Is president Jonathan late in going to Borno? | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Thursday, 15 January 2015

Is president Jonathan late in going to Borno?

Is it not better late than never?


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Unknown said...

He is super late! Why didn't he go there last year
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone

Toronto Finest said...

The stupid old fool is going cos of election

Unknown said...

Election took him there. SIMPLE!
@Mr Endowed via Lumia phone

Unknown said...

He needs to go & see things 4 himself but woteva d outcome, my hand no dey o! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Better late than never. At least something is being done.

Unknown said...

He needs to go & see things 4 himself but woteva d outcome, my hand no dey o! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

It late I think.

Unknown said...

He needs to go & see things 4 himself but woteva d outcome, my hand no dey o! Linda take note!

Neks said...

>>>> Games played during Election, at least its on record now, he visited Borno. <<<<

Unknown said...

He needs to go & see things 4 himself but woteva d outcome, my hand no dey o! Linda take note!

Unknown said...

MR EDDY said this harmattan is sponsored by MTN. It is everywhere u go.

To be honest, he is late.
^™THAT EDO BOY.COM~wishes u happy new year.

Juliebabe said...

The lord is with him o, it is not late.

Unknown said...

Yes and No! Depends on d circumstance u look@.

Yes if he is going there to see d displayed citizens dat suffered frm BH attack.

While No if he is going for his elections campaign.

Unknown said...

Is nt going there late dat matters but was his going there because of d ppl and wat happen or because of his own selfish interest... He actually went there cause he want their vote dats all. Idiot...

Unknown said...

Nigerians are the worst people to handle (including me and my family). If he didn't go at all, same people would call him names and call for his head. Now he's gone, they still complain about late coming. In myopinion, you don't rush into scenes like that especially as a President. Can we just reason like humans and keep politics aside? GEJ is as ordinary as we all so don't alwys expect a superhuman display. Let's embrace the carrot and stick approach. Oya make una begin curse

Anonymous said...

But what exactly do they want this man to do? Why cant Buhari even talk to them? I dont understand Naija anymore

Anonymous said...

Better late than never


Thats his cup of coffee, I wish this his visit could be so downplayed by the media.


Unknown said...

wetin concern us if you're from gombe not borno
go siddon joor

#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

Unknown said...

He's only doing that to help his campaign for 2015, the guy is a big scam.

Unknown said...

Ahmad Salkida simmer down, I can understand your vexation but cool temper. Linda take note!

Unknown said...


Bishop Dammy said...

It's better late than never..but let us all help this country by praying..we need disciples now..2 Cor 4:10. @Bishop_Dammy

Gentletee said...

Very late! I read political undertone to this.

Unknown said...

I don't think he went at the right time though, he should have visited them cos they re going through n have went through a lot

ST. KIZITO BOUTIQUE IG: @stkizitoboutique said...

He is

Unknown said...

Yea he is

Unknown said...

But if I were him, I wil hav gone there long b4 now to visit and console wit those dat loss lives of their siblings and relatives.

Though his adviser's and securities aid's must hav adviced him accordingly if not I knw left for him he wil hav gone b4 now.

Am not speaking for him, dis just my personal opinion.

mccoy said...

he is late joor, justice delayed justice denied!

Unknown said...

well its better to be late than the late..

Unknown said...

Yes!! It is better late than never but he is WAY TOO LATE!!!
Why now?? Why during presidential campaign period? Who is he fooling?
Of course!!! Teletubby patience.

Unknown said...

It's better late than never but dis only proves as always dat GEJ is clueless..

Unknown said...

What's the essence of going when d deeds has been shldnt hav reach dz stage at all

Unknown said...

Atleast he came at all

Unknown said...

Too late

Daralohi said...

What does he want to do now,heal the scar that has already been opened.

Miss indomie says so.

CELEB said...

Uneasy is the head that wears the crown. Ur every action is under scrutiny especially in troubled times likke this. It comes with the office . My prayer that God continue to guide our president!

Funso Samuel said...

I was wondering why fighter jets were hovering in the sky…not knowing GEJ is in town. Well, to me it's not too late. We schooling here know how the situation is. Welldone Oga Jona.



Anonymous said...

Linda,i will like u to listen to 2day news from CNN about BH and military gist, d video is every where, check it out

Anonymous said...

How can I send u d video??

Unknown said...

If this was school, Jonathan will be coming by the time the class is over. People (including me) are going to assume he is coming because of the elections. It has been way too long. However, it is NOT too late. Better late than never

Unknown said...

Ndi bayin nasi : Kama mmanya ga-esere ogo na ogo okwu, ya waa n'uzo. Na Agbahi no garo noge, okama no je .


Anonymous said...

Better late than never

Unknown said...

as for me presidential visit is nt d solution, nt evn d question. our president nd security measures should b proactive, our lives are at stake. unlike you i trained in borno state

CocoFernadez said...

He is more than late jor mbok!

Unknown said...

Yes its beta late dan neva but in this case lateness and neva is jst dsame! Dis is a case of insecurity and insurgency and above all the slaughter of 2k citizens of the country dat gave u dia vote, choosed u 2 lead dem and protect dem but rada u are jst visiting the site after hw many yrs, sorry days but its jst nt proper. Wat if the presidents broda, or evn his child was among the dead(God 4bid) will he jst be visiting nw? Dis country is always focusing in irrelevant tins!

Unknown said...

Jona!! dnt go anywhere oooo

Anonymous said...

Better late than never, but he was more interested in going to Israel for what exactly? His country isin ruins and he's busy gallivanting around the globe. The world is now watching.

Anonymous said...

I don't think it is as today is the armed forces remembrance then it's a good day to visit. Moreover he is risking his life going to such an unsafe place in which a president shouldn't be. There is no were in the world that a president is allowed to go to an unsafe zone bcos if anything happens to him then the country cld be invaded without a leader.

Anonymous said...

I disagree. Too little too late. Elections are in 4 weeks, this is just another one of PDP's pitiful tactics to score political points. Boooo!!! Boooooooooo!!!!

Unknown said...

May God judge B.H n their sponsors!


He's extremely late na nau I'm kno say that state need his personal help,e.g displaced families need 2 b brought back 2geda,and catered for also those who lost thier houses and business needs to be helped na all dis government 4 de do since,any wayz let's chill and see y he went derr.

Unknown said...

So listen - u are sick,ur employee didn't visit u,for months ur health deteriorated, dis employee didnt come around,u hear of him going to parties n flexing at owambes,months later,dis employee wana transfer to a bigger company,and without ur signature, d company won't employ him,dis is wen d employee thinks it's cool to visit his employer.. If u are d employer how will u feel?will u sign? He only cares bout what he can get from u and not about u!! And president Jonathan is d employee,while d northerners are d employers!!

Richard said...

Ashin this man can do anything to be re-elected. Hahaha drug for dead.


He is late!!!!! Just saving face. the first reaction to anything is the always the true way one feels.

FrodoBaggins said...

This is not a question of rather been late than never. He should have done the right thing at the right time. Clueless!

Unknown said...

Oh Yeah!! If he dares to go there, am sorry he may not Return!!! #FEBUHARI 2015
.Disclaimer:: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

Anonymous said...

hes more than late and i think he should wait

Unknown said...

him going there will not change anything but also we don't have to condemned him going to visit borno

Anonymous said...

hes more than late and i think he should wait

Anonymous said...

hes more than late and i think he should wait

Anonymous said...

What was he waiting for? For celebrities to protest online, I guess. Or probably his sudden visit is warranted by the fact he seeks to be reelected into the office.
Either ways, we're tired of his cluelessnes and weakness. We appreciate his efforts over the years but his best is not just good for us at this time. GMB will want.
God bless Nigeria

destinysweet said...

He is not's better he went when he was not expected.for security reasons


Unknown said...

He is late

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's late...clueless man I can't vote you again!! GEJ pls just pack n leave Aso rock.

Anonymous said...

I think it's better late than never


Unknown said...

Too late.....

Unknown said...

Very late, he should even be ashamed of himself

Unknown said...

Well, he probably went there for his personal reasons


Unknown said...

Y won't he be late if na wedding he will come earlier.. # I am just saying #

Peejay said...

Not in this case Linda. It would have been better if he didn't go at all. This visit is coming 30 days to elections meanwhile people have been dying for years in the North East with the attacks heightened over the past 1 year.
I am not pro/against GEJ but this act is completely a sham. Isn't he the same person who said "they will kill me for nothing" when asked to visit after the Chibok incident? So what has changed please???

Anonymous said...

'better late than never' kmt! as if it is a privilege to have him come, is it not his fucking job. He was supposed to fucking come mainly because he is the fucking president. He owes it to the people. abeg he should fucking reverse! his black face and fat nose might just irritate the borno people *Tangent* he could cancel national matters because his sister died.1 person oo but he was dancing on the streets after the school massacre in yobe, are those not someones sister and brother !

Unknown said...

If he is just visiting borno after months of several attacks he's a big disgrace.he's not worthy to be the president.if these thugs can over run a military installation and kill 2k humans then we should all be scared regardless of where u so ISIS start

gidis said...

He is way too l8......

Anonymous said...

Fuxxxxg Late! He's so so desperate! Ebele! Listen&Listen well, you've lost this election already even b4 u made diz last ditch are a serz moron! #GEJOut

Anonymous said...

This Linda girl I don't trust you again oooo... Is it not better late than never...seriously??? Come on gal. Why is he just attempting to visit now. That is the qust (Yeye perzonn)

DaBabe said...

Very late sef, smh

Unknown said...

better late than never!! said...

Late? Late is an understatement, then again more than a visit from him, they need ARMED soldiers, reconstruction of their destroyed towns & just a lifeline in general! Not officials posing in front of cameras, giving speeches & making empty promises they can't match with actions!!
Pls visit my blog...


Anonymous said...

Will his coming stop boko haram? is it better he moves to maiduguri so as to show u that he is concerned?? dont you know its also soldiers that are killed?? is your brother in the army?? pls lets reduce the way we blame mr president!

eka said...

overlate...........this his visit is long over-due,now its all looks like an election move.

Anonymous said...

@Linda, saying beta late dan never shows not only irresponsible govt but irresponsible citizens like u... Watch France and learn, we deserve nothing less dan such... IT IS LATE! sikina!!!

fashanu Blessing said...

The president is never late, he has his reasons for not going to borno earlier than these, what if his death was planned if he had gone earlier or a trap for him. It's better now than him not going at all.

Anonymous said...

All coz of their vote,mr clueless u are late

Unknown said...

Early or late does not matter but doing the right thing is what counts. Rmbr dis saying .. Not how Far but how Well.

Anonymous said...

President Jonathan you are a great leader. This is a period of trial and tribulation and you will prevail. You are humble and intelligent but the press and media and your lack of a seamless Public Relations machinery worked against you. Be strong Mr President, I know that those who want to take over government really have nothing to offer. Everyone has been brainwashed to be against you. Trust in The Lord and it will be well. Good luck!

Maslow said...

this is the rite time for Mr. President to visit

Unknown said...

It is better late dan never indeed Linda. God will help him to be more active
**Linda's #1 supporter**

Unknown said...

It is better late dan never indeed Linda. God will help him to be more active
**Linda's #1 supporter**

didimayanra said...

Too many pple have already lost dier lives in borno state... what stopped him from going dere since all d wahala started.. Mr Jona e don late already.

Unknown said...

He his very late linda bcos he nv went dere wen they had bokoharam attacking and killing those innocent people, he his now going dere bcos he wants 2cum as the president again but wen T.B JOUSHUA's church collapsed his wife was the first to get dere b4 he lata went nd he his calling sumbdy a religion fanatics, who goes go churches to kneel b4 pastors dan em, hv u ever seen a muslim president doing dat in this country b4 even Obasanjo nv did dat. MR GEJ is too late for u cos am very sure u won't get any vote dere.

Unknown said...

Il est très tard!

Linda take pen.#lol

Anonymous said...

He is very late...truth be told!!!!

Unknown said...

Ppl will sha talk!b

Anonymous said...

No he is not late...that the way it's done world over.

Unknown said...

Hmmmm...I no blame an o!its not safe

Unknown said...

Hmmmm...I no blame an o!its not safe

Anonymous said...

Are you ignorant Linda? No it Is not better late than never

barensie wife said...

I agree with u linda...better late than never.

LADY B said...

he is very late sure he went now cos its drawing ing more attention from the wider world and of cos to heighten his political campaign! Mr President sir,u wud ve done dis long ago...LadyB

LADY B said...

he is very late sure he went now cos its drawing more attention from the wider world and of cos to heighten his political campaign!
Mr President sir,u wud ve done dis long ago...LadyB

sweet cherry said...

To me he is not late , many souls can stil be save

sweet cherry said...

To me he is not late , many souls can stil be save

Unknown said...

Auntie, he's very late. When one man came out to defend him the other time that, Maiduguri is not save for him to visit, I wonder why it is now save for him to go and campaign, if not for campaign, he won't even go at all. He shoul contunu, God will see us in everything we're doing.

#Proudly LIB Ambassador

Unknown said...

Lol... Jonah dey look for vote o..

Anonymous said...

Late is an understatement. He should just resign in shame.

Unknown said...

Yeah, its late than never. ßut then again the motive behind it. #re-electionthings#

Steady said...

I love Linda for that question,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

May not be too late for the troops, but for me, it is. I'm voting APC.

Anonymous said...

Linda, not in this case. It's too late. Not voting Jonathan for another 4 years of hopelessness and failed leadership.

HUMBLE EVE said...

Better late dan never? Ah,not in ds case.Over late worry am sef.He wan go talk stories for der bcos election is around d corner.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Jona
Now u smell the coffee

Anonymous said...

Okay you are from Borno, how many clues have you sent to the president? U must know someone who knows someone who is involved. Did you in anyway try to help? U sit at your safe corner and say President you are late. If he had gone there since what difference would it have made? I am no way saying the govt has not delayed is sooooo many issues concerning BH, but this was the right time to make this trip, for the sole reason that no one will expect him, which makes him less in danger.

We Northerners should help the govt pin down BH, we know the area more than they do. If someone strange comes into our community, we would and should know. Instead we let them stay, poison the minds of our brothers and took over our land. Common guys, let's be realistic.

If Nigeria wants BH out, Nigerians have to give BH up by pointing the authorities to the right direction.

After all, the Igbos specifically Anambra had kidnapping issues, what did they do? The governor (Peter Obi) at the time, charged on traditional rulers, and made sure they would be accountable for every kidnap. What did the T.rulers do? They charged their communities, asking for clues and secret finger pointing. They also told their people to be on alert for suspicious behaviour and sudden enrichment and report it. That was how that issue was solved. I didn't hear of the then governor, blaming the government.

We Northerners most times don't get it, and it is because we refuse to educate our brothers and sisters. If Borno, did the right thing when this initially began during Obasanjo's administration, BH won't have existed now.


Anonymous said...

This guy reminds me of the goat my grandfather handed over to my father when he was going to Libya.

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't just say his late cos I don't know what he has been up to

Check Out Vabadon's Blog#Click Here to See

Jules said...

Better late than never's not easy abeg

ENNY said...

More than too LATE. Useless man- playing politics with human lives.

Okoro said...

He's very late.

Unknown said...

nt in all situation dis situation....its beta he neva went at all....cos his going is becos of feb 14.......The insecurity dat stopped him den, why didnt it stop him now???

Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....

Ochuko Arhiakpore said...

He isn't late,he came late. Someone who is late is someone dead. English is one big problem in social media.

GEJ till 2019


Unknown said...

@least he went dey expect him 2 go in d midst of d attack

Unknown said...

Its never late, he is not the army that needs to be deployed to fight!

Unknown said...

what else do you expect from a leader who can't lead by example?? GMB for aso rock 2015

Unknown said...

what else do you expect from a leader who can't lead by example?? GMB for aso rock 2015

Hajia shob said...

Very very late.....smmmh

Unknown said...

Confam late oo....real matters

Unknown said...

Confam late oo....real matters

Anonymous said...

Too many fuckup of a president,too late. Kai

Unknown said...

LINDA....Some ppl need to be shot in the anus.....which one is late...u think he don't have better things to do, than visiting ppl who willingly wants to wipe them self out....give him a break..LINDA MARRY ME

Unknown said...

LINDA....Some ppl need to be shot in the anus.....which one is late...u think he don't have better things to do, than visiting ppl who willingly wants to wipe them self out....give him a break..LINDA MARRY ME

Subomi said...

yeah its better late than never but why now, I thought they said he cant go to that region for security reasons when the girls were kidnapped, why go now that election is around the corner, he has very bad advisers and that humility they say he has does not amount to any kind of smartness or passion.

KSmith said...

That's a disaster. Majority will assume it is for campaigning of votes.

ary said...

Saying GEJ is not late is like saying Nigeria is not African! He is as late as can be! I knew this would be his play, he'd wait till his election to visit the Northeast. The nearest GEJ was to the Northeast was Gombe and he didn't stay a whole day! Maybe GEJ and his goons think we are all as dumb as he is, he thinks that his visiting now would win him sympathy/votes! Rubbish, his enemies will obvious use that against him! And don't say he was afraid for his life because he could have come unannounced at anytime in the past year! The people of Borno, Bauchi , yobe and adamawa have waited in earnest for his visit, just to give them hope but he waited till a month before his election to show his face. What does he expect the electorates to make of that, if not that he is using us as pawns?! Horrible doesn't begin to describe GEJ's advisers.

Unknown said...

Seconded Linda.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Lmfaoooo*dem don caught am*

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

This must be question number 1 of the upcoming jamb. Even the dead knows it's late already. I wonder if he's gonna get up to 10% vote of d populace in Borno state.

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

*singing*Lati Lati comer,eba shopper,put am 4 table em dey sawer.

Unknown said...

Going there can't solve the problem over there.I think he should have gone there before!


Unknown said...

Ahmad is trying express his feelings

Unknown said...

It's part of his campaign strategy.

Unknown said...

is too late to cry, wen d head is cut off..... GEJ

Unknown said...

Mr President may mean well by going to Borno state but I think it will be misconstrued to be going there just because it's election time. Tho it's never late than never, he should have been there even before now.

Anonymous said...

Mr shut up. Who asked you? Tell your terrorist brothers, sisters and children to stop killing their own people like rats. Rubbish

Anonymous said...

Anybody dt said it's late 4 him 2 go dia is an enemy of progress and wishes Jonathan death. Dis is d right tym 2 visit dia. Secretly as well makes sense. God bless Jonathan. God intervene 4 Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Abeg people should lef this man alone. Its better late than never. Afterall he didn't start boko haram. Why hasn't buhari taken his champagn there afterall he is the one quoted to be inciting violence . If you wont vote Jonathan keep your votes, i don tire to dey hear jona this jona that. Its getting boring please.

Samira said...

To quote that great and renowned philosopher, Beyonce, "It’s a little too late for you to come back
Say it's just a mistake
Think I’d forgive you like that
If you thought I would wait for you
You thought wrong"....

Jesus Reigns said...

No need, too late

Unknown said...

Hahaha, this guy is a clown. After all this years of terror in that region, he has just summoned the courage to visit Bornu, you wan please us for Feb 14 abi or is it because other nations jst started insulting your government and pointing out your failure???

Unknown said...

Over late sef

Goziem Oh LORD said...


Unknown said...

Over late sef

Unknown said...

Una Alhaji dey kill Una u still dey der dey call Jonathan jisikwaa ike. #dtsnoneofmybiz

Anonymous said...

Obj never visited the creeks when they were agitating, Amnesty was done from abuja, GEJ finally visits Borno. If you people see something good also talk, u wont die, trust me.

Unknown said...

like you said Linda,better late than never.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, like in this case, late is too late! What is he going to do there now? Because elections r almost here, ba? Ewu

Anonymous said...

Some people are foolish o. So if jonathan goes to borno, does dat stop d militants. GEJ u av d time of dese idiots. If I had been d one, I ll neva go der. His physical presence doesn't mean s***t. Action matters and I knw he has been tackling dis issue of these useless extremist. Make una leave my wonderful president alone

Anonymous said...

oga he is nt late.....make una liv dis man alone...

Anonymous said...

Too late! All because of his political ambition. GEJ out!!!! #teamGMB

Unknown said...

Oga Jona is a confused man plus clueless. Linda take note.

Anonymous said...

I would have loved if he visited earlier but better late than never. I will still vote him.

Please forgive

Abdulmalik Yusuf said...

Haba Linda! Why are u taking sides, it's clear now dat u are GEJite, u cooked a story d oda day telling us to decide whether to advertise for APC or PDP.... on dis post u say better late dan never, better he doesn't go, since he refused to go when he's needed most to, remember Chibok? and besides he made it clear dat he is afraid "if he goes to borno, dey will kill him"

Abdulmalik said so via Motorola T191

Unknown said...


Ike Ani said...

That's just his Views. Everyone is always entitled to an opinion. But what will be will be!

Unknown said...

Linda I tink I will agree with you..itz better late than never..

Anonymous said...

Linda,so so very late.He shouldn't have gone,what is he going there to do

Ceemij said...

All na campaign strategy. And yes he is late in going to Borno state. When I saw the news on Aljazeera, I said to myself that this man just went because election is by the corner. Rubbish.

Unknown said...

Lolz.. Na only me c da mouth?

Unknown said...

He won't even get a single vote from dat state....he's just wasting his time...Election haff reach, its now u remember borno. Wicked president

Princess G said...

It is better to be late than late. He went when the coast is clear n his security is sure.

Unknown said...

Mr president himself knows the truth, why is he just visiting now?

chi_ special said...

Na soooo Linda,better late dan never,mayb our GEJ wanted 2 b sure of his safety b4 going. Afterall,Election never reach.

Unknown said...

Hmmm hid coming wouldn't have changed anything any ways,so is better late than never.

Unknown said...

Hmmm hid coming wouldn't have changed anything any ways,so is better late than never.

Unknown said...

Hmmm hid coming wouldn't have changed anything any ways,so is better late than never.

Bokunor said...

If u ask me na who I go ask

Unknown said...

Its better he doesn't go. If he does, it only clearly means that he's more interested in his re-election than the gruesome killings of Bornu inhabitants because why is he just going now? If the terrorists can't come out to attack now that the president is coming then woe betide them

ade said...

It's too late to come as a president but okay to come now as an ex president

Spesh said...

I agree with Ahmed. He is very late. This comes off as being very political and that's just wrong.

AGB said...

Good enoughg....that's what any president should have done since. However,I don't think a lot of people would take him seriously now cos majority of the population might just assume/conclude that he's only doing so for sympathy since elections are around the corner.

I'm not criticizing him for going this late,(at least he eventually managed to go) but I'm criticizing him for not being bold enough as president to have gone there since. We need change.

God Bless Nigeria.

Unknown said...

hmmmm hez late oooo

Anonymous said...

Linda na watin na. u no go post our comment ni?

Unknown said...

He is late on every decision he has taken as a leader! Well he is a good man but na for him pocket!

lami said...

He is very late and him being there now mean one thing "election". It goes to show how selfish he is as a president.

APPLE said...

Better late than never.

Davido's driver said...

Even if he went early, still would not solve this boko shit

Unknown said...

Better late than never jor

@Sophia Stephen

Unknown said...

Its too late!, and that is sad ,in countries where leaders care they visit almost immediately irrespective of the personal security risk to themselves. Its important because it gives the people hope and reassures them that their leaders care , sadly GEJ you are too late.

LA' SUNSHINE said...

If he like he shuld not go @ all hiz business.

fresh emmy said...

Campaign things! GEJ desperate 4 votes. Na waoooo

Unknown said...

He extremely tried u did more than expected MR PRESIDENT GEJ

Anonymous said...

Yes He is. And am very sure he went dere Bcos of 2015 Election

Unknown said...

Over late worry simply shows how intolerant he is to d lives lost so far..i'm just sayng.

Unknown said...

Lemme ask Ask™ that question.

Da rosy said...

If na u, wetin u go tink? Campaign strategy abi? Tor! Make him go take several seats ! I don't have to be an indigene of borno to say he was late! Shikena!

Da rosy said...

If na u, wetin u go tink? Campaign strategy abi? Tor! Make him go take several seats ! I don't have to be an indigene of borno to say he was late! Shikena!

Anonymous said...

He's makes no meaning to us anymore..this jonathan is just a clueless bastard..I'm so pained men..after all these time,he's just going there now..that's how foolish he thinks we are.

Juleslouis said...

Yes o Linda. Better late than never. People must complain no matter what!

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