From TMZ
Sources tell us, Khloe will be citing irreconcilable differences in her legal docs. The split should be pretty cut and dry -- an ironclad prenup which kept all their assets separate ... and no kids.
As we reported, Lamar's bizarre freestyle rap video -- in which he brags about cheating on Khloe -- was the last straw in their crumbling relationship. Immediately after TMZ posted the video last month, Khloe stopped wearing her wedding ring.
Finally.....wish them d best.
Gud 4 dem. See d girl face like beans
Finally, chei ya... too sad. Divorce everywhere, everyday.
Well what can i say. If it aint meant to be then it aint meant to be----C21
Who cares? All dey are doing Is scripted
Lamar crossed the line with that skit though. I really liked him for her.
Miss linda ikeji I need d mony o,u wunt understnd sha bt its only God dat wil reveal 2 u wot am passin 2ru,07067394096
This is sad, and i used to admire them.
Sorry Khloe. 1st to comment
Saw it coming... LoL with all d fake life and lamar and khloe boring show.
To hell with Khloe & her useless family...Lamar God ll be with u, forget abt useless family call Kardashian.
Hi Linda,u really had a way of pulling traffic to ur site,infact if u didn't crash ur site now i wonder if it'll ever happen. Thats by the way,i don't intend winning,but just wishing u all the best in the selection process. Remember there're still many that just comes here to read without commenting.....
Haa Divorce everywhere. Is that a part of their new year resolution plan
So Dis is d new trnd now abi?
""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
Wats she waiting 4
Who cares???
I'm the first to comment in Jesus name
So sad..I wish dem all d best
Who cares???
I'm the first to comment in Jesus name
Am first to comment!
What happened to unbreakable? I was so rooting for that marriage to last! Anyway fair enough, kinda inevitable.. She deserved better than a cheating crack head!!
Quite a number of lessons to be learnt here. 1. She hardly knew him(1month) before she agreed to marry him 2. A man who was in a 10 year relationship and left to be with you, will definitely leave you for another woman 3. Don't mock other people because you think your current situation is better than theirs, nothing lasts forever 4. Never try to tear a man from his friends/family, if he doesnt do so of his own volition, nothing will ever make him choose otherwise. 5. Don't live your life trying to please others, if you are not happy you can never make anyone else happy!
Very very sad for khloe. To think she can't even get pregnant and then to be dealt this blow
Thank God maybe now Lamar can get clean maybe the fact that she cant have children drove him to do drugs in the first place so she tolerated his drug abuse and he tolerated her cob web wolf ***** because at the end of the day she's worthless and to save face she's acting like she's this gold prize and Lamar should've felt privileged to have her beotch please
""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
Thought dey r even divorced b4.
Oh boo hoo, Kloey has problems. I can't imagine any normal person giving half a sh!t about her or any of the ridiculous drama she creates and inflicts on the world. Hopefully the stress of this new humiliation will cause her to drive drunk again and just crash into a tree and die. Ha ha I'd love it and I'm not kidding.
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Just tired Øf D̶̲̥̅s Kardashian's family,err'day palava
Goodluck to them
very sad, she was the best oit of the whole family. Men pls keep ur dicks in ur pants if u r married:)
Hmmmmmmmmn...so that rap video was so instrumental in their divorce.
So sad,it finally happened .
anyway...its common wit all these celebs.
Saw that coming..
Awww, #sobs# khloe et lamar #continues sobbing#
i remember al d hype 4yrs bak !!hw e surprisingly proposed after datin 4 like 3wks ?hw bruce was angry e wasnt informed... e !had a special episode 4 it... i prayed it will neva end !but here we go again! same ol' story.....Hollywood n fake living...
I luved dem as a couple...
My heart goes for khloe can't imagine the kind of trauma this whole dramer must have caused. She truely loved Lamar her husband and wanted to make him the happiest man on earth. She doesn't deserved what Lamar is putting her through. Larmar to you dear, you just lost the best thing that Ever happened to you..........khloe!
Can any married person ever stay married in that family, Waiting to see how Kimye will end up...
Top smartphones of 2013
Every story has its end bt this just ended half way.
that's what i don't like about white chicks (divorce)!!!!
Their cup of tea
that is their own way of living.the guy should not have gone to that extent.*flips hair* i don't care,sha.
Another round of Applause to dis one****NDI IBERIBE!!
Their cup of tea
linda plz post my comment abt your moni abeg Sorry I've not been able to get my phone surfing the net with Airtel data bundle which I use cos of the kind of phone I use buh I hope all hope is not lost here are answer to your question
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4. Your acquired infinit x35 jeep on June @ 1: 22pm ... Had about 1,679
5. The give away of 1 Million naria @ 100k each onthe 9th dec @ about 1:45am had 5,334 and last buh not the list the Increment in the give away price to 1.5million ( @ 100k, 20k each) on 12th dec @about 5:55pm had 9,742 the highest so far. Obi 08039246994. Plz help Ur fan!!!
Oh no,dnt like seeing couple Separating.
Not my headache!
1 of ma bst couples.....wot d heck? U guys r disappointing me esp Lamar.
Oh no,dnt like seeing couple Separating.
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Oh whatever!!! Its no news
Hmm wahala dey o
Hmmm.......... Anty linda gud evening hw was ur day I hope it was fine? Pls I did nt see my comment 4 ur 1.500million u said u want 2 give away 2 ur LlB followers on d 12 by d time I send my comment was 12:55am dear about becos I did nt sleep throughout dat night on till 4:50am pls luke @ my case dis issue very serious I'll nt leave u unless u bless me nd I believe I win all ur question correct...
4years? Oh well
Hmmm.......... Anty linda gud evening hw was ur day I hope it was fine? Pls I did nt see my comment 4 ur 1.500million u said u want 2 give away 2 ur LlB followers on d 12 by d time I send my comment was 12:55am dear about becos I did nt sleep throughout dat night on till 4:50am pls luke @ my case dis issue very serious I'll nt leave u unless u bless me nd I believe I win all ur question correct...
Hmmm.......... Anty linda gud evening hw was ur day I hope it was fine? Pls I did nt see my comment 4 ur 1.500million u said u want 2 give away 2 ur LlB followers on d 12 by d time I send my comment was 12:55am dear about becos I did nt sleep throughout dat night on till 4:50am pls luke @ my case dis issue very serious I'll nt leave u unless u bless me nd I believe I win all ur question correct...
And I loved this couples ooh. Now see them. Anyways you guys should try dis Link and start to make Money http://taskwealth.com/?id=44702. Sir alpachino.
That's a shame,they looked like d perfect couple but alas,men wud prove u wrong,take heart Khloe,its not d end of ur world...Stephy says so!!
Damn, she should have forgiven him if not for anytin for d fact dat he stayed wit her 2ru her childlessness. Well as dey say, diff strokes for diff folks. All izz well. Btw divorce is kinda rampant dese days. 'Sergio Frankie'.
Cute couple..
If we are not careful in this generation, people will start celebrating divorce, they will take it 2 a level where people will be picking Aso-ebi 2 celebrate divorce, some will even be asking you "when are u going 2 file your divorce?" divorce now seems order of the day.
Oh well! *shrugs*
finally...i hate khloe
Wow! But why? ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥♡thanks ⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡»̶̥
I think he copy this from her parents..I love this couple why nah
Ehya! Sorry Khloe. Just move on with ur life ok? Kpele. Stupid people!
Oh my God..I thought things would get better..
I so like Khloe. The good K that's so modest. Why does it have to been her? She wants to be in marriage yet He(Odum whatever) is making things difficult. Khloe is not your fault but Kamar is coming back to your hubby for ditching a longtime g/frd wit 3kids. Sowie dear. LindaIkeji I no u wouldn't post dis cos even though am A u have a special dislike were iam. Person wey no dey post person comment na to post my appeal for money struggle. I no fit shout. Any1 I see, I go take. My own na to dey read comment dey go.
Oh No. Men! Men!! Men!!! It's in their DNA, color dsnt make any difference. #hisss
She gats move on
~D great anonymous!
I stll really wish and pray for dis two to come back 2geda..I loved dem and still love dem so so much..khloe and lamar u guyz should come and meet me so I can counsel u guyz..it is well
Good for her, I can't feel the guy among them. He's too isolated and I knew he's must have been cheating on her. He only turn up when kim is doing her baby shower. Good for her and I hope she get anoda guy who will be so loving like me :)
she finally got the message, he is not good for her coz he #cheated
Soooo sad. Lamar pushed khloe to d edge shez a strong woman she fought real hard to make the marriage work desrpite the circumstances surrounding them its better to be single than to be with a cheating partner
Eyah...ɪ̣̝̇ Æ’̲̅ε̲ε̲ƪ 4her sha marriage ÈŠ̝̊̅§ not easy
Soooo sad. Lamar pushed khloe to d edge shez a strong woman she fought real hard to make the marriage work desrpite the circumstances surrounding them its better to be single than to be with a cheating partner
Eyah....ɪ̣̇ Æ’̲̅eel 4her sha...marriage ÈŠ̝̊̅§. Not easy.
They should get this thing over with biko...
Oh noooo!!!i used to admire this two...dis life is full of surprises..wish both of u well in ur individual endeavours. Iphie
Eyah...ɪ̣̝̇ Æ’̲̅ε̲ε̲ƪ 4her sha marriage ÈŠ̝̊̅§ not easy
Eaya.2 bad.limelight has ds negative effects on marriages.some tngs could be worked out btw couples but no,if she/he forgvs,evrybody ll kno she's toleratng infidelity and so. @ Linda,ve been commentng 4 months now,ve never ever seen it.smtyms I jus wana gv up but ...issorai
Chai...finally. I stil luv Khloe sha. Wish dem both d best
Am sure the other lady must be having a good laugh..
Y na,those guys r compartible.
Miss indomie says so,everyday is divorce here nd there,but they were a cute couple in their reality show,wishing them well.
Jada and Will now Khloe and Lamar. Real drama in Hollywood.
Na their way....Linda how body?
So sad
Y na,those guys r compartible.
Abeg the babe has tried her best...she fought long and hard enough to keep the marriage alive buh lamar who is the offender isn't helping her make tins easy..
Hollywood marriages, smh! Really liked dem tho, good luck to d both of dem, it seems Scott n Kourtney are really strong
This is crazy. Always saw Khloe as d sane 1 but now...nobody is perfect tho. Linda nah God I take beg u, publish my comment O°˚˚˚
Khloe n Lamar? Unbelievable!
Wow,at last
Miss Perfect has finally given up. She. Should have stayed 4 better 4 worse na. Pretender!
Wow,at last
Now I'm angry @ linda
Khloe khloe...My favourite kardashian. Too bad this is happpening to u. Don't worry better there are days ahead. I HATE divorce but my dear you've tried.
Sometimes I wonder what is always going wrong with this celebrities,any little thing divorse nawa oo
My Name is Chijindu my dad died of diabetes and all the money we had was used to help him when he was alive bought many drugs took him to many hospitals now my mum has no money to take care of us cos she is a housewife and the little we have my uncles have come to claim it from us.she can't even take care of me at school my younger brother had to dropout from school due to lack of money to pay for his school fees,and I couldn't take waec this year cos no money to,my friend who visits your blog evryday told me u were giving out money he had to borrow me his phone so that I can participate I need dis money to register for upcoming waec and jamb God will bless U Bountifully as u give me. thanks,even if I dnt win am so happy that someone like u out there is thinking about people like me and other people suffering too and I hope others emulate you too..Thank you very much Ma'am.08113316582,07038730969
This is a pure definition of #Pathetic-Fallacy in marriages...!
A marriage gone wrong I feel so sorry for Lamar but khole divorce is a family business. Am not surprised
Kia,see beGe
So sad!
Lamar, go back to the mother of your kids, your kids and your profession... Kardashian are badluck. Waiting patiently for Kanye's woe to start!
That's there biz, they should go and die- ingovernoroshomole'svioce.
Wish dem luck.
Must there be divorce everywhere? Must celeb Æ‹̲̣̣̣̥o̲̣̥п̥̥̲̣̥'Ï„̲̣̣̥ even last in their marriage, that's too bad! I hate divorce&by God's special grace I'll have nofin to do with it!
Must there be divorce everywhere? Most celeb Æ‹̲̣̣̣̥o̲̣̥п̥̥̲̣̥'Ï„̲̣̣̥ even last in their marriage, that's too bad! I hate divorce&by God's special grace I'll have nofin to do with it!
Hmmm...wat will be will surely be.. ~ chidinma
Eedrishakeem. Blogspot.com
Well finally!!!I knew it!!!linda..told ya!!..ooh well that's that!!so they can both move on with their lives
Not new, their mother divorced 2 husbands, kim k divorced after 72 days of marriage αη∂ now Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ ....... Its in d family! #stupid famous family#iish.
~ALATISHE say so~
Tot dξγ̲̣̣̥ were unbreakable?? This is what happens when U̶̲̥̅̊ jump into Α̲̅ relationship with Α̲̅ man U̶̲̥̅̊ barely know,truth be told if Α̲̅ man wants U̶̲̥̅̊ †̥☺ know everything about him he will tell U̶̲̥̅̊. She was just too in Α̲̅ hurry †̥☺ marry somebody's else man Α̲̅πϑ rub it in her face!! Karma is Α̲̅ bitch.
So am nt d first
Wow,if u as me khloe,divorce is not the best thing to do
Fuck off u pathetic excuse of a human being. U won't get a dime from Linda, idiot!
@ long last..if she thinks that's what's best 4 ha..linda I nid d 20k to further my education..any amount is acceptable..08189962793...wema bank 0229419803..tanx
Go do runs if u dey find money no come dey make noise for dis blog biko. Promo don end u hear?
U need to Die with this lame line u always use. U don't know how stupid u make urself look
Die from there!
Linda needs to stop approving your comments! You suck big time!
An unending drama in the life of the kardashians! Abeg they should hurry up and do the divorce thing, so we'd know it's only kim we got to worry about
Lamar y shld u evn cheat on d most sane kardashian. Smtyms i jus dnt unstd men.
Lamar y shld u evn cheat on d most sane kardashian. Smtyms i jus dnt unstd men.
Lamar y shld u evn cheat on d most sane kardashian. Smtyms i jus dnt unstd men.
Lamar y shld u evn cheat on d most sane kardashian. Smtyms i jus dnt unstd men.
He clear say pple wen marry for american nor dey last
U are a wicked soul,stop wasting ur time inviting people.
I always admired these two*** too bad its over
I always admired these two*** too bad its over
Love u both
the illitracy level here is so alarming........ plus, anybody that spends his/her time seeing that Kardashian show is the biggest idiot/dunce Gold created.
Yea; someone lyk me!
Idio! Faint and die na mtchwww
the illitracy level here is so alarming........ plus, anybody that spends his/her time seeing that Kardashian show is the biggest idiot/dunce Gold created.
Linda!!!whr is my comment? *angry face*
😞They're my fav couple
Apply small sense in yur statements. How can dey divorce jez 4 d camaras? At least ur english is correcy 2day. Fenk God
Wow I was d 3rd to comment. Becoming more of an LIB addict everyday
But scott nd Kourtney aint married yet
I though people said men cheat on skinny girls because they lack curves, but khloe has curves why lamar cheat? so simply means whether curvy or skinny if a man would cheat he will
Really love dem togeda,cut couple.scott and kourtney aint married and dey olredi av 2 kids.
Looooools,u really got me with this one!
For Christ's sake Khloe deserves the best but why all these pains? Remember she was the baby sitter for Kris from Rob to Kyle? She was treated like a half child,she was never a flirt like her other sisters and she's the one who has always been homely among all of them,why does most time the best people get the worst treatment?
Me 2...winks*
God will see them thru.
LMAO this lepa shandy will not kill me oh. Na wetin concern Jesus with your comment?
seriously people are very bitter, how can you read about a man cheating on his wife and you applaud him? Hmmmm what you wish others will definitely come back to you Mr Annoymous @ 7.06pm
who cares.......
Good things don't last always...Sad...they were cute together tho...oh well...#Okbye
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