#BeingFemaleInNigeria - Nigerian women raise awareness on the issues they face in the society | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 30 June 2015

#BeingFemaleInNigeria - Nigerian women raise awareness on the issues they face in the society

Quite an enlightening trend on twitter at the moment. Nigerian Women are sharing experiences and are giving an exposition on what they go through in the society as females and also what is generally expected from them. See more tweets after the cut...


Unknown said...

#BeingFemaleinNigeria. There is a night vigil for singles, what are you doing sleeping @ home.

Meenora said...

So true, my dear!

Unknown said...

Gbam! And lots more....

Unknown said...

#BeingFemaleinNigeria, if u buy that jeep, men will run from u.

Unknown said...

Hmm women in naija are really voicing out..Quite enlightening

Unknown said...

#BeingFemaleinNigeria, your cv could b among these ones, you know just what to do.

Unknown said...

All so very true. We shall overcome all these soon. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

All so very true. We shall overcome all these soon. Linda take note!


Lol our ladies have lost their cool.
But we men also have our reservations, they call it a man's world but men are more disposed to helping women than fellow men.


Unknown said...

don't seek admiration by wearing fitted cloth, I don dey tell ladies this one but them dey carry me for joke, especially unijos girls. thank God am a man

Unknown said...

Lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Quite hilarious, and funny mostly d tweets "Once u hit 30, and stil single, pastor wil start casting out anti-marriage spirit away frm u".

Unknown said...

I swear women dey hear am hot for this country......

destinysweet said...

After School and Nysc,u must bring ur certificate & HUSBAND! #BeingfemaleinNigeria


Anonymous said...

Why are you u looking for a job, you are a woman #beingfemaleinNigeria

Victor said...

OH the plights of a woman..choi,...Women help yourselfs and stop crying ou.Women are the one who do this to themselves

Anonymous said...

Go and tell your husband to get you a driver see how u de drive like woman #beingafemaleinNigeria

Unknown said...

Finally something positive trending on Twitter!!! Waaaaaaaaay to go!!

Unknown said...

You don't go out anyhow,respect yourself by staying in the house

Unknown said...

You don't go out anyhow,respect yourself by staying in the house

flimgee said...

No lies

flimgee said...

I can identify wit most of ds tweets in d daily life of our ladies,too bad an orientation

flimgee said...

Its gud women nowadays r standin up to it.there is no human abv any human irrespectiv of sex

flimgee said...

No lies

Anonymous said...

Wow all these are true. Nigerian women are abuse by Nigerian men in every possible way. Until we the women stand for ourself and for one another , until we chose to stand strong irrespective of the imagined consequences, until we learn to love ourselves more than we love these undeserving men, until then they will continue to abuse us coz they know we will always be there for them, they know we won't go away, they know we can only talk without action. Women learn to leave without even giving men a hit, and learn not to look back, whether it's husband , boyfriend, boss , whatever ..., learn to leave all those irresponsible men and learn to love and respect the few responsible men that deserve our love and respect.

Ladun Liadi said...

Make una park one side O jare.
Okonjo iweala, alison madueke, dora akunyili, ezekwesili etc.
No one likes a constant drip drip so yes y'all may not find husbands... Or partners if u like.

Pikalord said...

No ladies, same applies to men too. You people are even more favored than we men.

Unknown said...

The only insult a man can give a woman is to call her "ashewo". They always forget dat they have sisters and mothers....some guys are just senseless!

ary said...

It is definitely hard being a woman in Nigeria.

Ladun Liadi said...

All these feminazis be making girls who like to be girls feel ashamed, making boys who are naturally testosterone primed feel like terrorists.

knowurway.com said...

Lol, is very very interesting talk

Unknown said...

Yes that's how it is but I don't give a shit.

Runty said...

#BeingFemaleinNigeria...You can't own a house for urself except u wanna be single forever

Nicole said...

Every light skinned girl is bleaching, pretty girls are dumb, every fine girl is a runs girl, if you're pretty and single you must be an ogbanje! Lol! Don't cheat on your man but accept the fact that he will cheat on you. Don't be very successful or rich or have nice or expensive things or you'll scare men away. You must have and take care of kids, exercise everyday, stay fit, be a lady in the streets and a freak in the sheets, be a prayer warrior and sex goddess , have a flat tummy after 4 kids , constantly strive to look like a model or video vixen whilst your man can have a pot belly and look like Obasanjo and Mr Ibu. ......doesn't matter, as long as you're trying to keep your man! Smh!

Unknown said...

Dey r all right o, women gt many prob n enemies, only God can help us

Unknown said...

Dey r all right o, women gt many prob n enemies, only God can help us

Anonymous said...

Personally I don't understand the need for all this unnecessary attention seeking. This same society calls Women the Homemaker. You women are just confused, ask a woman to list her criteria when finding a man and she will definitely include SECURITY. Can you provide yourself something God did not put in you? You want to be independent and all that crap yet you still thrive off us one way or another. We are men and we also have certain things we face in the society but you don't see us complaining about it all the time. Its because y'all don't want to end up in the kitchen that you acquire so many degrees/qualifications hence the reason why there's a huge decadence in morals cos no one is teaching our kids anymore, you don't need qualifications to do that, all you have to do is just be a SENSIBLE WOMAN... You say the society treats you badly and yet some of you are part of the society that treat homosexuals badly too! Hypocrites! If you don't like being female then stop living! #IRANU.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Linda no b today o. I entered a Hotel for an appointment wit the Manager for official reasons,as i steped outside the gate what i heard was 'Ashewo' . #Beingfemaleinnigeria

Unknown said...


U buy G-wagon......what does she even do for a living sef?_ oh, she is an actress..so? How many movies wey she don act wey come give her dis kind money? Abegi make una leave dat one #Ashewo


Unknown said...

You can't vacay in a luxury hotel abroad ...dey will assume its *sugar Daddy dat paid for d expenses

Unknown said...

Lol.. correct... very correct. #beingfemalein Nigeria, you have to do all d house cores, when Ua even 9 mnts gone.

Anonymous said...

#beingfemaleinNigeria u are the one to make u r marriage work..even if ur man is misbehaving or cheating..and once the marriage packs up which might even be the fault of the guy the society will still blame do woman do woman.. smh

Unknown said...

dats naija 4u oooo

Mz Lolo... said...

#Beingfemaleinnigeria How can u listen to that one that doesn't urinate straight

APPLE said...

The mentality of men from that part of the world is something else.SMH.

Anonymous said...

If you cheat on a serial cheater you are a whore. He is a man #rubbish.

Unknown said...

This has two sides...
Oya now tomorrow is debate

Richard said...

Afterall u people are still women. Lolz #richie

Richard said...

Thumbs up

Unknown said...

Let us be honest, women are more often than not guilty of all they are accused of!how many women really climed the career ladder in nigeria without raising their legs in the air? Is it false that a vast majority of single car-owners who are ladies are aristoes? Women, una know unaselves!

LA' SUNSHINE said...

#BeingFemaleInNigeria From 25 till death you will be bugged about 1. When will you marry 2. When will you born 3. We want boys"

Dreezy the quidnunc said...


Dreezy the quidnunc said...


Dreezy the quidnunc said...

I say sharap

LA' SUNSHINE said...

#BeingFemaleInNigeria means being raped and having to keep quiet because of the stigma attached to it

Anonymous said...

Don't aim high as a single woman, U will scare men away, any man intimidated by me is worth my attention/ love!

Ada said...

Really funny but true

African foodstuff and Raw Materials said...

Hmmmmm... So true


But some of them you mentioned, if not all are married. So please your point?


Yessssss! This is very true


THIS IS THE GOSPEL TRUTH. And when you ask the men why their bellies are so big, they claim its a sign of 'wealth'. Gross! No sir, you are just a fat unhealthy pig.


Lol! Ummm but those actresses get comma sha! Don't include actual runz women abeg!


Looooooooooool @ dreezy


Yessssss. This

African foodstuff and Raw Materials said...

#beingfemaleinNigeria its been years she graduated, all her friends and sisters are married, she is in her parent's house buying clothes and accessories when her mate are having kids... God help us jare

African foodstuff and Raw Materials said...

Hmmmmm... So true

LA' SUNSHINE said...

#BeingFemaleInNigeria You are a lady you cant be seen to be too smart, sometimes pretend not to know anything, men like submissive women."

Unknown said...

True talk

Anonymous said...

#beingfemaleinnigeria men are allowed to cheat but it's a curse if the women do

Anonymous said...

#beingfemaleinnigeria 95% of the wives are broken hearted because men are meant to always cheat despite a happy home

Jasmine Joseph said...

They all hit the nail on the head, # it's a crime for s single woman to buy a car Cuz she won't get a good husband

destinysweet said...

U still don't hv sense

Ladun Liadi said...

go to any women conference, d recurring theme is HOME MAKER.
Why do u want SECURITY? Carry ur own come nah, that's what a man will do.

Ladun Liadi said...

Go on a date, ask her to pick d tab and see if she'll agree to another date.

Anonymous said...

I tweeted my own experience now and a guy replied me that 'Noone likes pushy women'....how come when you're a woman, with strong opinions you get called all sorts of names like 'pushy', 'bossy', 'controlling', etc....i've been referred to by these and more....all becos I have a strong sense of right and wrong and stand by what I believe. I also can't stand mediocrity. When I got an official car, I got told 'you'll never get a husband', 'men don't like single girls that drive o'....bla bla bla. I almost rejected the car and atimes wasn't taking it out on weekends. I still AM NOT MARRIED....and newsflash?.....I DON'T FREAKING CARE. The car makes my life so much more easier, especially since the pay's not that hot....If a Man wants me, he'll have to take me as I am....opinions and all!

Ladun Liadi said...

Some men pick 'unpolished' gems, 'clean them up' then wife them.
I am one such gem in desperate need of polish. You think ur a liberal woman abi?

Ladun Liadi said...

This woman was awarded $18M in a sexual coercion case against a wall street exec yet pple will say "only for naija".
PLEAAASSSSEE! pack ur inferiority complex one side.

eldorado said...

Hmmmn.nicely said

Unknown said...

@ Dreezy, u must be stupid! Who even gove u fone sef? Ode!

Unknown said...

@ Dreezy stupid fool!

Anonymous said...

this just doesnt happen in nigeria. just so u know

Anonymous said...

Who are girls who like to be boys and girls who like to be girls? What exactly is the meaning of this rubbish your spewing

tobi said...

Soooo true.. perfect..

Business Barbie said...

Oh too true my sister

Business Barbie said...

#beingfemaleinnigeria You are alive for 2 reasons. To marry and have children. Any other thing you choose to do is extracurricular

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

True talk but many Naija women are their own worst enemies. Haven't you heard of women who perpetuate negativity sometimes emanating from a male sponsor against another unsuspecting woman who may not even have done anything to them? The common thread is, usually, the green-eyed monster syndrome bcos the "target", more than likely, legitimately stands above the crowd. Go figure. Naija women are starting to wake up to the daily assaults on their personhood in a macho culture.Let's hope when people know better, they do better....emphasis on the do or taking action part.

Anonymous said...

Recieve brain

Anonymous said...

#BeingFemaleInNigeria your husband slapped you? Sorry. What did you say to make him angry? Go and beg."

Anonymous said...

how old are u?

Onyima Judithpeter said...

Go to school if u must..... Just make sure u graduate by all means, it doesn't really matter as long as u stay beautiful to attract a man and remember to eat right for child bearing # beingfemaleinNigeria#

Anonymous said...

One case out of the thousands that happen but go unpublished everyday. Bring it close to home and ask any woman you love (mum, sis, friend) what she goes through that is now seen as norm.

Anonymous said...

And if she paid without even missing a beat, you'd feel emasculated. We can't win with you guys.

Anonymous said...

Like all the ladies you went to school with who did really well slept their way to good grades? Not trying to insult your mum o but would you say the same about your hardworking mum or sister? Those women you are insulting are other people's mums and sisters too. Dont assume because some ladies you know dod this, that we all did this. Some of us are quite brilliant and it shows on the job.

Anonymous said...

#BeingfemaleinNigeria, you are a fine girl, you can't be broke

#that happy sister

Anonymous said...

@FRED LAW.. I'm ANON 6:59. I'm fed up with their whining abeg!

Anonymous said...

It is well.

Anonymous said...

Where is it written anywhere that it's the woman's job to teach kids morals. In most societies, it's the job of the man and woman. Which security? Most women I know are hard working and even contribute more to the home than the men. By the way, I'm a man.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


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