Dear LIB readers: I had a fling with a guy and he's now blacklisted me | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday 11 November 2013

Dear LIB readers: I had a fling with a guy and he's now blacklisted me

From a female LIB reader
Have I made the biggest mistake of my life? Did I do something so terrible? I met this guy at my work-out place and found him really attractive. I've never found myself making the first move but in this case it was almost uncontrollable. I got his no and called him and we met up, had drinks and I couldn't control myself either and it all went down. He called me up for a second date and we had sex again. We both agreed it won't happen again since he is in a relationship and wouldn't want to mess that up. I see him everyday at the gym and we just greet passively. I just realized he blacklisted my number on his phone. That hurts. It's not like I was stalking him. Please did I make such a blunder to follow my heart for the first time ever? I'm just really confused here. Did I do something that's unacceptable?


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chilly said...

Shut up! How can you say she is worth more than this? How??? This is her full worth!
Meanwhile some people fuck on d first date and still marry each other. Some date after such flings. In this case, I think his gf fucks better so no point rocking d boat

Anonymous said...

@Anon5:55. U are probably too ugly dats why gurls dnt notice you and as for u babes forget that punk. U messed up no doubt and from your story,it was just a fling so why worry yourself over him?

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahahhaahhahahaha nigerian r never gud wit advice who even ask u to seek 4 advice anyway let me tell u 1 fin if u no within u W̶̲̥̅̊ɑ̤̈̊t̶̲̥̅̊ u did was wrong quietly go to God on ur kneel dan selling urself d more pple here wn't make u fink straight,cos even d bible say ye witout a sin shuld cast d 1st stone&d same bible say leave all judgement to me see W̶̲̥̅̊ɑ̤̈̊t̶̲̥̅̊ u r making dem to call u now aren't u better than sum gehs dat does it 4 money afterall I guess is jux ur 1st time dat is y u r feeling dis bad,babe ma advice 4 u is to move on

Anonymous said...

Loooool. This is too funny. I almost peed

udoh emmanuela said...

Ewu u even av a car/fone ???pls don't come 2 my haus next tym telling mi 2 gv u my fone 2 chat cos I will xo disgrace u*hising* my advice 2 dat bitch is 2 move on wit her life.

vee said...

whether u had sex wit him on d first nite or afta a whole year, he'll still dump u if he wants. i know it's painful 2 b blacklisted afta wat happened but it has already happened. d hurt will leave wit tym....its just ur pride dats showin itself. and 4 all dose mumu "commentators" dat r accusin ha of bein a whore, let any of u dats holy cast d first stone. mof**kers!

Anonymous said...

Dunce, can't be related to someone who can't spell.

Anonymous said...

Omo babe just scale -ewu(skelewu). It hurts wen ur gal dose tins like dis but evewi gal makes d same mistake n dey wiLl keep makin it damn

Anonymous said...

( ˘˘̯) you're just very stupid

Anonymous said...

I dont understand why people will send their stories to LIB. Like seriously this is where you come for advice, like 99% of the commenters o n here aaint even serious including myself



Anonymous said...

Choi! U are wicked oo! Lol@ madam ruth of life! # aboko ku!
My dear u took a huge risk! Obviously he loves his woman than u, he only saw u as a side fling

Anonymous said...

Gbomo Gbomo! Heeey

Anonymous said...

Lmao,no b only hoe na cutlass.its whore mr holier than thou

Anonymous said...

I guess you don't have a choice but to have a good cry and allow time to heal the hurt of being blacklisted. it happens to guys too, not just to ladies who ask guys out. It's just that it is more traditional for a guy to ask a girl out and so he swallows whatever he gets. Why not also ask Bunmi of Vanguard newspapers for advice because here, all the commenters are virgins, male and female, who have never been stung by an action or inaction.

Anonymous said...

He's in the relationship so the onus is on him to be faithful to his girl. Don't waste your time on fantasies about any future between you and him. He will cheat on you too. Move on and leave the liar and cheat in your past.

Anonymous said...

I don't really buy into most of these stories bt all I can say is move on.

Anonymous said...

U're just a whole? Really? O like owl?? Ode! Olodo oshi. See ashawo wey dey calll person ashawo! Anoufia

Anonymous said...

No one is in a position to judge, the heart want what the heart wants..or should I say your hormones in this case? Lol...ohh hunny, it was clear from the get go btw you two that it was just sex. Besides it seems like he just responded...

" Anonymous said...
Anyaku I didn't blacklist ur numb, u deleted me from ur bbm nd blocked me on whatssap.. after reading this I knw its u, I stil tink about u everyday, saw ur Broda 2days ago wen I was drivin out from my house.. call me, I don't ave ur numb anymore on my phone.

November 11, 2013 at 5:01 PM"

Thought I copy and paste it for u to see....and if u are engaged as someone just mentioned? Then young lady what gives!!!???? Get some self respect..

Anonymous said...

Som girls are out dere makin ds kind of mstake anyway may God help us!

Anonymous said...

Cheer up

Anonymous said...

Aww, sorry dear, I feel your pain. Went on vacation recently and met this really cool white guy. We hit it off, were practically inseparable all thru my vac. And flirted with each other like crazy. But for my period that got in d way, I almost slept with him. Now lookin back, weeks later, am SOOOO glad I didn't cos its almost like he's blacklisted me, doesn't return my calls or sms. So babe....learn from it and move on. I knw its hard, but get on with your life. If I were you, I'd blacklist him right back!

Anonymous said...

Read Anon 5:01pm.Hahaha!!! Delete his number. Still greet him. If you can't bear it, hang around the gym awhile and then move on to another gym. Many girls, whether or not the guy approached them first, still end up in bed within 2 weeks of knowing the guy, so I do not understand the insults from all these comments or are they advocating abstinence? Good then.

Anonymous said...

Som girls are out dere makin ds kind of mstake anyway may God help us!

Anonymous said...

Olodo, its whore. Thank me later

Anonymous said...

Babe nobody holy pass,dis is jux the beingining so move on life it's self is not fair aiit

Anonymous said...

U made a mistake learn from it too much of american n Philippines Movie isn't good. it paints love in a way dat is unreal n true. Fornication is a sin b4 God n ones self. Don't go bk to ur mistakes except if ur a dog(bitch)

Anonymous said...

May be You Smell

Peaciful peace said...

Mistakes are bond to happen, forget about that guy and move on. Your emotions sold u very cheap but don't worry is part of life

Anonymous said...

Som girls are out dere makin ds kind of mstake anyway may God help us!

Anonymous said...

Please free this girl. She had casual sex, no biggie and it is not new. I just prayed you remembered to use a condom(s) and protected yourself well. Now, stop over thinking the matter, and get on with life. So long as you enjoyed yourself then never mind what all these stupid hypocrites are saying here, they've probably done worse things than you!

Anonymous said...

he's a douche bag that's whats up
i almost did the same thing you did but my friends slapped sense into me don't beat yourself up about him but please do not do it again
Love from Miami

Anonymous said...

Srzly u guyz are harsh jeez!!!

Anonymous said...

And who is without sin, mistakes are made at least you could voice out yours because u feel bad. Not to judge but move one and be as happy as ever he clearly doesn't deserve you. You made mistakes and that doesn't define who u are. U never know what life brings or where u both will meet. So cheer up babe. And u libers here to condemn u all have skeletons in ur cupboards

Anonymous said...

You are osho-free. Its is hard to accept but that's what you are. Period

Anonymous said...

You didn"t do anything wrong by following your heart in making the move but u messed up by going all the way, you should have created boundries and make him want you

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Anonymous said...

Any man that cheats on his gf to be with you,isn't worth your tears.
Don't look at ur self as a victim .you used him too.
So dust his trashy ass and move on dear.
Remember black girls don't crack.

Anonymous said...

It happens sweetheart...he's in a relationship...there's nothing for you there. Move on!

okonz said...

Guy go sleep abeg no be ur ex joor......must u tell everyone u weren't man enough for her......stupid ass niggu

Anonymous said...

What's done's done...cry a river, build a bridge and get over it.....

Anonymous said...

I did same tin to blessing ubah chika. She's so cheap like dis dumb ass girl. Linda post my comment oh. I tke God beg u oh

Anonymous said...

He cald u bac 4 another dinner.. Chai.. Mumu of africa... Witch cry yesternyt,pikin payin dis mawnin.. Do the maths.. He calld u 4 another session of akpakolysis n since u "followed ur @" he tot u b sarewole ni.. B thankful he broke it off cos if na me ehn, u go b confam "mosunmola somo lolipop la".. Move on n stop foloin fine boy*lobatan

Anonymous said...

LOOOL! Lib trolls are the worst mehn. ANYAKU girl. don't listen. thats the devil calling o.

Anonymous said...

I dislike when some of us feel selfrighteous. Since you guys have taken it upon yourselves to play judge and jury, what if God wipes shame off her and the next guy she meets sweeps her off her feet and they live happily ever after. Some of us come on here to buy case for ourselves. Think before responding to a fellow human being like you. Intelligent enough to compose a letter to linda, the least we can do is to share our own vulnerabilities and offer her hope. Stating the obvious is a sign of low intellect. #Justsaying# . Ok my $0.02, even if you did not sleep with him, the fact that you approached him while he is currently in a relationship would have yielded a similar response eventually. I think you should be less forward. The right guy will come along eventually. Take heart.

Anonymous said...

"follow my heart for the first time" *sigh which stupid heart.. people will create problems for themselves and then come and be complaining abeg shift jare

Yud said...

U shud av typed out the number naw, so dat one can call u and gv u a sound talking to. Evn if it were true which I doubt very much, should it not occur to u dat "anyaku" would crave anonymity?? And she should call you? Nigga ure a confused nigga,nigga.smh

Yud said...

First comment here dat has spoken my mind. Almost every oda person is acting lyk d gurll acted likwe an average african woman, which I tnk she is. Gosh, what eva hapnd to our moral standards. She did wrong! And to come and rant about it in public is anoda testimony to her shamelessness. Whatever happend to not washing ur dirty linen outside..and to term it "following ur heart" sistah Please!

Anonymous said...

Guess this is a lifestyle uve bin exhibiting for a while..stop your desperation..sure d guy might av informed his gal and reconciled dats why he blacklisted u 4eva...Get a life!!

Anonymous said...

Linda, please why did kiss-and-tell immature(if he's telling the truth) @anon 10:23pm appear here. You mean you approved it? Na wa!!!

Lady G said...

I don't get what she means by he blacklisted her number tho.

orange said...

Fool. Fool. Your heart is not to be trusted. Get a grip of yourself and tuck in some dignity girl. Allow yourself to be chased and wooed. Haba! Useless heart!

Anonymous said...

Move on with your life this girl. He has a girlfriend he loves. Go find your own love that loves you back.

Recent Nigerian Jobs said...

Awww. I'm gonna teach you what it means to follow your heart. Look at this scenario; you are tired and worn out after a days work, you have an exam to write to next day. You don't have a single strength in you,however, you need to study.
Your heart says Study while your body says to sleep.U get it?
Again, you see a hot guy, your bodily sexual emotions say Sex, but your heart says it's wrong, he's in a relationship.
Truth is, our hearts always know the right things to do. The hard part is letting it win our body. You can clearly see you didn't follow your heart, rather you succumbed to your body feelings.

Show me that man who lets his heart win his body most of the time and i'll show you a strong man.

To console you, do you know that almost every girl in the whole world has at least one guy who had sex with them and blacklisted them. But they'd never admit.

You are lucky it's your first time. We all make mistakes. Don't let it happen again.



Unknown said...

That guy is a useless brat

Anonymous said...

You are wicked and evil. If it happens to you now, your reaction will be sooo weak, mumu.

Unknown said...

Your intentions were made known dear...just let it Go nd move on..shit happens u know. ...and dont even tink of trying dat again cos we men dont take ladies like dat serious... stay safe

Unknown said...

Your intentions were made known dear...just let it Go nd move on..shit happens u know. ...and dont even tink of trying dat again cos we men dont take ladies like dat serious... stay safe

Charbel said...

How easily other ppl are quick to call another folk a whore... was she trading d sex?...she made a mistake by being misled by her emotions... the same way someone enters a bad business unknowingly...even if there was another woman is he married to her? it may crash @ anytym... only whores are quick to call someone else a whore.selfcontrol takes descipline and training... yours may not be in your sexuality but in stealing,a running mouth or a character that stinks etc.. if you're really a saint.. you should be in heaven by now...but as far as you are on planet earth you are bound to cope with ppl's mistakes n still encourage them to move on.. practice the usage of kind words it calms the soul n give smiles to the down troden. even super heroes need encouragement sometyms.

Anonymous said...

you didnt follow your heart. you followed your lustful desires

Ezeoke L said...

U appear to be cheap. u shouldn't have rush things by sleeping w him, u should have hold ur self and win his heart. so u should live him b4 u raise curse on ur self.

Anonymous said...

Why are some people sounding like it's a big deal? She had a fling, so? both of the should move on abeg ............

Unknown said...

U r sayin dis bcos u hav not f#ck some1 like m* .

Anonymous said...

Like linda Ikeji's blog

Anonymous said...

This gym must be so important to this slut career, lf isis office but u lie say na gym..change ur That the only gym?? You're an experience slut and desperate and u can't be in a serious relationship...dooh dear!!

Unknown said...

Whats the name of the gym?? I might get lucky

Anonymous said...

Guys dnt value girls that mk d first move..u r all calling her names whn all of u are more than Ashawo...Let her live joor..My dear no worry just dnt try it nxt time ok? ur Mr Right will meet u soon.But who knows maybe one of u that is calling her names will end up marrying her...

Anonymous said...

u were driven by lust and not your heart. u started off on a wrong foundation so it couldnt have gone right. juat ask God for forgiveness and move on with your life. next time, leave sex for the confines of marriage.


This is where I feel you got it wrong...
Although you were aware he was in a relationship (WHICH OPENS YOU TO COMPARISON AND COMPETITION), you hopped into bed with him on your first date...
On second date you both fucked yet again...
If he didn't discover his girlfriend's pants on their first date, or even second date, he will be quick to compare you with her and then pass you as cheap, easily laid and slutty...
Mind you, that you had sex with him on first date is by no means the problem...
It is the fact that you were up for a competition with someone (his GF) he may have been comparing you with...
He was even at liberty to dump his girlfriend for you, if in comparison you appeared better off...
It happens all the time...
Perhaps for him, relationship is more than just sex...
And you appeared to have come across as just needing him as your fuck toy!!!
Tell you: I had sex with my own woman on first date...
That's the truth...
And I luv her to death, today, tomorrow, always!!!
Never a time did she come across to me as cheap...cos I am aware that a wet pussy and an erect blokus are sorry asses...
So you are just a victim of circumstance...
Cheer up babe...
Move on...hoping you've learned new lessons...

Unknown said...

do not make such mistake again.

Anonymous said...

This girl! U be Olodo....stupid girl...who asked u ehh! Who asked u to open your legs for a guy on the 1st date ehh! Onye guwa gii ehh! Tufiakwaa.....Ashawo kobo Kobo....go nd sit ur dirty ass down biko...Stupid girl! No home training.Idiot.

Ify said...

I don't understand why some people are using curse words for this young lady. I'm not supporting her in anyway at all. What she did was wrong but people are so fond of judging other people beyond words.Just pick up yourself from the floor and wipe your tears. You allowed emotions becloud your judgement but it's all in the past now. You must learn to forgive yourself and move ahead. I doubt if you're married, there are some articles here that will help you get your own spouse and prepare you for marriage. I highly recommend it for every young person who wants to meet the right lady or the right guy soon.

babious said...

So what now!#Riri's new single. Just move on babe.

Anonymous said...

You did wrong by fornicating.flee from fornication read 1st Corinthians 6 vs 18.

ebehi said...

yes u did and better learn from your mistakes

BARRY9ICE said...

we all fall victim of it evryday, dt does not make u a whore but only dt u have sin, jst pray to God 4 4giveness, neva allow dt 2 happen to u again, is jst a lesson u have to learn 4rm, move on, most guys take ladies wo made move on dem 4 granted.

Anonymous said...

Laffing my ass out here,u LIBers ar jst too funny. Get fucked or die trying life na risk we hustle 4 wat we wnt, so babe pls getup n dust yacef move onto d nxt one,der is no harm in trying.u wil get der.charlcee....xoxo.

ZeeZee said...

When you make your bed, remember you will be the one to lay in it #that'sall.

Anonymous said...

Lmao@ Anon 5:01..... Some sick stuff. Ok, to the lady in question. Sweetie, you live and you learn. We are all human and VERY FALLIBLE. You fell for a hot package and sometimes, those packages burn. Let it go. Focus on you and learn to "play the games of life".... never show your cards (feelings) until a man shows sex on the first date.....never and I repeat, never chase a man.....and all good things will come to you. I'm certain you will be fine. Besides, i bet you're a beauty, so it's his loss. Best of luck

Anonymous said...

I bet it's ur real life experience Linda. Sing on u #×_&

Anonymous said...

chineke!linda d guy reply sha!na wa oo

Anonymous said...

Hope u hv fun dear, carry on

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