Beverly Osu claimed in the Big Brother Africa house that she was physically abused by an ex-rapper boyfriend, a claim 2shotz, who dated Beverly in the past, denied and even issued a statement. (If you missed it, read it
Well, Beverly is out of BBA now and doing interviews. She confirmed to Ebuka Obi-Uchendu on Rubbin Minds today that 2shotz did abuse her and she's not surprised he denied it. More Tweets from the interview after the cut...

I thought she just denied this???
first "suace
Was the 2shotz accusation about the money too?
She is lieing!!! She had sef in the bathtub!!!
Hahahaha,funny bev
First to comment!!!!!
Up Ebuka. messed up. 2shotz should know better
Hmmmmm. What a story. May God help you.
She really is confused.. didn't she say in the Punch interview that she wasn't referring to him?
up ebuka.first to comment. 2shotz should know better
This was from the previous post on Saturday, 31st August.
Q:You mentioned something about a boyfriend that abused you. Were you referring to 2shots?
A:No. I wasn’t referring to him. For me, 2shots is history. Thank you for reminding me about him.
So, when did the story change? Hian!
So what! Re u d first person to be sexually abused. Is dat y u make urself a public sex figure. Beverly am tired of dis ur story. Anyway go and sin no more.
i dont care.... she's tryin to be female fsk... enough of her
Hmmmmmn, this gal tho'...EVE
Hmmmm, oya 2 shorts u hav heard it na. And wher is his Mrs? Bev is bak ooo. Com n face her n stop ur rantings on twItter. Rena!
Bev bev, how old are u again? Don't be in a hurry, and wiv the kinda way you talk I wonder how many slaps u don chop. Anyway I bliv that 2shot abused u
okay pple lets show her some love. pls pls pls, let us 4give her, show her love plus support her.
Someone is looking for public pity! Is this info preponderate to your promiscuity? In balancing her faults with her perfections, the latter seemed rather to preponderate!
Linda, in other news, Gareth Bale signed a world record transfer deal to Real Madrid and you are silent about it.
This girl speaks from both side of the mouth...I wish she manage the little fame well.
It seems to me like her primary concern right now is making money.
I hope she does just that,maybe then we wouldn't have to put up with her not-so-smart,disjointed rants.
Did I sense a note of regret frm bev? Girl. I tink u'v got 2stop grantin interviews 4nw atleast until d stunt u pullled at BBA fades away
Y she dey tell us??? Well,in other news,lagos university teaching hospital interns r being owed salaries for up to 7 months...d indefinite strike begins tomorrow!!! Real issue!
Okay I'm confused, I thought she told punch newspaper that she wasn't talking about 2shots and she doesn't even think about him. Now she's saying it was him. Mshew that's why nobody believes her story about not having sex!
Of course why wouldn't he deny it ,even pastor Biodun denied ESe too. But sorry beveragely ,we didn't see any dirty boxers in dat video
Hmmm...... See this gal wan use sharpness deny ha sex with angelo. R u tinking we r kids and didn't understand what was happening as ur bum kept going up and down and u 2 kept moaning. I understand sha coz she's nigeria. Is only in nigeria wia after been caught on tape one still denies. Just like d govenor forum election. Anyway 2short hitting ha is just lame and totally wrong. that is if he really did it, coz now I can't and no one can tell if shes lying or saying d truth in what ever she says. #OSH
Ist to comment...yeahhhhh...bev u sure say u go mak d cash fast....hw if I may ask?
Dis bev of girl shd go @ get sitted jare, she's so confused useless girl u tink u can eat ur cake @ av it back abi?
Ok miss attention seeker nw give urself a big round of applause....yes u'v gotten the big-wide attention already! *RollingEyes*
Now pls can we nw move on unto the NEXT? #StraightFace#
This gurl is jus a confused soul. In a different interview she said it wasn't 2shots nd now shez saying its 2shots. Get a life gurl n stop seekin cheap publicity. Mtcheeeew!!!
I love u boo
sorry but i dont understand her claim of been naked in the bathtub and angelo on boxers if nothing really happened then.cos you obviously tried to seduce him but it dint work or wat.god you must think Nigerians are dumb ba.tshhewwww
Bev,stop d explanations ma dear,u ve done enough of that!let ur haters chop hot coal,forget them and focus on ur future,irrespective of all d haters around u still have fans.
Dis osu girl(outcast)need to get her head examined,cos I believe she is going mad!!!(KunzA speaks)
So u ar not making money now? So sori girl! Wt were u thinkN?
Nawa for u ooooo beverly abi na beverage
OK I haf hear
I blive its true.and am nt suprised he deined it.u dnt xpct him 2 agree he eva abused her.I had a guy who use 2 abuse me 2 wen askd he deined it bluntly in front of me I was shockd.beast of a guy.pls guys dnt hate beverly she might not b as bad as it looks.
This girl talks too damn much! Kai!
May da Lord touch ur heart and saves ur soul..
Ok dear, we've heard ur stories. Nw u can get baq to mkin money cos I'm really tired of hearin tins bou u! Pheew!!!
Haba Bev gurl. I dunno wat to say abt yu again bt I alwys gat yur bk.
Oya 2Shotz come & deny *Bringing out my old spectacles & telescope so that i'll have a great view of d katakata that is about to burst*
Linda am so sorry for using the word buh wht d heck is wrong with this beverly seriously like is she ok,she should just stop talking toomuch and STOP feeding people with more info abt anything seriously she is out of the house and if she really want to mk it out peacefully without people trying to manipulate her with their words then she has got to shut the fuck up seriously shut UP(sorry 4 d words)people will never hear her out if she keeps talking like that NEVER,If that's wht she thinks then she is sooo wrong'the next minute-it wasn't 2shotZ that she was talking abt and another-it was 2shotZ pls shut up pls shut up plssssss STOP unless u will put ur sef in more trouble than u are already in.SMH(linda pls post)thanks
Where is that mrs 2shotz that was running her mouth??
2shotz luks lyk a Boko haram member in dat pix......hahahahahaha
Hian! But she said earlier that it's not 2shorts! In the other post u dropped earlier 2day Linlin.
u wil alwaiz fynd excuse 4 urselfff,ur nutin bt an asshole dat went ahead 2 embarass nigeriiaaa
It was obvious that the guy beat her, look at how hard he and his wife were trying to debunk the rumours, you dont try so hard if you arent guilty. Police officers should go and beat up the guy woman beater oshi, if his wife should yann any nonesense again ehn na nigerians go finish am. abeg Linda post my comment.
Yayyy!1st 2 comment,beverly we don't knw which 1 2 believe...d lies r 2mch.
So? This hoesu should go nd grab a seat! 'Mehn! Tz getting aNnoying #sip•my•Ice
You all should leave the babe ooh...shes becomn popular everyday
In another interview,she said she wasn't referring to 2short!why d contradictions nah???
where did she say it? or did i read that wrong?
Hmm. ℓ̊ ᵟᵒᵑᵗ get y 2shot w̶̲̥̅̊ɑ̤̈̊ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇ denying ΐτ̅.
Bev, yuh gotta move on hun...I'm glad yuh'v accepted that yuh goofed...learn from ur mistakes in BBA! May the favour of God find yuh..
Buh linda sef..dis geh matta too sweet yuh..habaa!!
Do ur thing gurl.u were jst itself n I commend u 4 dt. Pple will always talk...whether u do good or bad so no need 4 worries!
Good for u!
To Be CoNtINuED..............
Go and take several seats jor.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Sincerly there is no diference btw bba and blood/ritual money.
Just like ritual money,u must be ready to damn d consequence,neva posses a conscience and 4 anybody involved in bba and ritual money d end justifies d means
Read bev tweets d lady mentioned money close to 7 times,I believ this gal can do money ritual if she no eventually mak money,linlin post ma comment o
Enough already wit dis girl...hian
Dis beverly abi na bitter leaf be her name wc kin english she dey speak so,hmmm na waooo jus contradicting herself.President of West Africa Lairs Union*WALU*AIRSTAR says so.Linda or ke afa gi make I nor fin find my comment
LOL. Stupid child
Linda, abeg Ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo , enough of dis Bitch. Can we hear somethg different. She claim †Φ be 21, i wonder ♓☺W old was she, wen she started man quest, dat she av had all there horible records abt herself. Mstewwwwwwwwwww.
D gurl is goin thru hell ryt nw
Linda nwa ikeji nd dis is news??? Boring*yawns* go 2 bed alredi...
This chic is a real ode! She needs to shut up and get a life.
Drama queen. The other day she said he didn't hit her, today she's say he did hit her. Which of the stories do we belive now?
Beverly do urself a lot of good by travelling sumwhere like space so dt we dnt hear nefing bout u for a while...dnt knw whose gist I hear more....u or ameachi/goodluck. M tired of ur lies *oshi* nd u cnt even kip up wif dem. U say dis on punch nd say dis nw....dnt get u mehn#spaced out. Linda pls post!
Dear Beverly, why confuse yourself and your fellow Nigerians? In your last interview when you were asked if 2shotz abused you, your reply was "No I wasn't referring to him, thank you for reminding me about him".. Now your story has changed.. What do we believe abeg? You really need to straighten yourself out.. Btw, Aunty Linda, enough of the Beverly story already.. Am sick of it..
So who is telling tha truth now ehn
U are carrying last o, dis na old news for ladun blog naw
Who is she decieving, she said it few days ago dat she was not refering to 2shot, how come she changed it 2day, rubbish dats her biz, wot wil she even gain
Life continues....
Bev let's wait for 2shots wife to d way its d ladies tin.*winks*
beverly darl 2shorts dont matter anymore so is d rest of ur haters...........just dnt know y i love u dis much*****GOD bless u
Angelo was wearing a boxers and u were naked huh?.. Listen to ur stupid self!.. Mtscheeeeww!.. Osu!.. Outcast!!
Yea watched it today she did lmao d obi guy was really pushy nd asked abt her personal lyf mostly which I dnt tink is his bizness,he really got too personal which so many ppl want to bev being d shalow gurl she was spilled d beans nd got out 2shortz name finaly nd also denied d sex part wif angelo well I dnt know how tru dat is bt linda we don tire 2 dey hear abt bev abeg no interview 4 melvin?shoo linda no deny me dis post I tak God beg u oo
@ Bev really dont expect you to give a hoot bout anything people are saying....its your world afterall,rule it,live it like never...cmon people will always find a space for criticism....many of them are worse jor.....
Yea watched it being d shallow gurl she is she later spilled d beans ny letting out 2shortz name which wasn't evn news anyways,nd she also denied d sex wif angelo I dnt know how tru dat is cos wat I watchd now confuses me bt linda we dnt tire 4 bev news abi melvin follow her go BBa too news abt melvin!abeg post ma coment u too hate me I know bt no deny me dis one LiLy
@ Bev free haters,live your life, most of them are worse.....
Ok buh pls can we move on???
Linda nawaooo u too wicked v snt my coment 3times now bt u rfused to post nawa oO not nyce at all
Bev forget haters and move on. Joor as ï said b4 D̶̲̥̅̊α̇̇̇̊τ̣̣̥ d sky ȋ̝̊̅§ ur limit
Abeg comot joor we don tire 4 ur lies BEVERLIES,no news abt melvin naso d guy life tak borin reach!linda behave oo post dis tin
Bev I believe u gal. Even angelo said it d day Ħ̀ε̅ was evicted dt u ppl didn't have sex cos Ħ̀ε̅ couldn't disrepect his mum on the Tv. So ppl should let Bev be about d BBA sex thing. Then as for 2shortz, Ħ̀ε̅ Ȋ̝̊̅§ history. You have moved on and that shows u r stronger than Him. I wish u well gal but jst watch Ʊя̲̅ tongue ok
This girl talks wit both sides of d mouth. Says "black" wit one side and "white" wit d oda, @ same time. Didn't she grant an interview wit the Punch sm days bk, whr she mentioned dis same issue? Now she's sayin smth diff on 'Rubbing minds'. Inconsistency cud imply lies or aint she bold enuff 2 call a spade a spade??? Just sayin' tho.
Its all about making money for us now, does dat mean angelo has dumpt her ass
Yea actualy watchd it being d shalow gurl she was she spiLled d beans aftr futher push by d obi guy...aldoe denied her sxcapades wif angelo aldo dnt know how tru dat is cos we viewrz may v gotten it wrong..d obi guy realy got too personal deviating a bit 4rm wat I'd cal a proper interview al d same sha her life wud b difernt now if she's shoo linda y u too like dis babe news u no dey tire!mak she no land anoda hospital aagin oo leav am 4 ha mama ooo,oya post abeg lily
Bev.......mmmh, luv u gurl buh dz is so hard 2 beliv
Bev shut up deir,u av 2mouths,atfirst u said u were wearing ur swim suits,nw ur sayin u were naked.....who cares????its ur life at d end of d day.....
Bev bev....u can lie for Africa
I tire ooo! Thought so too. Plenty stories #JayBeyBlu
She is a confused being!
2face bitch!
Dis is getting really serious. Where is Melvin? He should be d star!
Men!!!!..... Damn dis lying bitch... Ur jus a fucking lying whore.... 2Shot ma man.... U be guyman.... U don dey sharp na.... On point guy.....
Go and sit dowwn , haters like U̶̲̥̅̊ go bow.
You are dUmp for mentioning Pastor B in this your yeye comment.
U knw u r vewi stupid!
Confused chick. Smh
Ok...dats it!dis gurl is full of bullcrap..her stories nevaa follow ..wdf does dat?...tryna mak ppl fill sory 4 yhu...mstchew!
And the fools are here again to rant and rain abuses on bev,as for the dumb pc stop using ur vocabulary as a forefront to shadow ur stupidity and shallow mindset.with the way u use vocabs ur reasoning should be better,rather than jumping on the band wagon ,judging and pointing fingers..................v.
Linda, be selectn comment †Φ post Ooº°˚ ˚°ºoo, after usin my time †Φ open ur blog, put cash in ur acct, Ʊ 'll not post my comment. One big eye frm above is watchn Ʊ.
The hate for this girl is too real in Naija. Her fame is continental. Let her go elsewhere to make her fortune. There's got to be some country in Africa that will let her move on from her mistakes.
@anon12:28,if you were sensible you would think before typing,,you hide behind anon and call her names,cos 2short is ur friend,I bet you know the truth but since ur foolish u won't keep ur baseless comment to urself.rather u decided to come here and vent your frustration.get help ASAP.thank me when your certified okay.dummy.
Bev,When u talk too much over a non -issue u loose completely d respect or stunt ur growth in d profession u hv chosen.......ur over flogging a dead horse
Miss sipper!
Keep sipping!
Gwa ya o!
Miss sipper!
Keep sipping!
A guy is still wearing boxer n u were already naked and u fit open ur mouth talk that kind thing? Shame no catch u! U disgraced urself n ur country
But bev d sex was nt done in d bathtub naah! Twaz done under d bedsheat! Wer u wer moanin like a hungry lion and sayin all sorts aft wch u both went to d bathtub wer u wer so lust in ursef u did even realise u wer d only naked...u are sure regretin it nw cux d relatnshp dint work out n u dint win d money.
U sure dunt hv class,of all people Angelo!..
Bev jus go and repackage ur life abg.
And u r dumb er for defending ur ashawo pst B!
Na ur fada name e call?
Only Beverly, 2short, and God know what really trasnpired between them. Bev has no reason to lie and 2short hs a name to protect.
In other news
Whats your experience in government and teaching hospitals like?
Visit (its the one-stop Rights, Health and Beauty blog)
Angelo said they noth kept having. Little fights cos beverly wanted more sex after the first sex and that the whole relatioNship was initiated by beverly. The young man had disobyed his mum once by having sex with her thee first time and didn't want to do it again.
She stop all this stories, no one really cares weather she did or not. She knows her mistakes, let her correct them for the future and concentrate on becoming a better person instead of wasting such precious time trying to convince people from what was seen on TV. People will believe what they want even if she goes to CNN for an interview.
Get a life beverly! You are still young and you have time now to change.
@their picx above...Is 2shotz standin on a stool??Abi na so BEV short ni??Cos the 2shotz i know is a dwarf!!
I think she is just in "acute confusional state" she really needs to recover from that state. Give her some more time
Hahahahahahahahahahahaha..... No b only sef na saf....
~D great anonymous!
Show her some luv for wat....she can do anytin for money...she had sex from behind under d sheet y is she lying.....confused bitch....I dnt even care about d 2short story....she has no morals
Fans lik afrocandy abi......buahahahahahahaha she beta accept d offer to mak more cash....seducing a man and begging him for sex in public.....Angelo has respect for him self dan u....smh
errrmmm I thought she claimed she never mentioned 2short's name, rather she said she dated a rapper. So why is his name on the news again? Beverly na wah for you ooo...
She has a big Problem!!! She jes dey cast herself!!!
Okay okay...can we all just stop this Beverly talk ? Haven't typed out or said a pin about Beverly since her whole saga cos I believe it's her freaking life, she should do whatever and deal with the whole consequence. This is my first time of making an attempt to write/say anything about it. And my whole point is ??? Enough of this Beverly talk, enough already. Why is she getting interviewed way more than Melvin ? Y has she been all up in my face for no damn reason ? Can I actually get a full TV interview from Melvin who is a hero, so I myself can learn how to be 100% morally upright in such filthy environment ? Is this how the world unconsciously silents the good and broadcast the bad? (Refer back to Melvin and Beverly). Haven't even read this interview but I'm sure not interested. I just cringe whenever I see Beverly is making the headline. Like mute her already. This is getting too much. Enough !!
I think Bev is confused n I think she should let her ex be ,2shot is now a married man ,this affair was in the past ,let her move on withh her life n stop hurting 2shots family,why didn't she complain when the affair was going on ,I think her sudden stardom is getting her confused ,her mother or good friends should teach her how to keep,preserve her sudden fame.
ITs an interview,what do u expect her do? Stay mute?..Duh
Her problem is that she talks too much and lies a lot
I tire
I wonder o abg dis geh can lie she makes mi sick...@beveliar
I belive she didn't have sex in d bath
Am not really a fan of bev but i believe her,yes she talks too much but am pretty sure she is telling the truth about this issue,cos the way 2short ran to twitter to start defending himself was just too funny,after all she didnt call his name,a clear conscience fears no accusation,well mrs 2short be sure to let us know when you start receiving your own punches,i just hope you know what you are doing,cos once a woman beater always a woman beater,be smart and stop using anon to come on blogs to rant dust about something you dont know,cos nigerians will be here waiting to laugh at you the day you run out screaming that he abused you too.
U guyz re foolish foolz oo,y would she seek cheap publicity,wen she waz on international tv 4 3 monthz,come on guyz!Give d girl a break,e don do abeg!(if u insult mi,back 2 sender 100 times)
I dot actually knw y bev wil continue 2 talk on ds issue,pls u guys shud let her b. She is nt d first 2 hv done a tin lik dis,so pls let her b 4 cryin out loud. She said she wasn't referrin 2 2shortz,dats true but 2shortz also assaulted her but she wasn't referrin 2 him,wat simple english una no understnd abeg,ds country eh,u guys r so pathetic.
Last to comment hehehehe!
I dnt buy it whn she claims to be 20 yrs old. Buh ion think a woman wud lie abt a man abusin her. Especially whn she'll get nthn frm it
Abeg linda give us update on dillish d girl wey use her common sense well!
Come to think of it, Bev never mentioned 2shotz name, but he was the 1st to go on twitter to rant. Is he the only rapper she's dated? Guilty conscience. Anyways LINDA leave the girl alone.
R u serious?? I wrote intern exam der last 3wiks saturday. And d result is yet 2 be out. Pls watz ur discipline? Mine is med lab sci.tnx
When u call yrsef a woman ubshud have a bit of PRIDE!!!! NEVER ALLOW UR URGE GET THE BEST OF YOU. Secondly if 2SHOT had laid a finger on you, u shud have spoken out at that point not waiting till u get to the house before talking (clearly making you look like a cheap attetion seeker). U then come out, grant interviews and cant stick to one story! Common girl, didnt anyone tell u fame came at a price? And fast fame at a more costly one. Pls move on pls... We all make mistakes admitt urs and move on before u make more damage. (REMEMBER YOU ARE NOT KIM )
2shot where u meet bev, someone who dance like a whore no respect as a woman, finally who win the BBA money the lady with pride and integrity that is a lady any man will be proud of .
2shot where u meet bev, someone who dance like a whore no respect as a woman, finally who win the BBA money the lady with pride and integrity that is a lady any man will be proud of .
I tire oo, Sm will come again n say she iz so real she doesn't lie
Shut up!!! Any one dat says d truth dese days Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ a hater. Stupid fool! Beverley groupie like u.
Shut up!!! Any one dat says d truth dese days Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ a hater. Stupid fool! Beverley groupie like u.
Its not "dump" but "dumb" COZA member.
Linda, she did not say explicitly 2shotz abused her in that interview. what if she dated 2 rappers in the past? It wld be natural for the 2shotz to deny the abuse publicly cos his relationship with her was well known. Your topic is misleading.
Its ppl like u dat lead odas †☺ hell. .Ǎ̜̣̍м̣̣̥̇̊ sure u won't want †☺ marry a girl like her,but u will encourage her promiscuity. God Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ watching U oo n ℓ̊ pray u have a daughter lyk her,Amen! FYI: no body Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ hating on her,she no reach abeg! Oshisco
Its ppl like u dat lead odas †☺ hell. .Ǎ̜̣̍м̣̣̥̇̊ sure u won't want †☺ marry a girl like her,but u will encourage her promiscuity. God Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ watching U oo n ℓ̊ pray u have a daughter lyk her,Amen! FYI: no body Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ hating on her,she no reach abeg! Oshisco
I wonder what PC's problem is? Abeg jus shut it!
U try! U 4 open ur own blog na, mtchewww!
Its ppl like u dat lead odas †☺ hell. .Ǎ̜̣̍м̣̣̥̇̊ sure u won't want †☺ marry a girl like her,but u will encourage her promiscuity. God Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ watching U oo n ℓ̊ pray u have a daughter lyk her,Amen! FYI: no body Ȋ̝̊̅ڪ hating on her,she no reach abeg! Oshisco
My bev.....pls move on wt ur life.whateva happend is history now.i watched bigbroda from beginning till d end.and I want to say u ar a very strong lady.keep it up
Comments like this is what is wrong with the world!!!! Is she the first person to be sexually abused? Kai! As my friend would say, "u won't make heaven"
Day shouldn't b an issue hmmm
Bonario, shut up n behave urself! U shld b older than 18, stop commenting other wise.
Plz...bev is a very nice person with a good heart.. What matters is the heart not d looks n wot people think... God knows evryone's heart... If you think you are better than her,correct her..stop d abuses..its not right...tnks
Plz...bev is a very nice person with a good heart.. What matters is the heart not d looks n wot people think... God knows evryone's heart... If you think you are better than her,correct her..stop d abuses..its not right...tnks
Anon12.35. It's u who's very stupid. U all are worst den bev. So get a life.
Y ar u writing like a mumu? Are u a learner? Just read d nonsense u wrote n see if der is any sense in it? I must comment oshi!!
If u really followed BBA and never missed a day, u will understand what she meant. She did not mention names but he(2shots) was fast at denying it. That shows he is guilty
Guys its not like she lied intentionally on punch she didn't want to mention his name cause she didn't want to drag him to the mud but the ebuka guy was pushing. I watched the interview she even asked him if she could say it was personal but the guy said no abeg linlin post o
Omo, u guyz shld jus leave Bev alone o! D girl is still growing up, @21yrs she is prone to a lot of mistakes, let her be. I dnt support her sexcapades on BBA, neither do I support her too much talk, but she is human n prone to make costly mistakes in life. Let BEVERLY OSU be, she has gone out there, did what her mind told her to do, though many mistakes, but can still be 4given. I know that Bev is a sweetheart, she is a lovable person, she is easy to live with and that was why she was loved by all, imagine someone to be in d house 4 91days, she wasnt nominated, neither was she swapped all through. U guyz shld leave her alone, she is going through a lot as it is, n I believe that wit time she will grow up, u guyz shld not bully ds young girl to suicide.
Bev is jst a freak and an attention seeker,that's y she did all she did in d hauz.She shud jst short the eff up and stop rubbing d embarrassment she has caused us already in our face.Biatch!!!
Its so unfortunate dat a loose tramp like Bev represented Nigeria. At first u said u were in d tub on ur swim suit, now u were naked. Haba!!!!! U were naked before him because u had no sense of decency. Honestly u lack home training. U re not jst a slut but a liar. Its a shame.
Love dis gal
This Bevery too dey talk! I tire for the girl. I don't speak pidgin English but see what she has done to me. Why she dey run from pillar to post to talk rubbish. haba! Now she just sounds like a pathetic liar. She was also a big liar in the house. She talk say she know IK. From where? That his name is Ikechukwu - how? Then she lied about Selly, then Pokello ....... Just a useless girl. She chased LK4 - no show, Bimp - no show, then Angelo looked her way and she jumped. A man that had tried his luck with 4 other girls in the house? Even mama Natasha ignored him. This girl na real ashawo with no self respect. She should just get out of our site and shut her mouth for just 2 weeks! Rubbish! We don't even care if she had sex or not she should just go!
What is she talking about by the way, she should just hush for one second nah! Haba, all this will roll away and she will feel cool with her life again, we all make mistakes and allow our heads lead us sometimes, she should just hush please.
So there is no space for the tin to come out of the 'boxer shots' Madam Beverrrry! The fingering under the sheets no? Just shut your mouth. Chill for a few weeks and then come out with a revamped image. Abeg! Who is handling this girls PR???
What is she talking about by the way, she should just hush for one second nah! Haba, all this will roll away and she will feel cool with her life again, we all make mistakes and allow our heads lead us sometimes, she should just hush please.
Beverly shaaa which one u dey talk ,did 2shot abuse u or nt
Small chop n chapman for ur party as well as cake box call:07038808926 or 2a9bd866
She was giving an interview and she answered the question, simple. So wtf is your beef? Why not get a life, old fool
She said she didn't say any names but that's she's not surprised he denied it as he is her ex, and most public relationship.
Its kinda annoying how people misconstrue everything Beverly says just because they don't like her.
Nigerians and their holier than thou attitude, but they run to "morally bankrupt" societies looking for greener pasteures because their "morally sound", country is entirely fucked up beyond repair. Lol people are frustrated
You can't even afford DSTV that's why you make up such BS. If you don't know then please STFU
But your politicians aren't disgracing you? This is why Nigeria can never move forward. Backwards set of people
Its obvious you watch the show from your neighbor's window. You twisted everything just because you don't like Bev. Sit down ashawo
I BELIEVE her, a lot of ibo guys are very abusive to women. I am an ibo woman and I know what I am talking about.
Bev hopefully you don't get abused this way again....but girl!!!!??? what was all that sh?!7t with Angelo...u really need to get your sh!!t together and stop acting cheap like you don't have respect for your body, its God's temple so if you want to escape abuse in the future treat it like a dignified place
She did mention his name in the Big Brother house. Referred to him sometimes as Umunamo (sp).
Beverly is certainly a confused woman. She denied a story with punch and affirmed thesame story with another media.Though there is an atom of truth in the 2shortz battery story.The girl needs to accept Christ into her life so that she can make a headway in life.She is very consistent with lies and it takes a responsible brand to sign someone of such ineptitude into their brand.
Now you guys find it kinda funny that nobody talks about Melvin. Beverly succeeded in taking all the attention to herself. Just when you think she's relenting...BAM....kicks it up a notch
@ Anonymous 7:54, did u have to bring race into this? Or is FFK ur role model. #just saying
U won't make heaven ke? Lmao!
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