From UK Daily Mail
A doctor and former diplomat grabbed a female colleague from behind and thrust himself towards her before exposing himself and suggesting she performed a sex act, a tribunal heard. Dr Chukwuma Igbokwe, 46, also asked the woman for sex on his desk, it has been claimed.
The former Consul to the UK of the Republic of Niger is accused of bullying and harassing his junior colleague in his role as director of St Luke’s Healthcare group. Vanessa Turley, 42, was allegedly subjected to an ‘onslaught of sexual innuendo’ and verbal abuse when she worked with Igbokwe at a private hospital in Ebbw Vale, south Wales, between March 2008 and July 2010.
She told the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service how she quit her job and took legal action to stop Igbokwe when she realised she may not be his only victim.
'It was just never ending with him,’ she said giving evidence.
'I thought he’s got to stop this. People came to me and said it was happening to them.
'I thought "when is this guy going to stop".
'The only person who had enough evidence to go forward was myself.'
Referred to as 'Mrs A' during the current proceedings, she told the panel she felt the police did not take her seriously when she complained, but was vindicated when she won an employment tribunal against her former bosses last year.
She said: 'It was never about the money. It was about proving to people what he was like as a person and what he put me through.'
She added: 'I was trying to stop him doing it to other females because in my eyes he had no respect at all no matter what your position in the company. It was a conquest.'
Igbokwe was not present or represented at a fitness to practise hearing in Manchester where he could be struck off the medical register if the string of misconduct allegations against him are proved.
One of the charges relates to a 'Mayor’s ball' held in his honour in his role as Niger’s Consul to the UK in November 2009 when he made a sexual innuendo towards her.
After the incident he then quizzed her in the tea room at St Luke’s about why she had told people what he had said, the hearing was told.
On another occasion, on April 9, 2010, Igbokwe is said to have called her into his office and held her hips from behind.
He then thrust himself against her, told her to sit down, exposed his privates and gestured to her to perform a sex act.
'He touched me on a previous occasion, but the actual grabbing was the same time when he exposed himself and actually grabbed me from behind,' said Mrs Turley.
She said he was aggressive and rude to her, asking her to bring him dinner or make his tea.
But it was in June 2008 that he is alleged to have called her into his office and said: 'Because I want to f*** you over my desk.'
Mrs Turley told the panel: 'I'm from a deprived working area and I was devastated.
'Most nights coming home and on Sundays not wanting to face the next day.
'The harassment started back up again because he was thinking I was going to say something and made my life and working environment unbearable to try to make me finish on my own.
'But when I didn’t report it he started up an onslaught of sexual innuendo and text messages again because he got away with it the first time.'
The panel heard Igbokwe would 'make eyes' at her when they were working in the same room and ask her to meet at local hotels.
Even when she had left her job and was pursuing legal action against Igbokwe she claims the harassment didn’t stop.
She received pornographic emails, which were sometimes opened by her husband and children, and was told by friends they had seen a suspicious silver Mercedes following her.
'It was just unreal, my life. I’m trying to start to get it back together, but it’s still there. I just want to shut the book on it,' she said.
'I feel I have moved on a lot, but to talk about it, when I go into any detail and depth I get upset because I think was there anything that I did,' she added.
'I am a lot stronger person now for what I have done.'
The hearing continues.
Lz dey shld make him pay tro his nose! I hate men whoz boxer is nt hospitable anof to hold nd keep dia Pe**s in It!
This guys watches toomuch mike in brazil.
I pays u more doing you.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Na dem sabi *next
He need to be punish says tbassy via nokia1800
jeez .....i'm shocked and stunned beyond words .....guess the dude thot he was 'mandingo' and the white female doctor couldn't resist her cravings for dark chocolate!
Conji na bastard!!! Na so the thirst reach the guy? Eya... Linda go and sleep oh!
Most Nigerians always be in the bad book in very country ?
Now wat?..y do we ĿƱ√ washıng our dırty lınens out?..suıts hım ryt joo!
Konji don hold d nigga
Nigeria she.... Na wa ooooo
Hmmmm..! No comment
Kai wen wil sexual harassmnt ever stop? Imagine d arrogance of dis so called Dr.and 2 tink dat he is a former Nigerian diplomat is a big shame.I tink he nids 2b castrated lik a He goat.mayb his sexual appetite wil decline.nonsense
It's Niger not Nigeria na.
Hmmmm na waaooo.
Nawa oooo...wiv d whole level of education n exposure. Some people sha
Hmmmm na waooo
Hmmmm na waooo
Hmmm,I dnt trust all these white coochies,their aim is always to bring a black man down
Chimeee,wat hs dis man gotten himself into now,naija men n dis act,only God can help dem,had similar experience too..it was horrifying
It's not like dis things don't happen but I don't believe dis particular story! Setup Tinz!
WTF!Its not by force naw!The woman made the right move!
not again..every day one bad gist abt naija,hmm i tire oh.dis guy shld be punished, sexual harassment is bad and shows disrespect
Talent will get u to the top
Integrity will keep u
So sad.nwa nne m you for hold body nau.nawaoo
Choi! See as the man's d**k is bulged out!
Damn! Looks like what Allan would do in the series "Boston legal" not funny though! Just hope the woman aint framing him up! Taking advantage of ur junior colleagues at work is just plain craziness
lol naija agin
Spirit of lust, it can you get no matter your level of education and degree, I pray God helps and save him coz that's definitely what he needs now
click here for tips on how to make your brain more sharp and efficient
What the hell??!!!some men are just sick!!!this is disgusting...when did men start behaving like dogs!!!shameless man..see how ugly the gorilla is...mtsheeww
This type of harrassment go on very well in all walks of life.anyways, let the culprit be punished.miss linda if u like no publish my comment
Oh dear -innocent until proven guilty!
These whites supremacist media have come with their racist news again.When a whiteman commit crime they shield it.But if it is a black man they will make headline with big letterhead.
If its true den dis man must be an animal, nd he needs deliverance. Taaaaaaah igbo man
Serves him right. You don't force a woman against her wish. If the animal in you wants to misbehave go look for a hooker/call girl and pay for her services! Seems our randy Dr and diplomat does not know
that women rules both the UK, USA, Canada and Australia
Tank God u said former becos dis fool cannot be a nigerian
The fact dat he is d medical director
Oyinbo ll everly want 2 bring him down
I don't bliv
too bad,
Talk about a lady with dignity... If na all this 9ja girls I pray make the guy even make the suggestion, na dem go woo am with their shameless seduction... To be fucked by Oga is such a biggie to them... Talk about serious poverty of the mind!!!
Just passing by.
The whole conversation no talk say she slept with him... nah only sexual harassment she they exclaim
Linda, since u brought up that ur idea to share 1m; my brain has not rested. I just had an inspiration, which i am sure will convince u to give me 100k without much hassles as u want to do for Bonnario.
Its all logical, as in with regards to ur 1m u r about to dole out to Libers.
First, the more Libers u have on ur page, the more endorsements u get from corporate organisations.
Secondly, in this harsh current economic situation, 100k is a life saver. Then to ice the cake properly, this is the Xmas season!
So, 100k will definitely draw more attention especially in the form of more comments.
This has already improved, cos i c some ridicolous comments just for the hell of it. Not like they intended to do so.
All for the 100k...
I am pretty sure u have censored or deleted my comments most of the time.
I branded myself, Senor.
U r a gud business woman. Spend a mere 1m to get 100m.... Gud deal dear.
Pls if u got any gud news for me, email addy is osiofwar@yahoo.com
Kindly edit or delete before posting for the world to read...hahaha
This is weird...disgrace
Nah so life be jare
This man has either watched wayyyyy too much porn or he is clearly out of his mind (or both). Nigerians and the shity things they do abroad.
Women and Children are abused everyday here in Nigeria but we find it difficult to follow it through. Nigeria particularly need to make extreme lawfull changes against these abusers and i suggest castration instead of jailing, lol, no man wants to lose his peter besides it will keep those freaks at bay, some men dosent know or rather they chose to convince themselves that taking or even touching a woman against her will is unlawful and dehumanising. Men need to understand that it is a woman's right to chose her lover and it it her right to say no to sex if she was initially welcoming, they need to understand that women and children feel dehumanised after abuse and some of them will forever not recover themselves after such trauma. The perpetrator should be punished but i still suggest castration if only the Ogas on top will will ever agree after all they are the main sexual abusers, as for the lady its good you stood up for your right.
Sad news for me cos this is a dent on our image
Serves him really right! My former boss was exactly like dis man! I don't know why a married man wud become dis wicked to junior staffs @ work
Gobe !!!it happens! e did it 4d wrng person.
Heheheh...Doctor Psycho!!!
He was never a Nigeria diplomat! He was an honorary consul for NIGER. Not our Naija.
Ok m a die hard lib reader bt dis is actuali d'1st tym i'll comment i jus had 2 i mean im olmost sure that this man didnt do it evn if he did, i dnt tink its as bad as d'way dey sayn ow wil a medical director dat is so busy and has alot of stuff to do be stalking dis lady "er friends saw a silver mercedes following her" na she b miss world abi na so d'man jobless dat he left errtin he had 2 do and was stalking d'woman wif his car. Dat part dey hard 2 bliv sha. Bt if he did it he shud b brought 2 justice. luv 4rm france.....x
Linda, this is not Nigerian. He is from Republic of Niger. So says the report twice. Not every Igbokwe is a Nigerian.
We men and our huge for sex ,we should learn how τ̲̅ȍ control D̶̲̥̅s tin D̶̲̥̅̊Α̲̅τ̣̣̥ is inbetween our legs before it lands us in a bad place,chasing marraige woman I̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ dat matter,mmmm
D pe++s sumtimes goes thru cubic xpansivity at reflex condition wch proves dat he is a MAN..its when it tinks for d man..dat d man become lesser dan an unBORN child..as for me,I'm glad I detached mine...#
Hahaha..like it dearie..its not d reflex xpansion u shld hate..its d inconsequential incongrous inappropraite unconcontrollable usage dat makes dem lesser dan a boy..as for me,I'm glad mine is detachable
D pe++s sumtimes goes thru cubic xpansivity at reflex condition wch proves dat he is a MAN..its when it tinks for d man..dat d man become lesser dan an unBORN child..as for me,I'm glad I detached mine...#
D pe++s sumtimes goes thru cubic xpansivity at reflex condition wch proves dat he is a MAN..its when it tinks for d man..dat d man become lesser dan an unBORN child..as for me,I'm glad I detached mine...#
Shame....Let him face the music if he is guilty, Diplomat ko Diplomat ni
May be we will blame GEJ and PDP on this one too?..we have millions of problems in this country and other places where Nigerians are living...One way or the other they will commit one stupid offence that will drag the name of the country to mud.
Since when is a person from the Republic of Niger referred to as a Nigerian?? I'm starting to think most of your readers are uneducated bigots! SMH
Nawa ˚Ooº°˚Ooº°˚Ooº°.........but I thought d post said republic of NIGER
Once a lady files a sexual assault claim, d man is guilty until proven innocent. Vanessa I hope u hv enuff evidence to win ur case cos it sure sounds bogus. and is dat ur modus operandi? Making cases against ur former bosses, cos d report says u ve filed m won in employment tribunal against ur former bosses. I wonder wat is it with u dat makes it difficult for u to keep a job. And y is it dat ur colleagues came to u abt igbokwes act towards dem too,ar u by any chance d mother confessor? D man is a prominent and learned man n i don't think u hav wat it takes to make a man throw caution to d winds just to hav a taste of u, not even in a country as corrupt as naija but in UK?? Come on lady,dis sounds absolutely phony joor. Anyway,dats just Nyxie's view, wat do i know?
lol he finks he is in nigeria where he can do such to girls any how in his office desk, idiot.
linda, point of correction Niger, not Nigerian, but he could be a Nigerian as his name may bear, but Niger diplomat.
Senor u dey like copy note oooo. Smh... Everyday for the thief one day for the doctor....
Republic of Niger.... Nigerian Diplomat. Linda pls clarify
Smh 4 Nigerian dogs
She is a joker
Wtf? Smh...some men deserve whatever they end up with and more! Crabs and gono inclusive! Ugh!!!
She is a joker
Why do they say Niger then? I'm confused
We all know this story is false.
~D great anonymous!
No b small thing
Conji soul
Like seriously I don't believe a man of such Educational background and exposure will try that....I smell something fishy...I want to believe he's not being framed.
shuld i say he deserves it? He thnks he s in Nigeria, where bosses including lecturers intimidate deir younger colleagues nd students for sex nd gets away wit it. Sorry u v to pay for ur sins.
Lord guide us from such people.. I have a dream to further my education all i have is hope. 0137589785 gtbank. Amen
Nigerians,always at it...why naw itz vry embarrassing
Linda, the daily mail news carries "Niger" not "Nigeria". Pls do the needful and change your heading to "Nigerien".
Charity begins at home! We have a thousand and one of him in nigeria as lectures another 10,000 as politicians..
Lack of self control! Sexual pevert? Get a grip on yourself!
Why don't I believe this woman's story. The man is a minority in a predominantly white society who held a position of authority. If he was accusing of waylaying someone and attacking someone, I'd say it might be true, but that he harassed a work colleague? Hmmmm, and the description of the act sef sounds staged. If na for Naija, I for talk say e happen, but I doubt this strongly. I may be wrong though? Let this not be a case of Joseph and potiphar's wife o. Dis oyibo woman eye dey shine anyhow o. You guys look before you leap.
D chic must av been addressed d way she was dressed. D nigga F up sha. 'Sergio Frankie'
That's Nigerian product, so dn't expect something good from him.
Power of 100k. Anonymous has reduced. Hahaha Najia no dey carry last
thats how they behave, if it is in naija now they will say dats how women behave. Let him pay dearly.
Igbo Men = Animals
Let them be sure .
Oga o, dey'll sha b disgracing Nigeria
I don't really believe this particular episode, mbanu, Evidences nko
Could this man be so randy?... Those shameless racists can make up any story just to get at a black man
if u like post via ipod, linda no go dash you 100k
Lady with what dignity??
So you want me to believe the woman has never serviced him before?? She even says she met him in hotels.
Maybe now that he's tired of her and has moved unto other people she remembers it was harassment and is suing for all he's worth.
If it wasn't consensual sex why didnt she report immediately after the first , second or third time??
If its true den he needs 2b dealt with mercylessly it hapens in virtually al work places male bosses harassing hapless females 4 sex God is watching all of u ad as 4dis igbokwe ur end has come idiot
Why is it I am finding it hard to believe this woman? I have read many cases like this, women tarnishing people's name and destroying their career for one reason or the other! That's plain BS! Like the case of that Nigerian boxer.
Sounds like a ñigerian Name to me
Sounds like a ñigerian Name to me
So all the Jamo Girls wey full Camden and Peckham no do you to pay and put, u come the follow trouble. Joor pay quietly
Konji tins.
Haba, what disgrace, what will he tell his wife he was charged for.
From ZICO aka the guy that needs the 100k
Wetin dey under his trouser....lobatan
Dis is serious, serves him right nd others should learn 4rm it as well
Men will always to men..chei..he tinks this is Naija..Linda please give us gist na,is genevieve Nnaji getting married
former Nigerian diplomat
is a big shame
Hahahaha! He fit think say she be part of 'em Kardashian family now.. You know their love for coloured American..
Well I hope other women will be bold enough to put up a fight like Miss A. Sadly the trauma and wanting to forget plus having to prove beyond reasonable doubt that d abuse took place is usually too much for most victims. I wish d police and general public will be more understanding. Randy men with no self control,be warned!
It is Nigerien not Nigerian.. Your headlines make it seem as if he was from Nigeria ad opposed to Niger in the body
Its such Α̲̅ shame! Ugh as handsome as he is. Once Α̲̅ he-goat always Α̲̅ he-goat!!
Guy comport urself and speak English. Abi Linda 100k don dey confuse u already?
Well whether na lie or na true it's she has the courage to come out. I seriously think men should stop taking advantage of their students/ junior colleagues
Dat is how dey spoil d name of our country abroad. imagine harassing a married woman... shame unto d idiot.
Fricking stupid act. Dnt know why men wnt stock their p**** in the boxers.
@@success igbinoba ......u said d animal can not be a Nigeria abi? My dear his he not better dan most nigerian men? Infant most Nigerian men r lik dogs nd believe am talkin 4rum experience,most of dem will molest u nd still set up nd @ d end of it,u would be sacked......Gold
Dat one sef dey
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wat a life
He say he dey Naija where dem no get respect for working women hehehehehe straight to jail with your unrest Prick. Yeye man
Good for him
Another naija brother get nailed again,,well lets keep our finger crossed and see how event unfold,though he his still innocent till proven guilty!
Even if he's a former diplomat of niger n not nigeria as some ppl claimed,he's sha frm nigeria.abi no b igbo person D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ bear chukwuma igbokwe ni?nigerians jst D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ leave bad image evrywher D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ go,later nw even to enter oda african countries wl b problem.God hlp us
Why is so easy for pple to condem others easily am so sure if ur boss ask u to fucked her u will do the same because she resfuse to do such wit him doesn't mean anoda white can do it and ofcourse there re thousands of nigerian girls out dere who wil refuse such
Imagin doctor for dat matter! What a mess!!
Lmao! No be today now! E don tey! @Macstuuner says so!
En think say na 9ja Wey en day make en pay joor.
Its a case of she said, he said!she should produce her evidence
Onslaught of sexual innuendo
Lolssss@ " Mayor's ball"***Nigerians,alwaz embarassing demselves***look@ his Big Dick thrusting its head under d helpless trouser***i pray it doesn't tear it
Foolish man u tnk its niger wer everytin is possible.
Is d man nt married kam jukwa???
D way Nigerians disgraces dia fatherland outside is country is seriously getting out of hands. Hmmm nawa o. (Mzz Blaq)
sha like seriously i dont really belive this white ladys my opinon
super embarrasin
Miss linda, I'm confused oo...Is he from nigerian or niger? Cos in ur report u kept saying naija diplomat, notin points him to being a nigerian asides his name maybe
Eyaaaaaah....as his tall, mehn so his D is, I can only but imagine, UK women love it maybe d woman say extra large n was afraid.....lol..218A4A6c says so
what a shame
That dude's tall, imagine d size of his D, mehn UK women love niggaz with big D...I bet she saw it and became scared...lol
Mumu senor! Keep begging. You will soon run mad in d process of not resting ur brain...Indeed u need d 100k to keep ur brain in check!
Come to ask madam, wat kind of powder u too always dey rub? Na only u dey there with Mr he goat? May be u too dey wear skimpy dress. U for name ur price since nah, doctor really want port black ball into pocket 4.
How come almost everybody now has a name? where are all d anonymous(s)? How come d Igbos/Yorubas r not fighting over which tribe brings shame to Naija? I hardly even see insults @ Linda these days. Its for next year's awoof money abi. Every1 is being civil to qualify for d money. See what poverty can cause. May God deliver Nigeria from both poverty of the mind and money.
Lol die-hArd wanker ☹
Nigerians are always making things difficult for others. Many Nigerians have been seeking for jobs outside our country and find it very difficult to get even the most menial jobs. And those who are fortunate to get a tangible one, go on to abuse it by committing crimes, thereby blocking way for others who intend to make it over there. My question is, "what does this man really want from this woman that he can't get from whores by the road sides". Why trouble another man's wife?
Its the devils fault
hmmmn..... igbo mannnnnn!!!! chai
serious case
A female frd of Mine had similar experience while working wif zenith Bank. Constant harrassment frm d BM till she quit her Job. D question here is how many of our ladies back here @ home will av d guts here 2 Come out openly 2 explain dere escapade none i guess?
Thank God someone is being punished for this bad behaviour.
I can imagine what she went through, because truth be told, over here in Nigeria,its the norm. I used to laugh at my company's sexual harassment policy, because the people you go to report to are the biggest offenders.
My own boss used to threaten me with my appraisal so I'd go out to lunch with him. I very bluntly told him to go to hell, but not everyone had the guts or conviction like I did. A lot of the junior staff were scared to stand up to them, and some caved in and their careers progressed.
Let this be a lesson to disgusting Nigerian men. Behaviour like this is completely unacceptable, and I hope more and more of them get punished for their dirty deeds.
As if your panty is enough to cover your gaping hole. Omo kekere.
A frd of Mine had similar experience while working wif zenith Bank Constant harrassment frm her BM IT went on 4 a very long tym till she quit her Job. D question is how many women in our dear country can Come out openly and say such wit out been label an opportunites?
Well the guy has not been convicted yet,it could be true or lies let's not be quick to condemn the man ,what if the whole story is a setup?
I luv woman... Dat are nt chip, let him pay tru his nose, he deserve d weird disgrace.
I luv woman... Dat are nt chip, let him pay tru his nose, he deserve d weird disgrace.
Na waooooo
He's from Niger; not Nigeria, you illiterate.
Why don't I believe this story? I know some of our men are worse than dogs but something tells me this might be a setup. If she has evidence though, fine. Otherwise, I'll swallow her claims with a pinch of salt.
we only just heard d woman's side of the story, i don't believe obe bit of it cos there are no evidence yet, so lets chill and wait the accussed before laying curses on the poor man
Are u sure u kw Allan very well? No doubt he likes women but he wouldn't sexually harras ok?
The man should even go for psychological evaluation too. Since the woman has proof of the text msgs and emails, she stands a serious chance of winning the case. We Nigerians too de enta foreign news for the wrongest reasons. Spoiling the chances of the innocent ones there and those seeking to go. But which one de dey mention Niger? Niger pple de answer Chukwuma?
Na wa o!
Ever since Linda Ikeji promised 100k for 10LiberS and mentioned Bonario, I have noticed that no one insults Bonario and his big grammar any more. Rather, I see some Bonario wanna be....people commenting on every article, all the anonymous LIBERS putting up profile and updating their email and phone numbers....I notice lesS hating on celebs. Even newly weds and moms begging for fundS and I really begin to imagine the amount of POVERTY in thiS country!
This was supposed to be Linda's own way of saying "thank you for choosing my blog as you number one source for information"
Please y'll should take a chill pill already and let Linda decide who and how she wants to reward her readerS. #smh
another very funny and interesting post from Naija single girl dedicated to all men with a penis LMFAO
The idiot think say nah Naija him dey.
Its not new, people do it and get away with it, hope this serves as a lesson to anyone who does same.
WTF! We have crucified the man before even hearing his side of the story, SMH! Na wa o!
I really do not know if this is common with all male doctors! I remember mingling with some resident doctors at LUTH some years back and all they do every day is to sleep with some of the female interns with any remorse.
I,m tired of reading negative stuff abt Nigerians evrywhere.cnt deal#sad
dis is a big shame, aunty linda wont b nice if most is nt bebefited from ur kindness dis xmas 100k wud go a long in ma lyf pls tp9 sammy
Shame on him he has fucked up!
check out hot sexy gist here
Penis indeed has no consience @ all. Hmm na wa o. Buh d guy ma sha. D lady is married 4 cryin out loud. Tempted 2say it serves him ryt.
@Anonymous 12.14 @ROUGH DIAMOND...You're soo on point. this story sounds like a set up! How many BLACK DOCTORS in ENGLAND will grab a white lady's behind and give her a viewing of his totoli without her consent??? #heknowsbetter. Harrassment @ work does happen, but this story sounds fabricated!!!
Haba y nau n
Haba too bad
Wats d prove. Oyibo no just like black
The court will hear him and enough evidences will prove him guilty or not. Before then, he is just an accused. I do not believe these white ladies when it comes to things like this, our brother may be innocent. Let's wait and see.
Some pple are vulnerable hence they believe this cock and bull story she is peddling. He sexually harrased you in 2008 and 2010 then u waited till 2013 to press charges?? Then the text msgs he u claim he sent, where are they?? And u also said u aren't doing this for money?? Who is this woman trying to deceive?? Madam you are pressing these charges for money and that's d truth. We all know how u white woman label rape or sex assault of pple for nothing. U meet some1 at d pop, they kiss you and follow you home only to wake up in the morning to shout rape. We know u pple better than you know urselves.
Typical Nigerian. Always feeling like white people are hating. What will she get for falsely accusing d man? And is it Niger or Nigeria?
My NiGgi waN eNjoYyyyyyy.na HiM sAbI...DaJaX
Foolish pervert...
Oga Bona,change fone na. Phone agwuma na ahia? Ka O bu na Linda enyegigute 100K gu ma?*smiles*
Ghen Ghen. E don happen.
Won tih get e. Hahaha
D guy for hold bodi until e reach Naija -- di land of conji milk and honey.
Dat will teach d monkey a big lesson * wat a shame *
Wonderful shall never ended!!! This guy no be 9ja
Na. By force?mtcheew
nSI CAn, u comment is dry. All na 'notice me' for 100k
Linda, this news is really, really old! Check the Internet, its a court decision from several months if not up to a year ago. The guy is a Nigerian, graduated as a medical doctor from OAU Ile Ife in 1989, at which time he was a born again Christian, truly, hit it big in the UK after becoming a psychiatrist, diversified into other things also, but somehow derailed when the bucks started flowing in! He was Niger's official consul to the UK (more or less an honorary anbassador). The love of money is the root of all evil...
If this is true this uncle gan fall hand big time . Of all the runz girls he could get he decided to approach this one who resemble Kat from eastenders smh
Naija folks & conclusions. Going to court doesn't make you guilty until you're proven guilty. The key-word here is "ALLEGED." He has only been accused of the crime but nothing is certain to us yet until all evidences prove so.
All you male fools here just shut up......cos he is Nigerian then it's a set up? You think the way you do trash at home and get away with it is how u will escape abroad? Good for his sorry arse......randy he goat
bahaha! Serves him right! naija man that most have gotten away with it so many times back in Nigeria. rude awakening in a country that don't take trash.
lol! or maybe he believes all oyinbo women are as cheap as films depict them. life is not a porn movie. u gon learn today!
see how God wants to punish him...LOLZ. pay do, No. ok... friend do, u still no gree. LINDA never marry, ask her to marry u, u no gree. ok prison den.
""Comment undergoing approval via G-Ebony...please wait..."
Wetin concern court na?
Which one is it Linda, is it Nigerian or Nigerien? #confused
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