Internet trolls are just mean. After Karrueche publicly dumped Chris Brown on twitter following reports he fathered a 9 months old daughter, the trolls descended on her instagram page and flooded the comment section with
cute baby emojis, basically making fun of her. *sigh*. See more after the cut...
People r rude. Kmt. Lindaobserve
People r rude. Kmt. Lindaobserve
Y are pple so mean
It means they were waiting for something of this sort... poor her
Funny n tomorrow now, she will go back. If na Africa now de will say Chris use jazz
No black baby emojis bcos the baby is black.....
No black baby emojis bcos the baby is black.....
Lotta sickos in the world. Dude just wondering what will keep them busy if the internet suddenly crashes.
Lol I dunno why this is strangely funny
They are all sad souls happy someone else is sad as like them.
Good riddiance to bad rubbish...
Dis is absolute rubbish and nonsense as far as I am concern.
They r all making mock of themsef. Dis is y I do kick against all dis social media r/ship publicity bcos everytin abt d r/ship r usually d talk of town on social media.
Lol.... She just start ooooo....
Good riddiance to bad rubbish...
Dis is absolute rubbish and nonsense as far as I am concern.
They r all making mock of themsef. Dis is y I do kick against all dis social media r/ship publicity bcos everytin abt d r/ship r usually d talks of town on social media.
They should free the girl jare. I believe if is in Nigeria this kind of a thing happen, the gf will neva break up with the guy, this are some of the more reasons ladies are no longer respected here in Nigeria. They've got no respect for themselves anymore. You see baby mama everywhere you go now, just like MTN
Good riddiance to bad rubbish...
Dis is absolute rubbish and nonsense as far as I am concern.
They r all making mock of themsef. Dis is y I do kick against all dis social media r/ship publicity bcos everytin abt d r/ship r usually d talks of town on social media.
Sorry, but who is Karrueche? and who is the dude she dumped?
That's what u get when u date a bad boy. So unfortunate that our girls won't still learn from this.
They should free the girl jare. I believe if is in Nigeria this kind of a thing happen, the gf will neva break up with the guy, this are some of the more reasons ladies are no longer respected here in Nigeria. They've got no respect for themselves anymore. You see baby mama's everywhere you go now, just like MTN, copying the whites on that, we will not copy the right things
Sorry, but who is Karrueche? and who is the dude she dumped?
Lmao! How mean.
Sorry Karrueche, it's a mean world ----C21
They should all fuck off biko
Won ku osie mtcheww
Serve her right dumb barbieeeeee. Mtchew!!!!!!
Dis is wrong, as wrong can be. U don't laugh at sometin dat hurts someone. She choose to stay wit Chris despite all, yes I wud ve done d same. Clicking wit someone is not dat easy for some people. So when u get such a person u do Everytin to kip dem. So haters, stop hating, spread love
4 d 1st tym, I really feel sori 4 Karruche... Bt, cum o, Breezy must av naija blood in him 4 him 2 keep a baby secret successfully 4 9moths... Karrueche must feel lyk a 1stclass fool. Pele "Karaole".....
Poor Karrueche, Can this people just stop already? Its not easy on her already.
These people are really mean
Dem get time o
Hehehe eyah
I feel sorry for her
D gurl don suffer shaa
Hehehehe...mumu geh! Ntoi!
Karreuche will come around, dis is jus a rihanna must be laffing so hard now
They shld leave dis geh alone jor!
This fans are Mean !
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In her next life Karrueche is clearly gonna stir clear of Chris Brown!
Karrueche I feel for you but IDK what all this hating comments are for. You are a beautiful lady and the decision to stick with breezy or break up for real with him is left for you alone to decide.
Shouldn't be an issue.. unfollow everybody n make ur account private. No time fo b.s!
looool... Linda post it
lolzzz these oyibo people get plenty time o
VEruLE Says-alright.
She should have developed some kind of thick skin but now to withstand the public
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Childish people.
What's a troll?
Gay Life of an Anonymous Writer
why are they mocking her nah, is not a new thing , #babymama #chrisbrown #kar
too mean
Shouldn't be an issue.. unfollow everybody n make ur account private. No time fo b.s!
Uche dis one pass us kwa
So sorry for her. She has gone through a lot in the hands of my crush Chris brown.
I blame her 4 it thou, cnt she walk up 2 chris n talk tins ova n walk away, every rubbish must b posted on SM,soon nw she wil go bck again, mtcheeeew
She deserved it.Must she dumb him on instagram abi twitter
Linda bear that in mind
I don't knw why my mind tells me chris isn't father dat baby... My tots thou... I blame kae for publicly quiting... Why not talk to him on phone & let social netwoRk rest.. Wat if chris didn't do it ?
Awwwww, datz really mean!! she is hurting, its just not fair!
She asked for it. She should have left chris long time ago. But she enjoyed d drama.
This is damn WrOnG people really get a life!!!
Guess the beehives have started a trend
This is hilarious... Oyinbo sef. #kelakwo
their headache
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
They should leave this girl alone
It could happen to anybody
Most those people laughing at her
Are in worst relationships
linda you post a lot of irrelevant things. honestly speaking,we read other blogs and know where all these comes from. just saying
Very low self esteem girl. Running back and forth for a guy. Deserves what she get.
Shalom in Nigeria, Amen.
That girl has been through much. Pls visit
Let them both be, Let them both move on
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Dere are so many jobless peeps in dis world... Wen u have absolutely nutin of importance 2 do, dis is d result u'll get.... Youths just wasting away on instagram, posting crap on peep's comment section, mtcheeww
Well it's expected, she brought it on herself by being a leech. She should have left long ago.
And this is why I do ponder upon the advent of smart phones and rise in dumb people. You do make mock of all the english teachers you've ever had. Stupid grammar.
Some people do the most!
Check google. Msheew must u comment.
Abeg make she turn wey face beyyhive abeg.#this is too muchh jooor
Eeyaaa,she didn't leave when d ovation was loud. Peeps should let this girl be b4 she commits suicide.
@Anonymous 12:54, now I see y u didn't go to sch. U can't and wil never get close to dis in ur life. Dumbed ass lik u.
D babe was busy banging her friend bf when they had issue in their r/ship. Ladies words of advice "never let ur r/ship rock d boat" resolve every issue asap least ur friend or someone else take over.
Tamia, you took it from my mouth... Kwarshokor abi what's her name would go back. Just because of, when he has humiliated her in worse ways and she still went back. She's a basic chick, she ain't gat no career, her job is being Chris Brown's chew toy, so she'll go back #initial gragra
And she keeps coming back!
Dy gonna make up!!won't waste my breath!!btw aside being Chris gf wat does she really do???
The writing has always been on the wall. This is what you get when one has a low esteem and keeps returning to their s**t.
I do not feel for Karuche or any other woman in her position. Women has so cheapen themselves that men are having the time of their life.
Well tomorrow she'll go back to Chris and tell us all it is not for us to understand.
Baby emojis serves her right!
The writing has always been on the wall. This is what you get when one has a low esteem and keeps returning to their s**t.
I do not feel for Karuche or any other woman in her position. Women has so cheapen themselves that men are having the time of their life.
Well tomorrow she'll go back to Chris and tell us all it is not for us to understand.
Baby emojis serves her right!
I wonder wots with the childish acts of some people then I realized that no matter how old we get, childish behavior can neva be completely eradicated in humans. Linda take note!
Y are pple so mean
It means they were waiting for something of this sort... poor her JC
U can imagine
You've said it all our Spanish lady in the house
Double Standards
I bet a lot of you thought it was funny when Kid Rock got trolled with bees?
People have taken their level of rudeness up a notch
But its not fair now only God knows how trying this is for her. Not fair at all.
Too many karrueche laughing at karrueche
Damn people can be so mean sha
No one asked nor forced you to read her blog or every "irrelevant thing" she post. You can stick to older blog
Hahhaha dis is so mean
Not sure if I shud lol dis or scold d bad fans
THAT ibo gal karrueche should park up and leave already, abi na by force you won die there ni
Sorry kae
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