A 9 year boy who found his mum high on heroine on the street, slapped the shit out her in a shocking video that was posted on instagram. The distraught little boy can be heard screaming
"mummy, wake up. Can you talk to me? Wake up" while the woman stares blankly at him, making him slap her again and again. Feel so sad for the child. With a mum like this, he's probably raising himself. He shouldn't have hit her like that but I can understand his frustration. See the very sad video after the cut.
He must be tired of seeing her embarrass him like that.
First to comment!
Wow! This is really sad.
What do u mean linda? So if na slap go bring em mama back to life make em no slap am? Kudos boy! Mawapu ya agba....
kikikikiki... choi!! slap of life.. mhen!!lmao
Stupid woman...I hope this boy doesn't turn to something bad in d future
U shouldn't blame the little boy, probably he has had enough. Am sure the woman will come around.!
Smh!!!! She's stoned mehn!!!
My God Linda I can imagine what that little boy is passing through....some people may never understand probably because they grew with there parents showering them with so much love...i've been thr before so I know how it hurts
This one self small. He for wipe her koboko join. Nonsense! Imagine a mother.
I'm out. ***CATCH ME IF U CAN***
Dey re plenty of dem in d US crack queen mothers is sad
Nice 1 for dere culture. Dis d 1st Video am able to play on dis site new format
dis isn't d 1st time something like dis is happening to her,its soo obvious from his reaction, i can hear d pain in his sober voice...sad sad sad... but dat slap tho...damn
Good for her
What a shame.
Have been there .. My mum, but in all I thank GOD.. I feel the boy's pain so much
What do you mean he should not have slapped her like that?! I would have given her a serious beating but he is only 9, so that would suffice. Go see the second season of Breaking Bad and see what some junkie parents subject their kids to. Respect your parents is a true fact the bible teaches but what happens when parents act worse than kids? What happens when parents act as kids and kids as parents?!! What happens then? Role reversed, that's what.
Wow... Really sad shit. What people go thru...
Wowwww really sad but the little boy did what he had to do.
Linda he shld even punch her..look at a mother misbehaving..shame..sorry boi ur mum is cray..........................#KingOfKings
Wow! Not nice at all
potential wife beater
Jessss I so feel 4 d li2 poor,c hw lost d mum is.....chaiiiii....
Why shouldn't he have slapped the mum. Even God would understand...he should av slapped her till her cochlea fell out. God is the only parent we can ever count on and though I bless God for my parent everyday we all knw dat man can fail us. God never will.
Oh ma word! Da lil man must be pained! Damn!!!
he his slapping her to wake up..eyaa.pity for the boy.
I was moved to tears watching the video, no matter the provocation he shouldn't raise his hand on his mother.
Oh my God! I just cried. Haba! It's the pain in the boy's voice. His frustrated jumps. Kai. This is sad. Too sad. That woman should be committed but then again, if she does, her kids would probably go into the system. Sigh
Too bad for d boi but d mum fuck up
So sad. I feel for d boy. God will heal her.
See the way he still picked up her earring? That lil boy has been taking care of the family for God knows how long. This is very sad oooo. Kai. Especially how he looks into her eyes.
She really deserve the slap. Mtchew!!!!!!
There's a heroine and meth epidemic among young whites in the US today. Heroine is usually not the drug of choice by blacks. I feel sorry for the boy. Those slaps are frustration talking. He'll probably be taken out of that environment and placed in foster care.
Abomination he shud be burnt for laying his hands on his biological mother
This is not disrespect from her son. Out here, it's considered as basic first aid. If someone is unconscious, you slap them to bring them out of it. The poor kid has probably become accustomed to seeing his mother in this state and was only doing the only thing he knows to do in such situations.
I pray God to guide him in life and protect him from walking down the paths that led his mother to where she is now.
Don't mind Linda Willie. She doesn't know there's something called slapping someone out of their reverie! That person will wake up. But if that woman is still sniffing after this, then her kids should be taken away from her. And I bet that's her younger son sitting by her. Sigh
Heartbreaking..i feel so sad 4 d boy. Wat a life he ll ve to live wit a mother like dat.
Too bad.
My heart skipped a dozen times watching this. I'm short of words. I feel sorry for both the kid and the mum. I don't know what to say but they both need help. The mother needs a lot of rehab. I bet she's a single parent and it's frustrating.
I just felt like crying for this boy.
Linda, it wasn't a slap but a manual reset mechanism. What he did was to restore his mum to her default setting. Nobody is above manual reset, make no mistake about it.
OMG!!!so sad...poor child
Yes Linda, sometimes even parents need parenting
Am shocked at this video, but what i find more shocking are the comments here. I feel very bad for the mother and the child. The emotional abuse her addiction must have brought him. But then I also fear for what that abuse has turned the child into. That level violence from a 9yr old is just appalling. The thoughts of what he could do to his mates if he could slap his mother like that is scary. So for people to comment and endorse this kind of action from an adolescent towards his mother (no matter the provocation) shows much of our humanity we've lost. Some years down the line, this same people will call for his head he savagely beats his wife or assaults his peers.
This is really bad, what is wrong with people, seriously what are the chances, that this young man wouldn't become a drug addict in future!!! Poor boy, some parents are just useless, how can you do this to yourself as a mother, and how do you want your children to love and respect you, for ruining their lives with drugs!!! Whizman
Am moved to tears.....
He shouldn't hit his mother like that is he mad? There are many ways to vent your frustration than slapping your mother. I wish this were naija, a passerby would have slapped the hell out of him.
Poor baby!!!!! I pray he don't grow up to become one of those African american men that have no respect for women because the women in their lives did not act better..... Don't undstnd: if it is motherhood dt u want, go ahead and be a mother.. If it is to be a crack head and hood clown dt u want, go ahead and do 'you'.... But don't bring a child into this world if you know dt u are not ready for him/her!!!!! She is just a weak woman who chose drugs over her son...#cheEzyjayne
Am sorry for d poor boi...cant understand his plight cos I had a decent and caring mother b4 she died.
U must be a big fool, u shouldn't always comment if u've got nothing to say u son of a bitch
Awwww pOor boy....sure he won't be able to forgive himself for slapn his mum.
no child for any reason whatsoever should raise him hand to hit him mother, she carried you for 9 months, laboured to bring you to the world and smiled at the first sight at you, aside the love of God which other love compares to this.
People may say rubbish, but u need to be there to understand what d boy is going though, I've been there, my dad used to be a drunkard, God bless is soul, u will have to do whatever to save yourself from the humiliation
Can anybody feel wit that man, who knows how many times he has watched his mum disgrace,humiliate and embarrass him like that bringing shame upon the family?that slap talks more than we can ever imagine. Those slaps Speak volumes .God save this young man. Who knows what future awaits him and his siblings?
You just voiced out my feelings.
Can you hear the fear in his voice?
The direct eye contact almost stepping in them shows his fear of loosing her,the jumping filled with uncertain end and FEAR,FEAR & FEAR !
JUST the way you hold on tight and never leaving.
This selfish woman is raping this boy's future happiness and normal life.If care is not taking,he might end up hating women in general.
he is too young for the role he is playing.This poor child is really traumatized .
I pray someone with the right power sees this and save the children.To make it worst,it seems the boy just came back from school with the stress from school.i'm really sorry my little angel.
I couldn't stop the tears rolling down. I could feel the little boy's frustration but then, hitting your mum that hard is a no no! May the good Lord interven before its too late. I feel so terrible watching this.
Sweetie he is not hitting her becos he is mad with her,take a look at his face,his voice and that jumping shows total panic .he did that to wake her up before she slips away.I feel so sick and bad.Take a look at how he picked her ear ring to show he cared so much for her,he is protecting her & trying to save her,i'm sure he must have seen people do so to her on different occasion to wake her.
Good boy
O'Jesus I feel for dis boy
Hmmm!!! Is sad though, but what do u expert the young lad to do seeing his mum on the street high on heroine? Imagine the humiliation he suffers in hand of his pairs out there.
the boy is tired... and he knows whats up, so they better save the poor boy from the ghetto.. good example of a future leader. l0l.
I have watched this video over and over, and all i see is a frustrated child who despite fending for himself still care a whole lot about the mom. I pray the woman get over her addiction, so she can play her role as a mom.
Aw come nobody is talkin abt wah or wu dia boy is goin to grow up to be wiv dis kind of mom. I feel rly sowie 4 d boi.
~davido's gf
I'm not in support of d drug the woman took and also d shame n embarrassment she brought to her children, but no matter what the the little boy went too far, he shouldn't have slapped his mother the way he did though is out of infuriation n disrespectfulness.
Oh please! Where did her parenting skills go to????? No matter what the woman did, that little boy didn't have to slap his mum like dat!!! If the woman continues with dat rubbish, I bet you the boy would never stop beating his mum, he will become used to it!! WTF!
I feel so devastated and teared apart. No matter what, he shouldn't hv raised his hand on his mother, I'm sure he is used to slapping her in that manner that he doesn't even care scolding her in public...not nice at all. I pray for God's intervention
Guys pls u need to walk on d street ere in San Diego, blacks ere re so shameful, always very dirty n on drugs. We dat re African black avoid dem llike plague, see wat her action has turned d boy into, n d funniest tin is dat she will continue to giving birth to more children so dat he will get more food stamp money n child support to meet her addictions
She is not fit to be a mum.
Rough stuff. I don't think they slaps came from a malicious disrespectful place. You can tell by the way he jumped up and from his voice that it was out of desperation of losing his mother. My heart just got ripped out. This boy is going to need all the psychological help he can get. And the little one of sitting on the side? *Sigh* as sad as it is to say, they need to be removed from that situation and their mum needs to get help. CPS/DYFS will surely be looking for them after this video has got viral.
I don't like it when invisible souls abuse ♏Æ” G.
So sad..
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Really annoying.
the 2 act is bad
This is the problem we are aving this days, we decide to do things in our might, there is things we need to take to God inprayer, raisin hands on his mum is not d solution, even a shameful tin to him! And tomoro you tin dis 9yrs boy will repect any mother around him or even whom he will call wife? We lack God in our lives, dat why we behave any howa!pls dis boy is wrong,take it any wia! Your mother?
Worthless woman, piss poor excuse for a mum.. I feel for the little boy
and just like that the baby boy next to the mom would grow up to slap women. that little boy deserves to be given the beating of his lifetime for slapping his mom like that. Even if she was high on heroine, cocaine, everything join, he should have never had the nerve to slap her like that. A slap is a sign of disrespect, he could have shook her vigorously or tried to pull her up but no the silly child slapped her not once. Please don't endorse such behaviors. Most of us have had abusive parents esp in that naija where they beat kids like animals yet we didn't slap our parent.
Lolzz @ manual reset!
This brought tears to my eyes...the boy is clearly afraid and distraught...not everyone deserves to be called "mother".
That's not a slap. It's manual override. It's pushing the reset button.
A 9 year old is an adolescent? Wow!
Do not judge till you've walked a step in his shoes! A little boy forced to grow up because of an irresponsible junkie of a mother! Whatever he turns out to be, is the fault of his mother... did he slap his mum because she fed him? And loved him, or because of the pain he felt. Concluding that he'd beat his wife because of the situation he finds himself in is very unsympathetic of you. Carry your preaching, judgmental self to the nearest stool!
It's bad enough this happens but the most sickening thing is instead of stopping to help the boy and his mum this person recorded it. So many people just walked past. He's a young frustrated boy and the fact he didn't feel uncomfortable doing that shows this isn't the first time he's felt he had to do that. I pity both of them deeply!
Anyone that does not see anything wrong with a boy slapping his mother has to check themselves. There is absolutely no reason in the world for a parental abuse. I wonder if this are Nigerians commenting on this post.
That's some bullshit !! Shut up.
Hahaha so funny lol Americans n their wahala
Really, there is no word to express how i feel right now for the poor boy and his lost single mother. May the good God help them from this terrible situation. Amen
"Respect your parents is a true fact the bible teaches but..." Obiorah
False, false, false. Respecting parents is one of our values as ancient as we have existed as a people. An ancestral value deeply embedded in our culture and rigorously practiced thousands of years before the advent of the Christian missionaries and their Bible.
Respecting parents is and has ALWAYS been an integral part of our culture.
Emeka Onyemachi
This is a terrible situation that calls for urgent prayer for the helpless boi & the lost mother.
Lets base our posts on praying for this helpless family. I wonder what led her to this situation. May the good God help the helpless poor boi. Amen
Couldnt hold the tears... i can feel his pains... its so shameful that some people are insulting the boy through comments here. Take a walk in his shoes
I feel the young boys frustration but as for slapping the mother a no no that would be against God who commanded we honor our parents no matter what.
This woman's irresponsible life has destroyed this little boy. His actions are based on the frustrations gotten from the mother he loved dearly. This will make him to be a very violent and aggressive man. May God heal him and re-mould him.
good , teach her sense boy.
O boy, that's way too bad to slap your mum, even if she's not doing the right thing. Dont get yourself cursed trying to correct your mum. He's still the product of that same heroine.
God help u
So sad
So sad
I know a guy about age 25 or so who used to beat his mum and sisters who are prostitutes - he is dead now though... I don't agree with beating but the little boy tire ooo
SMDH for the mum I hope child protective services takes him away from her
I know a guy about age 25 or so who used to beat his mum and sisters who are prostitutes - he is dead now though... I don't agree with beating but the little boy tire ooo
SMDH for the mum I hope child protective services takes him away from her
Watched it on instagram nd I cudnt close my mouth..... the other lady was like stop hitting ur mum, for where the guy no gree o he jus dey sama in mama slap too bad
Shut up! He is trying to bring her to consciousness!
He was trying to bring her back to consciousness!
He was trying to bring her back to consciousness!
I can bet you all saying he shouldn't hit his mother didn't even watch the video.... so quick to judge. his hitting his mum so she'll wake up and not die stoned as hell....
Idiot,,, fool! Did you even watch the video. Professional Olodo like you... you deserved to be slapped!
Another fool.
all hail the judge!!! Better watch the video.. then ask God to forgive you. Sitting in judgement.
You fools are plenty here O!
You are the highest fool. You meant heroin and how can you call a human being a product of heroin???
For all of you saying the boy shouldn't slap her no matter what, y'all need to get yur heads checked. You all r d problem wit religion today. Yu don't knw d difference btw wat is rite and wat society says is rite. Being religious isn't being righteous. Can't yu see desperation and fear in d boy, nd u sit dere saying he shudnt slap her, bcos it looks wrong. Society has labelled y'all. D same society dat tells yu abortion is wrong and still looks down on teenage pregnancy, d same society dat preaches peace and funds wars. Y'all beta get over yur stinky self righteousness. I rest my case. Linda beta publish dis one.$
Sad sad
You're stupid hes scared n doesn't know what to do but you aint helping n the people filming aint helping. So shut the f**k up.
I feel for that boy mennn, I don't think the lady can raise the boy he loves her n am sure I will gone true that a lot of time
Am I the only one who noticed the little kid sitting by her? Probably her son too. SMH, so sad
This is simply disheartening. How could she let her young kids down like??? Those kids should be taken away from her, so they don't grow up following her footsteps!!! #SIGHS
Everything is ѵery open wіth a cleaг clarification օf the issues.
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Ƭhanks fօr sharing!
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This is the last resort of a little boy saving his drowning mom. I don't know why you guys are not seeing that.
A thousand likes for this comment
He needs to slap her out of her ass memories and triffling state!
»_»_• \0/ ^FORTUNEDEXC£L@REDIFFMAIL.COM^ »_»_• \0/
That child is gonna beat the hell out of his wife in the future. Social service should take the child, sure he has seen d woman's boyfriend slap her before...
This is really sad. It must have gotten to the height where he just couldn't take it anymore
People can judge. He is a 9 year old people. Yah think he knows what he's doing? The poor boy is furious and this is the way he knows how to express it. Stop pointing fingers and pray for them,addiction is a disease. I am almost positive the kids are in foster care as I speak.
dat Boy has just put a curse on himself. no mata what, u shud NEVER slap or even dare raise ur hand on ur mother. Though, the woman did something bad and i pray dat God will deliver her.
The woman is stoned! Don't you get it? This boy is scared shitless, can't you see his frustration? Can you hear the fear in his voice? This woman is dying, he knows it and doesn't want to lose her.
I won't be surprised if he has younger ones that he's bathing and feeding alone at home or maybe she even used the last money in the house to pay for the drugs. He's obviously saddled with the responsibilities of a man instead of a child. Either way, he has to take her home and her brain needs manual reset for that to happen....
poor, poor kid... His childhood is gone. God help him
its gud
Are you kidding? That woman could drop dead there and this kid knows it! He's frustrated and doesn't want to lose her. He's 9 fracking years old! Should he be responsible for his mother or the other way round? It's like some moralist here don't understand this scenario at all. This woman is high and sitting in the street, probably doesn't even recognize her own son. Those pple are strangers and will go to their houses, this kid has to get his mother home. He is clearly traumatised...
Bia linda....dis is d 4th comment I ve written on different post today and u choose not to post any.....is it dat my English is too bad....or they are too irrelevant....just know dat am not with u ooo....ignore dis lik u re so used to doing.
What a Manual Reset from the boy...kudos
hmmm..i pity the boy,i know he passing through pain shame of seeing his mum so
O poor boy. Did you see his brother just looking on? So confused? He didnt slap her maliciously. He just needs her to come out of her drug induced haze. May the grace of God heal those kids and may they turn out to be God fearing children . May God also heal their mum. IJN. Amen.
this woman is so full of shit,for a little boy of slap his mum that way,he's so furious and embarassed with his mum attitude...
Yeah it's really sad, can't explain why am crying.
Damn crazy , can't wait for him to start rapping ( if he doesn't get wasted on the streets )
What do you know??? You're not seeing from the other perspective! You don't judge from one side! Take it or leave it, what the boy did was wrong! There are so many ways he would have cautioned his mum, not jes by doing what he did! I understand quite well how the little boy feels, but hey!....what he did was abso-fuckin-lutely wrong!! So you should hush cos you dunno what you're saying!
Bona biko help me tell 'em! Exactly my perspective!
he should not slap his mum that way...i'm just saying...
he should not slap his mum that way...i'm just saying...
he should not be slapping his mum that way...i'm just saying...
All the 'oyinbo' people over here sold try and understand majority of 9ja people do not know what a heroin addict does when they are high. The most a lot of pole know is about igbo (weed), and that doesn't render people as useless and out of it as hard drugs like coke and heroin.
The pole commenting and saying the boy shouldn't have done that basically think because the woman looks awake that she's still in control of her senses: she's not. She could even slip into coma and die if the drug is too much, which would account for the boy trying to slap her awake.
The slaps are not in anger, the slaps are out of fear. Those kids should be taken away from that woman, because she cannot take care of them
heroin not a heroine
The boy is not even embrassed but he's afraid of losing her
After watching the video, from my point of view the boy had no right whatsoever to slap his mother like that. I understand his feelings but hitting his mother like that it's a NO.... I hope and pray when he grows up he doesn't start beating ladies cos it's a psychological thing. God help him overcome his actions sha.
Some people are just stupid! She deserved more than slaps from the kid!
I don't really think the little boy slapping his mom like that is the best way to revive her, maybe that's how he knows. He can shake her but not by slapping her in that manner. The boy can become abusive if he continues that. You could see how people around reacted when he slapped her cause they know that's not how he should handle it. Heroin is a very addictive drug that is hard to get out off. May God help her.
I wouldn't giva damn what you people say that the little boy may have been going through. Bottom line is you never put your hands on your mother or father. Period. Honor thy mother and father that's what the word teaches. This little boy has done this before and God know he has shortened his days. Something bad is going to end happening to that little boy. I pray the mom gets the help she needs.
100 likes on ur comment... she lost the authourity of motherhood by puting her self in such a state.
This is herione we're talking about here not weed
Bet she will change after seeing the pains in this boy's heart which means he adores her so much!
stupid niggers lol
Where is the daddy ????
the sperm donor.
The boy wanted a future, the mother, if continue in this manner would take it away from him. How could this woman keep a family in this manner. The boy wanted the best with all he can think of as at the time... I think he loves the mother to hatred... that's why he is mad
The boy wanted a future and the mother is taking it away from him. If this woman continues like this, how can she keep a family. THE BOY LOVES HER SO MUCH TO HATRED and acted with the emotion as at the time... for his age and his 'disciplinary wisdom', that the mother couldn't keep. Who knows what the boy have been suffering with such mother? Who have lived with mother like this to judge this boy? I would not blame him... Have you lived in a home that is shattered by a mother? Or have you walk through the life of a child that was ruined by a mother?
The mom is high on heroine if you didn't read what was before the video.
Please enlighten our ignorant and overtly emotional nigerians. He is doing this because he has seen an adult do same to his mother anytime she is high. But in his case, there is a mixture of fear and desperation. Linda ikeji please take note
the child is not slapping his mum out of disrespect, he's trying to bring her back to consciousness, notice he stopped in between slaps to ask the mother if she could talk. He only slapped her again because she wasn't responsive. Poor child, having to grow up so fast and in this manner. Its quite clear (even from the lack of reaction from the toddler who I assume is his baby brother) that this isn't the first time that nine year old kid has had to do this. God please intervene
poor boi! he'll surely make a good man when he grows up if he doesn't end up staying with his heroine-mother. #yorubasaying olorun lon wo omo were (God takes care of the child of a lunatic)
very nice thing he did... silly woman
credit to you boy for doing so, once again i applaud you one million times. she will never repeat that again.#KUDOS
I pray God heals her completely to becoming a virtuous woman IJN
i can feel this boy pain bcos av been there before,what is this word turning to?
it's sad, obviously the boy is expose to violence, am sure that is not the first time of doing it,the boy is a bully. I disagree with some comments on this forum,let me ask them this, if your mum was found wanting would they slap her ?
Leez I think you are the one blinded here
Did you guys see the little 4 year old boy next to his mum Imagine what he would have been thinking!!!! bcos of her choices this woman has destroyednormal lifestyle for these kids Social Security should take those children away. I feel the woman trying to stop the boy is the womans mother she don tire.....thinking maybe the son can try something new....what a pity I hope this brings her out of this.
Hope you enjoyed slapping your mum...wait make the drug clear for her eye...u see shege...lol
My lyk u said he is just nine,am sure he doesn't what he was doing is wrong. Beside the one who was to teach him right or wrong is not in the right frame of mind. Feel sorry for both of them. Pray they receive help.
This what happens when the world turns upside down! Even animals will teach humans the right path.
so bad, she must have been into it for long, but this time, she has taken it out, which is embarrassing to the dude, which made him to react as he did. what a life
Poor boy, dat was a slap of negotiation
if it takes a slap to correct her and put her in place, fully in support.
the boy is soo scared joor thats so obvious
That isn't 'found wanting'! The woman practically killed herself in front of her kids and you say he shouldn't slap her to revive her....what should he have done? Poured water on her?
You are all quoting honor your father and mother, stop misquoting the Bible or taking it out of context, read the whole chapter to get the full message...mshew
yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! the last last slap though! i feel really sad for the boy; even his mother
No, it is not right that he put his hands on his mother, ever. However, I am crying for him. My heart aches to hear such agony in a child's voice. No child deserves to know sadness like this. Her choices should not be his life.
oh my god! thats horrible and so sad.. it makes me want to cry seriously pour little boy :''''(
Omg did anyone pay close attention cause the moms eyes were OPEN and she was on her phone the first smack if she was nodding her eyes would of been closed smfh n idgaf if she was nodding theres noway he should b hitting his mom period
Omg did anyone pay close attention thr moms eyes are OPEN n she is on the phone the first time he hits her so she was not nodding smh u people r crazy no child should EVER hit there mom like that!!!!
Stupid shit keeps erasing my comment PAU ATTENTION PEOPLE MOMS EYES R OPEN N SHE IS ON PHONE
Are you stupid. What phone do you see?
Wow, the ignorance! Please leave
You can hear the desperation in his voic to save his mother. The slap was acceptable in this situation. She needs to wake up, her poor children need and want their mom.
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