of linda's girl.
It marvles me @ d level people seek attention dis days, why bring private issues in public? Na wa o.
Try funbat A and if dat doesn't work try using Ori or fair and white and if any of dose does not work den am sorry 2 say dis but I tink it's permanent and oh least I 4get also try epiderm(but I don't rely like d cream it bleaches)
So nah punani tins,una wan start to bleach hia na wa oh. Use acid.
Ahan! Dencia to the rescue. follow me on twitter @vivio_gogo
lool. pls pls don't use whitenicious or any kinda bleaching agent it's just going to cause even more harm than what you think u have now. The best bet is to STOP using shaving sticks n start waxing. Yes waxing. it may hurt a little bit the first time, but with more waxes,it gets less painful. If u ever want to have a clean,fresh,smooth pussy free of spots, waxing is your best bet.
Onweghi ihe mmadu agaghi anufo.
Shey she dey walk naked??..y care soo much abt a spot down there. . Making you uncomfortable, call it a blessing in disguise might keep you grounded for the right man. One tht wouldn't mind the spot.
*My R1.50c comment *
I think the dark spots will give your fanny character. Don't worry about it.
U r in d wrong place for help but I pray a matured mind will answer u dear(meemee).
Iron sponge n jik. Who does that????
1st of all let me have d picture den I can advice.Pls, send it Asap.Wink...
I feel dis advice.. Am running to go and try it.. Lmfao
Try applying lemon juice on it
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Use bleach with iron sponge
Sorry my dear u better see a doctor b/4 it get worst
Don't clean shave down there. And I'll suggest you don't use a blunt shaving stick. For every shave, use a new one.
If the hair there is hard, consider wetting with some soap and water first. And make sure you towel well after shaving. Just be careful. It should dissappear naturally.
I would have suggested using a clipper too, if you can get a battery powered one, it could help. Black spot just show you're allergic sort of to blades or sticks.
Try lime(squeeze out the jiuce)and honey on the spots.works on the ,i hope the same for there.
Try Bump Sniper. It's effective
Rub deMatol on ur clitoris
I suggest HYPO.
Why are you so worried though? I mean its not like you've got the spots on your face or something...or are you a Pussy Model? LMAO
IF you get bumps after shaving…you should use 'tend skin' which is usually used by black men for shaving bumps. it really helps! And also to reduce getting bumps its advisable to do a hot wax instead.
Dark spots will fade eventually because u grow new skin every 6 weeks or so. However, u must exfoliate that area…so use scrubs…like tea tree oil(body shop) or vitamin c.
U got rid of d bumps!!! How? Pray tell! I have bumps I dunno how to get rid of! #sadface#
I would have said Dencia bu u hate her nii
Hair remover creams are the best.
No bumps no spots just flesh lol.
Am serious though worked for me.
Dencia come c customer!!! Over 2 u.
Try hypo.. It will help.
Come my house I go fit help clean am commoth. Just give me a call,0806253231
L̳̿Ö̤̣̇☺ː̗̀(=)))ː̖́☺Ö̤̣̇L̳̿@Linda if whitenicious won't help! Girl whatever U̶̲̥̅̊ wanna use make sure it doesn't affect U̶̲̥̅̊ in future bcos U̶̲̥̅̊ know that's Α̲̅ delicate area.
whitenicious sure will......lolz
Use hypo,or mayb I shud cum and help u suck d spots commot.
advance toning cream or gel from makari will take those spots off
trust me, i have them too and they are all gone
Time ll clear it. Don't go and use things that ll hurt u.
Start rubbing skineal anti-fungi cream...it will sure go. I tried it n it worked!!!
Hot water will help
Linda u sure say no b u dey find solution so
Use condom
I wonder o. They jus enjoy being insulted shaa libers i jus shaved nd its itching me its it normal? mtshhewwww
Stop using a shaving stick and use shaving cream. If you really need to use a stick, shave with a downward stroke. Same advice for armpits. Since I got this advice, no bumps and the spots would clear
Sometimes I wonder what many people has got under their dresses anyway let's keep some as secrets & tell some to the Doc however the black spots yu ve got there is nt a disease but if yu are the type that freak day & night without ceasing pls consult a skin care expert to avoid stories that touch
Lmao....if i hear
Popular Nollywood Actress caught in the Hotel with her producer
My dear plsss use veet n wash ur private very well,it wil help ok
Lmao here...men pple are so funny.
A beg na down where you mean? shey for toh toh....lolzz
Jik,Ajinomoto,ariel detergent αηδ battery water?,all these on somebody's pussy just to clear off spots??,U̶̲̥̅̊'re a bad αηδ inconsiderate KILLER!! Instead of U̶̲̥̅̊ to advice her to go for "vagina black spots deliverance",U̶̲̥̅̊ gave a killing advice..nawah 4u Ooº°˚!
what happen to google. Pls Linda we dont want stupid questions on this blog o.
Jst get some one to give u a head on
dats all...No skin pain & d difference will b clear
Even spiritual problems too???
Start using shea butter as ur lotion, the spot will gradually fade off
I don't why u don't like posting my comment....na wah for u o linda
Yu no get sense sha
Yu no get sense sha
Linda oooo hahahaha. U don start again. I sight u with ur black spot. Linda this questionis from you. I was once in your shoe anyway. use igbe maalu or cow faeces. It work fast.
Rub vaseline every night before u sleep. it will vanish with time.
Don't mind Dis pple just use tura soap,salt nd lemom on it everyday,it must clear within 2weeks
I have a female cleanser n pill dat will clear dat up within few days.email amikyz@yahoo.com if u ar interested
I have female cleanser n pill dat will clear dat up within few days,email amikyz@yahoo.com if u ar interested
Am gaining the good advice from this topics. Thanks girl
VEET is not meant for d genital area...
U mean its lik efe nathan own...call dencia hotline asap...or use lemon juice rub dere..na local whitencious
must you shave? why not grow out the hair and keep it trimmed. that way, the spots wont be obvious.
maybe you should try bleach
The girl is dealing with something serious and y'all are making jokes! Any way my dear, this happens a lot to women more especially women of colour. Our hairs are usually thick and so most times than often we'll developed in grown hairs when u shave, which leads to the bumps and black spot. Here's things u can do? U can embrace it the way it is, get a Brazilian or bikini wax instead of shaving with a stick, if you are wealthy u can opt for laser hair removal and lastly, u can buy over the counter topical treatments that help control in grown hairs and prevent shaving bumps. I hope this helps.
Like some1 has said use lemon and crusader soap for 2 or 3 weeks, it would clear, all these LIB reader can be so annoying, someone need advice, una de make jest of her
That's courteous, I applaud you
DENCIA 2 DA RESCUE.................
Please next time you want to ask such question, show us for we to know best prescription that will be fit for u. Lol
Go n get Clearzit sold for 1K,it. Really Good removes black spot am also using it
look for Sebamed clear face soap,anti pimple gel and the face wash...it works very well. Just go to a supermarket dt stock quality foreign products.
Use Shea butter...
Oh shut up.
You that is smart and know should educate her.
ITK oshi
i feel we shouldnt laugh about other peoples woes.
Tell yur b.f/husby to pour sperm on it
Anon 4:38pm,u gat me rolling on d floor wit laff....ldkm...
Allow the hair to grow for something then shave with shaving cream or use clipper or razor but don't let it touch your skin it seems your skin is too tender or delicate same applies to men that shave their beard some get bumps and dark spots others don't just apply what i have just said and you will surely get a positive result.
LIB is not the best place to ask this kinda question... There are loads of immature minds here... U can't confide in them, they think everything is funny... The best thing for you to do is to search google.. You are gonna see the best solution and advise there.
na wa oo... see wetin dis wn dey complain abt. lolx!
Dats is d best tins.after dat pls use dettol rinse or iodine rinse am.i swear u no go c d spot again.
Better stil,she can her neighbour for semen.d best solution ever.if u can't get go to d next house.i am sure sm1 wil b willing to give free of charge. Tank mi later
Get the NEO-MEDROL from your chemist. I'll do the magic!
Use Original Amos white spot remover,d one in a small blue pack.its a transparent round cotainer with a blue cover.it works like magic,it cleared all my spots in 2weeks
use a two mouth blade, dont shave pushing the hair back into its place of growth as that causes ingrowth, thus d bumps. apply funbact-A immediately after shaving on the shaved area, be it down dere or d armpit.thank me later.
Na linda ask d qustn no bi any LIB reader. Gurl y shall u shy. Jst pour fresh palmwine on d affectd area & live to dry
Jst leave it
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