Soliloquies by Charly Boy | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Soliloquies by Charly Boy

An interesting article by Charly Boy. Enjoy...
The journey from the village was very hectic, as I had to travel a dusty road to Owerri before catching the small plane that was made available by the airline. I was famished (not for the snack on board), and needed to just soak myself in bubble bath. 
As soon as I got home from the airport, I rushed into the shower so I could quickly settle to the sumptuous meal quietly waiting for me downstairs at the dining.
I felt relieved with the shower, leaving water streaks on my body and in my birthday suit, I made for my walk-in closet which is right across my open plain bath area. 

Midway, a man stands tall looking right into my eyes.

Ahh, what is this, who are you?

This Male bears a lot of semblance with me, physically and as I will conclude hereafter, psychologically, socially, materially, even spiritually.
How I connect with this being is a spiritual thing! We have a lot in common, too much!

He's sometimes mischievous, just like me, fascinated by magic and hocus-pocus; dogged, stubborn, tenacious and what have you.

Vulnerable in many ways, but he has found grand ways of covering his own back, since not many people will do that for you these days.

I see a lot of me in him.

He gets his hand in almost any and every pie, many times burning not only his fingers; but one thing is, he stands by his actions and intents any day. What he believes in, he resides in. He identifies a good cause and, off he goes; even when others in the same cause begin to drag.

He's a stickler for order and decency, a very organized soul, passionate with whatever he agrees to put his weight behind.

A lot of times, close associates, even family members wonder why he be-labors himself with matters that don't concern him directly, after all, the ‘baddest’ cabals and cartels fear him, no one would dare dare him.

If he believes in you, he can love you forever, stay by you through thick and thin.

A lover of life and living, too meticulous about health and cleanliness; yet he stoops even in the lowest of dungeons to pull up wasting souls wallowing in murky, dirty waters.

Though he has fears, of varying dimensions, he's never afraid to confront them, never afraid to tackle, to dribble, even when he stumbles!

He's the only one who knows how fast his heart beats when he confronts a new challenge or venture, but then, he has mastered the art of dealing with stage fright or shyness that it's so difficult for even his closest skin to believe he can be afraid or shy, in very trying circumstances.

I often tell him he's a Master at his game...very daring!

This dude is not one you may refer to as possessing a handsome face, but he's certainly a Hot Bod (body), spending hours in the gym to ensure that no part is rickety, while donning a skin so smooth and velvety like that of a newborn.

This body is to die for!

He says it himself; he is so vain; dedicating ample time to taking care of his external, so that the true internal is not misrepresented.

I thought I was so hungry and couldn't wait to finish my shower but here I am, standing in front of this man, in the nude, by now the water on me is all dried up, standing in front of this enigma, staring each other in the face!

I realize, I don't just bear a semblance with this Dude, I'm actually he and he is me.

In front of my gigantic antic mirror that stands tall on the wall between my bathroom and my walk-in closet, I stopped to look at the guy in the mirror.
Lost in thought, standing in front of me. I see Me!


Unknown said...

Charly Boy.... We don see u hun...

Unknown said...

A gifted writer that hasn't been recognised

Bonita Bislam said...

....And jst as I rmbr LIB,d ode bgan 2tek shape in ma mind...nice write up Charlie.

nicholas said...

Briliant write up.not bad atall

Anonymous said...

Bro bonario no 4 get me incase D̶̲̥̅̊ money reach U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ hand

dozie said...

Nice article there

Unknown said...

Hmmm...the many sides of charly boy...sometyms u fnk he's dis very bad guy and some oda tyms he's like dis cool guy. Well the main point is we should stop judging ppl dts ppl first b4 u conclude..nice write ups dow..sound poetical!


why the nakedness in the picture...

Watch Nigeria‘s Football Coach, Stephen Keshi‘s, Reaction To The 2014 World Cup Draw In Brazil (Video)


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Rough Diamond said...

Good to know! Sometimes when I look @ myself in d mirror I love wat I see!

african foodmarket said...

2051712498 these is my account number keystone bank

Anonymous said...

Mr charly shaaaa. Always gat sometin to say.

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Bike Packing Blog said...

Really interesting!

PAVOUR said...

Hehehe. The real u standing there n reflecting d crazy u.

Rough Diamond said...

Some goons wont read dis now, they will come here n start yarning dust! Make una give una sef brain Abeg?

Cute G said...

Wouldve preferred somnambulism.anyways great epistle

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Nice write up.. With a deep touch of creativity

dee said...

dis man has an intriguing and intelligent mind...just it came with alot of crazy

pretty chi said...

Wow!nice one charly

Anonymous said...

Qualities you ascribe to yourself is not that which I see in you. You lack all those qualities. Nice writeup.

Anonymous said...

#Mtscheeew,,,I guessed it'll be his reflection,,,,SMH

Anonymous said...

Hmmm lol,u try,but I don't like u,YOU ARE GAY!


Anonymous said...

Unserious man

dee said...

am i first?

Anonymous said...

#yawns# starting to think you, linda and this charly guy are actually shagging yourselves... Cuz I still don't get why you kip posting his "boring" write ups every time. Already knew where he was heading even before I started... #yawns again#

dhobiz said...

He jst dey hype himself

Anonymous said...

#Weird guy

Swaggs isimemen said...

Mtcheeeeew I don't like his doing

Anonymous said...

#Weird guy

Swaggs isimemen said...

Mtcheeeeew I don't like his doing

Unknown said...

very nice write up

Swaggs isimemen said...

Mtcheeeeew I don't like his doing

Swaggs isimemen said...

Mtcheeeeew I don't like his doing

Swaggs isimemen said...

Mtcheeeeew I don't like his doing

Unknown said...

hmmmmnnnnnnn i fit marry charly boy Damn....the man have a way wit words...ok jus kidding i cnt marry him#okbye

Nneka said...

Lol. charly boy. I like your Ego.
"Bbmraisedeyebrow" @ a body to die for. Ibiakwa.

Unknown said...

Hahahaha Mirror on d wall, here we are again *bruno mars' voice* i see nobody else, i see masef *wayne's voice*!Dis man sure knows how 2 write! I lyk his confidence too!

Unknown said...

Hıghly poetıc!.
Good Lord!,ı could read over n over agaın.. After readıng twıce,all dat came 2 my mınd was ' hav u seen d man ın dah mırror'?
I need 2 fınd mıı!
Awesome pıece!

Tiana said...

Waoooo...... Two things came to my head frm d strt, one his talking to d man in d mirror ( and I was right) 2ndly I thaught 4 a yl he ment his dick *covers face! I see dis man bein celebrated like mandela here in Africa.......

Anonymous said...

This man is so eloquent and articulate for all his erratic behaviours....People should start taking a que from Nigerians who are brilliant and true to their crafts and not mediocres and psychophants

Prodigy1 said...

Like ama read that

Anonymous said...

Balderdash!Akuko Mike Ejeagha...Charly,we all need salvation ooooo.

Unknown said...

ummmm,okkk,cant fathom his point....*ONYXGODWIN *

Anonymous said...

Come Linda, dis isn't funny anymore, a lot of pple have become beggers in dis ur blog simply cos u promised some money, see dat u do stin abt it cos it is becoming a lot more embarrassing. Give does u wnt to give and make it open to every1 so dat dey knw nd rest. I beg u

Unknown said...

#Wow awesome#
Kudos to you charly

Unknown said...

About your giving out money.. instead of giving 10 people 100k, why not give 20k to 50people.. that way more people will appreciate you

Unknown said...

Wat r we suppose 2 do wit dis piece Linda ??? who's dying 4 his body??? .........I'm sure his wife!

Anonymous said...

Beautifully written. I love it.
I would have been better ti add a bit of a twist to it, considering that I could tell he was talking about himself from just the second paragraph. What was so great about the soliloquy is that it draws you to want to read further in hopes that a twist will emerge only to be reassured of what you already know. Its captivating, well written, self grandiose with such calm aplomb. I want to say I hate it for the finish, but the fact is, it is beautiful.

Unknown said...

At dis age his still answering charly boy!

Anonymous said...

Dis is cool

Unknown said...

About your giving out money.. instead of giving 10 people 100k, why not give 50 people 20k.. just a suggestion...

Na Me Talk Am!! said...

How any man proudly blows his trumpet beats me!

sharon justman said...

Nice 1 even though I don't really like ur person

Unknown said...

What's that?

Unknown said...

What's that? said...

Nicely done Uncle Charly. Not a lot of people look in the mirror and are comfortable with the image before them. Most people always look for something that needs to be fixed. Until we begin to accept ourselves - the good, bad, and ugly - we cannot harness the full potential behind self confidence and self actualization.

However, the mirror could be deceiving. If you have one of those mirrors that magnify and reduce the actual size.

Bottom line is, keep it real with yourself!

Anonymous said...

mtcheeeeeew! Linda whats this please?

Anonymous said...

Nice narrative...

Anonymous said...

Hehehe, I lyk dat. Infact, I luv it. MAN. Stamp

Anonymous said...

Damn! What an article? Milions can be reach by anymeans be it music or drama but u oncce again flaunted your essay writing prowess. Old boy, I might not be an advocate of your lifestyle but whenit comes to this, you got my back

Jade said...

Self obsession #yawns

Anonymous said...

Good one..makin me sing man in the mirror by michael jackson..

Unknown said...

Actually thought he was refering or wud refer to sumone els but Alas! It was himself.nice writup/articule @least dis one contains suspence 2. Nix one charle....miss Gold

Anonymous said...

Wow!...this guy is tooooo constructive and talented!!!...people will kom and yarn rubbish...writing is not easy...fabricating words aint easy...peotry aint easy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hiaaaaan! What is dis???? Very long jooor! Eheee u saw its u and? What's d long story 4? Abeg eye de pain me joor!

Anonymous said...

Charly ana ako shit.....all join hehe!

Anonymous said...

Charly boy sharaaaaaaaaap!!!!!!!!!!! Why dnt u go write novels???? Wasting talent...

Anonymous said...

Boy charly, is this a sign of old age or madness in view?

Ifunanya said...

While there is no depth to this, than an almost failing attempt at artistic articulation, it is all-so-vain nonetheless and boring.

Ifunanya said...

First to comment

Anonymous said...

Much Ado about nothing,

pwitie B said...

Mitchwwwwww I hate dis man

Arije_Baba said...

Breathtaking write up....kudos to charly ma boy
*comrade madiba say so*

Unknown said...

We cee u too bross.. First to comment

Anonymous said...

Really interesting soliloquy,BTW,did the ban on okada in lagos affect d old boy,he's bin outta d spotlight 4 a while.

Unknown said...

Nice one. U re damn ryt, hot body but hmmm!!!!!! Face.

fabla1 said...

Just like Legendary chinua achebe...he's good not minding his awkward behaviours.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Nice one knws u beta dn ursef.

oshlan said...

Nice write up

Anonymous said...

Lol,nice piece.Makes u curious who d "dude"is.........Linda,post my cmment o,ehn ehn

classic said...

Nice write up frm charlie..feeling it.

Jeyz said...

Nawaooo lillin Wetin dis 1 come mean again? Bikko dis 1 na news??? Jooooooh ... said...

Before nko na ur ghost u go see?,na so craze dey start ni?,nyc write up tho'

Anonymous said...

Yeah right all dis na 4 ur mind

Anonymous said...

I like Charlie boy. He is very intelligent. He is not your average foolish black man is self centred.

We need to stop judging books by their cover in Africa.
Let's open our hears to listen and our hearts and head to understand.

Materialism is killing us.

The level of hate and wickedness is on a new level.

Im so scared for Nigeria, our youths judge themselves based on material things

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

This is like.Linda,how art thou?

Unknown said...

Shey him wan dey write articles ni

Anonymous said...

Oga chally, m bored... (Jokefad)


An article of self!
Suspense filled! Knew right from the start he was talking about himself.
A good writer he is though.... But hungry never really catch am. Lol

Anonymous said...

nice one


Area fada.....we hav seen u...

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Dats actually a nice composition... Just wondering if he wrote it with his klothes off like in d piks... I knw charly is deep so am nt really surprised dat he was able to write dis well

Abimbola said...

Charly boy and his writings.........

bravest hrt said...

Next pls

Unknown said...

That is what I call consciousness! " The Looking Glass Mirror ".

Anonymous said...

Hiaan okwanu ka ara si ebido( na so madness take de start be dis oh) wey dat chain!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Though he could be some what annonying, this guy is a good writer.# Roselle

Anonymous said...

Nice piece by Charly boy...He has impeccable writing skills...Brilliant old man I must say!

Thelma Thinks... said...

This man is a narcissist.

Anonymous said...

Linda,wetin I do u? I always comment, but you don't like posting my comment..mtcheeww

Fammie said...

Charlie boy, Linda's BFF

Unknown said...

Cant read this abeg, sipping my moet

Anonymous said...

charlie boy and his weird ways...

whitney arsenal said...

No comment.

moji said...

interesting! creativity in writing

Unknown said...

Lol! *clappin ma hands* dis is sure a vry gud wasn't boring anyway so I read it to d last word

Anonymous said...

impressive, a way to get your audience attention.. Linda biko i need that money to validate my admission. Am still hanging on a thread of hope. 0137589785 gtbank. Amen

Anonymous said...

Thats an interesting one from charlie.. Extremely stunning

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wel, nice. I guess evryone shld av a soliloquy once in awhile. It help u unstd wo u really are...

Rough Diamond said...

Good to know! Sometimes when I look @ myself in d mirror I love wat I see!

Anonymous said...

Area father! God bless your wisdom:.

Anonymous said...

I must give it to d area father, Ħ̀ε̅ Ȋ̝̊̅§ a great writer. Dis write up about himself Ȋ̝̊̅§ great.

Unknown said...

i dont like him so much,but sure all his stuffs u ve posted made real sense..i just love readin them

Anonymous said...

Poetic. I like. IAI

Anonymous said...

Narrative essay. Thank u charles

Lucy said...

Alright oooo,

Unknown said...

So inspiring.I like it.

Mrs E said...


peperina said...

Dis man irritates M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Nyc one there... Very creative

peperina said...

Dis man irritates me

peperina said...

Dis man irritates M̶̲̅ε̲̣̣!

Chris said...

Hmm, Lin Lin, is DEDE Charley also a Harikrishna?

Unknown said...

Wow, nice...

Unknown said...


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Anonymous said...

Charlie ma.n oo not boy. Cool.

oshlan said...

Linda!!! Can't find my comments...#WHATiDO?

rooroo said...

He is a good y is he always naked?
He shld put more time into writing n he will b a good poet or author

Anonymous said...

This is a poetic write-up daring nd's an esoteric whisper so it takes d wise ones to give a beta understanding to it dan d surface meaning

Anonymous said...

ChArLiE uR sHit iSn'T baDOo...I tiNk u CaN wrItE anD sElL uR aRtiCLEs,ItS mAkeS sEnSe sHaaa.NiCe 1 aGaIn cHarLiE.DaJaX

ary said...

So na bonario money you dey after abi? Shege!!!

ary said...

I think the naked pix is courtesy L.I. The article is good, but you almost know where he is head from the beginning.

Unknown said...

U stupıd cunt!
Please go hang ur pathetıc self N dont condemn d awesome pıece!

Unknown said...

You dont lıke hıs doıng?,You can aswell hate your makıng!
Cretın!.Ofcos crıtıcs z allowed,But there r better ways of doıng ıt n not condemnıng such lıterary tour de force..

Unknown said...

He writes well no doubt!

Unknown said...

We have heard u naaa!!
I don't like his doing! I don't like his doing! I don't like his doing! Hian!!
Do u think he gives a rat ass what u like? He has made it for himeslf? Pls think abt ur own life!

Anonymous said...

Hope, are you of a female gender? If so, you should be leary of calling another woman a cunt. If you don't know the meaning, don't use it recklessly, this could get you punched in the face. Why do Nigerians copy the worst of others' culture. A woman calling another woman a cunt, are you crazy?

Anonymous said...

Maryam, typical nigerian, always quick to give unsolicited advices. Why don't you take your money and split it the way you want it. Yhe linda girl has decided how she wants to split her money, why don't you shut tge fuck up about it. Let the bitch split the mobey how she sees fit and if you've got a better idea, go fucking do the same. Make the money go around mother fucker. What the fucking deuce with unsolicited ideas? Why the fk do Nigerians do that shit? It just irks me to the ladt mehn. Leave linda alone. When you have your money, please share it as you please, I promise you, no one will care.

Anonymous said...

Charley boy id s good writer any day, any time I appreciate his write up Sandra says so.

chioma said...

lindodo i really dont get ur deal with this dude

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Dude should start writing books. Each time I read his piece, I experience poetic excellence, textual perfection, and story told only by a veteran writer. Charly Boy should write.

Unknown said...

The title of that article explains his life. His life depends on the title of the article "SOLILOQUIES".

Unknown said...

he is sure a good writer. i have this talent too. i love to read good write ups. big ups Charly Boy.

TONIA said...


Anonymous said...

If this isn't guy...I don't know what is anymore.

Anonymous said...

If this isn't gay*...I don't know what is anymore.

Anonymous said...

He writes well, Egoistic no doubt, but He sure is confident in himself and you cant take that from him

Anonymous said...

Charlie Boy is really a creative writer. I like him, He is a real man. An astute kind of dude. Shok

Unknown said...

U try....

Unknown said...

Nonsense yhu!..
wat has cunt gotta do wıt beıng femınıne or masculıne?.ıts obvıous yhu got d wrong meanıng of ıt!.check ur dıco b4 yhu correct mıı!

Anonymous said...

This guy is so vain!!!

wemimo said...

Charlie boy..view southward...wt did u see? lolz.
Nice write up..

Anonymous said...

A stickler for order and decency? Really, posing semi nude, a guy of your age. I can see why some will be blown away by this self gratifying piece off*^%#. . Linda next this is shallow!

Cashmere Essence said...

This is a true example of an man who can't keep it to himself but has to infect others with for the words man!!!???!!!

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