A world 1st: 2 openly gay men become Prime Minister & deputy PM | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 9 December 2013

A world 1st: 2 openly gay men become Prime Minister & deputy PM

Some people say the world is coming to an end...and maybe it is! Lol. For the first time in history, a country will have an openly gay man as both its Prime Minister and its Deputy Prime Minister. On Wednesday December 4th, openly gay talk show host, Xavier Bettel (pictured left) was sworn in as the Prime Minister of Luxemburg, while another openly gay man, Etienne Schneider, (pictured right) was made his deputy, making Luxemburg the first county in the world with gay men filling the top two spots in its government
"People do not consider the fact of whether someone is gay or not. Sometimes it’s not easy because you have some conservative persons, but there are always less and less and less. I think people vote for my character and they vote for my full party.” Bettel said
And guess the first thing he's doing? Gay weddings. Hehe
“Gay weddings will be done soon. At the moment in Luxembourg, we have to change the situation of marriage, religion and divorce laws. But I don’t think it’ll be in the next five years – it’ll be next year.” Prime Minister Bettel promised.
A pic of the 40 year old Prime Minister and his partner after the cut...

Xavier Bettel and boyfriend Destenay Gauthier


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PAVOUR said...

Every body pls give ur life to christ. The time is very near don't let it be late.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jayke oe whatever u call yourself. Pls correct ♍‎​e if am wrong!! Jayke isn't the name your parents gave u when u were born right?? Since U̶̲̥̅̊ are proud to be gay why didn't you introduce yourself by your birth name?? If your father & mother had being gays your unfortunate self wouldn't have been born & we won't have to listen to you pour crap outa ya mouth.. God is merciful sha

Anonymous said...

No one is 100percnt straight, research has shown this. We are all bisexuals to some extent.#believe it or not na u sabi#

Oluwabobby said...

I don't know what to call this.Highly ridiculous,disgusting,UNHUMAN and demonic

Marc Francis of Chelsea said...

All you stupid people asking what his husband will be called are the reason why we will never have a woman in a top political office in Nigeria, not to talk of a female President. You are judging that this man is wrong for the job because of what he does in his private life but you have no asked about his qualifications, his talents, NOTHING! One person being gay doesn't make other people gay! You fail to realise that It's like white people (the predominant class) saying a person is not fit to lead because of his skin colour. Can't you see your own bigotry? You are the reason the world is coming to an end, not the gays.

Amara said...

@anon 8:43am if his parents were gay, he would not be born, but they are straight! You know why? Because some people are gay and some people are straight! Being gay is not hereditary.

Today they will say God appoints leaders, tomorrow it's devil rules the world. Stupid bunch of hyper-moral religious miscreants. That's why your pastors are living rockstar lifestyles on your dime.

whizzev said...

rada rada

Anonymous said...

Lmfaoooo @amara

Anonymous said...

I'm relocating to Luxemburg!

Anonymous said...

The world is changing. Stubborn nigerians will always be last to catch up.

Unknown said...

Funny enuff, but u are right..

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