“Take the subsidy probe, the pension, the SEC probe and recently the bullet proof car cases. After the House of Representatives did a diligent job by probing and exposing the cases, you now see something else when it comes to prosecution." Tabumwal said while responding to questions at an anti-corruption seminar organized by NBA, in Abuja.
President spokesperson, Reuben Abati has replied Tanbuwal. See his tweets below...
See more tweets after the cut...
see their faces msctcheeeeew
President jonathan got himself a smooth talker 4 a spokesperson! D man knows his job well! Tambuwal shud shut up, cos he's also corrupt! President jonathan is kinda 2 cool tho'..!#doctorbobby
Who doesn't know that it is what Reuben Abati wants to eat that is making him say things he shouldn't even think of saying. I pity the man sha.......when GEJ is no longer the president we would see what would become of his supporters and delegates like Abati.
Ema pe nbe...wait till kingdom come...den dey'll do justice 3-|º°˚˚˚ºmtcheeeew!!! . .
His body language made stella HOEduah go scot free...
Una don start AgAin ooo .wana be peole ,make una nd una presi go call off strike abeg!....Gold
Blah blah blah: tambuwal has a big mouth too.... Must u say everyting u see + he z not corruption free himself.. Sm1 needs to remind him of dat bible passage...#uknowwhich#
True talk speaker dis man dat calls him self our president is just sitting dere eating our money n talking rubbish, cant solve any problems. God dey oooooo
Hmmmnnnnnn.... Twitter!
Stories, Ruben Abati is just being a praise singer.
Reuben Abati is a disgrace to Nigeria playing politics even with the truth. All these fools occupying some positions in this country are just mere tools being used to silence anyone who stands up to speak the truth about the decay in our country. Jonathan is just setting up one commitee or another without any meaningful results coming out from them and Tambowal should be commended for standing up for the truth. Granted he is part of the problem as well.
Reuben Abati, greatest sellout of all time!
Can this man just stfu for once and be honest with himself and the rest of we Nigerians. How much does GEJ pay him to come out here and rant rubbish all the time instead of standing by the truth. Its because of people like him that this country will continue to wallow in corruption.
Reuben is doing a great job for GEJ
fuck all dis government, first time i will comment on LIB , those government is crazy, In SA here the massive respect for a world leader , cant they see the real regard. Nigeria Leaders Futek.
So the Stella Oduah's case is not yet a proven corruption???...so all the other casses are mere specualtion to them. Oya where is result of investigations carried out? Cos we seem to always hear about investigations and commitees that are being set up, but we have never Seen any result.
Fuck all this government, na twitter we dey talk abi make una do better for 9ja ,awon weyrey, E ma Bomb last ni.
Sir pls pick a struggle....so tweeter is the only means of Communication now....and should I add dat ur tweets made no sense....Linda biko do d neeful
Abati shut up Tanbuwal got a real point
Mtchwwww this Abati man sef,always talking 4rm his ass... due process indeed! After how many months,their due process never still finish? Leave those pipo jare,na them sabi. Btw,Lindarling i guess u meant to type 'Speaker House of Representatives',not assembly.
Aminu is right joor, how long is it going to take the FG to resolve the bullet proof car and the subsidy. am still saying that the best thing for GEJ to do is resign jeh jeh, make peace reign as good luck no do well
Abeg help me tell them sir....team #anti-corruption
Mr Abati shuld go and sit down. They hav gone to pay tribute. To a man dat left a good Legacy. What will they be remembered for after their tenure. Am disappointed in dis Govt. #NG.
They should continue talking trash! Pot calling another person Pot.all of them are corrupt....that Tanbuwal should respect him self....well said Abati.
Abati you called all those speculation??????
There are certainly proves.
Naija is corrupt yes! Even the House of Reps.
Every aspect sector of Naija is corrupt.
We just need a true God fearing leader.
Hmmm!!! Abati??? R u sure?
This Abati should take several back seats jare. Due process my cute ass! Mtchwwww..if he no get wetin 2 talk,mk e just padlock that him mouth. Shebi,Bro Jona na donkey? He no fit talk again ni? Spokes person ni,talks people ko?? Yeye dey smell.
Some politicians dnt tink b4 they talk, y wil he say d president is supportin corruption. Is bad at least giv d president some respect
Mtchwwww this Abati man sef,always talking 4rm his ass... due process indeed! After how many months,their due process never still finish? Leave those pipo jare,na them sabi. Btw,Lindarling i guess u meant to type 'Speaker House of Representatives',not assembly.
True.................btw,Linda no 4get prince charming 4dat 100k Ish +u shud go an extra mile to find out if all is well with him......he was more dedicated than Bonario tho dat 1 d try sha.....#a faithful observer!
They shld take several sits at the back johr... They all Corrupt
In modern business,you not only fear a criminal or a cheat,you also fear an honestman that doesn't know what he is doing.
Saw world leaders gather today and we saw the once that are taken serious.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
All of them are corrupt..This is a case of kettle calling pot black
"President Jonathan will not condone any act of PROVEN corruption" Lord have mercy! Is this the same Abati I used to know?! Na wa o! See how money & power can change a man's views completely!!! This man has gone to the other side completely, this is porting @ it's very best! Its soo very sad & painful, I am completely disappointed in this man. Anywayz, the devil was once an angel...
No respect, cn he say dis in military rule?
Even the Abati himself was it not money and post they used 2 shut him up back then
Its thier cup of tea, they don chop belle full
Na dem sabi says tbassy via nokia1800
So Nigerian politicians and celebrities have turned twitter into their object of war and propaganda ?
Nigerian politics lost hope.
Reuben Abati, aja president (Jonathan's dog)
How will they be proven to be corrupt if Jonah is shielding them??? That Stella's case just says it all. We should have gotten the msg when he refused to declare his assets. That was a serious flag but we missed it. In the now famous words of Oshiomole, jonah, Reuben & all those thieving bastards we call politicians & have only their own selfish interests @ heart can all go & die
Shame on u Mr Reuben Abati. What happened to the Reuben i uswd to watch on Patito's gang some years back. Guess it was d poverty in u dat was speakong den ryt?!!!!!
Na sooo***kip investigating d issues@ hand until dey fade into d thin air***Criminals
Linda pls we the anonymous are also as important as Prince Charming, bonario. Just Becos we are private pple spent mean they are better or comment more., so therefore, throw a party .
This abate is a BAD lier!!..dis are d kind of pple GOODLUCK WILL employ...pple who will cleans dere name!!
Abatti don chop money tire,y e no go defend GEJ
I'm tired of Nigeria Politician,I think at this junction,Nigeria just won't get better and we all should forget about the saying that goes 'Naija Go Better'cuz we are very much far from it,our snail president is not helping matter at all,Smh...
One thing I know for sure about our president is that he is allowing his emotions to cloud his judgments! The man has a vision but the painful part is that the people comiting. The crimes are really close people to him! People that helped him win the election! This man is no longer fit to rule our dear nation! Pls I strongly recommend another person come 2015
Reuben Abati.....SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where is the fucking missing subsidy money?????? Where was peension fund theft punished with a mere slap on the wrist?????????? Where the FUCK on this entire planet does a bulletproof car cost over a millions dollars??????????!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with you people????! Do u have no shame atall? Will u criminals not rest until the country's entire income from our DEPLETING natural resources is shared into the pockets of a select thieving few? How much is enough..please tell me..just how much is enough??? The wealth that has been amassed by our leaders past and present could make this country a vry different place...dubai doesn't have oil..but look what they have achieved. You monkeys are soo happy going to foreign countries that do not possess a fraction of the kind of money Nigeria is working with..no wonder common South African feel they are better than you..and this penis head comes here talking shit...Abati GO and DIE!
Linda this one na big Question. Which is the truth. But since he said they are still investigating the matters we are waiting for the result. "De J.M.C"
Abati is a puppet
Abati is just a joke !!!
Dis man call Reuben is nofin bt a fool, I can't blame him though, he is collecting his pay for all d rubbish tinz he do say. Wat Mr speaker say is nofin bt d truth. Ruben or wat did dey call u, u shld bury ur head in shame. ODE!
I think Tambuwal is saying what is needed to be said.
Rubish,senseless response
Gbam! Abati don talk am. Corruption nah all of us get am n if we want killing or starve am make him suffer nah all of us go do am. By d way Tanbuwal how much dey enter ur money house every month? N u dey talk about corruption. Faruk wey thief u dey try 2 justify am say nah tarping no b stealing n u want make GEJ carry koboko dey dey pursue pipl. PoT CaLLING KiTTLE BlAcK!
Its nigeria what can we say...same old pimp..just hoping tnz get berra...well we know better than both of dem
Abatti don chop money ,y e no go defend GEJ,d truth is glaring,GEJ condoles corruption
I dont know wat to think of Jonathan's regime but i tink he is tryn sha.. Lord God look into my account... Hopeful forever 0137589785 gtbank. Amen
Men that should be thinking of forwading Nigeria are busy fighting on Twitter oh well The Nigerian Politicians of today sha
Reuben Abati! You are a BASTARD for ur response to all of these accusation and gross misconduct by ur Boss. U shlda kept quiet rather than ur never ending lies. U av failed ds country as much as ur boss alrdy has nd y'all will burn. You useless power monger.
Tambowal should shut his dirty mouth, what did they do to Lawan Farouk for the dollars he collected to clear otedola? If na another person dia prick go stand....
Reuben Abati should learn 2 say d truth and stop talking nonsense.
Nigerian leader, wake up! Ʊ are № longer suckling.*cagey*
Mr Reuben Abati......pls take several seats at my backyard joor.......u're talking off point.....
Did I hear abati say due process?? Till wen o, 2015 I guess
Well replıed!
True talk reuben,y wud Tambuwal talk about body language
truth is bitter n its a pity u cnt swallow it. But i also dnt blame u cos ur only doin ur job n its ds job dat puts food on ur table.
I honestly can not bliv dis is dsame Ruben Abati who used to write & criticise government every oda day.
Make dem murder dem selves dia....mtchewwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ndaraa!!!!!
Reuben Abati is a BASTARD for dis response
I hear u Reuben Abati...u re so choppin gud moni
Dis man Ȋ̝̊̅s insane! Badluck don bribe am
Linda post M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ comment Ơ̴̴̴̴̴͡º°˚˚˚°ºO,henn
Dos who see d truth n fail to say it, av a special mansion in hell!...we all know Jonathan works hand in hand wif corruption itself!...spare us Rueben!
Which stupid "due process" is the presidency working with. Every tym dey ll be using nursery rhyms. Look at the stadium used for Mandiba's memorial, Nigeria ll not have one like it in the next 20 years. We are backward ever following "due process". Lets kukuma call a spade a spade
International thief thief(in late Fela's voice)
Dem don start fight, vry soon dem G̶̲̥̅Õ̳͡ use camera flog person hahahahahahaah useless and insolent leaders! Linda ŊO̶̷̩̥̊͡ mind dem post M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ comment
Linda post M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ comment Ơ̴̴̴̴̴͡º°˚˚˚°ºO,henn
Dis man Ȋ̝̊̅s insane! Badluck don bribe am
When I see ruben abati acting like this, I just can't imagine what money can't turn people to be. Makes me doubt if it is still the same ruben on patito's gang few years back.
Dis man Ȋ̝̊̅s insane! Badluck don bribe am
Dis Reuben sh just shut up already...public dog oshi
Investigating indeed abeg oh i dnt wnt to write something now dey'll come n arrest me, u tok u get arrested
Na their wahala be dat...........why must ruben abati reply on social media for him to prove his point?b those who live in glass house dont throw stones!
Daz exactly d pee. Aw else do u. Want prove? Hide ur face in shame u n ur bossm mtcheew
Mr reuben u re the one dat need to STFUP ,wot mr aminu said is the plain truth. Our president needs to act.
I think GEJ is somehow sincere not like am defending him but it will take years to better this country
Reuben Abati is a very stupid, good- for-nothing cassava man. This was the same man who used to be Jonathan's worst critic. As soon as he was appointed as Special Adviser to the President on Media and Publicity, he automatically becomes Jonathan's praise-singer. What a man! Now he vehemently attacks anyone who sees anything wrong with this mindless, silly, and asinine government. Bastard! Coward! His previous rantings were just out of hunger!
All this people that only have voice on social media...smh
From 1st tweet ". . .and comment on what h e knows" from last tweet "He is certainly in the position to know the truth. . ." So I'm guessing Aminu knows the truth. And is saying it !!! *smh* God bless Nigeria
From 1st tweet ". . .and comment on what h e knows" from last tweet "He is certainly in the position to know the truth. . ." So I'm guessing Aminu knows the truth. And is saying it !!! *smh* God bless Nigeria
Honestly, I can't believe Abati can now be so economical with the truth. Was Stella Oduah not prove beyond reasonable doubt? This man should pls take a seat.
From 1st tweet ". . .and comment on what h e knows" from last tweet "He is certainly in the position to know the truth. . ." So I'm guessing Aminu knows the truth. And is saying it !!! *smh* God bless Nigeria
What else do we expect Reuben abati to say ,rather than to defend his oga The Top.
Aunty linda! U no know say na 2 speakers dey house of assembly??...........Tanbuwal is the speaker of the house of representative, which is a subset of the house of assembly.
Am nt a fan of politics but I will rather call a spade a spade.To me d speaker as a point in his own way.d president nw as so many political dogs who speak on his behalf even wen he didn't order it.d political negros of d president are d rulers of govt n nt jonathan himself.abati shld shut up and concetrate more on d development of d country instead of accusing a man known for his integrity.
*comrade madiba says so*
Aunty linda! U no know say na 2 speakers dey house of assembly??...........Tanbuwal is the speaker of the house of representative, which is a subset of the house of assembly.
Reuben should shut up
Reuben abati if na u nd GEJ if u re d people dat do nt want corruption 2 stop in dis country nigeria 2day if u re d people dat do nt want our poor nigerians children 2 go 2 school nd learn make nigeria staying darkness 2 day if u re d people who make our young men- women go into kinadping nd prostitution 2 day if u re d people who make our people 2 die on d bad rod on hi way 2 day I pray 2 God. Almighty 2 turn all d evil politicians leader frm d east- 2 d west- frm d north- 2 d south. Of dis country nigeria. God of abraharm God of isaac God of jacob God of menshark federak nd abednigo who created nigeria we turn all Evil politicians men nd women in nigeria brain upside dawn in JESUS mighty name Amen nd Amen
Reuben abati if na u nd GEJ if u re d people dat do nt want corruption 2 stop in dis country nigeria 2day if u re d people dat do nt want our poor nigerians children 2 go 2 school nd learn make nigeria staying darkness 2 day if u re d people who make our young men- women go into kinadping nd prostitution 2 day if u re d people who make our people 2 die on d bad rod on hi way 2 day I pray 2 God. Almighty 2 turn all d evil politicians leader frm d east- 2 d west- frm d north- 2 d south. Of dis country nigeria. God of abraharm God of isaac God of jacob God of menshark federak nd abednigo who created nigeria we turn all Evil politicians men nd women in nigeria brain upside dawn in JESUS mighty name Amen nd Amen
Reuben abati if na u nd GEJ if u re d people dat do nt want corruption 2 stop in dis country nigeria 2day if u re d people dat do nt want our poor nigerians children 2 go 2 school nd learn make nigeria staying darkness 2 day if u re d people who make our young men- women go into kinadping nd prostitution 2 day if u re d people who make our people 2 die on d bad rod on hi way 2 day I pray 2 God. Almighty 2 turn all d evil politicians leader frm d east- 2 d west- frm d north- 2 d south. Of dis country nigeria. God of abraharm God of isaac God of jacob God of menshark federak nd abednigo who created nigeria we turn all Evil politicians men nd women in nigeria brain upside dawn in JESUS mighty name Amen nd Amen
pleeeeeeeeaaaaassseeee... Let these actors take one seat... Who are they decieving???
Reuben abati if na u nd GEJ if u re d people dat do nt want corruption 2 stop in dis country nigeria 2day if u re d people dat do nt want our poor nigerians children 2 go 2 school nd learn make nigeria staying darkness 2 day if u re d people who make our young men- women go into kinadping nd prostitution 2 day if u re d people who make our people 2 die on d bad rod on hi way 2 day I pray 2 God. Almighty 2 turn all d evil politicians leader frm d east- 2 d west- frm d north- 2 d south. Of dis country nigeria. God of abraharm God of isaac God of jacob God of menshark federak nd abednigo who created nigeria we turn all Evil politicians men nd women in nigeria brain upside dawn in JESUS mighty name Amen nd Amen
Make una repent n follow madela I beg. Too much shit in naija. I beg make eat better food ..calabar tinz.
Reuben Abati has a job to do! ........As the official mouthpiece of our unloved president it is his duty to defend his employer with all his strength.
Reuben abati by "Default" can never see or say anything wrong about his employer! ....And i must grudgingly say he that he is good at what he does..................My people una know say jobs no dey naija...so he has to guard his current one well....so him talk wetin hin suppose talk.
As for Jonathan Ebeles glaring ineptitude and failures (just a few of which Tambuwal pointed out) ......Tooh we are stuck with him till 2015...... come next election we can divorce him....the marriage bw naija and badluck has an expiry date!........ ibw.................I applaud Tambuwal........, for a PDP member, that was really courageous.....#dis our oga @d top dey frustrate any opposition oooo! Ask rotimi Amaechi #....
When yardua died, the hausas claimed he was still alive, i believe in my own that is GEJ 2015 meaning namune in hausa my own. Pls Christians dont use ur mouth to curse ur own. No Muslim would ever do that. Let them suffer for abusing Christians. God of Christians is greater. Thank u.
Reuben abati or wetin be ur name i'm sick nd tired of ur rants i'm this close to pulling every single hair out of my head
Na wa oh. Nigerians with issues all the time
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Na u people sabi o
They have gotten the tag they bargained for 'corrupt', I think they should be satisfied by now. It's just a pity that those who suffered to elect them hoping for a change are still suffering. God is watching!!!
When people who have the moral standard to rise up to the face of corruption to say ENOUGH IS ENOUGH, black people like Reuben should please STFU!
Oh shut it Tambuwal aint u corrupt urslf al dis northerners show total disrespect 4 our president lookin 4 every opportunity 2brng him down how many times hv d come out openly 2 talk on their(blood sucking brothers)boko haram every single arrow shot against Goodluck unjustly wil b highly rejected #TEAMGOODLUCK
This reuben abati is just a moron...anywayz the entire system is corrupt so who would probe who. Tambuwal, abati, GEJ, the entire system has failed.
Ahh Oga ooo.
It is obvious that GEJ had surrounded himself with blatant sycophants and that he is not ready to fight corruption but attack viciously any opposition. This abati, is he living in or outside naija? Does he not see how GEJ had handle corruption cases with kid gloves? Very soon, it will be either naija is good for all or simply bad for all.
This reuben dude gives me d hibby-jibbies,looks all sorts of creepy...fuck em both!D revolution shall not be televised!!
Seeing what Reuben has become, only but confirms the popular saying that everyone has got a price... how sad. Mandela refused to be bought that's why the world stood still when he passed on. They shouldn't only extol Mandela & "fight corruption" with their lips because talk is cheap, but they should imbibe Mandela's virtues & work the talk.
Seeing what Reuben has become, only but confirms the popular saying that everyone has got a price... how sad. Mandela refused to be bought that's why the world stood still when he passed on. They shouldn't only extol Mandela & "fight corruption" with their lips because talk is cheap, but they should imbibe Mandela's virtues & work the talk.
Very typical of Abati to quickly defend his boss even at d expense of d truth.
Reuben is a disappointment
Ruben Abati is just a fool abeg, anyways he's only doing his job for now. I won't be surprise if he start running his mouth against jonathan in few years time when he's no more in power or when they are no more in same political party. Jonathan is the most corruption president we have in recent times, also a power hungry animal that doesn't want the good of the citizen. What has he done for the masses sef? Let's ask ourselves that question. My people let us vote for a change come 2015, PDP is the enemy of the people, let even try other party, even though we know they are bird of same feather but it worth trying after all PDP has failed us for 14yrs of rule. *ThatFunctionGuy*
Mtcheew! All na wash!
From ZICO aka the guy that needs the 100k
Mr Reuben pls dnt insult Nigerians by tinkin we cnt see byond ur lies.how dare u say d fuel subsidy scam,bullet proof cars,pension n wat hv r all mere speculations? And wch kind of investigation is d govt doin? Instead of repyin Tambuwal wt facts u'r here bringin politics in2 d equation n paintin him d enemy of Nigeria's progress.Silence wud hv bin berra
Thanks again for the first place
Let Reuben Abati remember this: when you defend the indefensible, and refuse to see and speak the truth for personal gain, despite having an opportunity to stand for what is right, posterity will judge you. RA has gradually eroded his once presumed integrity and had his conscience seared as by a hot iron. He alone knows if he is still able to look at himself in the face and recognize the once respected man that he was before his frolicking with GEJ started.
Reuben, silence!
ok na i have to obey my master mr jonathan, Reuben AKPATY
9ice speech mr spk man
For once I agree with a Northerner! GEJ and his people have failed to prosecute and persecute people who have been found wanting in Gov't and honestly it is truly encouraging corruption. How can you still billions and spend 2 years in jail or made to pay a paltry sum! GEJ needs to check off this his lazy man countenance ASAP
it true
Abati as usual, dodged the issues and went on meaningless semantics. Every reasonable Nigerian know that this President is not only soft on corruption but consoles it. Abati should tell us anyone that has been convicted for corruption or corrupt practices under this President and spare us the idle talk of due process etc. if he is deceived, the whole world is not. Our rating by TI objectify our situation.
See dia faces eeewwwwh! His responds holds no water, nd yes like dey alway say "d govt is ONTOP of d matter" lol jokers...... Nigeria of today probing a political personel is jambory, never depend of it for transpiracy. Tell me, wat are dey still investigatin on d subsidy missing money, or d bulliet prove car Oduah bought? Abeg show me "Lolitune" biko
Dis leaders?
Na dem sabi
Both of them are thieves and should go and sit down
Reuben even a primary pupil knows this gov't is doing nothing to fight corruption,
You must be mad!
You are an unrepentant imbecile! Are we under military rule??? Foolish & docile nonentites like urself are path of the problems & reason why Nigeria is still whr it is.
Pls does govt have a special secret agency that investigates corrupt case, tot that suppose to be the work of efcc?
This aboki call Tambuwal should just shut up. What d fuck is he? We know u are working for APC & Boko haram. U this bastard bcos u manage to go & read Islamic/boko haram law and smuggled ur fithy sef into 4th position u think u can talk to our president d way u want. Who are d most corrupt species in Nija? The mallams. Barawo tamby. Go to ur apc party I beg & leave Jonathan alone. Idiot
Birds of the same feather...
is dis not the abati we used to know? chai! we all know the truth, the govt stinks, states are being owed monthly allocations,oduah is till there,subsidy probe gathering dust while drama is being played out in the courts for us to watch for a while before they all go scot free.
Abati is a finished man. He is now an avowed supporter of corruption. He will pay dearly for these comments (and tweets) in years to come. The Almighty God that has always guided and guarded Nigeria will NEVER allow him to go free!!!!
Hehehehehehe my belle o! U really cracked me up! Choi! Confirm ol...
Rauben should know we all know he's paid to do what he just did defend Jonathan.That's what is expected of him or else he will loose his job. What the speaker said is d obvious truth we all know it.
Rauben should know we all know he's paid to do what he just did defend Jonathan.That's what is expected of him or else he will loose his job. What the speaker said is d obvious truth we all know it.
Anon 9:40, I completely feel ur pain!!! Nigeria keeps getting impoverished 'cos some idiots want to amass wealth for their 10th generation yet unborn. Nigeria's wealth is being used to develop other countries like Dubai and even Ghana!!! I honestly weep for this country!!!!!!!!
Reuben Abating is just a boot licker. Money got him talking out of both sides of his man. The man used to criticize the same government that he now defends.. Oh the power of money
We need a Leader not a Politician!Nigeria has made Politics nd Govt Positions so attractive evrione is a Politician in der own little way!Corruption is evriwhr frm Govt down to d people! We shd stop pointing only to d top cos even d common man next to u its corrupt!u cn hardly find an honest persn in ds Country!Wt this Country needs is serious Cleansing!God help Nigeria!
Oloriburuku ni e
Bonario are u trying to say d president of d most populated black country is snubbed
Bobby jude maxwell, will u shud up ur dirty mouth, Tanbuwal is part of d govt dat is fightn against curruption y d president is encouraging d currupt pple, Reuben Abati is talking nonsense... Less assuming Reuben Abati sincere he would hv resign 4rm dat dirty office he ws occupying bcos he knws d president is nt doing his job n he as 2 defend him...
The speaker is in office so should do something rather than moaning. If he is moaning what would us mere Nigerians do. Reuben, " I will do anything for a buck" has sold his soul to money so he is non existent to me to comment.
Eyah I feel your pain my sister, the strike hit you so hard that your English and grammar got bad. "E go better"
U are just a fool...for uttering such..bloody fanatic. D so called christian dat is ruling dat can't even respect God talkless of fear him. U are as shallow as ur comment
Its a shame dat u took ur tym to type dis, its shows how daft u are or ur level of I.Q...u just spoke like someone who has no atom of sense...smh
We sure know how to misuse opportunities in Nigeria. In other climes, blogs like this have been used to achieve radical change in the country through constructive arguments and reorientation. Ours has become a habitual video game of mudslinging and rubbish talks. We need to rise up and do away with our irresponsible leaders then heal our irredeemable selves
Really wacko
Religious sentiments!!!! So u see GEJ as a good Christian abi? Nobody is looking at religion here. A good leader is what we seek
Men tambuwal said the truth,,its obvious the president covers up corrupt people and cases,,he needs more people to face him and tell him the home truth and Abati should stop being Jonathan puppet cos he is also covering corruption.....
Reuben pls tk several seats biko... I agree wit Tambawal on dis,d president is being 2relaxd abt these issues makin these politians think they can do shit and get away wit it. Look @d ASUU situation,even afta d meetings n payments they hv d nerve 2demand salaries 4sitting @home. Frankly I think all these lecturers shld b sacked xcludin those who went back 2d classrooms b4 d deadline or beta stil universities shld b shutdwn 4lyk a year(ghana did it n see whr they r now). This ll show a president who can put his foot dwn. Itz not jst abt hvin meetings and setting up committees or putting up jail terms for critics on social media(datz a complete joke). Pls Mr President I need u 2step up! Linda biko anyhw u do it mk Mr President see dis comment o
hi peeps, this is just about the second time i am commenting on an issue via this blog...Linda you doing an awesome job girl, God's favor and grace on you...now...looking at what the honorable speaker said...putting aside sentiments, the man is very right...he mentioned several cases that is expected of the President to deal with, yet another person says the President will not act based on speculations but on proven facts? so the legislatures have no facts is that it? we all know when you are a spokesperson, u defend your master, but such is done with wisdom...if your master says he's going to hell, you wont say 'yes thats right, lets go'...you make him see reason why he shopuldnt go. so Mr. Abati should earn some credibility by advising the President on what should be discussed on air, else they'll make a mess of themselves as always...ofcourse, that in itself, they have no feeling over...
Reuben Abbati, the parrot that never retire from talking............Shame on u!
Bona my Romeo, I'm here waiting for you o. I miss u like 'kilode' 4rm ur Juliet
when it comes to matters bordering on corrruption,dey always stall..we already know dis so it aint news
You need to shut ur mouth up and throw sentiments out. GEJ is a disappointment and he will be disgraced like Jacob zuma in front of the whole world
A lack of vision gives birth to lawlessness, and lawlessnessgive birth to corruption!99% of our political leaders and most of our civil servants loot the nation because of a lack of vision. When there is a lack of vision, leaders destroy the nation, instead of building her.
Abati is just the biggest mistake of our generation and people like him should be hanged after Dumbo Jonathan leaves office.
Abati is the greatest mistake of our generation....He stands for nothing but his pocket serving his slave master at the detriment of the general interest of the people, but soon they will discover that power truly belongs to the people
This Dr reuben of a thing. I wish we were still in the era of the old testament,wish God could just pounce on this piece of shit. What proven corruption is he talking of again? Is he mentally ryt?
O ga o Rueben should just go and sit down, is he saying that the speaker does not know what is going on. Mcheew
The highest level of corruption is in NASS. First they failed to reveal their salaries and allowances. Secondly they demand from the executive for almost every thing the executive want to succeeded. See him talking about SEC and bullet proof car of N255m. MSHEEEEW
God bless you
I Reuben Abati is not sincere with his comment.the way he talk you know it is not straight forward.
James Isaac.
Okay now
Okay now
All of us should have known Abati's stand from his last statement "He is certainly in a position to know the truth and defend both his party and the government." what Abati was trying to made us understand is that they are not appointed to defend the interest of Nigerians rather they are there first to defend the party (PDP)secondly the PDP's government in power. So Tambuwal has fails to do that as a party member. I'm very sorry for this country, this guy call Reuben is truly a lost sheep.
When did Body language start encouraging people to become corrupt??! Confused fellow. Good job Reuben!
See ur nation soaking herself in corrupt practises and all you can say is for someone to keep quiet even if he is corrupt he should all other corrupt practises to continue shaking my head for ur irrational judgement
If our politicians think Mandela is as great as they have been shouting why cant they emulate Nelson Mandela in leadership, simplicity and service to the people? While Mandela died in his country South Africa, many of our politicians die abroad except when they die in an accident. Mandela was hospitalized and treated in a South African hospital throughout his health challenge while our leaders prefer to go to foreign hospitals to treat common headache. Mandela died a contented man and not a wealthy man. He did not own any diamond mine, private jet, bullet proof vehicle whereas our politicians are fighting themselves over our oil blocs and our national treasury. Mandela did not worship money. He surrounded himself with the love of the people. Mandela was not known to be religious. He never attended any Holy Ghost service or any special religious convention. He served God through service to humanity, forgiveness and love for his neighbour. Our politicians have many spiritual leaders praying for them yet their ways are not right with the people they claim to serve. God is not mocked. He sees the hearts of all men. Shame on all Nigerian leaders shedding crocodile tears and paying tributes to a great man like Nelson Mandela. Pay tribute to him by emulating his leadership style. Mandela believed its better to lead from behind and to put others in front. All we are asking is for the leaders to do like Nelson Mandela. Fix our hospitals, give the masses quality education, give us good roads, lead by example. All we are asking is, fix Nigeria. Please share until it gets to our good-for- nothing politicians who are stealing us blind. According to Nelson Mandela, We must use time wisely and forever realise that the time is always ripe to do right
My people, lets not be too quick to judge Reuben Abati,if you have tasted poverty and you are given an opportunity to taste wealth you would do or say anything to hold unto your new found wealth even if it means selling your integrity and conscience.Living a life of Lack is one of the worst things that can happen to an individual.
Abati is nothing bt a stooge, don't even knw his worth! Stupid idiot! Shok
This Reuben Abati should please keep his mouth shut. After his subtle lobby for the job and no sooner than he got there, he coined 'Villa Scope' among other conduit pipes. The legs that walk fast equally have the eyes that see twice as fast. RA, listen to your heart and remember Fela's "when trouble sleep, inyanga go wake am, na wetin e de fine...........complete it yourself!
Very mad sef!!!so becus he's president we shld keep respecting him while he rapes our country into d grave.if u don't have a brain 2 think,borrow sum1's own or STFU!
Lmao..What a 1st observer u are.
All these our leaders are nothing but thieves. they steal in the day, in the nigh. May God save us from them.
Only God knws.. 2015 is. Rit n my bck yard
Only God knws wat 2015 wi b.
Ur comment made no sense too, esp ur spelling of twitter
I sincerely pray this earth rejects Abati , Nigerians are tired off putting up wit Jonathan and his aides
Mr Abati..ur yeye name is speaking for u.See u have forgotten that one day you will want to go for a political post and with this ur comments ur ambitions don spoil and can never be achieved.Even make u use 100 heads and human being do sacrifices cant work.Cos word of mouth kills alot.Jonathan will soon leave with his own ambitions and leave with ur own..Just use ur brain wisely..
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