Late singer Taiwo Oshadipe who died on Friday 3rd of October was buried today October 15th at Victoria Court Cemetary, Lekki. Her parents and husband didn't attend but her 1 year old son, sister and other family members attended. May her soul rest in peace..amen. See more photos after the cut...
Dis is rilly touching! May her soul continue to rest in peace! Amen! Crying
Linda pls give us more gist o? Her parents dint attend cos of wat??? Abeg dig more.. RIP taiwo.
so sad now
RIP Tawio.
the dead of this girl pain me sha!
May her soul RIP
May her soul Rest In Peace, they missed survived by Husband ooooo.
Rest in peace mama..
RIP Tiawo, but she is also survived by her husband and son. And, d husband and parents didn't attend. I v ?????? but no answer.
Chai...sleep on
May her soul continue to rest in peace
May her gentle soul RIP-----so sad!
Hmmm....this is so sad, May her soul rest in peace
RIP! Can't stop crying seeing that Lil boy! Lord please have mercy on me. Dis is just sad.
So sad such a young and vibrant lady am so so scared I think or will i say d end is near more nearer Dan we can think
I hope we'll all be ready!
May her gentle soul rest in peace now
oh lord teach us to number our days so we can apply our heart unto wisdom. life indeed is vanity, what will you and i be remembered for?
Really sad. May she rest in Peace and may God comfort and strengthen her loved ones...
Hmmmm....two things are inevitable in life. Death, and taxes.
May her soul RIP. Show love to people around you, no one knows who's next.
Rest in peace nd may almighty God console ur family
My heary bleed for this little boy that will grow up without a mother's love. Oh God pls send pple that will give him love and care. Amen
Her parents and husband were not there? Why? May her soul rest in peace
For dos who do shakara we are notin but pencil in the hand of the creator
May her soul continue to find rest
May her soul rest in d lord
May her soul continue to rest in peace....Amen.....May GOD give those she has left behind the grace to live on
RIP Taiwo, ani ri ogun ekun oo. may ur family av d strength 2 bear d loss oo. Amen
pls why did they not attend, did she commit any crime?
honestly, I'm sad beyond word expression. RIP little angel
God bless the dead
shedding tears..RIT Taiwo
Rip dear
May her soul continue to rest in peace, Amen! #onelovefromSnow#
May her soul rest in peace.
Why do we post burial pictures... There is just something not right about posting burial proceedings on social media.
kai...its well ooo
Hmm.. So Sad
R.I.P babie
Hmmm...the pangs of death... May God console this family,and grant eternal rest to Taiwo,Amen. Quite painful,the baby is apparently unaware of what was going on there,i pray they take good care of him,cos really nobody can ever be like his mum.
Hmmmm na wa
May her soul rest in peace
Cute son she gat
May her soul R.I.P.....
may her gentle soul continue to rest in peace..
So so sad.RIP
Rest well dear Taiwo
May her soul rest in Perfect peace, so sad, dis life is noting,
RIP, May GOD be with her family. its really sad
Acc to yoruba culture, parents don't attend their child's burial, it's a taboo.
It's a taboo in yoruba land for parents to attend their child burial.
It's a taboo in yoruba land for parents to attend their child's burial.
I guess is their tradition for them not to attend. Rip Taiwo.
In some cultures people older than the deseased do not attend the burial. But I wonder y they didn't include her husband among the people she survived by
Parents dnt bury their kids is d other way round...
Rest in peace.
Because in yoruba land,parents are not allowed to witness/see the burial/corpse of their offspring. It is a great taboo
No she did'nt bt parents re nt allowed 2 bury their kids
No she did not commit any crime. It is a taboo in yoruba land for parents to see their children's corpse or witness their burial.
May her soul continue to rest in peace..amen
Dats yoruba tradition
Yoruba parents don't attend the funeral of their children, it's an abomination. Children are supposed to bury their parents, not the other way round.
It is against tradition for the parents in general to "bury" their child. So they don't attend their children's burial ceremonies. But I don't know y her husband did not go.
So so so sad!...I look 4ward 2 d time wen death will b no more, and d dead resurrected back 2 life. (Rev.21:3,4) (John 5:28,29)
To the ignorant ones asking if she committed any crime cus her parents and husby dint attend. In Yoruba tradition it's a taboo to see where it child is been buried and mayb d grief was too much for the husby hence he dint attend. Just console and stop asking silly ???
Its not proper for parents to attend burial ceremony of their children.
Death not dead nd thank mi now
R.I.P,..her parents can go cos it's an abomination for dem to c der child dead Nt to talk knowing where d child is buried when dey are still alive..according to d yorubas nd abt her husband maybe he can't stand it..xo sad nd touching*tearsrolling#
Dats yoruba culture
This is really sad. May God give her family the fortitude to bear this great loss.
@Kween and Ijeoma yoruba land parents do not attend the funeralof their children because the children are supposed to bury their parents and not the other way round. As per the husband not attending, there might congent reason, perhaps he cannot handle the sight of lowering the coffin into the grave. Not everyone has the strength to say this sort of good bye, trsut me. Anyways, may her soul and the souls of the fatihful departed rest in peace. Amen. Eternal rest grant unto her oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon her. amen.
Go in peace
May her soul RIP.... I think her parent $ husband not going is culture! Your parent can't be @ ur burial.
U r foolish, where have u heard dat patents bury their kids? U want linda to dig for info , Wetin do ur two left legs?
in yoruba land, the parents are not to attend their children burial because normally it is the prayer of every parent that their children should outlive them.
it is forbbiden in d west 4 a parent to attend d burial of a child *RIP taiwo*
Yoruba custom and tradition do not allow parents witness actual burial of a child. It' s a taboo for parents to be able to point at exact grave of a child. Actually, elders and those that are holder in age to the deceased are not encouraged to witness graveside ceremonies of younger ones. Yoruba fervently pray , 'a ni mo saare omo wa, amin. ' Now , her husband may also use same custom to justify his absence. Her twin and son will find God's meaning in all this. May His peace rest on all she left behind, amen.
Are u stupid ??why are pple so useless on dis blog many parents pray to witness something like dis .are u not a nigerian.
Am i seeing wrong or did they just pour concrete on the coffin? That is not acceptable knowing the dead ones are only sleeping. They could have put a slab which is the custom everywhere, to my knowlege,but covering with concrete is just D*** final!
RIP Taiwo... for those asking why her parents did not attend, well in Yoruba land its a taboo for parents to be seen at their children burial. it should be the other way round, children are meant to see their parents laid to rest.
may God console the family she left behind and also her husband.
YORUBA CULTURE DON'T PERMIT PARENTS OF THE DECEASED TO ATTEND THEIR BURIAL. for these of you born 90's wey no know anything! lol
linda approve my comment o
@Cherrykoko! Her parent did not attend cos in the yoruba culture parent it's more like a taboo for any parent to know their child's graveyard...
In Yorubaland, its forbidden for parents to know where their child is buried hence their absence.
The daft pple asking why r parents were not there in Nigeria the children bury parents not the other way sad i feel for her twin the most
Feel really bad for her sis, family and friends
May your soul rest in peace taiwo
Olodo do parents attend burial of their children ....stupid fool looking for no story. Never in naija culture do parents attend burial
linda please post my comment o... the parents did not attend because its Yoruba tradition not to let the parents of a young person attend the burial... usually to help reduce the psychological impact of the grief of such parents upon seeing the burial place of their young one, especially when it is everyone's hope that their child succeeds them, not the other way around... the husband is probably also still devastated by the loss, since he was probably the first one to realize she had passed on (remember she died in her sleep) adieu Taiwo, may God himself look after the little boy that you have left behind. RIP.
U sabi write shaa
In Yoruba culture, parents do not attend the burial of their children, as it is believed that a child should bury their parents and not the other way round. I don't understand why her husband wasn't in attendance though. Beats me!
Rosie Said.......For those of you asking why her parents did not attend? Answer......It is a taboo in Youruba culture for a parent to bury his/her child,hence they do not participate in the funeral or are not supposed to see the corpse of a dead child. For the husband's absence,that i do not have an answer to.
Where are you from? Wc parent wants to witness the burial of his or her child? Give one good reason y they shld attend
how can a parent be there when their child is been buried
It is understandable that her parents were not there. In Nigerian culture, parents do not bury their children. As for her husband not being there, that is not normal. I also noticed that on the obituary flier, they did not include survived by husband.
Children bury parents, not the other way round .
Her parent did not attend because the Yoruba culture doesn't permit parents to bury their children. As regards the hubby, I heard that he is a married man and they had personal issues.
Well, in Edo state where i come from, parents don't bury their children. It's the other way round. So if a parent loses his child, they won't attend the burial cuz it's a taboo according to tradition. So I am guessing that's the case here. For the husband, me no know that one.
In most yoruba cultures, a Parent shouldn't know where their child is buried.
Bcos parents dnt bury their children. Gossip
From d "courtesy" I c on d obituary, I think it was sponsored. So it cud b an oversight.
Anon 3:53....u are very stupid. which more gist do u need and why should parents attend d burial of their own child?? is it a good thing for a mother or father to bury their child?? if u know nothing about d yoruba culture,,just STFU. according to yoruba culture,,anyone who is older than a deceased person should not attend d burial of that person or taste any food prepared at d burial. so continue digging concrete looking for silly gist.
Its supposed to b d oda way round like she burying her parents
Some people commenting here are just funny, asking why her parents were not there?.....smh...who wants to know the grave of his or her child? pls answer that question to your self
RIP Taiwo!
May her soul R.I.P. Som ppl are asking why d parent and husband didn't attend. Is burial a joyous thing? Or are u guys from another part of d planet? Is it right 4 parents to bury their children? So wat are they going there to do?
Who is this fool,have u ever seen parents attend burial ceremony of heir children,how do u want dem 2 bear d sight. Of their dota being put in the. Grave,do u even have a heart,and. To think u. Re a woman.Gussh,
Why should her parents attend d burial of their own child??is it a good thing for parents to bury their child?? She is yoruba not igbo like you. it is igbo that believe anyone who is dead irrespective of the age is older than even the eldest in the family that is still living. This is "oku ofo" in yoruba land.
@3:53 u're a big fool ooo they should give u gist abii b'cos no be ur sister or relative that a young lady of her age die is not touching enogh for u to sober u're there waiting for tory is the story u're expecting going to make u happy or what.
So sad R.I.P...her parents can't attend cos it is a taboo to attend your child's funeral.
So sad R.I.P...her parents can't attend cos it is a taboo to attend your child's funeral.
Its not a good thing for a parent to bury a child, so I m not sure wat u want Linda to dig regarding that.
In Yoruba culture, when a child dies, their parents don't attend their funeral.
So you mean no celebrity know the Osahdipe twins? even their fellow Wale Adenuga crew members? Na wah o
So so sad may her soul continue to rest in peace
According to Yoruba culture,parents and elders don't attend their children's/younger one's burial,they believe children should bury them not them burying their children.
It is a taboo in Yorubaland for parents to know the graves of their kids. Its also perceived a taboo for a husband or an older family member to attend, because they r believed to be older than the deceased. May God bless her soul. KD
@Cherrykoko,were Ni e o.alayebaje...Where are you from?gist???some people are just heartless.God didn't do well with the cheap internet service in Nigeria.shiooo
Are you kidding me? Please our culture (yoruba) doesn't allow that. You want them to go there and celebrate or what?
Dis is where we all gonna end,everybody is going to die,seeing tinz like dis dnt make me to be sv3ed to die,my only fear of death is nt dieing for a positive reason,rip taiwo,only God can judge u
In Yoruba culture, parents do not bury their children. Some may attend the church or mosques service but it is considered an abomination to actually go to the gravesite. A prayer that is said regularly for parents is "e ni mo saare omo" meaning that you will never bury a child.
Secondly, if Taiwo was married, it would have been said so obviously, she was not married (at the time she passed on).
May her soul rest in peace.
The Yorubas are forbidden by culture not to see their children been buried or know where they are even buried. Infact other family members older than the deceased will hardly attend the burial. As for the husband, am sure he was too pained to witness such a predicament. God help us all.
Its not good in Yoruba land for parents to attend the burial of their children
Pls shut up! Her parents are not suppose to witness the burial of their daughter. It is bad in yoruba culture
Tatafo, they didn't attend cos according to Yoruba culture, parents don't attend their children's burial.
In some african customs, it's believed to be a taboo for parents to bury their children cos it's believed to be a natural law of nature for children to outlive their parents not the other way round. That's probably why her parents are not there.
Bcos its a bad omen 4 parents 2 bury dia own children
Her parents cannot attend,i think in the yoruba cultural context,it is not common place for the parents to see their dead offspring,it is like you are burying your future right in your present, so the older folks will not attend or wine ,dine in the funeral of a younger person than they are but the truth be told as long as we do not choose when we come into this sinful world,we also do not determine when we leave it so please surrender your life to jesusssssssssssssssssssss oooooooooooo and you will enjoy life unending.
Really sad,RIP..
PHOTOS:See Shakira and Husband Pique Chilling With their Son,Milan
In Nigeria parents don't Bury their children.
In Yoruba land your child is suppose to bury you not the other way round. That is why . Is an abomination to bury one's child.
So sad . R.I.P
Dumbass how can God bless the dead abi u one of these sk smoking dudes? Sorry 4 asking,obviously
I can read it sef. The DEAD really pain u.anofia. Go back to school joo
You're mad! Yoruba people don't attend burials of anyone younger than them age wise. It's an abomination. Elders are meant to be buried buy their younger survivors amidst pomp and pageantry...not the other way round.
*** forst to comment ***
Your #gbagaun don kee me.
*** forst to comment ***
Haba!!!!! why will their parents attend her burial????? Who is suppose to burial who???
cherrykoko abeg make inquiry, kpelle
It's so sad. I feel for her family. @anonymous..... am sure her parents are so heartbroken that's y they can't bear to c dier child been lowered six feet. An adage says parents won't bury their children instead d children will. RIP taiyelolu ejire omo oshadipe. Sun re o!
They ddnt attend bcos in sm traditions elders don't bury the young...
Dunno why d hubby was absent tho.
In yoruba land it is a taboo for an older person to attend the burial of a younger one,likewise a parent attending d childs burial. Moreover no parent prays to bury his or her child
U are a very stupid person, goat.
You stupid Readers are always insulting pple. If you don't have anything nice to say den don't say anything at all and get the f**k off. And as for Anon 3:03, its not right for parents to attend their funeral. There's a nice way 2 corrct pple. Disgraces.
RIP dear girl
Abeg make una take am easy on d babe na... its just a display of her profound ignorance.
Xo touching nd painful d lil boy isn't even aware of what's happening I pray God will b able to console kehinde nd d rest of ha family and may God takia of her son RIP Taiwo..........
Exactly. If u don't have anything to say, shut d f up. Not only nigerians read this blog. Over sabi pple. Always ready to insult
So taiwo
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RIP dearie....may your soul rest in the bossom of the Lord.
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Cherrykoko....thats a dumb question.
It is a taboo in nigeria for parents bury their children be igbo be yoruba it is taboo floxy say so
It is a taboo in nigeria for parents bury their children be igbo be yoruba it is taboo floxy say so
In Igbo land parents must be there
Useless people....maggot excreta. Must u insult the person? It was a question. Retards. Like errbody has time to know Ur stupid traditions. T!007
Too sad.. may her soul rest in peace..
It is 2014, and y'all still insult ppl like this? Too bad..
what matters most is..........where is her soul this hour, not the blah blah blah you all talking about. this fresh babe,,,,,just dey hell...screaming, "if i had known,tell my sister,Kehinde to repent and stop painting and wearinf trousers ooooo" consider her present situation and not reminiscing on her past
what matters most is..........where is her soul this hour, not the blah blah blah you all talking about. this fresh babe,,,,,just dey hell...screaming, "if i had known,tell my sister,Kehinde to repent and stop painting and wearinf trousers ooooo" consider her present situation and not reminiscing on her past
what matters most is..........where is her soul this hour, not the blah blah blah you all talking about. this fresh babe,,,,,just dey hell...screaming, "if i had known,tell my sister,Kehinde to repent and stop painting and wearinf trousers ooooo" consider her present situation and not reminiscing on her past
Death! Death! Death!, why Taiwo Oshadipe this time? Wel u r the last debt which every body in this sinful planet is going to pay but all we pray for is long life. T O may ur soul rest in bosom of the Lord amen
@Anonymous cherrykoko ,you are a big fool for asking why her parents did not attend her funeral, why would they??? do you wish to burry your own child?????? its not a good thing to do no parent wishes to bury his own child.. and there you are very excited about it,asking for more gist.... SMH For you.... Rest in peace Taiwo!!!
so sad. i really feeling like crying. RIP. i pray God to give the sister, parents and husband strength thru this dark moment in their lives.
Rest in peace Taiwo.Please every should stop all argument .she is gone forever.In yoruba culture,parent don't attend thier children burial.But for the husband,No excuse for him not to attend.If she was married she would have been refer to as a mrs
Rest in peace nwanne
To all those asking why her parents didn't attend, it's a taboo bcos children are supposed to bury their parents not the other way some traditions if a young person dies, family members and relatives older than him or her do not attend the burial.
May her soul rest in peace. Amen
Shut ur trap u fool & stop calling people daft for asking a question. Dose everybody know ur yoruba culture 4 dem 2 be aware. Its either u answer d question politely or kip quite.
Other tribes parents attend dere Child's burial.
#Typical Nigerian!!!!
And hey u anonymous, its not a Taboo in Nigeria plzzz, datz 4d yoruba's. In Igbo land & some other tribes parents attend dere Child's burial.
#Be informed
Before y'all crucify cherrykoko, have you asked if she's yoruba or not, in some places, parents attend the burial of their children… you guys better stop ranting like fools!!!
Shut up anon 6:59 and stop insulting someone like an idiot… you couldn't even write one correct sentence yourself!
Is wearing of trousers a sin?
Is wearing of trousers a sin?
So touching...R.I.P ....
Nigeria is beginning to produce daft children
May her gentle soul continue to rest in perfect peace.
stop insulting one another some1 like u just die. Reflect on your life and be sober. Death is a universal debt, what will happen if d time to pay urz is 2morrow. Where are u going.
Like you
Anon 6:59 you obviously nid Ben Carson
Anon 11:51pm...u are an irritant. if she doesnt know other people's culture,,then she should keep quiet about it not making silly comments that Linda should "dig". dig what???like the deceased person committed a crime and her parents didnt forgive her even in death??? cos i dont understand what gist she's looking for.....nobody has the time to keep tabs on other people's culture and tradition too but that doesnt mean one should make an insensitive comment.
She does not have to be youroba to know that parents are not meant to attend their children's burial. I am not youroba and I know that because it is same in my culture. You are an African and a Nigerian. Please let's not let our cultures and history die by chasing the white man's way of life. Just saying.
It's well.
U know but nit errbody does. U ask if u dnt . Chinese ppl don't no. This is simple and reasonably understandable u shld even no this more cos its common sense
Smoking don't make u dumb ....put ur question well cos u ll smoke soon N u ll call itself dumb 2 .
Obviously smart readers love info like we see here : -) let me explain... because smart web surfers like this : )
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