This is the same barracks that a police officer died on Friday August 29th after he was pushed down a building by his wife during a fight. The officer died before getting to the hospital while his widow is still in the intensive care unit of an undisclosed hospital.
Oh my God! 40? That's much. Today news tho. It is well. 2tim 4:18. BishopDammy#
I dont trust those Obalende boiz o.Hope no life was lost sha?
NA WA oooh.
40 APARTMENTS...That millions down the drain
Na wa d way dat place be self jagajaga 2 much
They should all dismiss from the barracks. The spirit of that man has come to hunt them..!!!
Awwww! So unfortunate.
I feel for those affected,thank God no life was lost.
Wow! LIBers I ave received alert from Linda of N25,000.....so happy....God bless you Linda......long live Linda.....long live LIBers.....long live FRN.....
Dats quite a loss... In evrytin, one stil has to always giv thanks
Sins of the past,nemesis
Nawa o.
I hope no life was lost o? Lord help us.
I don't even want to imagine the amount of properties lost.
Thank God there isn't any casualties.
Face of lib
calamity..let d cops suffer small..they hav been too useless for some time now............................#KingOfKings
Wow diz is my hood. I hope no life was lost?
Wow diz is my hood.i hope no life was lost?
How sad,hope no one got hurt
It's the curse of Lagosians that's following them.
The police is not our friend. They're evil. If a 9ja policemen is laughing with you, run!
Hmmmm. May be the barrack is cursed.
This is one big disaster i swear.... I pray goverment comes to their aid and very fast too......
Thanks for the info LINDA! I actually know someone who lives around the place and he confirmed to me that the affected BLOCK that got razed in the inferno is LINE A, BLOCK 3, IJEH POLICE BARRACKS, OBALENDE, SOUTH WEST, IKOYI, LAGOS. And as regards the police man that died several days back, he also confirmed that it is true. He however said for that case, the man and his wife were fighting and both of them actually fell from the two storey building but unfortunately it was the man alone that died while his wife sustained some serious injuries! May his soul rest in peace! I hope readers here can learn from his sad story and know that violence and fighting doesn't solve marital problems but aggravates it! The President and the Minister of Police Affairs would also need to come to the aid of officers affected by the IJEH POLICE BARRACKS INFERNO by assisting them to resettle on time. GOD HELP US ALL! AMEN!
Linda how come you didn't bring us the story about the woman who killed her police officer husband? Maybe it is ghost haunting the barracks.
Linda If I hear you call that slum barracks I go fight you ooo.
Too bad #bright bravo#
Nemesis. That's the definition.
And its d same Obalende dat Patrick Sawyer was hospitalised before his demise over Ebola....Obalende needs some spiritual attention #just observing
Story developing.... #cheEzyjayne
This is what Lagos state government do when they want to free or make use of a particular area. Same thing happened to Tejuoso market and the rest. There is God o...
Gud pm aunt linda,jesus christ...really getting tired of dis nation...what's dis again?
They better check was. Is really happening at that barracks before is too late . Doris
@raphael ayuba,even your display picture is a conclusive evidence that you received the awoof!lolz
Good riddance!I hate policemen;they disgust me.Death and hell to policemen!Die!die!die!die!.....your miserable kids won't grow.....
A slump barrack it was. It needed to be burnt down! Thank God tht eye saw is no more!
Congrats.. Am stil expecting mine ooo, avnt gotten any mail yet. Was no 19. Tnx in advance Linda
what's a tragedy
lord have mercy
nawa ooo... hmm. it is well. hope no life was lost sha?
Well spotted!.....
Na wa o' for dis fire tinz' another one is currently happening @ jakande side' so sad' nothing can be saved' may God help us all'
MICKY: sorry o to those affected
Perhaps the husband was jst 2 harsh on her.
its well
HBD to me
via official intercom
God ooo 40 is a huge number. but life is more important cos where there is life there is hope. In every situation we have to thank God. thank you Lord .... it is well. by dobis112@gmail.com
Datz freedom Jor coz those houses don old, only property lose nahim be problem .obalende de mak news lately o....+Odiegwu
Obalende again, isokkey. Una doooo!
Something tells me that this is the hand work of govt officials. Give them 3weeks and they will tell u they want to build a mega shopping complex. Look at what happened to Teju Osho mkt, and several markets outside lagos.
What a big loss, hope no life was lost in the process
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