Pope Francis named TIME's Person of the Year 2013 | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Pope Francis named TIME's Person of the Year 2013

After only nine months as the head of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis has been named TIME magazine Person of the Year 2013. TIME said the former Argentinian Cardinal has become the 'new voice of conscience and is the person who had the greatest impact on the world in 2013.
"Rarely has a new player on the world stage captured so much attention so quickly - young and old, faithful and cynical - as Pope Francis," editors at Time Magazine said. 
The runner-up to the Pope is the National Security Agency whistle blower, Edward Snowden.



nice...keep up the good works...

ROTFLMAO!! Watch Seyi Law As He Thrills The Audience With His Rib Cracking Jokes At "Africa Worships With Sonnie Badu 2013" Event!!


Rough Diamond said...

Yes! Very good to know dey picked d right person! Keep d good work going on! We love u pope Francis!

Anonymous said...

Linpopo, good for them o.

Blog Queen said...

Wow,I've never been happier. Congrats pope Francis,may God give u more strength.

Unknown said...

Which impact? Political pope

Anonymous said...

Αm i the first to commented?

Anonymous said...

So good! Gold fish has no hiding place! He shld keep d good work going

Janelicious said...

Wowww papal

maureen said...

Congratulations sir.

Unknown said...

Why align his head in such a way that the M in time gives a Baphomet like appearance.......?????

Oshlan said...

Thats nice...Hope u continue to show u impact in this sinful world


His Holiness..abeg dey should free our pope,b4 dey go talk say him do dz do dat ooooo

Unknown said...

Ok next

Anonymous said...

May God continue to bless d Pope! The gate of hell shall not prevail over d church. Only low minders speak ill of d church.

Unknown said...

Ok next


God bless our Pope.
God bless his Francis.
God bless the vicar of Christ.
God bless the successor of St Peter.
God bless the Pope of the poor.

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

henry said...

1st to comment. Linda my 100k...bona baby, whats this xmas gonna look like????

coolteeboi said...

Yep he deserves it. Just heard it form cnn. Now .

Anonymous said...

The coolest award of the year
~D great anonymous!

Unknown said...

i comment my reserve

Anonymous said...

They say that only bcox of his comments on Gay/lesbian people.. But he also deserves it. And am just sayn.. Linda kindly consider me ! EDUCATION is all i need. 0137589785 gtbank amen

I’ll be a bad girl, I’ll prove it to you said...

That Edward na bad guy

Anonymous said...

Linda...I hrd dey'v called off d strike,dnt nid u 2 post it,jst cnfirm.wantd 2 watch d news bt dey jst tuk our lite.Lilybabe

Anonymous said...

he deserves it cos he has brought humilty, focus and direction to the church.The type that has not been there since pope john paul died

Anonymous said...

Congrat ur Holiness

Apple said...

Congratulations!!!! Shame on fake Pastor Okotie!!! ( man of devil )

Unknown said...

long live the Pope

Nneka said...

I also agree with dem.

dee said...


Anonymous said...

He deserves it! @IamMrjaydee

Atobatele said...

More grace Pope...And more award to come.

Unknown said...

Which impact? Political pope. What business does pope hv 2 do with time magazine! Anti christ

Unknown said...

Which impact? Political pope. What business does pope hv 2 do with time magazine! Anti christ

i ChoPtas Not said...

Outrighly acclaimed... Such a one in a million pontifex... The way i love thee can never be over emphasized.. #Kudo@Time Magazine

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Yaaaaaa d@s ma pope *smiles

Unknown said...

okay!..congratz 2 hım.

Igor said...

Time's man of the year award has always been a subjective test.His reforms were very popular in the West,especially his attempt to extend an olive branch to the gay community (I am not a supporter of gay unions in whatever form) The holy father truly deserves the award.

Unknown said...

God bless the Pope.
In the name of the Father,and of the Son and of the Holy spirit. And every body say Amen

ary said...

Yay! I like that title: 'voice of conscience'



Anonymous said...


ICY said...

Why wouldn't he?? Mtcheewww...

Goldberry Blaq said...

I'm proud 2 belong 2 d CATHOLIC faith. Glory 2 Jesus! (Mzz Blaq)

Anonymous said...


eje said...

The antichrist

@nawtypaula said...

That's my pope...d way I love dis man ehn

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Pope........we love you!

Anonymous said...

Thumbs up..


Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

People are moved by what they see and hear; ruled by their emotions. If you able to generate the right emotions in Humans then you can control them, make them lay down their lives for you. Do not look up to any man; look up to your creator alone.
Only the character of God can be relied upon. He never changes or play to human emotions. God does not need to score cheap points with humans by being politically correct or tailor His words to suit contemporary times/moods.
Look up to God my people.
No Pastor/Priest will lead you to heaven. Commune with the saints but don't worship them. No one can take the place of God no matter how hard they try.
The Israelites of old cried out for a king and made God angry. Why put a man between you and God thereby committing the same sin/fault as the children of Israel? Why look up to Man when you can look up to God?
The hearts of all Men/Women are Wicked, so why do you trust in one?

Anonymous said...

Linda might I add that since ur 100k announcement a lot of people now comment with their names ;-)

Anonymous said...

E work for it and deserve it.... Congrate... Pookypie

Anonymous said...

Yes. Proud to be a catholic not just a catholic but a practising catholic.

Petro... T said...

Nna ora.... May God give you the wisdom to rule catholic church in Jesus name... Amen

Anonymous said...

God is great.... Catholic forever..... Amen!

diamondblinqZ said...

Congratz daddy! Kip up d gud work. D Lord is ur muscle.

wemimo said...

Congrats Pope..

Unknown said...

Yes, and he is the head of the Catholic Church, Chris okotie should go and hang himself or better use his balls and scratch barb wire. F**king Hypocrites

Anonymous said...

End time things,cant y'als see it!! Do ur research evn U̶̲̥̅̊ Linda

Anonymous said...

Don't think I am in support of time magazine for this cos he supported the gay movement and didn't tell them the truth in christian voice.J-Lord

Beautifulll said...

That'i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅ my pontiff. May God'i̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅ love never cease on you! Catholic and proud

Duke Emeka said...

He deserves it.

Anonymous said...

Wow good to know that

SiSi Events said...

Now Catholics are back in d news!!...what has d body bullet proof okotie got 2say bout the pope?..Long Live the POPE!!..

Unknown said...

Long live the catholic church..CARPENTER chris okotie u hear me so...I said long LIVE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH..

Mrs E said...

Love my Pope. He was coronated the same day the center of my world was born, we are interlinked

Ariesbabe said...

Dis news makes me so damn hapi. May God cntinue to b wit u Pope Francis. #proud 2 b a Catholic#

Anonymous said...

He deserves it, the church and the world around have felt his impact this past nine month.

Anonymous said...

Rightfully so. This man is so blessed. He is bringing back honour to the Catholic Church. I am proud of him.

Bonita Bislam said...

I hope he's heaven's choice

Anonymous said...

May we continue to emulate Christ in all we do.

Unknown said...

Thumb up .........


Na who decieve u say xtians no de gbedu #yagaa

Unknown said...

well deserved, His Holiness, God Bless the Pope, God Bless His Church

Kemsie said...

You must be gay...Bona's JuLiEt

Anonymous said...

God bless our pope the great the good Congrats our vicar on earth

Chidimma said...

Congrats! Pope Francis

Anonymous said...

You bastard attention seeker, if u don't want to face ur death before the end of this year better shut ur mouth. I'm sure your mother regrets having you bastard.

Unknown said...

yeaaaaaaaaah. He his my pope, n we are so proud of him. ** GIFT**

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

@morientes who is not playing politics these days? No church is left out , so if u don't have any better thing to say just SHUT UP.

dhobiz said...

May God give you the wisdom to lead his children

dhobiz said...

Who's looking up to man?

dhobiz said...

Define anti christ

Anonymous said...

Me too!


Anonymous said...

May God have mercy on us all. Amen!

Anonymous said...

Proudly Roman catholic! In the catholic faith I shall die Amen! Keep the name calling to yourselves please.

chioma said...

issokai...wts next

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

That's good your work well done

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

No my dear, you're the 6th to "commented". lol!

Anonymous said...

You wey know! Uncle christ

ST. KIZITO BOUTIQUE IG: @stkizitoboutique said...

Way forward

Anonymous said...

Becaful of wot u said,GOD Z WATCHIN US!

Anonymous said...

Enyia go church go write ur poem abeg..kmt

Anonymous said...

How is he political? Silly boy.

Anonymous said...

Commented indeed.

Anonymous said...

Mumu of the highest order.

Anonymous said...

I hope Chris Okotie is alive and seeing this! Vox populi,vox dei.... Nothing explains it better.

Anonymous said...

Retarded fool. Commenting trash, showing d whole world ur level of imbecility

Anonymous said...

Mumu. Say dat to ur pastor.

Kenturky said...

Long live the Vicar of Christ.

Anonymous said...

@bassey, nah u be d original antichrist. See ur head, like dat of d devil himself. Ewu!

Anonymous said...

@eje, nah u be d devil himself.

Anonymous said...

It's because he panders to the things of the world. Atheists love it when that happens.

Anonymous said...

Long and meaningless sermon. No need to remind us about looking up to God who is should be our ultimate mentor. But even at dat, u still have earthly mentors, or abi u no get pastor/spiritual director? Or don't u go to church at all. Even if u be pastor, don't u hv a superior u admirer and look up to? Abeg go and pack well for inside forest joor!!

Maris said...

We love you indeed Pope Francis! You're truly God's gift to the human race

Maris said...

AMEN! I see you're my brother in the faith.

Maris said...

We love you indeed Pope Francis! You're truly God's gift to the human race

Anonymous said...

U must be very stupid to say dat he supported d gay community. He never did. Ur inability to understand the english translation of what he said led u to a blind conclusion about his stance on homosexuality. U can still refer back to what he said then which can be likened to what Jesus teaches, ie, "love the sinner but hate the sin". If somebody hates u because of ur numerous sins, will that make u to repent? In d same vain, u should show d gay people love while preaching them about their sins. Mind u dat homosexuality is not d only sin that can lead someone to hell fire. Now the question for u is, as u A̶̲̥̅̊я̲̣̥ε̲̣̣̣̥ busy pointing accusing fingers on gays, are u free from other sins that can equally lead u to hell?

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

More blessing to u pope francis am loud to be a catholic

pwitie B said...

He has not impacted my life in any aspect dat I knw 4 sure

MARCEE said...

God Really Needed the publicity

Unknown said...

Bonario, which language is this?

switchloe said...

gr8, nice one keep d good wrk up... Linda ppls consider me in d sharin of d 1m, pls i'll be grateful. Tnx

Anonymous said...

God purnish u.

Anonymous said...

More of God's guildence and wisdom my hoilness. Catholic till my End.

Anonymous said...

For ur best of make-up(bridal,kim kardashian look,dramatic,smokey look)etc,diff stylish gele and skincare/facials.pls contact chi "O" mas divas make-Over on 08162687585,or add me on my bb:330a76ac.tnx

Anonymous said...

Man of the year indeed.....bullshit because he is supporting gay marriage......oyibo people and hypocrisy, if he had come out to categorically say he does not support gay marriage trust my royal arse he won't be getting this award......not impressed....

Anonymous said...

NA WA!!!

Anonymous said...

Proud to be a catholic indeed.....you better stop worshipping army so you can make heaven.......pope wey no fit categorically say God hates homosexuality is a hypocrite........that is the word of God and should not be coated......God loves the sinner who acknowledges his sin....

Unknown said...

""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
Dis new pope na guy man.

zinwa ogbonna said...

Ode get some education, they pick who ever they want.,. The pope didn't choose to be on the magazine

zinwa ogbonna said...

Because we can and it's nobody's business. Serve God the way u see it right and don't question people's decisions it's not ur business #simple

Swaggs isimemen said...

Congratulation my pope I love u....

Swaggs isimemen said...

Congratulation my pope I love u....

Swaggs isimemen said...

Congratulation my pope I love u....

Anonymous said...

That's my Holy Father. For the record, he hasn't and will never support gay marriage. The Roman Catholic Church's stance on abortion, same sex marriage and contraception still stands. Pope Francis only taught us to hate the sin and not the sinner. Et unam sanctam Catholicam, et apostolicam ecclesiam.....

Unknown said...

keep up the good works...

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis my namesake abeg just help us talk to 9ja NEPA

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis please help us pray for NEPA in Nigeria

Anonymous said...

Babami help us talk to our government about light please

Anonymous said...

Pope Francis biko we need light in Nigeria help us

Anonymous said...

If u can just pray for light in Nigeria I will be very happy

Anonymous said...

Biko NEPA please

Anonymous said...

No need responding for this kind of post, it make us look and sound like the commentor and gives dem joy and attention d seek, just lve dem and comment ur good one and go, imagine how unnoticed and bad d feel wen noone replies dem. And moreover God records all such die hard eveil comment on His pipo because no I De JOKE on dat day, u just come to blog and say such ill tin on someone u honestly knows notin about, itz soo hurtful, but replying u wt a hateful words is stooping low like u.

Anonymous said...

I had to go back, and I saw notin, pls make it visible and tell me wot it means, mshewwww beinggg, God just have mercy

Anonymous said...

Robert!? Haba,u knw get any other thing to think about again?

Unknown said...

Nice1 his Holiness#Mo'Blessings

Unknown said...

nice one!

Unknown said...

nice one!

GOZZY said...

May God guide him and b his strength.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Pope Francis. May God continue to strengthen you. Amen. We love you papa!

Tabsyyy said...

Ice wear! I don't understand it too!


Spot on guy, u get eye n I guess u hv been doing ur research, leave dose dat r sleeping on bike let dem continue sleeping


Now I know y Linda Gv u one hundred k witout stress, Angry

MY TURN said...

i Like Pope Francis he is another version of Mother Theresa...

Anonymous said...

That's my pope, love u, keep it up
May the Almighty God uphold u in Jesus name

InkDrop said...

they used to conderm the Catholics for calling their priest father but nowadays other churches used daddy,papa,mama,bishop Mrs.who is fooling who?. i know all other churches hate catholic church for it success in building best schools, hospitals,orphanages, skills acquisition centres etc.we've educated about 70% of the world.I won't be surprise if Chris okotie went to a catholic sch. since that was the only schools in those days.I don't know why churches like Jehovah's witness do not help the society..yet they conderm .what do they have to show ?. awake and watchtower when millions of people are hungry.I love my faith.

InkDrop said...

they used to conderm the Catholics for calling their priest father but nowadays other churches used daddy,papa,mama,bishop Mrs.who is fooling who?. i know all other churches hate catholic church for it success in building best schools, hospitals,orphanages, skills acquisition centres etc.we've educated about 70% of the world.I won't be surprise if Chris okotie went to a catholic sch. since that was the only schools in those days.I don't know why churches like Jehovah's witness do not help the society..yet they conderm .what do they have to show ?. awake and watchtower when millions of people are hungry.I love my faith.

InkDrop said...

they used to conderm the Catholics for calling their priest father but nowadays other churches used daddy,papa,mama,bishop Mrs.who is fooling who?. i know all other churches hate catholic church for it success in building best schools, hospitals,orphanages, skills acquisition centres etc.we've educated about 70% of the world.I won't be surprise if Chris okotie went to a catholic sch. since that was the only schools in those days.I don't know why churches like Jehovah's witness do not help the society..yet they conderm .what do they have to show ?. awake and watchtower when millions of people are hungry.I love my faith.

Anonymous said...

Adoft Hitler was Time's Person of the Year in 1938

Blog King said...

Good to know

FunmiD said...

@ morientes bassey, it is you and your entire family that are anti-christ not my pope. bloody hater

Anonymous said...

Let He without sin be the first to post rubbish! Ooops! Many rubbish already......SMH@them

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