Actress Ayo Adesanya shares sexy new pics | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Actress Ayo Adesanya shares sexy new pics

Looking like a barbie doll. Nice....


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Unknown said...

Linda why are u deceiving her now

Anonymous said...

She looks like a witch

Unknown said...

was wrng wit her,,....her face look bad

Anonymous said...

head to toe fake!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wtf?! Thr is a whole lot wrong with this, more of scary than sexy

Unknown said...

Hmmm LINDA,how is that sexy? She shared bleached skin!

Anonymous said...

Fair 4 face black 4 leg, bleaching cream @ work


Hypo dey wypoo!

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Unknown said...

Gadamn! Linda why?!

Anonymous said...

Madam your time don pass..... Abeg take a chill pill.

Anonymous said...

Indeed she luk like one, nyc fotos..... Pookypie

Unknown said...

Hahaha naija girls thou

Unknown said...

i luv her legz

Anonymous said...

Lindo! Wat's so barbie about dis look,with her bleached legs,plssss mtcheeew.If u lyk dnt post dis.

Rough Diamond said...


Rough Diamond said...


Unknown said...

Sexy my foot!!!... With dis her bleached skin????... Mi o wa interested!

Anonymous said...

For the 1st in 6month am commenting on dis blog dis gal ugly die. No beef joor but she no follow for any tin called sexy am happy now lol

patty said...

Are those nails not too long

Tiana said...

Wic kind barbie? If I buy dis one give u, u no go vex? Mtchwwwww...$ see bleaching legs

Bonita Bislam said...

Wow she sure luks a doll.she dservs 2b a santa claus dis xmas lol!

Anonymous said...

Pls d eye lashes are so so so horrible. Linda, d last time I checked, barbie dolls r cute n nt scary lik dis pic

Cute G said...

Say what?Warris dis?Guess not all persons shd be made up.Really like U bt I think this is way too the hyper toned skin.

Anonymous said...

Yamayama ofutufeete rubbish!

♥ ȊƦȋƺȟ ƘƦȋϻ ♥ said...

Linda abeg wetin sexy 4 dis pixs?she luks lyk a white winch

thelma said...

She z still acting like a barbie @ha age...agbaya!!!go tie wrapa jor.

Rough Diamond said...

Linda, o bad gan o!!! Sexy? Yimu.

Unknown said...

linda now, i tot you said, sexy pictures haba!

Anonymous said...

Whch kin powder b dis?looks a white witch

Ash Baby said...

Linda. Abeg wetin sexy in dis pic?na wa o

helena said...

Well her skin sure looks gud for her age,but dem lashes are sumtyn sha...but she's kool

Anonymous said...

HMMMM...celebrities*lips are sealed*.

Walata said...

Nah Linda she ain't natural there she's just so fake smh

Anonymous said...

Wat is ds? Tufiakwa

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Nice? you're being sarcastic right? This one has bleached finish!

Anonymous said...

Lmfao. Barbie whut? Lmfao. Ok bye

Anonymous said...

Bleached whale

Anonymous said...

Super Story!!!this one na agadi nwanyi bby...

Anonymous said...

Define nice pls

Unknown said...

nice legz

Anonymous said...

Linda no vex but there is nothing sexy about this pix. Sure looks like my niece's barbie.


Anonymous said...

Joblesnes abi

Anonymous said...

Barbie doll indeed

Unknown said...

Linda you are not serious

ary said...

Bleaching BAD!!!! This girl no light reach like this before! Linda if na so Barbie dey, you think say you for know am?

Anonymous said...

Lol!!! Barbie doll indeed. That came to my mind first. Not sure if its nice though,,

Unknown said...

She is looking really bright, and those fake eye lashes look like my tooth brush.
Scary barbie

OLORI said...

Afi nice noo

Unknown said...

Yes ooo on her Instagram pg lol

Anonymous said...

Mamie water tinz abi na winch craft. Ayo pls get a life. No kain makeup will ever make a difference. With ur ogbanje eyes. Yes I am JEALOUS! She is so pretty and seems to be getting younger too. Why shudn't I be? ."__"

Swgaas isimemen said...

Ogbanjie Lol

Anonymous said...

She looks like α̲̅ doll says tbassy via nokia1800

waffy mama said...

na wa oh, see eye lashes, this one her problems are from the village, certified.

Adaorah said...

Nice ke?Mtchew

Unknown said...

She gat to stop the bleaching, or do she wanna be transparent!.

Anonymous said...

This is supposed to be sexy???

whitneydeev. said...


Anonymous said...

â„“̊ D̶̲̥̅̊on't like her luk

Anonymous said...

Linda Ikeji! Linda Ikeji! Linda Ikeji!
How many times did I call u?
Wats so 9ce about this thing na!!!
Anyway as Bonario use 2 say some are FEARFULLY made.

P.S. Linda when are u gonna call Prince Charming back now!!! We are missing him oo.

Mz Beckhy

Unknown said...

Linda I see what you trying to do. You ain't slick! Lol

Anonymous said...

Looks like a village champion

Unknown said...

Dis s fresh

ebere said...

Dunno wah 2 say

you have dry skin? Click here to get tips on how to care for your skin

Anonymous said...

Wtf is sexy abt dis???

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Still looking hot, good for her

Unknown said...

Chai. Its like instead of dating a woman men will start buying dolls as wifes nd gfs cos d kind tin wey women dey do to demselves dis days. Ave started to b fearing oh.

Unknown said...

Who is dis? NEXT!!!!!

Unknown said...

See as she be like cartoon. Nah one man dey chop all dis oo, no be one man self... See fresh skin my brothers!

Anonymous said...

Mgbeke feeling sexy...she be like winch with her yeye yaki flip...flips hair catwalks away

Anonymous said...

Bleachers of life

Anonymous said...

Looking like Abiku. MtchEeeeew. Nexxxxxxxt

Unknown said...

You gotta be kidding us Linda!

Unknown said...

Pschewwwwww... Next!!! She no knw sey she don old

Anonymous said...

Linda u don kolo! What is nice here now, with this eye lash like wire brush. U need to read your fashion 101 well.


Ada ora said...

Who am I to jugde* good for her*

Anonymous said...

Aunt Linda how ar dos pix sexy, Looking like Abiku. MtchEeeeew. Nexxxxxxxt

dee said...

barbie my foot.. all des Yoruba actresses can ova do eh

Anonymous said...

Linda u made a mistake, u should have put "not" b4 d nice

Luskii! said...

Na correct barbie doll!....Lmao!

Anonymous said...

Lookin SCARY U MEAN!!!

success igbinoba said...

Barbie doll my foot. hisssssssssss

Anonymous said...

Abeg who be dis one....

Anonymous said...

Linda ur sacarsm is just too great!!

spicy said...

Taut she was a doll @ first sight...xo fake jor

Miss Lucylicious said...

Honestly speaking, its not nice..

Anonymous said...

All the Bleaching creams in Tejuosho as finished gan! Ayo abeg slow down! Cancer nor get pt 2

cheeazor said...

Welcome the ghost of dark girls cancer is real

Saheed badmus santoma said...

Infact linlin Ʊ Are ryt she really look like a barbie dull chai cute thoug

benny said...

See coke and fanta

Anonymous said...

If i hear, she looks like a cheap yoruba whore! See the kinda anklet she's wearing sef! even my dog can't wear that! #spits

Anonymous said...

She looks like a witch

Unknown said...

and What's sexy about this? she Looks like a village dog.

Anonymous said...

Rubbish! Looking all bleached up

Unknown said...

Yea!,lyka doll.
Ayo z burıfuu!

Anonymous said...

Linda there is nothing absolutely sexy about these pictures.... She looks totally off!!!

Anonymous said...

She certainly doesn't look nice please!

Anonymous said...

Linda u are so wicked ehn,lmao,u just want liber's to cuss her out

Neni said...

Loving her lashes of life!!

An Easy Salad for Weight Loss

Anonymous said...

Lmao... Linda ur too wicked oh!

Ezinwa said...

Lin, since you posted the money sharing story, all your news posts has a reference to it. I will continue to do so until we hear from you that the money is shared. Having prayed about it, here is my honest suggestion. Give Prince Charming, Bloglord, and Great Anonymous N100,000 each. Share the rest N50,000 each to 8 persons. Now comes the grand price- Bonario. Call Bonario and fix a Caribbean Cruise Vacation with him My advice to Bonario is to leave Vaseline behind. From the vacation, write a blog post informing us of the proposal and wedding plans. Invited or not, we will come. Another part of the suggestion is that you may give a fair publicity to your readers who will win the money. Let them write a brief profile and post. Who knows?

jesus freak said...

Linda abehg sleep naa

Unknown said...

This one barbie abi plastic :s ...issokay

Ezinwa said...

I noticed that there is a significant reduction on the number of commentators who identify as Anonymous. Naira Power!

Ayaba said...

Kilode!!she's nw whiter than her future!!!! Oshiiii

Lucian said...

This is scary.

Unknown said...

old hag..

UJUAHANS said...


Unknown said...


mimi said...

This 1 na barbie winch, Linda Pls post my comment

yvonne said...

Nt jst a barbie doll bt a barbie doll gone wrong...her bleached skin says it all. 1 word 4 dis....TERRIBLE!!!

*star* said...

Jesus oooo! linda u called dis nice?I don't agree with u abeg dis is sooo horrible.

Anonymous said...

So much look lyk a doll.


Anonymous said...

She looks horrible pls

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

WTF! must these celebs always upload pics!
dis kinda sucks!

Anonymous said...

fake nija girl 717

Anonymous said...

Nice ke? Wetin you dey smoke Linda? This one wey look like bleached elephant

Unknown said...

Shez Lookin like a made in china doll...buh she try sha...for her age nd level

Anonymous said...

There's something about cute G I admire! I'm female btw

Keep up the eloqence
Miss L

Anonymous said...

Wetin nice here???huh? Lukin lyk a witch.

miss dejavu said...

U just want mak ppk insult d babe plus her future bcos dis pix is 2 FUGLY.wetin she resemble no even dey dictionary

brina said...

Linda did I see nice on this article...ewwww..what nice about it!!!over wash yellow pawpaw..abeg next jare!!!

Bella said...

Bia Linda what is sexy and Nice about this? *pukes*

Anonymous said...

D 1st pic tho..

Anonymous said...

Linda u de fie to tell her d truth! She luks like ojuju..Ayo woris dis! Bleachin tinz..and Ayo usd to b my fav actress den until she married dat gorilla(goriola)man and de both design dia sevs wt tatoo makin dem luk like bleachd monkeys..abg Ayo stop seekin attntion agn..u bloggers shuld free dis old cargo jor make she retire in peace n get ready for her skin cancer cox of d creamz.

Anonymous said...

Not only sexy lin lin even yxes!!! Dose lashes na umberlla oo!!!! Lmao,bt she is cool...

Anonymous said...

If u wan curse person, tellam say 'e dey mad'.......@barbiedoll wit her bleached skin n her knuckles lookin lik a retired boxer, abi d brows or d lashes......I didn't see d weavon oh

Unknown said...

Haaa linda ikeji fear God o she looks like a barbie doll ne ebe buhahahah pels shine brighter than a diamond intl

Anonymous said...

See her eye lashs like umbrella..babie doll kor! She looks like one of doz etilogun dancers.. said...

Barbie doll? Linda, you are wicked oooo

Unknown said...

Like seriously? Barbie doll? No way.

Anonymous said...

Yamayama ofutufeete rubbish!

Unknown said...

Sexy indeed... Na 3310 she use snap the pictures? Na wa oo

Queen said...

She doesn't look like a barbi doll, she. Luks very beautiful for her age. When u get to her age, we wil see wot u wil luk like. Hiss!

Queen said...

If u like approve, if like don't approve. Dat na ur headache

Chris said...

Yes looking like a baby doll indeed and now more bleached than our own Tonto Dikeh

SalmaLena said...

Linda....nice keh????

Anonymous said...

Looking so white like MJ ...bleach inc

Anonymous said...

Thisis certainly awful who made her up? And those lashes...

Anonymous said...

Yoruba actors and actresses too like to bleach their skin.No be say na better bleaching cream them dey even rub.Na those black ghana bleaching soap wey one part of skin go red,one go black and one place go green.*vomit*

Anonymous said...

Bleaching gal

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Snow white! She looks toooo Artificial..the beads on her legs dosen't even look appealing!

"神爱我" said...

Like a Barbie doll???....ok oo

Anonymous said...

Ndi ala ehn
Dis ofem mmanu ppl can bleach
She don bleach all her senses comot

roseline said...

Is this Ayo Adesanya or doll babie

Anonymous said...

Biko Linda what is sexy about dis

Justine Gist said...

this na mother custom o... i fear!

Can you recommend this busty babe as your husband PA? see here

Anonymous said...


mercy ododeh said...

She looks like mariposa babie doll, but its nice

Anonymous said...

Linda na wa for u self , is dis wat u call nice ? E no nice anytin way she b like man made first to comment. RAY on point.

Anonymous said...

Linda na wa for u self , is dis wat u call nice ? E no nice anytin way she b like man made first to comment. RAY on point.

Anonymous said...

wcich kain nice? hian! she looks all so artificial and ugly..she looks gross, bleached and fake..God save us from all these articial women.

Anonymous said...

Linda na wa for u self , is dis wat u call nice ? E no nice anytin way she b like man made first to comment. RAY on point.

Anonymous said...

Abeg linda barbie doll fine am...cynthjoes

Anonymous said...

Na wa o!! Worisdis?

Unknown said...

Nice 4 where na? I can't share these kind of pics.

Anonymous said...

Linda did u say sexy???HaBa Fear god naw lin lin!

Anonymous said...

Haaaaa what is ds??? Abeg mummy park well nd stop ithching our eyes joor. Am sure Linda jst want us to argue here cos I see ur tryin to play safe,lols

Anonymous said...

You don craze before Linda! What's nice about this mgbeke feeling funky? With lashes like labalaba!!!

tuffcookiey said...

Dear lili, did u mean scary?

Anonymous said...

What is sexy about this doll-like mannequin? Yuk!!!

Anonymous said...

Linda u are looking for our mouth abi.... Hahaha okwa sor babie tins

ijeoma O. said...

Lindiway, u r so full of sarcasm. She needs to bleach more, still very dark!!!

News Cartel said...

she be like daylight masquerade...Linda Hw Dr dt 100k paro na..boys dey pray to win o..I believe sha ...daniel

Anonymous said...

Dis one Don bleach her destiny comot!!! Smh

Anonymous said...

Dis one Don bleach her destiny comot!!! Smh

Josh said...

Baby kingsway... Lmao

@peaciy said...

Hil....linda if this is what beauty is called I rather turn ugly WTF,evn if na plastic surgery! Abg she no try.....u can neva b nicki minaj stop dreaming woman!!!

simple said...

Barbie Doll indeed lol

Anonymous said...

Nice Bawo

Anonymous said...

U no fine. Too artificial. Try and portray yourself as a mother. Abi u no get children.

Anonymous said...

Clearly Linda was paid to insert this advertorial!

Unknown said...

Doll???? LOL

Anonymous said...

Linda I dont agree with u on this word 'Nice' not in this life. #Roselle

Anonymous said...

She looks terrible

Anonymous said...

Goood goood goood bleachers incorporation,not looking human to me tho,more Like those doll dey dress up in boutiques and fashion. Stores and malls

tracy pender said...

abeg make i nor go dream bad dream ooooo.

Anonymous said...

She don bleach tire. Old rag

Anonymous said...

Seriously. Looking like she bleached out her destiny. Linda's just trying to be nice. Lol.

The fashion whisperer…

Rabiya said...


Michael said...

She b like ape

Rough Diamond said...

I can see u r sex starved! Find way cure ur Congi ooooo!!

Anonymous said...

Na one whole fowl she put for eye ni??? Choi

Bella said...

Sexy and nice ko, nice and clean ni *goes back to bed*

BONITO said...

Linda D̶̲̥̅s BA̶̲̥̅̊b short ,♍ε̲̣̣̣ П̥̥̲̣̣̣☺ d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ like short babs,but she's ☺kªª¥! As human

Fammie said...

Linda for once say the truth, there is nothing sexy about these picz, looks scary

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hmmmmmmmmm na rea barbie doll

Anonymous said...

Linda, you are "wicked". Why deceiving and encouraging these witches masquerading as actresses. She bi like doll.

Unknown said...

Lolz! Those lashes doe!

Anonymous said...

U got it right

CU said...

I swear Linda cracks me tf up with her compliments. The babe needs to lose those falsies...she'd look a lot less like Ms Piggy. x

CU said...

I swear Linda cracks me tf up with her compliments. The babe needs to lose those falsies...she'd look a lot less like Ms Piggy. x

dhobiz said...

She looks like the female CHUCKY

Beautyfoch said...

Linda there is nothing sexy about these pictures. Pls stop hyping her. Lolz

Anonymous said...

Ndi ofe mmanu too like bleaching, kai ayo sorry oh bcos ur own don finish. N men sef una be d real ashawo, I wonder hw men will always be so confortable wit women dat bleach..........

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