The divorced father of five who lived alone in his apartment was discovered after his brother asked a friend residing close to Mr Chibuogwu to help check on him because he couldn't reach him on phone. The friend and Mr Chibuogwu's landlord forcefully gained entrance into his apartment where they found his body.
Mr Chibuogwu had been dead for at least 3 days before he was found. Nobody knows how he died.
Linda did you use the ability to find husband to gain wealth?????
Jesu! Oh no! Chai!
R.I.P o
Lawd v mercy
May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace...
All dis silent killins givs me d creep! I pray d killer is brought 2justice
wetin we go call this one now again..
Watch Pastor Chris Okotie Grooving And Celebrating With The Ladies During One Of His Church Service (Video)
Strange things are happening every day.
rip bro
R.I. P.
May his gentle soul rest in perfect peace... Let's learn how to do good.
He must have taken cocaine or weed
Oh no. He must've had a heart attack and since he lives alone no one to get him help. So sad.
OMG!! i cn just imagine the stench....Rip man...nd we nigerians never learn we still keep strugling to live there so sad
Hmmnnnnnn..... May his soul RIP
Its sad the way Nigerians are dying over there
Please Read
woah! RIP! I Hope dey find d cause of death, d killer if dere is any
This is a misery.
God! This is serious. May his soul rest in peace.
Na wa o. May his soul RIP
May His soul Rest in Peace, quite a number of Nigerians have died in the U.S this year
Cant they see that the whıte man's land ıs no more safe 2 lıve?..
Oh pls!,nıgerıans come back home,Mother Aıregın(Nıgerıa) z not tıred of puttıng up wıth y'oll!
May hıs gentle soul RIP:(
O ga o,all this die die sef,God will help us o
This is sad,may his soul rest in peace. If someone was responsible for it,he or she is only a victim because no man shall die before his time. On the LIB giveaway,I saw my comments but I forgot to put my number.08027032612,mariam abt getn a laptop before sch resumes. Thanks
An unsolved mystery, RIP
Lord Jesus av mercy on ur children
seriously...whats going on!! may his soul RIP!
Hello linda. I was unable to post on your christmas giveaway bonus because of too much coment on the post I think. I hope you get this from here. I'm a student, an orphan a hustling one I must say. Getting my handouts has been my major problem now and exams starts immediately the strike is over and if I could get that done I'm sure this yulitide season is gonna be a great one. I wanted to venture into buying recharge voucher and selling airtime but I've not been able to get a capital for that which I'm sure about 8k will do and getting that is gonna make a great christmas. My phone number is 07036322294.
Maybe he died of heart attack or high blood pressure.
OMG! So sad. RIP. May God console his family.
Linda linda I haven't seen my comment concering ur 100k. Pls my ans are 1.ur birthday.2. Aluu killing of d 4 students 3. The death of goldie 4.subsidy removal5. The death of nelson mandela.0804558573
May he rest well sha!
Linda. i'v stated my plights here countless times bt U̶̲̥̅̊ dntt post my comment. i'll aaccept my unfortunate fate. God ll make A̶̲̥̅̊ way F̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇я̩̥̊ me nd he'll elevate U̶̲̥̅̊ also. Am sure U̶̲̥̅̊ knw me alrdy. Linda! Pls cnsider me. Av mercy on the fatherless. U̶̲̥̅̊'v brought countless tearss 2 my eye 2day. ♓☺w else cn i prove my sincerity. i cn giv U̶̲̥̅̊ my address. So dat U̶̲̥̅̊ cn visit me nd see F̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇я̩̥̊ urself ♓☺w we ar nd managing. ♓☺w else cn i explain 2 U̶̲̥̅̊ linda. Biko! i beg U̶̲̥̅̊ by my late father nd by my poor widowed mother. Who ȋ̝̊̅§ also expecting ur blessing. If U̶̲̥̅̊ doubt me. i cn giv U̶̲̥̅̊. My address...my name remains Praise 08162994122
To ☹. *Debbie Chelsea*
Linda. i'v stated my plights here countless times bt U̶̲̥̅̊ dntt post my comment. i'll aaccept my unfortunate fate. God ll make A̶̲̥̅̊ way F̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇я̩̥̊ me nd he'll elevate U̶̲̥̅̊ also. Am sure U̶̲̥̅̊ knw me alrdy. Linda! Pls cnsider me. Av mercy on the fatherless. U̶̲̥̅̊'v brought countless tearss 2 my eye 2day. ♓☺w else cn i prove my sincerity. i cn giv U̶̲̥̅̊ my address. So dat U̶̲̥̅̊ cn visit me nd see F̶̲̥̅̊ợ̣̣̇̇̇я̩̥̊ urself ♓☺w we ar nd managing. ♓☺w else cn i explain 2 U̶̲̥̅̊ linda. Biko! i beg U̶̲̥̅̊ by my late father nd by my poor widowed mother. Who ȋ̝̊̅§ also expecting ur blessing. If U̶̲̥̅̊ doubt me. i cn giv U̶̲̥̅̊. My address...my name remains Praise 08162994122
This thing is becoming too much. Nigerians abroad should be very careful
"Ihe neme oo". It marvuls me @ d rate @ which people die dis days......who knws wat ha led to his death....dat was hw I lost a course mate dis same week.....God I tnk u cos d sickness dat came my way dint claim my life. RIP sir!
Na waooh, him jst die like dat
Wonders shall never end. RIP.
Rip to d dead joor! Him don die him don die! Nothing can bring him back. Next!!! Click here and be amazed!!!
Wonders shall never end. RIP.
Nawao. This western world wey we dey so. Onlyb in America you see naija people dey die like chicken.
Wat is happening in the world for God's sake. May God help us.
Make daily cash online and be paid directly to ur naija personal account . Click here to see
RIP.. They could perform an autopsy to find out how he died----C21
Too bad! May his soul rest in perfect peace,that's y it not good to live alone @ least to have someone to be checking up on! Sis linda I dint seee my comment on the 1.5 give away I commented thrice by 3am! Ogunwande olaide 08063012475. Thanks much.
Eyah wat a pity. RIP. .am d first to comment ooh
Eeyah may is soul RIP
H,mm may his soul Rip....
Eyah wat a pity. ..dis is really sad .RIP Sir. .. am d first to comment ooh
I'm sure he was killed by a Nigerian man.
Eeya, may His soul rest in perfect peace
things are happenin, RIP. Linda pls am still waitin, d 20k will do lots of tins 4 me dis xmas biko merem ebere. tnx
Na waooh, him jst die like dat no trace!
Wonders shall never end. RIP.
Things are happening. God's protection will be on us.
May eternal rest be granted upon his soul.
Meehhhhhh,wats happenin nahhh?dis killin is becomin somtin else....God save us all..
Probaly,a suicide case. RIP.
Oh mine!the sting of death is sharp and painful
Comfort to the bereaved!
Sad....may God give comfort to his family
Are the so called almighty america security not doing anything about it, what D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ know how to do is terrorist shit, tunder fire una....
Jesus!that's my homie!
May his soul rest in peace,God knos wat culd ve bn d cause of his death #*karlishah*
Pity! RIP to him. God b d ultimate judge. Linda I haven't seen my comment on d guesses wch I did as early as...
Hehehehe. Hp am shortlisted ooh *fibgerscrossed* So need it ryt naw *Covered face*
Hmmmmmm...... God have mercy on all of us . Maybe he suffered a heart attack. Dats y its not good to live alone, we all need somebody.May his soul rest in peace.
May his soul rest in peace.
Eeyah, y are nigerians dying. RIP
Uwa di egwu!aunty linda ur money will do uncountable in my life and I will nt 4get in a hurry,iheanacho.f.chigozirim 6171578741fidelity,may d God of chosen chapel touch ur heart 2bless me,07033661573,tanks
God of Mercy nd Compassion!!!
Uwa di egwu!aunty linda ur money will do uncountable in my life and I will nt 4get in a hurry,iheanacho.f.chigozirim 6171578741fidelity,may d God of chosen chapel touch ur heart 2bless me,07033661573,tanks
Uwa di egwu!aunty linda ur money will do uncountable in my life and I will nt 4get in a hurry,iheanacho.f.chigozirim 6171578741fidelity,may d God of chosen chapel touch ur heart 2bless me,07033661573,tanks
Uwa di egwu!aunty linda ur money will do uncountable in my life and I will nt 4get in a hurry,iheanacho.f.chigozirim 6171578741fidelity,may d God of chosen chapel touch ur heart 2bless me,07033661573,tanks
As they will not stay in their country nah...may his soul rest in peace.
Lola n andre jst have to flaunt deir love in my face *crying*
Cant y'll see am busy being sad, alone and pathetic?
Shit! Te Amor wit lola n andre's love.
My heart beats for teleM.
Only God knows what happened. One of the disadvantages of living alone. May his soul rest in peace.
Rest in Peace!
rip 08122227031 #amen
Hiannnn! Autopsy please!
May his soul rest in peace
So bad... R.I.p
May his soul rest in peace
Ehhyaaa.. So bad..
Na WA oooo... Nigerians come bak 2ur country. Leave d whites alone. Una no dey hear word.
Why couple break up about having so many kids together baffles me.
Its very scary.
Cld all of dis be a co-incidence?#am jus passin by#ntn consine me#
Are we safe abroad?
it is well o
Mysteries,may God help us
OMG! Strange things are really happening to our people abroad. God save us...SMH
On God knows d secret behind his death. RIP Man
Na wa oh.may his soul rest in peace
Linda abeg na beg i dey beg u pls can u jes stop posting the comments of pepple still on ur giveaway they making d blog boring and tiring with lengthy unimaginable stories if linda doesn't give u d 20k now y don't u think of working 4 d 20k or whatever amount.abeg asuu shud call of strike oo cos most of them don 4get simple instruction chai i don tire kilode.RIP sir God keep us still surviving.
Linda abeg na beg i dey beg u pls can u jes stop posting the comments of pepple still on ur giveaway they making d blog boring and tiring with lengthy unimaginable stories if linda doesn't give u d 20k now y don't u think of working 4 d 20k or whatever amount.abeg asuu shud call of strike oo cos most of them don 4get simple instruction chai i don tire kilode.RIP sir God keep us still surviving.
Ha! Is this a new trend???
May his soul rest in peace.
These whites ad their madness hmmm crime prevails everywhr I guess RIP man
Oh Lord have mercy! There is so much pain, sadness and suffering in this world. Pls comfort his family, dear Holy Spirit.
May God forgive them. This should be a lesson to those who choose to live bachelor life by abandoning their family cos of responsibility. Their lot of them over here. They can't tolerate a woman. They live for themselves alone
My dad is one of them.
Quite unfortunate, may his soul rest in peace
Too bad...Rip
Oh my! This is sad! May his soul rest in peace.
Not again!! So sad. May his soul RIP
Jeez! What's all this na? Aint we nigerians human? May his soul rest in peace.
Jeez! What's all this na? Aint we nigerians human? May his soul rest in peace.
It could ve been anytin.. RIP
Oh my! This is sad! May his soul rest in peace.
Hmmmm! God help us all
so sad, may his soul rip :(
This kin thing Nawawao ooo
I know the man and he used to attend the nigerian meetings here. May his soul rest in peace.
Hian!! Again? RIP
may his gentle soul rest in perfect peace.....
Serial killer at large! Target: Nigerians : please BEWARE!!! God protect us.
This feels more like a serial killing or a Drug Deal Gone Bad.. Its too shady
Is there no autopsy to bring results? America is advance nah,
So sad..RIP
OMG!!May God rest his soul.
Hmmmmmmmmm God protect ur servants.. Linda I open ur blog every day but I hardly comment, but I will like to say u r a nice , wonderful n hardworking young lady, I wish u all d best n also wish us d best of husbands, dat will love n appreciate us..ameen(meemee).
Nawa o wa...ki lon shele...m begining to suspect tins o
@ ayagwa america is advance yes but sometimes they won't reveal the REAL cause of death. just like the dr/pastor that was found dead in his car in maryland, they said it was 'natural causes' YEA RIGHT!
Hmmm, I tire with all dis die die o. anyway, may ur soul rest in perfect peace. ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
Are you high? What a stupid question..
What a sad news may his soul rest in peace
R u retarded, why don't u go and marry her useless cow. It's people like u that deserve to be stoned in public for insensitive comments like this. Loud mouth my left toe, idiot
Have you forgetten how many Nigerians die in Nigeria everyday? Give me a break abeg!
May his soul rest in peace
You are a diabolical witch/wizard. And something tells me you be ijebu-yoruba....nonentity juju voodoo rifled tribe!!
Nawa oooo. Wetin dey happen? For some weeks now we have heard stories about nigerians found dead in foreign countries.*lips sealed* God biko save our pple abroad.
May dis never come to my dwelling place and any other person reading this comment IJN.Peace 2 d dead.
My dear dat 20k I will use it to raise my small mums provision store,so she will mak small moni 2 tak my small sister to skul...I will book masses for you...08032643151 thnks dear...post my comment pls
Sad one for tha family.....R.I.P
You are crazy,how dare you say such?u will be mocked too.
Mr/Mrs foolish! Plz wot has that got to do with this??? How does her martial status affect ur stupid life cos if u had a decent life u won't go around asking retarded questions.
Are you the one that killed him? The writer didn't mention that he was killed but that he was found dead okay.
So he won't celebrate Xmas? RIP
May this be what people will say about you when you die. No emphathy for the family. Thoughtless words from a thoughtless human.
May this be what people will say about you when you die. No emphathy for the family. Thoughtless words from a thoughtless human.
Madam whr did u read he was murdered? Cause of death is not yet known so if he died of an illness should it also be arrested? "Silent killings gives me the creep" no be only creep e suppose give u slap join! Forming butty here, fall back jor!
You really are loudmouthed. What a thing to say, some folks just don't have no couth.
Cadillac, your stupidity knows no bounds. Weed kills people now?
So Joel, where do you get the money to use internet?
Why stick in a marriage thats not working? That baffles me. What happens to being happy
Stop turning it into a hate crime. Get the facts first. Boko Haram kill every time, no one's saying are we safe in the North. Do you know how many people live in the United States to make this very sad situation an isolated incident?
Nawa o! May God help us. The cause of his death. Will surely be reveal.
Its even more sad the way Nigerians are dying at home!
Thank you. Someone died, others are asking for money for laptops. Half of the will put it towards showing off a status that they dont have, spending it on lace wig or peppersoup lady. I am sure less than 10% of the people who really need the money are asking for it, the remaining 90%. Maybe ill visit the blog middle of next year, by then the begging should have stopped. The best art of the blog is the comments and the funny comments people leave. Now for every 5 comments you read, 4 is for begging. Im switching to bellanaija. This is too much.
Do you even know what you're talking about? Please sit down
Hahaha... how you gon put your pops out like dat? Thats dirty but mad funny tho.
Linda, you no finish this story well. Lol... Make I help you! This is the third in a row of deaths of men in similar situations. They were all divorced, 2 of them lived in Lowell, from different parts of Anambra. The third man (I think also from Anambra) also just relocated to Revere from Lowell. They were all found dead in their apartments, at some point this year.
This is a lie. They are required by law to specify cause of death, especially cases such as this that happens under mysterious circumstances. If you die in a house, alone or with someone, it is an automatic requirement for autopsy to be performed to ensure it was a "natural cause" and not induced. For this gentleman, im sure the state coroner is doing one for him, it will take 2-3 weeks or so, to get the results back. If its someone popular, at least 1 to 1.5 weeks. So if he just died, you wont have a factual answer on cause of death. So stop spreading lies or speak authoritatively on matters you're clearly not versed on. Nigerians sometimes... very interesting folks!!!
Na wa. This kin death sef. And staying alone too.
Ure d only retard ever liveth!
Anyi amazi ihe n'eme na obodo America.
Linda plese post my comment.im yur biggest folower .
It's me
nneka oguamanam from ebonyi state
R.I.P KpeLe sIr...DaJaX
Only if they ll come back home,go well bro
Maybe your mom is a bitch
So your stupid uncle born 4 babies by a woman and now decided to go and marry a NEW wife Naija abi? Yeah right like the woman who have 4 children will look and laugh right? So Y didn't he travel to Nigeria to marry in d first place? Lol men will always be men
oponu elenu rirun.......stupid fool.
Morons! Even Linda knows I am joking. Just the way her story changed when she started blogging. Her story will change regarding the husband issue
Lonely living pattern in abroad tire man o
Sad, RIP!!!
""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
This is really sad.
Loudmouth asshole..waka
If u got nothing to say close ur silly loudmouth
Anthonia Omo oloyede
These killings just are NOT right why? am going to America in a few days not looking forward to it at all.
But i have to use my Visa. lol
The pix looks familiar.i think I must have seen that face. Did you say he is about 60yrs and has 5kids, divorced and lives by himself? I hope he didn't commit suicide. ..cuz the number divorce among Nigerians in abroad is exploading all for Western life.... I guess the immediate family, ex wife and Children are first on the line to question. He probably died of heart attack too. Pls Linda I wish you can open a forum here to educate fello naija on love, tolerance,forgiveness, sacrifice and fear of God in marriage. Especially those who live in Westernised world. My people hope I spoke well? You can call or email me for a free Godly marriage counseling. +16178885875 kizzstone@yahoo.com Thanks
The pix looks familiar.i think I must have seen that face. Did you say he is about 60yrs and has 5kids, divorced and lives by himself? I hope he didn't commit suicide. ..cuz the number divorce among Nigerians in abroad is exploading all for Western life.... I guess the immediate family, ex wife and Children are first on the line to question. He probably died of heart attack too. Pls Linda I wish you can open a forum here to educate fello naija on love, tolerance,forgiveness, sacrifice and fear of God in marriage. Especially those who live in Westernised world. My people hope I spoke well? You can call or email me for a free Godly marriage counseling. +16178885875 kizzstone@yahoo.com Thanks
May God comfort His family. So sad
Hei Onwu! Onwu!labman! labman!
very decent human being and an old boy of Igwebuike grammer school[IGS]
Rest in peace.
Dear Linda, am not happy when I post comments and don't get to see it, its really not encouraging at all. Dat is how some people will miss out of that 1m give away because their comments wasn't posted appropriately. Please do something about it, its just not encouraging. Thanks
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