Toyin Lawani can be described as one of those few celebrities who gives back to the society as a form of a grateful heart to God who has brought them thus far the journey of life. I REP FOR HOPE CHARITY” was set up by her sister after the death of her mother as she was part of the charity organization. Four years later, the Philanthropy minded Toyin Lawani took out time in training two disabled (hearing and speaking impediment ) ladies in tailoring.
Tiannah’s place empire is a place where everywhere is buzzing; it is never quite because if you are not hearing the voice of artists rehearsing for their music video or dancers are rehearsing to models rehearsals, or models auditioning for project, you are hearing design sessions or students in the Fashion School. In all of these busy moments, there are moments when the Empire is quiet to the extent that you can hear a drop of pin and the sounds of people breathing.
These unique moments are when the Serial Entrepreneur is letting out her heart as she communicates with these unique individuals who have been able to make different outfits for celebrities that were designed by Toyin Lawani. It doesn’t stop there, because she is now set to initiate a scholarship scheme for the disabled who are seeking to develop themselves in the Fashion Industry.
The scholarship will be awarded to disabled individuals under the “I Rep For Hope Scheme” and provide a fund for them after their training program in order to make them dependent on their tailoring skills under the tutelage of Toyin Lawani herself.
Two employed staffs under Tiannahs Place Empire are already enjoying the benefits by undergoing training in their preferred field of work. We have a Tailor in the Fashion Division and also another in the Salon Division specializing as a Hair Stylist (both with Hearing and Speaking impediment) learning at the Empire. We know so many people also wish to give back to charity.
You can support this cause by helping to set up those who are trained here. The Government can also use this opportunity to reach out to disabled people out there assuring them that with life, all hope isn't lost. Toyin Lawanio wishes to officially assist Mercyline and Gladys in the setting up of a Salon and a Tailoring Shop and as such is seeking to help them raise funds for it and the official fund raising exercise commences today, her birthday. A good cause is always a plausible journey and her camp is excited to share this journey with us.
God bless her....lindaobserve
woow H B D 2her
Waooo, I admire this lady alot, very hard working, goodluck to ur hustle.
Waooo, I admire this lady alot, very hard working, goodluck to ur hustle.
Now I see where my Love for hrt is coming from, av always been drawn to pple with diamond hrt...
God knows his own.....
Quite thoughtful of her.she looks ravishing in this photos.
Shes very good at what she does!
Babe has really done well for herself no doubt.....
Nice one
God this girl ils vert beautiful with his B D
Good one, well done Toyin & happy birthday to you. Linda take note!
Good one, well done Toyin & happy birthday to you. Linda take note!
Good one, well done Toyin & happy birthday to you. Linda take note!
Good one, well done Toyin & happy birthday to you. Linda take note!
beautiful woman with a good heart,may God continue 2 bless u in ur work 2 help d less privileged
aittyfinest xyz
Wow!!! Toyin is an epic hustler!!! Only she all these - Business Mogul, Designer, Fashion/
Celebrity Stylist, Business Consultant, Fashion
Consultant, Image Maker, Skin Analyst, Director,
Creative Director, Fashion Editor, Teacher,
Choreographer, Coordinator, Hair Merchant,
Restaurateur ,Event Planner, Interior Décor
She's also a producer. Excellent
Stylish woman I admire her.
Stylish woman I admire her.
She is all dat... asin 1 prsn being a designer,philanthropist,image maker,creative director... e rmain small she go be God
Congrats to her!
Beautiful woman...
Nice one.....love this lady so much....so hardworking and also a silent achiver....
Good for her...
Hbd to her.
Kudos to her! Keep it up!!!
Nice 1
Wow! Thats a huge heart right there. I wish her more success. But toyin ..u for include able people too na. Hope you have plans for passionate people as well
Good move
Ds pink hair suits her perfectly! Btw nice philanthropic gesture! God reward you abundantly!
#i am proof that God answers prayers!God is the ultimate! Accept Jesus Christ today!#
the inital caption made it seem like she took money from the fund to throw herself a birthday party
Gud of her
Toyin is a beautiful woman, one of those that even if you envision them as dark skinned would still be beautiful. Good to know she has a great heart too
Impressive... God bless her.
I lover her such an inspiration
Amidst all d drama. She has really itched a name for herself. Kudos to her!
Once you get past her black feet and hands AND the constant boasting she's actually very hard working! Congrats
Toyin worry sha pink hair, excess makeup, skin bleaching and tatoos but! Thumbs up to her she is got a good heart compared to those who form too decent n churchy churchy but won't help those in need or disable. Happy Birthday Toyin n may u continue to grow n shine.
Only one person be all this thing
Na im you still dey alive
This one na jack of all trade o
Nice outfit
Nice outfit
Damn she's pretty!!!
U have done well toyin.
Toyin dey worry sha....Pink hair, contact, excess makeup, bleached skin n tatoos but! She is got a good heart which some decent church church people do not have. Happy Birthday Toyin and may u continue to grow in all that u do!
Nice concept...
wow nice one, i like the pink braids but can't rock it oooo
wow, exclusive. .. na hype i be o
I just love this woman. Truth be told a lot of people hide behind social media to criticize celebs and people in general. How many of them actually give back to the people, you don't have to have a million bucks to give back, You LIB that can afford to recharge your phone and subscribe to comment on blogs, what have you done to help the needy in your environment? God help you all that criticize and Judge others
Good one
Congratulations n Hbd pretty!
Nice one. God bless u
Impressive, keep up the good job, wish her more success.
Wao she's indeed an entrepreneur
Good gestures
Happy birthday dear
God will continue to bless and uphold u as u help the poor and less privileged
Visit beadglitz.blogspot.com
To see an awesome neckpiece (beaded fur)
May God continue to bless u
She's unfocused to call herself so many things that are so very different from each other. You're a blogger, Linda. That's what you're good at to make your money. She should do like you, pick one profession and roll with it. All these titles say she's struggling to find herself and isn't that boss she's projecting to be.
All na hype
Wow! I love dis concept and it mak a lot of sense. Nice outfit and...
HBD and LLNP to her...
Thumbs up to her and more power to her elbows.
Cute ombre lips.. Pls visit rellaidiovo.blogspot.com
Ashawo empire...
nice.I like hard working pple
Beautiful woman
Given back 2 d society?has she helped her siblings? ATM your siblings need your help,your younger sisters needs your help and your brothers too,pls help dem,use Linda Ikeji as example,Yoruba says ile lati ko eso rode
Giving back to d society my foot,karimi things,u better go and help your families first cos they need u more,your sister in Europe is going thru hell if u don't know.
Hmmm!may God bless her and replenish her pocket.
Sup with d boobs(falling, she for try use celutape raise am na!)! Loud hair nd makeup. What eva rocks her boat!
This is exactly wat I want to be. God help me be better ijn. I love her so much mennnnn
Like the pink dress. The authir of the writeup got an f in english during waec
Dis is indeed lovely, i love dz lady, such an exclusive work frm her
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
This is what toyin claims keeps her busy, Nigerians open NGO's to make money collect from government and international bodies and chop, I guess she is versitile so wants to try her hands on everything because u live life only once, and so that she wont live and b idle and unhappy, toyins mum has a ddaughter for shina peters the musician mayb thats the one abroad she of all pple shld know her sis well her toyin might b making ends meet everyone one thinks a a big gal too cos my flat costs a millon a yr I travel out a lot but mine is hard work toyin has two kids with a hubby that deosnt work so she is paying school fees am sure she gives the hubby doe sef mayb toyin has a financial back bone that helps her because when u have a shop like mine too its for status pple dont patronize every day my shop in ajao is cute rent is 500k per yr toyin is in vi how deos she meet up after paying her staff?
congrats to Toyin!
All I can see is self promotion. What is the point of this advert?
A life without Christ is a pointless life. Don't be distracted by the flesh, this woman is ungodly and must not be envied.
The woman is advertising herself ppl are falling for it. If we all came on blogs to announce everyone we help the internet will break.
Lovely pics
People can be so dumb and silly,its even obvious all this people talking here don't know toyin,how can you all say she took money from charity fund to throw big party for herself ,when it's her money she used for the charity to help train this people,or did you read that anyone gave her money for the charity yet?And also if toyin decides to be jack of all Trades it's her Buisness ,the most Amazing thing is that this lady is actually very good at what she does,everytime i watch most videos directed by her ,im super Amused that one woman can be a director,designer,stylist,teacher,furnishing, etc, she mentioned the two people who she trained have been with her for four years,so how can it be for self promotion? People should ist know people ,before They open their mouth to run them down,you say her husband doesnt work?id music not work?can you see how stupid all this Anon people are;You say toyins shop is in vi?lmao she moved to her Empire where she Runs 15 different Buisnesses there,she left vi 2years ago,All of you should give kudos when it's due,if you like tarnish her image all day long it can't change God plans for her ,She has over 40 staffs now,I'm one of her Team member,been working for her for 3 years now, she's the most hard working human being I know ,creative ,down to earth,not to talk of the fact that she's the most kind hearted person I've ever known,shes helped me in ways I can't tell the world,when I started working for her I had nothing,she paid my mums diabetic bills, shes a tough cookie cause she's a perfectionist,Regardless this lady's Got an heart of Gold;know her before you talk please,and plenty of you get english problem,hbd boss and more Grease to your elbow, Tiannahs place Empire will grow higher and higher in jesus name,may your enemies watch you up.she took Gladies and mercy with open hands even when the world run from them,i wish you can all see what they can do now,all thanks to my Boss
Evilsssss!!!! Lol
To whoever this is , who ever told you I need help and am going through hell , my dear , the moment you all don't know about ppl , you bring up your own stories , I might not be all that like toyin lawani but am the true daughter of my father , I work , go to skool and do what I can for myself not too beg from anyone and I am very sure some of my siblings don't need her help also , we not handicaps, Pls leave me and the rest of her siblings out of her life , she was not born to help her siblings , don't forget this lady got her own Demond's too , means we all humans .....
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