Female soldiers at gitmo not allowed to transport muslim inmates | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 30 October 2015

Female soldiers at gitmo not allowed to transport muslim inmates

Female soldiers serving at Guantanamo Bay are not being allowed to transport inmates following a court order issued in response to prisoners who complained on religious grounds, according to US Republican senators who recently returned from a visit to the prison camp.
Inmates apparently complained that female soldiers' actions were an insult to their Islamic faith, but the senators blasted the court's decision as an "insult to women."
Top U.S. military leaders agreed the directive is "outrageous," while suggesting they're currently bound by the order.
US Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., first revealed the decision on Tuesday morning. She told Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford that on a visit Friday to the detention center, she was told female soldiers were not being allowed to transport the “9/11 five” – five inmates suspected of masterminding the 2001 terror attack -- after the court order.
“We have a situation down there where we met with women guards who are being prevented from fully performing their mission because the five 9/11 attackers who are charged with killing 3,000 Americans will not allow them to perform their duties because they're women,” Ayotte said.
“It’s outrageous,” Dunford agreed. “That’s being worked by lawyers, it’s an injunction. I’m not using that as an excuse, but that’s where it is right now.”
“I think it is counter to the way we treat service members, including female service members, and outrageous is a very good word for it,” Defense Secretary Ash Carter added. 
A military judge issued the order in January prohibiting female guards from transporting the defendants, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, to and from legal proceedings after they refused to meet with defense lawyers and complained that any physical contact with unrelated women violated their Muslim beliefs. 


Blog It With Olivia said...

Na dem sabi

#iT wiLL oNly gEt bETTer
#It MuSt EnD iN prAisE

Unknown said...

They still have a choice ?

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ary said...

What a conundrum, on the one hand you have the rights of the female soldiers, on the other you have that of the prisoners. What do you do?

Unknown said...

They are jst inmates for God's sake. Their religion dehumanises women and shouldn't count in the meantime

FRESH said...

This oyibo People can be as stupid as they are smart. Terrorists claiming right? I would damn well wish they send naked female officers to Escorts them

Unknown said...

Big insult to women though no doubt...

Unknown said...

Nice development....

Juleslouis said...

This is hilarious! Wetin person no go hear.

Unknown said...

See prisoners o! So they even get to choose. Try that in Naija, the experience is better imagined.


Unknown said...

See prisoners o! So they even get to choose. Try that in Naija, the experience is better imagined.



That's bullshiT, kill the motherfuckers jooor.

Anonymous said...

Pls dey should better respect other pple faith

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I wonder why they are still parading this terrorists since 2011, that they even have a choice on who to convey them.. Blood suckers..

Anonymous said...

And yet the still use women as suicide bombers, marry children as wives, but a female soldier conveying them is against there religion.. Deluded & Confused people..

Anonymous said...

Like the Muslims respect other people's faith abi?

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