We have only just 33, 000 policemen in Lagos for a population of over 20million-Ambode | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Saturday, 31 October 2015

We have only just 33, 000 policemen in Lagos for a population of over 20million-Ambode

Lagos state governor, Akinwunmi Ambode today lamented on the state of insecurity in the state, stressing that Lagos with a population of 20 million people has only 33,000 policemen to cater to the security needs of the state. While speaking at the close of the state governments retreat for the newly appointed members of the state executive council Governor Ambode, revealed that more money have been put into ensuring better policing in Lagos and asked the state police commissioner and his men to justify the additional funds allocated to security
"We’re not yet where we want to be. We have only just 33, 000 policemen in Lagos for a population of over 20million. Again, we don’t have control over these police officers.
We need to let the Commissioner of Police leave this retreat believing that the Police need to own their own business just the way we have told ourselves that we want to own the business of governance. We need to see some things change, there has to be some form of paradigm shift, we want to see our police officers patrol in convoy between 12 midnight and 4am. There should be presence; we want to show presence, security agencies must also show presence. We need to enforce, we want to see patrol vehicle moving, we don’t want to see stationery police men, they don’t have to stay in the vehicle, we want to see something different from what it used to be in the past. It’s still the same style, but people must see improvement on it. That’s why we on our own part, we have gone out of our budget limits, using our resources from the Security Trust Fund, to say that, yes, it might not be within our budget, but we would spend money to support the Police because if the state is safe, the economy will thrive”, he said.


Davido's driver said...

Is that not too much if they are indeed competent

Davido's driver said...

He should mechionu

Anonymous said...

Please this man should stop giving excuses! How did Fashola do it?

Lindas favorite child said...

Seen... Can we have something more interesting?

Unknown said...

Is dat the reason why the crime rate in Lagos on the rise??? Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Is dat the reason why the crime rate in Lagos on the rise??? Linda take note!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mr governor, please wake up and smell the coffee. Fashola ensured that there was security in the state with the same number of police men. Okada riders are gradually taking over the major roads. What's your excuse for that?


Angie said...

Mr ..what needs to be done first is to take care of the 33,000 men financially, before bringing in more to harass hard-working citizens.

Unknown said...

Hmmmmm but MR Governor try work with dose ones nah,no be d same fashola use abeg ooo work with dem like dat.


How many of the 33000 are attached to politicians, leaving the public vulnerable?

Blog It With Olivia said...

They are small na
Small but mighty

#It WiLL onLy gEt beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd In PrAisE

Juliet Iwobi said...

Scary Lesbianism scandal hits Kogi university, sex video goes viral (Download)

Northern Princess 7 said...

why is Agbaje not our governor ?
He's Complaining already, instead of him to start looking for solutions
He shouldn't get me angry O... Fashola is there to him through This is getting too Much

May Allah Guide us All

Unknown said...

Now you are talking, but sir all this crooks you called police must be flushed, goat are among them,sanitise the policemen add more to them,let's see a good outcome do something sir. TIMILEYIN BLESSING

Anonymous said...

This man go and take a seat joor! How many were they during your predecessor's rule? Leave excuses and gerrara here if you don't know how to govern Lagos. #dumbass

Anonymous said...

I hope that number does not include the 14 that Bar Jimoh ibrahim rides around with or the other escorts for "big men"

Unknown said...

Its heart breaking !!! But how would the citizen ever dream of becoming a police officer in Nig? What major is that in school again, any criminal justice major??? What is the final grant like ( pay check), any continuous training while in service? Any background check in place? Any job security in place? Any health insurance in place? What are the Gov doing to make a citizen passionate enough to serve his/her country???

yawanow said...

Mere words won't change the usual dull style. He needs to tackle the heads who just sit without improving. The system needs to be flushed .

Unknown said...

The question is how many people will wantu join the police when they are not payed well even when their salaries are suppose to be dished some wicked 'OGAS' at the top will curb it and munch on it

hrm paul ojeih said...

what is ambo saying that 33,000 cops cant police lasgidi i am even saying that the number is to munch becos the way this cops they intimidate and harass innocent citizen is too much they threaten u, intimidate u, and violate you. so if Ambo wants more police in lagos then we are really in trouble their number is few yet they wreck havoc na wen dem don reach 100,000 then na die we dey.
i don like cops for nothing at all

Unknown said...

Lagos nawa .. God bless Nigeria. God bless linda

ary said...

recruit more

Anonymous said...

incompetency. Complains and excuses are just symptoms of "I can't handle it"

isioku said...

Well spoken Ambo. But out of this 33k how many are on private duties with big men?

Unknown said...

Shut the F up the same number of policemen fashola had and used substantially to solve and fight crime. Dumbo

Anonymous said...

How did Fashola keep Lagos safe. Clueless gov!

Anonymous said...

Abeg make we hear word, Fashola had the same amount! You no sabi work and your godfather asiwaju in missing in action so there is no one to hold your hand!

Anonymous said...

This ambode is lost. Did police population just refund in Lagos. Why was Lagos safe under fashola and few months after, it has become a haven for the criminals? Ambode is simply clueless

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Anonymous said...

De number is 2 poor
How do dey expect crimes 2 stop easily
Dey need 2 take action and not talking as usual

Anonymous said...

The ratio has never been parallel but the level of brazen crime especially traffic robbery has risen. The number of cops is not the issue. For every robbery we hear about there's also a report of a cop shooting or brutalizing a citizen on these very roads. Stop making excuses Mr governor you are not working.

Amy said...

This Ambode sha. What is he talking about? How many policemen were on ground during Fashola's tenure. Abeg he should say something useful biko. This does not defend anything. Mr Ambose, please wake up and start working.

Unknown said...

I don't blame citizens who won't join the police force. The case is even better now, compared to about 5-10 years ago. If the incentives are good, and given as at when due, then better. Else, we will continue to go round in circles.


Anonymous said...

Ambode should keep his mouth shut. What kind of flimsy excuses is this clueless governor explaining to Lagosians. He should humble himself and ask Fashola how he was able to manage the same 33,000 and achieve result. I am not saying Fashola is a saint, he has weigthy corruption charges hanging on his neck. Please, Ambode should quietly tender his resignation for failure to provide security and better living conditions for Lagosians. I am using this platform to call for the impeachment of Gov. Ambode right now. #ImpeachAmbode

Unknown said...

Well said my governor, brilliant explanation,

Gofig said...

Mumu man. Lol. Isn't it d Same 33,000 policemen Fashola used during his tym as governor? Abeg oga stop complaining n making stupid excuses n get to wrk. Your territory is in crisis. It's either u do something about it urgently or u resign. It's dt Simple.

Anonymous said...

And? Isn't dat the same no of policemen Fashola used to secure Lagos state? Looking for excuses

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I couldnt comprehend why this ambo was stating 33000.policemen for over 20 millions population i. Lasgidi.
Does he want an equal ratio before this menace is put to end?
Ambo or whatever or whatever you called yourself,remember this number of policemen were recruited and functioning during Fashola regime and nothing of all this crazy robbery never took place often like this.
Look man,you are not competent to handle lasgidi if not bcos of your backbone political godfather,I swear down you dont worth smelling that governorship.
I knew you were gullible and still living under the control of your fucking godfather and I believe time will tell and trust me,lagosians are watching just 3yrs and some months left.
Just around the corner.

Anonymous said...

I couldnt comprehend why this ambo was stating 33000.policemen for over 20 millions population i. Lasgidi.
Does he want an equal ratio before this menace is put to end?
Ambo or whatever or whatever you called yourself,remember this number of policemen were recruited and functioning during Fashola regime and nothing of all this crazy robbery never took place often like this.
Look man,you are not competent to handle lasgidi if not bcos of your backbone political godfather,I swear down you dont worth smelling that governorship.
I knew you were gullible and still living under the control of your fucking godfather and I believe time will tell and trust me,lagosians are watching just 3yrs and some months left.
Just around the corner.

Unknown said...

Pls..Mr... Don't say that sir. Regime before yours had how many cops to work with? Did lagosians experience this extent of insecurity? How many crime scenes have you visited sir? Did you rekindle the alliance with OPMESA, when power changed hands? We don't expect you to sew police uniform sir, BUT, if you take security as a priority , there will be changes. This is a major test for you. BRACE UP!

Anonymous said...

This guy should take a seat joo. How did his predecessor, FASHOLA do it? He needs to ask Fashola for some help with ideas on how to achieve results with minimum personnel. You can have 1 million policemen and they would still be ineffective. Ever heard of anything like work smart?

Anonymous said...

Pls how come Fashola succeeded with dem and crime rate ws very low?

Unknown said...

@paul ojeih u av a skeleton in ur cupboard..re u de only one in Lagos DAT they harrassed?I wch u knw de level of insecurity now u wud av put everyone in ur villiage even 90 yr old

Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned Ambode is making excuses.. Fashola governed for years and even though there was robbery it was nothing compared to what we face on a daily basis now. And that is Bcos the thieves have realised they can get away with it.. Ambode needs to tackle this issue with all urgency and seriousness.. We are now pleading for what should be a basic right..

Anonymous said...

Ambo, how have ur predecessors managed it? It is really bad right now, during ur time. These excuses won't cut it.

Anonymous said...

Ambode is merely making excuses.. Fashola was governor for yrs and even though there was robbery it was nothing compared to what we experience and hear on a daily basis.. it has really become very appalling. Ambode needs to stop talking and tackle this issue with urgency and seriousness.. We are now pleading for what should be a basic right..

Anonymous said...

As far as I'm concerned Ambode is making excuses.. Fashola governed for years and even though there was robbery it was nothing compared to what we face on a daily basis now. And that is Bcos the thieves have realised they can get away with it.. Ambode needs to tackle this issue with all urgency and seriousness.. We are now pleading for what should be a basic right..

Mimi said...

Exactly. He talks too much.

Anonymous said...

Fashola worked with the 33,000 policemen, he didn't make excuses.

Anonymous said...

My friend shut the fuck up! A bad workman always blames his tools. The former gov used the same 33k policemen to keep lagos safe. U na soso groove. If na quilox now u go sabi. Idiot. My friend gerrout!

Unknown said...

What an excuse coming out from this governor. If we don't have enough policemen, hire more and train & equip them.. If u need the help of federal government, ask!!!

Unknown said...

But fashola worked with the same number of policemen now so what's your excuse Mr Governor? Honestly I don't think this shld be a excuse so pls Oga sir, do ur job!!!

Anonymous said...

Please train the 33,000 well first, I mean morally and intellectually not only to climb gwoza hill and run 100 mites

Unknown said...

I think they need to start recruiting security men in2 the system to help dem fight of all dis crime happening over there....

Anonymous said...

Yes and they are all on the lagos ibadan express way

Anonymous said...

The police should recall all the officers guarding VIPs or the rich in Nigeria. There is no where in the world where house of assembly, senators and state legislators get police details and they each have two in Nigeria, plus their wives too. Only the senate president and speaker should get one each. Then all these chiefs and Oba's don't need security. Their juju priests should protect them.

Unknown said...

Most times I wonder if this man is sensible. Does he expect to have 20million police officers on 20million lagosians. Oga planning is d key tin here. If 10 police men are parading a particular area or district and at different location,effective communication and immediate call for back up will suffice wen ders an armed robbery situation. U don't actually need d whole world to do that. Some of those police officers are lazy,lackadaisical and unmotivated. Thank u

Anonymous said...

Mr Clueless" the police has to change their style,they should patrol btw 12midnight and 4 am" have asked yourself what does snatching of bags, mobile phones in traffic take place, what style did your predecessor use, you should be the one that is meant to change your approach, START THINKING LIKE A GOVERNOR THAT WANTS TO GOVERN A STATE

Anonymous said...

Pls ask Fashola how he did it

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

This man should stop lamenting. How was Fashola doing it?

Anonymous said...

The worst crop of policemen are those in the Obalende division of Ijebu Ode. They ride in unmarked vehicles and do not wear uniforms, only some hawk stuff written on black shirts and harass innocent people for the fun of it. You'll be amazed at what these people get away with.

Unknown said...

Absolutely Nothing my brother...theirs is to accumulate money for theit 15th unborn generation even to the detriment of the citizenry.

Unknown said...

This govern no wise, was the same number fashola used

Unknown said...

33,000 is even high sef...... but the problem is that were is the interest to join the police force? with their pay package, and lack of insurance..... pls more needs to be done about our security, not just Lagos alone, but across the country too.

Elo Emma said...

Where are the 33,000 cops positioned at. Many are on normal tv shirts and black trousers doing stop and search harassing people. The police in Lagos should be redeployed from time to time and more recruited. When time for recruitment comes , then you see peope paying heavily to have a police job in naija. God help us.

Chyke said...

Ambo, the same number was there when BRF was a governor. Nothing has changed except the Cp I believe the head isn't good enough!

Elo Emma said...

Where are the 33,000 cops positioned at. Many are on normal tv shirts and black trousers doing stop and search harassing people. The police in Lagos should be redeployed from time to time and more recruited. When time for recruitment comes , then you see peope paying heavily to have a police job in naija. God help us.

Unknown said...

~D great anonymous!

Anonymous said...

Half the policemen assigned to you and your officials.. The remaining frustrated half aligning with the criminals to gun down innocent citizens. How is his comment an excuse for crime. Did police force numbers reduce when the past governor left

Balogun Oluwaseun said...

We need state police.

9ja Parrot said...

The number is not the problem, strategy is.

Anonymous said...

My dear what you said is true. Money and all those stuff are all required however this is where leadership and change in mindset is required considering the many shortcomings. Look through history, wars and battles are not always won by the 'army' with the best paycheck or best weaponry (though desirable) but by the most disciplined and motivated (mind) 'army'. Because the leadership has extolled what they are fighting for, a greater cause above everyother personal challenge facing them. If this is successfully done (leadership), they will fight these thieves so ferociously that the robbers will retreat their attacks. There are still some wonderful policemen out there who have been known to have fought off robbers singularly. Some have paid with their lives. Now imagine that every policeman in lagos had this mindset. Equipments and gadgets plus money are all desirable but if we do more with less if 'we' dig deeper. Cheers

Unknown said...

Harm Paul Ojeih my research shows that it two set of people that don't like police the first ones are criminals that don't like police spoiling or busting them,while the second ones which I felt for are the ones that the police might have hurt in one way or the other but despite that we have lot of good police officer's out there making sure you sleep with your eyes close visit one of the police station nearest to you and see how police bust criminals daily but one bad egg some times usually spoil the rest.

Anonymous said...

Gbam!! This Ambo no fit do simpe copy and paste. After all that was the only thing he told he could do during the campaign; "I will continue from where Fashola stops".

It looks like we have entered one chance.

Dordor said...

Next excuse pls!!!! We waiting

Anonymous said...

No we don't. The agbero that the state is sponsoring or encouraging to harass Lagosians is enough. He should make us of what he has. If Fashola did it Ambo should be able to also. No more excuses, please

Anonymous said...

No we don't. The agbero that the state is sponsoring or encouraging to harass Lagosians is enough. He should make us of what he has. If Fashola did it Ambo should be able to also. No more excuses, please. Afterall they told us he was experienced. Lol.

Unknown said...

Mr governor, Pls it's too early to give excuses N get to work.

Anonymous said...

Ambo! Ambo!! Ambo! Ambo!!!.....so I should b doing ur homework fr u?

Anonymous said...

Mr Governor sir, You are just incompetent and 2 slow for my liking, Insted of you to ask Fashola how he handle the state you are busy arrassing him ~ I never believe this is the governor we voted for, well we only voted for the party cos we wanted Change in the FGN.

Anonymous said...

I begi! All this story na story for the gods. How did BRF do it? Do something and stop giving excuses every millisecond! You wanted the heat of the kitchen so deal with it! Abi did we beg you to run for governor?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


yabsy said...

This is not an excuse sir. No excuses. How did the previous administration do it? They are destroying our cars in traffic. Is it until they start killing us too b4 something is done?

Lagos State Comissioner of police, what are u all doing? We are no longer safe in Lagos!

Randolph said...

This guy is not competent! 33,000 officers are more than enough, the LAPD has only 10,000 officers and the NYPD has 49,000 officers, so what is he complaining about????

Are the 20million lagosians all criminals? Is the population of Lagos in one particular area? What is wrong with having patrol vans and bikes along the costain road and carter/eko bridge areas??

We need God oh!

Anonymous said...

Are there 20m criminal Lagosians? Are all the police men deployed to the streets?

Unknown said...

U r sick for saying that

Unknown said...

This happens when you assume office with a vindictive intention. You came in and tried to discredit and dismantle the good job and structure of Fashola. Yea Fashola was everything you are not. Soo get busy doing your job or swallow your pride and ask him for guidance. Lagos is falling apart.

APPLE said...

How many police men did Fashola have??? Mums governor.

APPLE said...

Mumu Ambode, you are just looking for excuse.

APPLE said...

Abode is a clueless governor.

Unknown said...

How many calls do they responds to in a day? None. They will tell you there is no fuel in their vehicle. Is there even emergency call number? The goal should be five minutes response.

Anonymous said...

Until Nigeria Government started treating police officer very well,a lot of people will be convince to join Nigeria police force.

Anonymous said...

Such a clueless governor who knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about governance.

Anonymous said...

Because Ambo has the same amount of police Fashola had and the situation is getting worse plus ember months, I can only conclude that the root to all these is the ECONOMY - gotten worse for everyone and the unemployed or former people that the oil money trickles down too cannot eat from it anymore. So it is natural that crime will spike now! Best if Ambo, whom we know is creative with raising the IGR should find extra money from lagos citizens which will drive the over population out of lagos and he should start community vigilante groups. The government sometimes cannot do it all--Wale.


Police is ur friend!

Anonymous said...

Dumb talk from a clueless man. He should ask how Fashola did it. D same cluelessness that made Nigerians pursue Jonathan is what this man is exhibiting. 2019 is just around the corner, he shouldn't worry. All he does is party shiorrr.

Anonymous said...

Out of the the 33,000 ,twenty thousand are thiefs and mentally greedy and unstable to be I. The force,may God help us all in Lagos State - Dayo Tinubbbbu Abass

reen said...

33,000 for lagos alone!? That's 3 much sef.. Abeg he doesn't av any excuse. The economy is jst getting worse

G said...

33,000 that are still useless and bribe taking wreckless shooting 33,000

Anonymous said...

Salihu abeg na lie u dey talk. Majority of d police officers are bad. I can put d percentage of corrupt officers at even 98% wch is rili bad

Gasmien Global Resources said...

Mr Governor confirm from Fashola how he did it. We didn't vote for u to give us excuses we want solutions. Nonsensical

Gasmien Global Resources said...

Mr Governor confirm from Fashola how he did it. We didn't vote for u to give us excuses we want solutions. Nonsensical

Anonymous said...

Even Fashola advocated for state police during his ministerial screening. He said the need for state police and ultimately increased security for or citizens supersedes the issue with governors using them political.

Unknown said...

this dude is such a joker my goodness

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