Sean Tizzle shows off his new ride, a Chevrolet Camaro RS | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Sean Tizzle shows off his new ride, a Chevrolet Camaro RS

The fast rising singer just bought himself a Chevrolet Camaro RS 2013 model. Congrats to him. See more photos after the cut...


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Atobatele said...

Nice ride...These guys dey enjoy sha.
Kongrats to him

Our Green Environment said...

He has finally answered the sholee question. Sean tizzle sholee? Oolee?lol. NTFPS says so...

Our Green Environment said...

He has finally answered the sholee question. Sean tizzle sholee? Oolee?lol. NTFPS says so...

Drunken Dubai Babe said...

Ahan!!!! What the hell do these guys do to make money? Pls someone should Jamison now. Lemme do and make this dirty money and spend on my girlfriends.

Sean tizzle I'm watching you!

Anonymous said...

Lol anything for press abi?how much does he have or has he made?lying using companies

malex34 said...

Nice ride bro

xtinexxx said...

Congratz sean...more grease

Oshlan said...

Beautiful car... sure knows I would get there runs through my blood

OSEYI said...

Congrats bro, dats my choice car.


upwardly mobile tinz.
congrats to him.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Gud 4 him

Unknown said...

Ok o dats fin sha.....Gold

Anonymous said...

Nice one bladd.

Anonymous said...

congrat boy..u'v done we'll for urself keep it up. Adigun

Unknown said...

nice ride

"神爱我" said...

Nice car.......congrats

Unknown said...

Yeah... He's chopping life... Congrats to him!

Unknown said...

If dem check well now no b u get so una go dey live fake life if u fall sick now una go dey find make person raise fund for una.....all of u r full of fake lifes

Anonymous said...

I want to be like him wen am grown.. Linda i just need to be able to sponsor my education please help me!0137589785 gtbank. Amen

Unknown said...

Congrats sean,u are living d life.

Unknown said...

Why do they have to show everything? It says a lot about their minds. How many times is Richard Branson or Dangote showing off? Let your result speak for you!.. anyway congrat ToHIM

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Benzino98 said...

Goooooo down Lowwwww.Nice whipzzzzzz bro

Anonymous said...

Wow. Entertainment pays oo, especially music I guess. Watch out for my tracks coming out sometime.



emjay said...

congrat bro but hop u stil ve som money left to get a house too??

Anonymous said...

Congrats to him,i hope he has savings and other good investments? i will not contribute on #save any soul.

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Anonymous said...

Seriously...I don't jealous these guys in any way...but when you make hard earned money...having slot of luxurious cars ain't a way to spend.. These artist are just hyping and living a competitional life... Go and do a research on the richest men in the world not one of them has a Bentley.. Am not saying not to get one if you have the money..but these cars are not where it ends... I remember when the Camry was redesigned in who actually does care about it.. When the more advanced ones are here..and even after years these ones will be looked down on... But either ways every one has his/her prime time and I guess this is he's.. So ride on man.but don't forget anything can happen...

Firm, Flatten and Correct your Posture in a snap click here


I love all his on point..*mama eh..#Hardworkpays #congrats

Amy Nwa Nma said...

Congrats!@sean Tizzle!

OLORI said...

Congratulations dude.....

Anonymous said...

Congrats... Sha rora. 1st to comment yaaaaay!!!

mr kelly texas said...

ok o but are u sure that is frm music that all this guys i making this money from?? Hmm jst asking

Mr Obot said...


fabla1 said...

He's just making things my dude STARBOY...
congrats to him tho.

hottie said...

Congrats T̶̲̥̅̊​♥ him bt I always wonder,is it dese songs dt make dem av money lyk dis.dnt tink so

Unknown said...

Big Boy....u deserve it...coz u work hard to earn it

Anonymous said...

God is goood!!!
I rememba d sean-tizzle dt per4md in oau last year. Chaii, when God says yes, no-one kn say no jareee.
Enjoy ur money jare.

Anonymous said...

wow congrats, God bless ur hustle and bless my hustle 2 ooo. IZZZ

Bonita Bislam said...

U'v got da moni,spend it Sean.congrats

Unknown said...

Wow! Music is really paying...congrats to him.

Unknown said...

Hardworking plus God's favour and When the time is right that's what you get. Congrats to shole crooner.

Anonymous said...

reminds me of bumblebee,

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hardworking plus God's favour and When the time is right that's what you get. Congrats to shole crooner.

Unknown said...

hard work pays. use to remember this guy a while back in Ikorodu. now he's balling. keep it up Sean.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

Linda u no put price again,abi u no knw ni.#estimate am na#

Tiana said...

I tape into d blessing!

Anonymous said...

This is why I wld always love tu-face!!! He doesn't flaunt anytin. When did ds sean tizzle aka one hit wonder start dt he is sharing pics. Smh. Some pple truly never learn. Mtchewwww.

Unknown said...

Nice ride..congrats to him

Anonymous said...

this is arrowhead automobile showroom beside hotel de island adetokunbo ademola vi lagos

eji said...

Ok!! Hope he is investing.

success igbinoba said...

Na watin be all dis celeb problem na everytin dem dey like post, belle dem go post dem wan deliver na post tin buy car na post tin buy hux na post tin inside n hux na post tins dis na intimidation oooooooo

kimiphibia said...

Congrats o!No forget to buy land too.

Anonymous said...

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. seek ye forst the kingdom of God and all these shall be added unto you Matt. 6:33

Anonymous said...

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these shall be added unto you Matt. 6:33

Omoba News Media said...

make sense die ...

Anonymous said...

Sean Tizzle, Dtunes again ooo!!! congrats man.
- D.J

Omotolani Angel said...

Congrat ooo am happy 4 u

Anonymous said...

Congrats. i hope he has a house of his own o? More important!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

D way our Nigerian celebrities givs us d impression dat money can be easily made..... Jeez! Sho lee Dude of yesterday.... Hmmmm

Opeedo said...

Congrats kid! happy for you!

. . .

check out hot sexy gist here

Unknown said...

good for him

Anonymous said...

Everybody be buying car! God, when will it be my turn *big sigh* well until den i better take several seats \__ \__ \__ \______
- D.J

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Congrats 2 him.....sho le ko le

Anonymous said...

Make una no go use una money do better thing, when e go finish, una go come dey bag money 4 TV, newspaper etc

zama said...

COngrats bro!! Every big artiste just dey buy,buy... My time go come 2

Unknown said...

Wow! A mustang! Happy for the dude.
From ZICO aka the guy that needs the 100k

lydia said...

Congrate Mr

Anonymous said...

Congrats to him. But I hope he has built or bought himself a house sha o! And not still staying in rented apartment or record label owned house.

Unknown said...

#noted! He bought it on credit.... Linda! Ask him

Mr JeZzO said...

Big Boy,,,,,,
keep it up bro,,,,
Mr J

creamysugar said...

Cool ride!!!!!
All I see is dollar sign
Boys r really balling hard

Jaiye Jaiye fins on point

Unknown said...

Dis is definitely a hot ride! BT do dey invest at all? Cars, shoes, watches... dey all depreciate, Btw has Sean Tizzle made dat much money? Abi is his bank account is red? Cos I heard it's his sister dats sponsoring him or so, anyway more grease to his elbow.

Unknown said...


ary said...

What does the car transform to? I love this car best muscle car in the world.

switchloe said...

i keep wonderin aw especially dis musicians mk d kind of money they have,is it jst d music tin or there is more to it?? Congrats to him dou...lili call it anytin disturbance,beg beg buh i dnt care. Dat 100k is mine in Jesus name Amen said...

Where r dis guys getting d moni from? Is it not jes to sing...

Igor said...

Nice ride bro.

Anonymous said...

D car cud cost Ђ☺̭̥̈̅w much?

Anonymous said...

Oya bad belle people start telling linda wat year d car is and how it would ve been better if he bought something else Mchew!!! Abeg una don chop

Unknown said...


Ty said...

Levels!!!!!!!!!! Levels don change for the guy. Bros abeg send som come my way o

Anonymous said...

Congrats to him........hard work pays

Unknown said...

zis is za life. This dude deserves it.

Unknown said...

Sean tızzle agaın huh?..ıssoraı!
Congratz mahn!

Tunde Fatoki said...

There goes another dimwit 'celeb'. Invest in your future and stop being a scallywag by showing off stuffs that will wear and tear. Can they take lessons from former 'stars' that do not have anything to fall back to right now. Invest in properties, knowledge and stuffs that you could fall back to when the ovation is lowest. Take a cue from celeb like AliBaba, Tuface Ididbia, Seyi Law, Basketmouth.

Anonymous said...

E be like say pothole no dey 9ja again

IBK said...

Congrat,bigger you

Unknown said...

Nice ride, hard work pays

Anonymous said...

Davido has the same type, congrat sean tizzle my ondo brother. Its a cool ride you got yourself mehn, congrat *ThatFunctionGuy*

brina said...

So?!!! this one take concern me now!...anyway good for him sha!.next!!

MUSTY- mustapha said...

congrats bro

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Sean....lovely whip!.....I want mine O God!

Unknown said...

hehehe Sean tizzle yaf arrive... nyc ride tho' #congrat.

Unknown said...

Congrats to him, enjoy urself jare

dee said...

omg...i love dat car,u need to see d black one bt dis guy has volleyball head

tycee said...

xo dope ...

Anonymous said...

this is not a 2013 model u fool

Unknown said...

gud for him

PAVOUR said...

Congrat and remove ur hand there...

WFK said...

congrats sean...but hope u r saving for rainy days sha....

Anonymous said...

Congratz boy dnt drink&drive

coolteeboi said...

A good start for you! Congrat oo. Mine will come soon by God grace. Amen

Anonymous said...

Congrate to him..... Pookypie

mega said...

Good for him....

Unknown said...

Guy,u can do better! Warrisdis?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congrat in town car with one in town problem...
PS: lol... Everyone is now commenting with their name, photos and ID since ms ikeji declared the N1 largesse... People will do all sort for money! Phew!

Anonymous said...

Just like d rest of them dis boy na not outta car mart yet and he's announced to d world he bought a toy....dunce

Unknown said...

hey! Easy boy, the car is all yours, so take it home first. Congratz

Anonymous said...

Congrats! God pls i need dis type or a beta one evn. Happy! Yaaaay!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Enjoy its not easy, but spend wise, tomorrow is pregnant

Anonymous said...

Congrats Sean!!!chop ur money.E no easy

Swaggs isimemen said...

Lovely car am happy 4 u dude....

Swaggs isimemen said...

Lovely car am happy 4 u dude....

One Gud Chick said...

Dis one na d real turtle ninja oo no be Davido see his head na lmao

Swaggs isimemen said...

Lovely car am happy 4 u dude....

Anonymous said...

"Bushness' of the highest order! Who poses to take a picture like that with a car? Local champion and a Camaro for that matter? SMH ....

Anonymous said...

Big boi things... well congrats sean

Peters said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Congrats oooO, but remember to do good things for ur parents too oooO. because we know people like u shekana!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats. He's sure balling. Bless our hustle, o'Lord. 'Sergio Frankie'

Anonymous said...

Congrats bruh....Hard work speaks

Unknown said...

Enjoy ur life...u ve only 1 life to live..

Anonymous said...

Good 4 him. Ify

Anonymous said...

Mad ass d artiste,kudos 2 him.buh wait o,hw much do y'al fink thz ride z worth??

Anonymous said...

Nice likey

Unknown said...

Nice ride

Unknown said...

Nice ride

Anonymous said...

Wow!!...i love dis ride..used it in TRANSFORMER(bubble bee)

Unknown said...

1 door! No thank you! Big ups to the 'sho le' crooner sha!

Unknown said... promblem sha,hard works own is on d way...

Unknown said...

Good for him#but wonder y dey kEep showing off

Unknown said...

congrat boi...hard works pays,my own is on the way....cant wait to get my

kiziito say via motorola said...

hard works pay......

Anonymous said...

hard works pays

Anonymous said...

Wow somtims I feel 4 older artists lik Eddie remedy n co Jus few songs n dis dude is ballin' hard already. Mak I no lok 4 dis coment lindodo.. Eshey!

Unknown said...

hard works pays

Anonymous said...

Nice ride. *Debbie Chelsea*

Anonymous said...

hard works pays

Anonymous said...

wow nice ride, congrats to him

dollyjossycakes said...

Dis guy head sha b like small boar,llllooooooollllllzzzz *runs away*

Tunde Eldorado said...

gud 4 him...

etochi21 said...

Congrats man ! Hard work pays..

Zoë said...

Congrats to him, I wish for tear rubber next year 2014, no more tokunbo IJN.

Unknown said...

Good for him!

Onkle_Gee said...

Na waa oh!! Everybody is cars err'wia..well I aint sef wud soon win mine Courtsey Toyota giveaway...abi Miss Ikeji no be so??

Unknown said...

Dope!...congrats Bro...NEXT!!!! said...

Congrat and welldone boy.

Anonymous said...

Fake life!!....i assure U̶̲̥̅̊, he ate indomie n egg dis morning cos there ws nufin else 2 eat

Anonymous said...

What did this guy sing naw??? Sho le ko le. Now its confirmed that all these artistes r doing drugs or money laundering. Where dis 1 take see money na. They r just oppressing we hardworking oando big bois n making our swag look dead... i know how many yrs of hardwork it too me to get mine last year

Edwin Akwudolu said...

very good at showing off, but when the real time come to show off and offer some form of assistance, you won't see them again. celeb lifestyle eh
is your airtel bis still browsing on none-bb device?

Anonymous said...

Old model! The type used in Transformer 1.

Anonymous said...

Mad....I love it boy. Na to dey sing now. Jesu!

Janelicious said...

Api for him

Unknown said...

Nna mehn no beans o

pwitie B said...

When ders talent trust me u will go places congrats

Anonymous said...

Congrats...I hope these guys are investing o!..mhhnnnnnn

Unknown said...

Congratulations ooo

Anonymous said...

Nice one! ..........SKITTISH..........

Anonymous said...

people don't usually go for this car called chevrolet, Linda shebe am correct. Anyway congrat for him "De J.M.C"

popsy said...

I love ds favourite artist...congrate..popsy say so

Anonymous said...

dats grt, im a fast rising singer also, oh God, wen will my time come?

Anonymous said...

dats grt, im a fast rising singer also, oh God, wen will my time come?

Anonymous said...

Good for him....I hope he won't only invest in cars!

Unknown said...

Good for him....
Mine is coming!!!

Luciblings said...

Hardwork sure pays!!beautiful ride I must add.

MR CHUKX said...

Gud 4 him

donnyperry said...

Datz some cool ride,dat niccur got himself.Congratz bro,buh nofin compared to ma Bentley.

Anonymous said...

Nice one....

Anonymous said...

Wow that's great..I love the chevrolet..its my type of car. Congrats and more blessings to him

Anonymous said...

Cheap car...US car

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Is this the next thing? Na wa for this business sha


whats so good about dat toy.

Oluwadamilola said...

Hahahha! You can't blame the dude naa..Sean Tizzle, you go still pose with bentley..lmaooo..

Unknown said...

Sholee master. U r headed bro. More blessing

OMO MEN said...

Werey re o,car dealer wey ur own ode oshi

Omotolani Angel said...

Congrats oooo am hapi 4 u Tizzle


Hardwork tank me later


Congrats I wil get dre

Ubong said...

My dream car... Congrats to him. This is not the 2013 model tho.

Unknown said...

'Davido has used this car tire lol'

Unknown said...

Yo am next watch out/team dimple

Anonymous said...

Send us proof of Ur of ailment lots of 419 dis days!!!

Unknown said...

Nice ride.

Anonymous said...

Congrats, I have d same car but mine is 2ss convertible. U will love d ride.

Oshlan said...

I Hope that car is fast enough to chase up his music career

Anonymous said...

wu are u calling a fool dis miserable soul??....wia u frm nd wu are u??....see dis big empty idiot....olodo rabata

Anonymous said...

Guy try hide urself en.u just dey grow for the mkt.

Unknown said...

OMG, dis is damn gud

Anonymous said...

Lol toy car. 5 series or E class buys two camaros. Looks like Davido, buys a car Davido has. Buy Davido's G63 AMG too nah. Make we see whether you get power.

Anonymous said...

Linda, next time your stupid a** post a car and its year, make sure you do some research to know the year of the car. Don't be stupid!

wemimo said...

Atobatele. Na u dy first reply nw..u sha want ds 100k..lolz..whre av u been??

Anonymous said...

Thank you! My dear I wonder how many songs he's released and how many copies he sold. Bam! New expensive car. I don't envy him ooo. Good luck to him

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