Look at the eggplant on Shawn Stinton...who used to be a woman. The 35 year old transgender is a personal trainer and health fitness coach and in 2014, he won the first annual FTM Body Building Competition. FTM means - Female-To-Male Transgender. But check out the size of the eggplant doctors gave her. Lucky man...:-)
Hmm... I don't believe these whole Transgender stuffs
Linda!!! Madam Garden Egg Plant...U should have planted an egg then...hahahahahahaha.
Linda, u r on ur own on dis one o
Abeg linda provide her formal look as a woman abegi,wat is dis word even turning in2 ow can dis one b a woman b4,still can't imagine I tire 4 all dis nonsense...
Chai...Linda oo
na wa oooo
Linda with Eggplant.May God forgive you oooo.lolololo
Pls show us the picture of when he was a woman
They didn't give it to him......he requested for it......but i would love to see how it looks........let me see if its the same with normal regular dick, can it rise and fall like Normal dick, can it ejaculate
They didn't give it to him......he requested for it......but i would love to see how it looks........let me see if its the same with normal regular dick, can it rise and fall like Normal dick, can it ejaculate
Lolzz... This Linda can like to Famz issue
Linda what's up with you and eggplant???
God will judge many things
God have mercy
Ezigboteh Alu!! Nwa mmebi
Hmmm,Linda!!Linda!!!Even on dis Saturday mornin??Kilode??? Ha!!! Your guy own small Abi wetin dey happen to u??Lol...Is obvious u'r into guys with big rod,Lol...Enjoy
Na wa o I really don't no wats gottin into d daughter of ikeji all she rants about his egg plant and male reproductive organ dis is getting disgusting for God's sake there are under age on dis blog Linda is it really dat bad are u dat starved mbanu
Lol! Good 4him/her
why u so focus on dat huh
ma'am Linda
Identify crisis everywhere. Whatever happened to his /her breast
I agree he used to be a woman looking at his areola,its so large unlike males.Only medical doctors will notice it.
Anything fake is a turn off for me. What will i be doing with a fake amu when i can get the real one with veins.
If the doctors gave the eggplant to him why then is he referred to as transgender. Abi transgender is no longer a human being with both male and female sex organs?
But Linda you like amu too much:) Well, i don't blame you, the thing sweet die..hehehe..
lol. Lind is officially obsessed with eggplants.
Linda go get laid..
Still on dis trans matter? Give it a break already.
Same questions on my mind Orr did he receive a dead man's egg plant. If not natural egg plant, it can never be egg plant.
Choii...na wa o
Na wa oooooo
Linda sha like eggplant kai!
Linda happy woman man but come o why all this gay things u wen join Change topic abeg
Lol @ lucky man!. Linda! Linda!!. Big prick dey break waste oh#holding hand on the ear#
'She' is not lucky because when a woman changes to a man the 'new' sexual organ is just there for aesthetic purposes. Erection cannot be done without the use of an erectile device same goes for ejaculation. Meaning basically an 'on & off switch' for both .lol. & whatever is mechanical is therefore not sperm its just a saline solution embedded in her fake testicles. Even the mechanical parts can break down with time! Basically all 'she' has there is a lump of flesh with inflated silicon that is basically useless for anything but peeing :)
Please read
Romans 1vs 24-30
Please read
Romans 1vs 24-30
Ka! God judgement wil definitely descend on all dis doctors dat encourage dis acts.
Pls desist frm dis act bcos its abomination b4 d living God, and its pathway is Hell. Those who hav ears let them hear for a word is enough 4d wise.
Ka! God judgement wil definitely descend on all dis doctors dat encourage dis acts.
Pls desist frm dis act bcos its abomination b4 d living God, and its pathway is Hell. Those who hav ears let them hear for a word is enough 4d wise.
Linda pls stop posting al these rubbish for God sake. It's getting too much. What morale are u promoting with your blog? God has brought u this far to preach better things to people not this madness abeg
God dey try.Coz if i were God...
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The world is coming 2 an end to extend a transgender of a male with pussy carrying pregnancy god and u they look us.
Mcheeeeeeew! Nonsense. Madness everywhere, nobody is satisfied anymore, everybody wanting one thing or the other. God please come and take dis world already. Linda take note!
Seriously I'm not thrilled with this disgusting news. Next pls
Ok noted, Onyx u re a disgrace to
family and from the State u come
go back to that fmer post Linda
when one Woman who decided to
for her to be issuing Licences to
bastards, if u go back to the post u
see it is your comment that is
from the rest and it means u re
Gay, that
girl u show on this blog that day
was just
a show off idiot bastard if I catch u
anywhere u will die that day.
Lord pls end the world now
If it's not panadol,it cannever be dsame as panadol.
You can actually see the scars of the surgery that removed her breasts right under her chest. Smh as far as I'm concerned she's an altered woman.... Still a woman no more no less.. Keep deciving yourself.
Sitting down sipping my tea and laughing#kwakwakwakwa#
Linda your rotten
My question is where did the doctor(s) get the eggplant from? Nawao!
Royal priesthood you are so annoying with your multiple comments. get a life !!!!
Oooooooooh my...!
Short of words 4 now
My thoughts exactly
Linda, u have a great sphere of influence and You're someone I'd love to meet someday but I just wish you'll use ur blog to promote values. Think value girl! Eggplant stories promote no value.
Ugly ass bitch
Lokn 4 Davido's driver
Everyday there is a new transgender story on LIB, it used to be fun when Linda gave us small doses but now forcing it down our throats is just crazy man!
Very fugly
Or scared of guys' stuff---not into guys??
Or scared of amu, may b.
Linda promoting nonsense since 1900...lindiway,d eggplant lover.
Linda promoting nonsense since 1900...lindiway,d eggplant lover.
Linda eggplant neva do you sometin.. hahaha
Or scared of guys' stuff---not into guys??
And he was dash d 'bie bie' too
Here is it @ Dan
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. 26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: 27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. 28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; 29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, 30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Kai Linda. Receive ur deliverance now!
U r very very mad, huh? E don have 2 b like that. Ez, ok??
Linda, gi na amu!!! Tufiakwa!!!
Na wa oo..
Linda and egg plants...
Not my problem though
My Father end this world we live in. Come and take ur children. Linda u and eggplant even a female with eggplant excites u.
She probably just got tired of her monthly periods and all the hormonal crap women deal with. Lol
Then tell your underage not to read certain stories. If you are under age then your parents need to monitor what YOU read in the Internet. Na by force?
Abeg sharrap dia. Why are you still reading and commenting? She's trying to educate ignorant people like you and make you aware of what's going on around the world yet you're complaining. If you go carry girl na wey used to be man, you go talk say na winch, because you no know say people like that bin dey exist. Mumu. Be happy she's educating you and stop complaining. Hiss
I'm much more interested in his six packs
nigerians everything na witch, demon and end time to them, the number one problem we have in nigeria are the ignorant people, when someone tries to educate you on what you dont know she is evil, if she dont she is so dumb, wetin dey go do una wey go satisfy una for life, this is 2015 you all need to grow up, the world is changing and no one gives a fuck what u think
Linda nd dis planted egg mata nor go let us rest. All d Mr and Mrs transgender una welldone, God dey cum 4 u ooooooo.......................... #nodinng head#
dont understand linda with egg plant this days ..haha
Linda Eggplant. Have you seen that egg plus plant is not equal to eggplant? Don't be deceived
lol. Linda and egg plant sef!!
I didn't expect u to post my first comment.*hiss*
You can actually see the scars of the surgery that removed her breasts right under her chest, ha na wa ooo. Woman won become man and man won become woman
Nawa ooo....dis fine boy? Winks.....
why are many Nigerians so ignorant???? It Is impossible for doctors to give a female eggplant. IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. IT CAN ONLY BE MADE OF RUBBER WITHOUT ERECTIONS. LINDA TAKE NOTE, PUBLISH OR NOT
All this transgender or what do u call it, u will have urself to explain to God on d judgment day. Think of heaven pls
Linda pls leave 'eggplant ' alone ooo
Linda too like prick!! Everyday everyday eggplant eggplant!!
My dear u are so correct. Its nt by force!
sacread heart of Jesus ve mercy on us. Linda tanx for all d info
I can't be exchanging words with a faceless fool like u. Since LIB is the only way u get informed, as this is the type of info u get, I pity u, pity ur gene, pity ur village and ur ancestors. Oponu apoda
End time is here... Trumpets of end time are sounding ... loud ... trans this, trans that ... transgressions against nature... The judgement will be unprecedented...
Linda Wats ur obsession with this egg plant
they turned a woman to a man and he still dont look half as fine as me
Lol Linda too like prick....linda I get mighty eggplant oo
Life is good when you have your love ones around you, I am saying this because when i had issues with my lover i never seen life as a good thing but thanks to Dr. AGBAZARA of AGBAZARA TEMPLE, for helping me to cast a spell that brought my lover back to me within the space of 48hours. My husband left me for another woman after 7YEARS of marriage,but Dr.AGBAZARA help me cast a spell that brought him back to me within 48hours. I am not going to tell you more details about myself rather i will only advise those who are having issues in there relationship or marriages to contact Dr.AGBAZARA TEMPLE through these details via; (agbazara@gmail.com) LUCY from USA.
End time is near
My love toward my husband hurts, since the day I took the risk and confronted one of his mistress, life was unbearable and it was clear he loves her more than me because he totally changed, and fought with me for confronting her instead of apologizing to me, he left the house for two weeks, froze my account and even served me with a divorce papers through his lawyer. I didn’t know it will get to that, I was disappointed and lost hope on trust, I thought I could have let them be, so I can save my marriage, I was at the verge of losing everything including our house. I needed to do something because I was almost running crazy, no chance to chill, I had only one option to find instant solution before it all disappears. I searched everywhere I could until I met Dr. Ogudugu on the internet with this email: (GREATOGUDUGU@GMAIL.COM), people really talked good about him and I was bold to ask him for one. Well, am glad he did at the end my husband came back on his knees, after the spell, begging for forgiveness. From what I have studied lately, my husband has indeed changed and become lovely. We never mentioned or even thought about divorcing again. Am so grateful for Dr. Ogudugu’s help.
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