Annie Idibia shares breastfeeding pic in celebration of Mother's Day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 30 March 2014

Annie Idibia shares breastfeeding pic in celebration of Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all mums in the world.



Y she dey hide d flat boobs na,like say d tin still stand

Anonymous said...

Too cute

Anonymous said...

Good one annie #bright bravo#

Anonymous said...

Y she no show us everytin, dis lady is a weirdo!

H S C said...

Cute momma moment. Happy mothers' day to my mommy

Angie said...

All for show!.... Which time does she get to breastfeed? ?; as she's always at every party in town. .
smh for this girl sef!

*My R1.50c comment *

Anonymous said...

Annie u wana suffocate the child bcos u don't wana xpose ur nipple. Our mothers did do dat. HMD tho

sexy eve said...

Nice one dear

Hypertek IshOlawale said...

Oooooow.....lovely but am not seeing any breast tho lol. Congrats to all mothers in diaspora.

Zenki brown said...

I hope dat baby will nt suffocate??? HMD

Faith Ogaga said...

HApi Mothers Day!

Anonymous said...

hapi mother's day to u & all d beauriful mother's around d world.#THAT AKWA IBOM BOY

Anonymous said...

Annie get dis Ngbeke look anytime anyday,real ibom chic, no billion dollars can change dat. Happy for d baby cos breast milk exclusively for d first 6month is d best

Unknown said...

Dis girl can do anything to be in news.

licious said...

Olivia is really enjoying her mama breast... Annie babi.. Luv u always, first 2 comment hehhheheheh

Anonymous said...

Soooo cute

Unknown said...

Annie,do u wanna suffocate that child because u're covering your mammary glands?Then why not open it so the baby can enjoy..Please don't do this next time or better still don't publicize it.

bie said...

I jus knew linda will make this a news...

Amarachukwu. said...

Happy mothering sunday.

bie said...

I just knew linda will make this news...

Unknown said...

Can that child breath???she covered the baby's face with her top...lmao...cute though...

Anonymous said...

Indeed. Happy Mother's Day!

ary said...

She for show booby.

Anonymous said...

She for show d main tin na :(

Woman who went out at night without Pa'nts

L.K said...

Great! But dis Annie sef,her beauty seems 'on&off'.

Anonymous said...

She should stop showing us that her tatooed flat breast

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Happy Mothers day to u too

Anonymous said...

Nice concept. Biko no suffocate that pikin oooo. Happy mothers day 2 u & every responsible mother out there. God bless Naija. Linda am I d 1st 2 comment?

Unknown said...

...way to go gal!...set the pace for the young generations. Not only about the hype, but also doing some real and natural stuffs like motherhood! ...thumbs up!


And why is she covering it? Mscheeeew!
BTW happy mother's day to my lovely mum and all mothers world over

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Unknown said...

If u can share something like this Annie, must u cover ur TOKUNBO breast? ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥ 

Eugenia Ekeji said...

Happy Mother's Day to all Mothers.

last baby said...

That's good of her

Anonymous said...

eeeeyah. how sweet. i like.

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Unknown said...

Wetin she dey cover

Mba9 said...

Happy Mothers' Day dearest Annie

Sylvonce said...

Hian! Ooo chim

Unknown said...

I tot she will do Kourtney's style n pump

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This woman sha!!

Anonymous said...

So swit

Debbie Chelsea said...

Lolz......dat's all i can say!!!!

Eddy Ogbunambala said...


Anonymous said...

Annie,lacks class. Must u be in d news all d time. I tink its better u upload d pics of u and tubaba doing it on d bed. Omo oju ori ola ri, ti o so ola ni iyonu.

Anonymous said...

Y she cover d bobi na, I most post pic mtchew. No b ur fault,na joblessness dey mk me read dis kind article

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to b a mother tooo

Unknown said...

Cuz she's breastfeeding n trying to hide her saggy boobs, she wants to choke d baby abi??? Abeg let d baby breathe jare

Anonymous said...

Y are we not seeing Τ̲̅ђe breast na..dnt like it jor ː̗̀=Dː̖́•‎​​​​​ℓσℓz•ː̗̀=Dː̖́•‎​​​​​ *winks*

Anonymous said...

Why closing the breast and ur babies face show us like hollywood copy copy cat

Unknown said...

Hun!!!! I was expecting to see sum goodies!!! Nah...

Eby said...

Nice one Annie,happy mothers day

Unknown said...

Annie, happy mother's day, but please stay away from media.

Unknown said...

Annie, happy mother's day. but please my dear stay away from media for your children sake. You are already in polygamous home, try to protect your children from unnecessary noise. said...

Aww cute!

Anonymous said...

I thank God for my mum.happy mother's day to you mum.You are the best in the whole world.there could have never be another lovely mother like you.

Okoro said...

Awww! This is great! Happy Mother's day.

Anonymous said...

a real mother doesnot hide her breast when breast feeding her baby even in public

Unknown said...

Happy mothers day Annie, and, ofcourse, my mum.... Mum you know you are the best in the u soooooooo much. Lilly, one day we'll be wishing you this u know, abi u no like am?

Anonymous said...

Shey na like that dem dey pose breastfeed?

Anonymous said...

Dats good

Apple said...

Good for her.

Anonymous said...

gud fr u

Unknown said...

Lolz,same 2 her bur wats she hiding nw...Nt lookin as if she s breastfeedin...lolz

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow,so byutiful

Anonymous said...

Annie that's very good of you, happy mother's day!! Mummy Ada

Anonymous said...

Annie my love, please dnt suffocate this baby oh!!!

Anonymous said...

Madam idibia,I guess you are on baby friendly o.lmao.Anyways,I luv this cos is adviceable.Demy

Anonymous said...

Rock joor Nice one cuteRead How This Girl Leak Her Own Pictures Online

Unknown said...

Must every thing be news?

Unknown said...

U can show ur thighs but hide ur boobs yle breastfeeding. Doesn't mk sense

Anonymous said...

Some libers r soooo stupid. Must u always make ur ignorance known. Smh

Anonymous said...

Omor, people can be so mean and rude! If she had opened her breast, y'all would have called her names and insulted her. Can you not see the baby's head from the pic? How's the baby suffocating? Is Olivia's nose not on her face? Is it on her tummy? The amount of hate in people creep me out sometimes. Tufiakwa!!!

Anonymous said...

Abeg make una all shut d f up,awon beefers of life oshi,so y'all actually tink she is suffocating her baby,jt bcos d pix looks still does not means it actually looks dat way...very daft and stupid peers on diz blog

Anonymous said...

Smbdy saiz Annie is already in polygamous home. U well???
Abi 2face marry anoda wife??? Taaaaaaaah... ds pics is so cute. totalli loved it wen I saw it on IG... whch 1 be suffocating d baby and blah... ppl just talk anyhw.

Anonymous said...

You are so stupid!

Anonymous said...

I can categorically tell u dat she's not breast feeding the poor girl.

Anonymous said...


AnnMarie said...

happy mother's day

Anonymous said...

I don't think she's breastfeeding,i guess d baby is asleep.

Anonymous said...

Just admit that u want 2 see boobs... smh 4 u

Anonymous said...

Shut up abeg, to think that u re a mum urself, y d hate? Ewu gambia.

Anonymous said...

@Adisa, pls shut ur Tokunbo mouth. Brother agbaya.

Anonymous said...

Polygamous home? ROTFLMAO, didn't know 2baba had other wives? Hahahaha @Grace Abiola Phillips, na ogbanje de worry oh, hahahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! Abeg no kill me with Ngbeke look o "ROTFL

Anonymous said...

Why is she covering a breast she has exposed several times in some indecent clothings.Now when it comes to breastfeeding she wanna be modest.Bloody hypocrite.

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Wetin na she wan suffocate d poor baby bcos she wan snap? Na wa ooO

Unknown said...

U be ode,u don see her boobs b4 ni?

Anonymous said...

So mumus like you still exists on earth? So for your sorry life, you've never seen a privacy wrap before? No wonder...nah so so breast your mama dry comot throwey for you inside bus. Eiyaa. Thank you Annie jare. May we reap the goodness of our hard work on our children and husbands. Happy Mothers Day

Anonymous said...

Wow so lovine dis.... Never u mind all dis bad belle people. Happy mother's day 2 u too....

annonymous said...

Atleast there is a good reason for her breast to sag, u nko? Wotz d reason fr ur own saggd boby, bitch

Anonymous said...

She is a mum u dnt xpect breast shd b standin she is not 12 nor 17 no more,breast wen stand go fall unless na plastic surgery. Bring ur mum let's c her own

Blunt Fuck said...

Annie, it would have been nice to show a bit of your breast. All covered, I don't like this photo.

Anonymous said...

@Jessica Ani. She is a news maker, while you are a news reader. See the difference?

Anonymous said...

Anty b lyk dis mother dey breastfeed oooooo #noluv@all in urs, ask ur mum

Olubukola Ozone said...

Wow... So lovly. Kip it up Annie, I love on behalf of 2baba

Anonymous said...

Y she dey show dat SAGGING breast na

Anonymous said...

All of una won cee breast abi? U all most be very stupid n sick

SaphicDerrida said...

When good morals take flight, people open their straws and the only reasonable thing that is excreted are venoms of hateful words...
It takes nothing to appreciate people...
BTW, if you wanna see a pair of tube, go get a girlfriend or a wife...

Anonymous said...

Ugly or fine she is the one that made him write ''LYTID'', she is the one marrying the rich guy. not you or your sister.Don't forget she did not post the pic on LIB. It was posted cause you love gossip. lol

Anonymous said...

what can anyone do 2 satisfy u pple,d lst tym she was naked,now 2 covered. Cnt u jst be true 2urself 4 once! Y all dis empty hatred on Annie? Mst evry1 b extra beautiful 2 win ur lov? Are u all perfect? Am tired of all ur shit talk. Y cant we jst appreciate our selves nd let go,picking on evry little bt no mistakes. Wetin una be God? Am sure dat anon who cald her a bastard,prostitute is a bitch& mad WOMAN,did she fuck ur moda? U are d idiot,bitch,asswhole,whore,madwoman! Annie u rock!! Haters go nd rot! Senarita say so.

Anonymous said...

Please pass this information to Tuface.
1. The babe he got into an accident with 9years ago because of his reckless driving and she injured her gum, needs an operation which cost 800k, he should contact her on 08188817567, please he should assist or she will loose all her teeth

Unknown said...

She shudnt have covered her boobs now..hehehehehe

Unknown said...

Shut up your wife own go fall one day!! Abi your mama own never fall?? isi ewu

Unknown said...

Tatooed boobs too

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the most stupid comments I've read here. Someone actually said a real mother does not hide her breast. A foolish illiterate mother is the one that exposes herself all in the name of breastfeeding. If she had exposed her self at all, everyone would call her a prostitute. The picture is actually very classy and properly done. And those who are asking if she wants to suffocate her baby, you really cant win, can u?

jay said...

It's now so obvious that it's mostly juvies that coment on Linda's blog. Haven't u guys ever heard of a breastfeeding cape before on ur life? That's what Annie is wearing and it is designed to make breastfeeding a discreet experience, infact she's actually wearing a top underneath it so it's not like she lifted her top to breastfeed the baby.

Anonymous said...

@ Dangerouz you re sick wit mental problem for saying dt. U own way stand who know u?

Anonymous said...

One thing for Sure..
I Owe my Children a GOOD MUM.
Happy mother's day to MUMMIES.
Is so Obvious MUM's love for their Children
is Strong like a River so Long.
If there's anything u wanted
just point it, Cos ur SON '2LITY' I wouldn't waste time to kill it..
> 2LITY <

Anonymous said...

Wow. A lot of people that read and comment on this bkog are ignitant and unexposed.

Pls type the word nursing cover into google......get yourselves enlightened

Scholes said...

I wonder why some peeps can't make a reasonable comment void of envy and bitterness! HMD Annie, love ur concept.

Anonymous said...

She for show us the breast na ? Happy mothers *Nkey*

Anonymous said...

all u making negative comments are all fools, ur still living in the 10th century. who in the 21st century doesnt no dt ds is how ppl breastfeed their children in public.hopeless dr any mother whose breast has not fallen or ur galfrnds n sisters dt has flushed out the babies in their wombs that has firm boobs.this picture portrays a real african woman n yet u all ar dr sittn trash wt dt dsgusting gutter u call a mouth. bad belle

Anonymous said...

Na wa oo!! See haters all up in dis place!! Y'all shld give her a break! Only an ignorant hater will say she wnts 2 suffocate d child! Ah! Ah! D hate is 2 much na! If she showed boobs, u'll shout dat she did! She didn't ur still sour abt it! Y'all shld tk a chill pill! Fact is she's d one 2face loves! Deal wit it!

Anonymous said...

i tire for una sha,u pple want her to expose her boobs for u to see ba?are u guys not tired of seeing breast?well go and watch meheeda,riri,afrocandy,lady gaga etc.leave mrs Idibia alone. Congrats to her.

Anonymous said...

Annie! Stop replying your haters on blogs. You're too big for this.

Anonymous said...

You should also check your spellings before clicking done. Smh

Anonymous said...

Humans are insatiable. If she had exposed the breast in the name of breast feeding, una 4 curse am tire. Now she covered d breast una still dey curse am. Free her jorrr, jealous pple. Una say she bush, she razz, she dis, she dat.....wetin? She fine pass most of una wey dey talk. Happy mothers day Mrs Idibia.

agbajebunmi said...


Anonymous said...

HMD mum,nice one Annie Two faces African queen and my African barbie HMD to you and all to all the beautiful mum out there,you and Olivia rock,Love you,keep doing your thing don't let bad belle people break you down,oh I forgot you are beautiful . the person that said Annie is ugly create a human and see,stupid illiterate,Nigeria youth have a long way to go,so bush,local and full of hate what is the difference between you haters and boko is cheap so people just say what ever without thinking.....learn to love and control your manner less mouth.

Anonymous said...

I tot when one is breast feeding a baby, you need to use the other free hand to hold the breast in a position that will enable the baby suck well??

Anonymous said...

No mind the didi'rin girl. ya own oniranu jatijati . Ur bad belle no go fit carry ya own olivia**** quality bj noni

Anonymous said...

for ma yoruba people"obey has said it all. ko sogbon to le da'kosi iwa to lewu,ko sona to le gba to le fi te aye lorun oooo.ile aye fun igba di e ni o! omo araye(commentators on linda ikeji's blog, e se rere ooooo. adejoke say so

Unknown said...

Awww cute Annie.., me, I sha love this girl

Anonymous said...

Na real wah for una....human beings can never be satisfied. TUFIAKWA!!! * spits

Anonymous said...

But really Annie pls leave news alone just focus on your kids and try and do something out of fame, the truth is your husband is 2face o but mehn too much problem dey follow am boyfriend to everybody, father of all nation girl pls I understand you want to be useful yea you can go back to school open businesses you will be fine. Think about it

Anonymous said...

I remember Annie nau Mobile house, the truth is Annie married 2face because she sef nobody for marry her cos she been dey waka too much. But check it out no girl with her right senses will marry 2face with 8 kids from different women plus the one wey we no know. Annie you Try well done

Anonymous said...

Annie we know you are Married to 2face but mehn I no envy you o cos all these things na for social media, we know say una go dey fight for house wella because of women and more kids outside. The Lord is your strength

Anonymous said...

Annie abeg try padlock 2face's d***k that should be your job and not posting pictures of how you eat, sleep and dress all the time when your husband is busy getting other women pregnant .

Anonymous said...

Annie abeg try padlock 2face's d***k that should be your job and not posting pictures of how you eat, sleep and dress all the time when your husband is busy getting other women pregnant .

Anonymous said...

Lindo lindo respect your self and post my comment am a big fun of Annie,post my first that I was wishing her a happy mothers day . go Annie you rock and you are forever two baba's African queen.

Anonymous said...

If he no marriage oda wives wetin d children come polygamous children all 2face kids re all out of wedlock d only legitimate na d one wen dey suck breast#oliva#,all this will stop if Annie chill a little from d media mk ppl woda were u dey like toke is doing Ve she Eva heard of Mary remy no b say her own hubby nor own 2 ANNIE hear word

Anonymous said...

Is so obvious that Annie replies messages that hurts, u brought this upon yourself, there re others celebs wives u hardly hear abt learn from them oooo

Anonymous said...

Its becos they wish they were in her shoes..they wish they had the things she has. But they can't,becos you will never prosper if the only thing you do is to wish others bad!

omolola said...

Annie is just trying to pull a Gisele bunchen stunt....only that we saw gisele's boob. copy cat things

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

D guys can b ignored cus dey have fish brains,but 4 u gals wu are mothers by defaulth even som of u are yet to hav making silly commets mtcheeew #one question is ur mama's breast stil firm,tink b4 u talk..

Anonymous said...

So... annie should show her breast to the public just because she is breastfeeding?. At least she is teaching and encouraging the young ones to breast feed. WELL DONE OJARE. ALL THE HATETORS GO AND HANG. SHE IS LIVING HER LIFE WELLU

Anonymous said...

Yu guys should leave my sister alone! Bad belle people,if one do good u talk and if she does bad u wld talk! Thumbs up Annie love u so much

Anonymous said...

It is a cape,u get to feed the baby even when ur hubby's frnd's r there and the dnt get to see ur breast, fucking maniacs,I use it,my frnd Doyin of does..... sick ,local good for nothing pple

lightzillion said...

Nice one dear

Anonymous said...

#Motherhood In Style #Magazine #Jumia #Konga #Parenting Tips

Anonymous said...

Imagine pukin d sleep ü say ü dey breastfeed! Abeg HIDE

Unknown said...

Yipeee! I love the concept. Makes me wanna have another baby u know...........

Anonymous said...

I don't all of u dat comment against her,its not every1 dat have common sense that is not common.paboos

Anonymous said...

All i knw is vry s00n linda will get married n b a m0da...l0ve u plenty plenty D0ris aka DI0

Anonymous said...

All i knw is vry s00n linda will get married n b a m0da...l0ve u plenty plenty D0ris aka DI0

Bollyy2k2 said...

If she show off her breast u pple will abuse her and now dat she express d important of breastfeeding by covering her breast u pple still dey open una dirty mouth to talk. Well i'm mother too, i do hide my breast wen breastfeeding.

Bollyy2k2 said...

If she show off her breast u pple will abuse her and now dat she express d important of breastfeeding by covering her breast u pple still dey open una dirty mouth to talk. Well i'm mother too, i do hide my breast wen breastfeeding.

Bollyy2k2 said...

If she show off her breast u pple will abuse her and now dat she express d important of breastfeeding by covering her breast u pple still dey open una dirty mouth to talk. Well i'm mother too, i do hide my breast wen breastfeeding.

MY TURN said...

ahhhh na wa o

Anonymous said...

Annie na big gal, so all u haters dey talk trash...mtcheew

Anonymous said...

I hear you. So one should become nude in public all in the name of breastfeeding? Well done. Wetin take my husband time, bride price to see I ll do free show. Okay ooo. Annie ojare.... continue. After all, veiled women breastfeed their babies right inside the veil with no space self

Anonymous said...

Shebis beautiful. Show us face anon 5:54pm. Stop hiding behind anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Y'all should calm down,look at the picture & comment about it! She's holding the baby wrong tho'. And if she was breastfeeding,she wouldn't have covered the face of the baby. It's wrong to do that

Anonymous said...

Way to go Annie.....Like the fact that she's all covered up#Decency.

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