Kelvin creates each piece only in black and white, using graphite pencils, charcoal, and black coloured pencil. He's exhibited at numerous major art galleries and won several national awards for his remarkable work. His work is currently on display at the The Watercolours + Works on Paper Fair at the London Science Museum, until February 3.
Kelvin writes on his blog:
'I aspire to create art as vivid as eyes could see. I want my drawings to prompt an emotional response, making viewers feel as though they are looking at a real live subject. I’ve always been creative, but fell in love with using pencils in particular.
It amazed me, that with only one shade of lead, you can create so many tones and textures, and almost create the illusion of colour. It was only when my images started to create a buzz with other Middlesex University students that I realised their impact.'See more of his sketches after the cut...
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»Wow dis is nice!God bless him wit more talent
This is amazing!
E make sense no b small.................always wanted t b an artist
World class *I can paint a picture with a pencil in m.I's voice* zobie
Hard to believe but i believe sha
OMG Amazing!
Jesusssss oooooo, give my offspring such talent and more. The princess Diana one killed me, completely knocked my socks off. Beyonce one is a lower quality but guess thats when he was just starting. Heath ledger, rihanna, Amy winehouse, all perfect. Wowwwww. May God bless this young man and continue to m
This is lovely and a good job well done whao cant just believe it was a sketch job with a pencil at that, this is rilly a raw talent. May God keep u and make u achieve ur motives in life Amen
This is great!
Wow! So this is a sketch. What a bundle of talent. Wish i had it.
See how to get your partner's friends to like you on GISTville
wow!this is a difficult task. excellent!
Dis is amazing. I knw Niaja got talent. God bless u dearly. Seeing dis made me forget all my sorrows. Indeed deres lite @ d end of the tunnel.
this guy is a genius. incredible works from him.
U re indeed blessed.
A mans gift wld mk room 4 him,urs indeed has n wld continue.u shall stand b4 kings n nt mare men.
My brother wey down, just show then that your from igbo land. you are using your telent well.
I love ur work. God bless u dearly
Incredible,whaoooo this looks so real,bravo.
Amazing! Its a pro to achieve this flawless sketch. Thumbs up kelvin.
See some of the Worst Fashion blunders of 2012 and we hope your pic isn't among them
Mind blowing. Keep it up bro.
view nude pics
Hw did u even get d glose on deir lips. God pls help dis young man move forward 4eva in life. Ur talent is spectacular
D guy is good in wat he does
Good work
God bless you Kelvin. There'll never be another like you
Kudos Kelvin,dis is marvelous.
Wow! Super talented! Yippie. He went to my school! Up middlesex!!!!
These are wonderful sketches! What a great gift! I'm about to google about for his blog!
Dang! This kid is super talented. They look live. Amazing work bruh!
He is a rare gem with an amazing talent.
Wow! He is extremely talented, can't believe this is all pencil. Wow
WOW! Speechless...
The art works looks so real!! He is quite a genius...
Jesus!!! Same pencil n charcoal I know????
Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!! O My God!!!!!!!!!!! This is pure talent. Pls make a portrait of me O! My darling Kevin. You are blessed. Chei!
OMG,nice art work. I love pencil drawings becoz its looks like a black n white picture. Good luck dearie...
Wow! I'm in awe
This is awesome, can't wait to see my kid brother works like this.....everywhere
Wow! This talent
Dis is really incredible,is dt bey in d second pix,doesnt really look like her,dis guy is a wizard in drawins,nice work.
Oh my God.
He's good ooooo
Thumbs up bro
Handsome meets Talent! Amazing!
This is incredible, they don't look like drawings.
He's good oooooo
Thumbs up bro
This is exemplary, beasutiful; I avent seen an artist dis good even thou I dated one
Kelvin,pls,come and draw me now pls!I'm very biuriful and I have a monalisa smile.Keep up the good work#Yudy
wow... really nice and talented!
These are sketches?? Omg! this guy is freaking good! Great work!
Common from a Nigerian i Love this....Keep it up
These are sketches?? Omg! This guy is freaking goooood!
His works are amazing.
Wow!! That's raw talent!!!
Wow, the man with magic hands!! The guy is simply a genius. I love them all.
His works are amazing
beautiful sketches, extremely talented artist, good to know he is Nigerian, God bless him, am sure if he was here his talent would have been squashed, more grace to him....Sassy Stardust.
This is incredible........i could barely believe it.
My dear thumbs up.....the sky is ur starting point......keep the ball rolling
This is so AMAZING!!! Rhipple Media
Wow! this is really incredible, an Amazing work, a genus among us! keep it up bro!
Amazing Talent I must say. Nigerians are talented people. I'm glad He is making a positive Impact
He gud.
WOW, he's really talented
Well done kelvin! Creativity at its best
Hiya Linda, went to the blog of Kelvin Okafor and saw some his drawings. Very impressive. But could not find drawings of Rihanna, Princess Di and 2 others as shown on your blog. When I saw them compared to the others, they looked like photographs. Please I stand corrected if they are his drawings but hope you did not import some pictures...
This is almost unbelievable! It really does create d illusioN of colour, wat a talentd soul, God bless u dear
Wow! This is amazing. Keep it up bro
wow....that's all i can say
OMG this guy is a pro. This is raw & un diluted talent. Wax strong & make Nigeria proud. I've fallen in love with ur works & ur talent. U are indeed blessed with fingers. B. O.
Damn!! Dis guy is GOOD!!
This is amazing, the sketches look so real.
10 Signs He's Not Into You
this guy is awesome.....wow!!!
omg! beautiful....
He is talented!!! Wow!! Pls come nd marry me #coverface#
Linda who is Toolz dating? she has been tweeting about a special person in her life for a while o!
We want to know who the special person is? i am relying on you to get this jist!
Oh my goshhhhh....dis guy is so creative...what a genius...Linda,did u mean all dis are drawn and not photograph?? Woww..#still looking at dat Riri's own...lol
Simply Amazing... And I say that as an artist @nicxxs
This is definitely FINE art. #omonaija. For the right reasons
If indeed he really used pencil for d Amy winehouse,mother Teresa, rihanna, Princess Di and d last one...
den he is a Genius cos those ones look like photos...
D beyonce, coleen bailey Ray ones look like monsters..
He made Beyonce look like d Ugliest woman in d world!!
Instead of d opposite!
But kudos 2 him..
He is good...
Billie jean
Wow!!!...he is sooooooooo good and cute....God bless his handwork...pls Linda tell us if he is single or married..
This boy is a genius, ur great boyyy, keep it up.
Is this really real? This guy is half human and half something else
Awesome that's all i can say!!!!!!
wow...this is really amazing! so incredible!
Wow..... They look so so good! Look so much like real photographs. This is talent! Kudos!!
WOW that is all i can say.Well gifted
my God! the paintings look so real. this guy is an asset... glad 2 knw that unique talents like dis can come out of Nigeria
Amazing!!! Esp that of Rihanna. Looks way too real. Thumbs up bro
OOOhhh mmmmyyy Gooooodddddd!!!!! Unbelievable!
W̶̲̥̅̊н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇@̤̥̣̈̊̇†̥̣̣̣̇̇̇ Ά̲̣̥ creative being.....S̲̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴͡ drawing Ŵi̶̲̅τ such pencils culd actually come out real ℓi̶̲̥̅ke Ά̲̣̥ picture? Hmmmm.....Gôd̶̲̥̅̊ Ȋ̊§ great! Weldone bro!
Wow!!! Dis guy is damn good...keep it real boy we r proud u!!!
wow gifted child... thank God for the western world if not, that's a talent that would have gone to the grave with its owner SMH for 9ja...
speechless, thats all i can say.
WoW!!!! Now this is what i call raw talent......Jeez!!!Amazing!
Thank you Lord for manifesting ur self in this Man. The pics are more than goooooood. the hardest there to sketch might be mother theresa of calcuta.
Breathtaking,welldone bro
Raw talent! Am impressed. Looks very real. God bless u dear.
This guy is a genius! Read it takes up to 100 hours to complete a picture and each sells for about 10,000 pounds. A man's gift maketh way for him indeed.
Wow. Wow. Wow. Good work Kelvin. I've neva seen anytin like dis. Ur sketches luk soooo real. Wow. God bless u real good.
r u kidding me?dese sketches r to die for.i totally love a man dat can draw....*wink*
Very lovely, since his works are displayed in London, i wished the painting of Kate Middleton the Duchess of Cambridge was given to him, he would have done a better job than that artist that made kate look dreamy and like the 1600's painting.
This is who I wanted to be... Awesome
See the wonderful work of art...spot d difference btw dis and a real photograph...
Wow... This is talents at its best.. God gv dis guy a huge gift
U̶̲̥̅̊ ds stupid girl Ode ni e sha! Dunno W̶̲̥̅̊н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇@̤̥̈̊t U̶̲̥̅̊'r A̶̲̥̅ŁWA̶̲̥̅YS feeling ℓi̶̲̥̅ke....J̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊s̶̲̥̅̊t̲̥̅̊ A̶̲̥̅ŁWA̶̲̥̅YS feeling ℓi̶̲̥̅ke Ά̲̣̥ talker.....and for all i knw U̶̲̥̅̊ talk shit!
Which Ȋ̊§ he made beyonce LƠ̴̴͡.̮Ơ̴̴̴͡K ℓi̶̲̥̅ke T̶̲̥̅ђe̶̲̥̅̊ ugliest.....W̶̲̥̅̊н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇@̤̥̣̈̊̇†̥̣̣̣̇̇̇ can U̶̲̥̅̊ do or W̶̲̥̅̊н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇@̤̥̣̈̊̇†̥̣̣̣̇̇̇ Hλ√ƺ U̶̲̥̅̊ eva achieved all ЧЯ miserable-low life!
All U̶̲̥̅̊ knw Ȋ̊§ to bad mouth evrytn D̶̲̥̅̊α† comes ЧЯ miserable way! Ode omo abule jatiti! Ngbeke feeling fly! Mtcheeeeeeeeew!
How is he a Nigerian Artist?...On his own blog and at the Cork street winter show he called himself a British artist!
These drawings look real, this guy is a genuis
How is he a Nigerian Artist?...On his own blog and at the Cork street winter show he called himself a British artist!
God bless this talent.
So amazing...
Wow! this is really beautiful. Aman's gift indeed makes room for him before kings
Well if someone is born in Britain, what does that make them?? British!!! He is of Nigerian parentage so that makes him a Nigerian!
Lol!!! Some people lack intelligence!
Jezzzz see talent God pls help me discover mine is never too late am 22yrs.dis is amazing
God is good. Looking at the picturs almost made tears of joy come out of my eyes.this is talent beyond money. I reaLly wish to c his hand at work. God abeg give my kids this kind of talent
Now dats some talent yo!
His pics sell for 10,000 pounds each....big boi.......
Damn! The boy good...
this is really really incredible. rare talent.
Wow!!! And he didn't trace them?
This is miraculous.
Dey actually look like pictures,amazing!!!!!!! More grease Kev.zurielle loves.
Absolutely fabulous!
one word - "supppperrr". this is very very impressive...i love art and i love this guy's work... pls give us contact details....
Its not our ordinary 2B pencil
Damn! Why me i no get this kind talent? Imagine how many ladies would have been queuing up for nude drawings...
Guys I just found him on facebook. You would be amazed by his drawings. Check him out. Search for Kelvin Okafor Art on facebook or click http://www.facebook.com/pages/Kelvin-Okafor-Art/109909719036016
It is people like him who makes one proud to be Nigeria. Well done to him.
I hope he actually makes as much money as he deserves from this.
Letter to my parents: Can you see that I don't have to double major in Econ and Poli Sci before I am internationally known? Infact sef, I'm going to study dance instead. Lol
this guy must be frm another planet..
Amen... Incredible talent
wooow pure talent..marry me plz
who told u is Nigerian? we have Okafor in our country too fools
So proud of this fellow Naija brother.
This represents Nigeria positively, Kelvin Okafor and his talent. Not the thrash that Cossy and (to a lesser extent)Tonto represent. BIG UPS TO U KELVIN.
Wow dis is amazingly unique.
Whao! God bless ur handwork bro! That's how IGBOS roll!
Just checkout his blog now, abeg the guy is good, this is pure raw talentn ride on bro, haters go and hug transformer
Laughing. Out loud ----- agbaya ni eeeh
He has got gifted hands
Kai see correct talent.
aww. Heath ledger. still hurts
Beyond believe
Wow! Hz good!!
Dude is good #shikenan
Waiting ,linda what are u saying? U mean this is an art work? Jeeeeez what a gift! Awesome God ... May God bless u Kelvin u will stand b4 kings , Please God I want my kids to have such gift that will make them to stand b4 kings
pipo from Calaber eat dogs sick pipo
very creative.
@ Linda- babe 4get this guy is raw talent
ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT...come draw me biko.
oH MY PRECIOUS GOODNESS!!!woww See talent! *mouth open! I thank Almighty for talent.
dis is incredibly amazing!
Goose pimples... OmG dis guy is d ishhhhhh!!! Pheew!
His work is freaking detailed. U could almost wana touch em!
Talent is sth God gives us. Most pple just throw it away.
Simply Amazing!! Good job Kelvin and continue to find favour in the eyes of the Almighty!
If only my mother would allow me to explore my hidden talents...but NO I must gather Bsc, Masters and doctorate degrees to be 'well respected' :(
There are alot of Nigerians with amazing skill and talent but no one to discover or encourage them, am sure if he was in Nigeria, he would have changed his mind and gone to pursue bank work.
You did not notice Mother Theresa abi? She is not your kind of person.
so so hard to believe really, this guy has got a rare talent... big up to him.
No, this can't possibly be drawings!! WOW!!
wow... wat a talent
@ anonymous 3:13pm: go to his Facebook page "Kelvin Okafor Art". Check his complete works.
Anonymous 3:56pm.....Well if someone is born in Britain, what does that make them?? British!!!..........Please crawl back to your cave...just so you know being born in Britain doesn't make you British you muppet! ..as much as his talent is admirable, he has identified himself as British, so why unnecessarily celebrate him as a Nigerian?
I'm impressed, great job Kelvin!
new post peeps, check it out! www.adainprogress.blogspot.com
this is perfection at its peak!
Discover your talent people and stop wasting time on social media . Everybody got talents !
Nna mehn! Dis dude is a bunch of genius.
See Tinie Tempah and Rihanna :o:o:o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing doesn't even cut it! Pure Talent! God bless the work of his hands!
OMG!!!!this is the best i have ever seen.keep it up bro
Wow,amazing!i hope he ll go places wit his sketches.
I had to go to his site... this guys talent is OUT OF THIS WORLD. Keep it up
.........So amazing yet so sad to watch, I have such talents, buh Naija just aint the place, just yet
....So amazing, yet so sad, I believe I have such talents, buh Naija just aint the place yet. Keep going K
OMG..only one word describes this *phenomenal*...i wanna meet u someday
It's don jazzy, they're always together
Lolzzzzzzz, Linda Ikeji's people will not kill me ohhhhhh
Lwkmd @ soulja
Middlesex is one of the most expensive universities to attend in the UK and most students do not finish according to online info. Living expenses in the highbrow area is another problem for foreign students.
I must congratulate this art genius for being a Middlesex graduate and achiever. I think his Amy Winehouse is the best ever. This guy is the best of his era. Wow! Beware of envious London people. Watch your back. Wonderful!
None of the UK papers added that he is Nigerian. If na crime matter, they'll capture that as their headline.
Hard to believe that he actually used just different shades of pencils and charcoal to do this. WOW. JUST. WOW.
I am a bit confused as to how he achieves this form of real life human sketches does he sketch on pictures that ve already been taken or he looks at d pictures and begins to sketch/draw on a plain paper I really do nt understand because if he starts to sketch or draw from scratch on a plain paper and they look this real I think he is a genius and can be compared to d likes of Picasso Mozart etc pls I need to be enlightened
U can afford 10,000pounds/painting????
See beef o! Whatever Nationality he claims does not matter. Just appreciate talent when u see one esp one that's so rare.. Hian!!
This is so amazing. Can't believe he draws this.
The sky will be ur starting point.
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