District Attorney Heather McMinn and Lavaca County Sheriff Mica
Harmon appear at a news conference in Halletsville, Texas on Tuesday,
June 19, 2012 in the aftermath of the killing |
A Texas father who discovered a man
raping his five-year-old daughter and beat him to death with his bare
hands will not be charged with homicide under state law.
Lavaca County grand jury decided not to press charges against the
23-year-old father in the June 9th death of Jesus Mora Flores, 47, who
was killed inside a remote shack after he was caught molesting the young
Under Texas state
law, deadly force is authorized and indeed, justified in order to stop
an aggravated sexual assault and coupled with the fact that the
harrowing 911 calls made by the father back claims he even tried to save
the pedophile's life led to the grand jury's decision.
County sheriff's deputies said that the father, whose name has not been
released to protect the little girl's identity, sent her and her
brother to feed the family's chickens.
boy rushed back to tell his dad that someone had grabbed his sister and
taken her to a small secluded shack and the father rushed towards his
daughter's screams and arrived to find them both with their underwear
Flying into a rage, the father beat
Flores unconscious, but attempted to call 911 for the rapist after he
had made sure his daughter was safe.
Micah Harmon had said in June that he was not willing to press charges
against the father, rather the case would be presented to a grand jury. At the time, Harmon said that the man was 'very remorseful' and didn't know at the time he had killed Flores.
have a right to defend your daughter,' Harmon told CNN at the time.
'The girl's father acted in defense of his third person. Once the
investigation is completed we will submit it to the district attorney
who then submits it to the grand jury, who will decide if they will
indict him.'
Indeed, the father is heard profanely screaming at a dispatcher who couldn't locate the property.
increasingly frazzled, the father at one point tells the dispatcher
he's going to put the man in his truck and drive him to a hospital
before sheriff's deputies finally arrive.
Huser, the father's attorney, sternly told reporters several times
during a news conference at the Lavaca County courthouse that neither
the father nor the family will ever give interviews.
'He's a peaceable soul,' Huser said. 'He had no intention to kill anybody that day.'
The attack happened on the family's ranch off a quiet, two-lane county road between the farming towns of Shiner and Yoakum.
Authorities say a witness saw Flores
'forcibly carrying' the girl into a secluded area and then scrambled to
find the father. Running toward his daughter's screams, investigators
said, the father pulled Flores off his child and 'inflicted several
blows to the man's head and neck area.'
Emergency crews found Flores' pants and underwear pulled down on his lifeless body by the time they responded to the 911 call.
girl was taken to a hospital and examined, and authorities say forensic
evidence and witness accounts corroborated the father's story that his
daughter was being sexually molested.
the law in the state of Texas deadly force is authorized and justified
in order to stop an aggravated sexual assault or sexual assault,'
District Attorney Heather McMinn told reporters in June.
All the evidence provided by the
sheriff's department and the Texas Rangers indicated that's what was
occurring when the victim's father arrived at the scene,' she said. Authorities
said he expressed regret at the killing at the time, and no evidence so
far has led them to doubt his story. The girl's grandfather agreed it
had been an accident.
'My son. Sorry,' the grandfather told the Victoria Advocate in broken English. 'It was an accident.'
Lavaca County Sheriff Micah Harmon added: 'He was very remorseful. I don't think it was his intent for the man to die.'
Residents of the small Lavaca County town were largely in support of the father, saying the victim deserved it.
Sonny Jaehne, a Shiner native, told the Victoria Advocate: 'He got what he deserved, big time.
Friend Mark Harabis reiterated this: 'I agree with him totally. I would probably do worse.
family will have to deal with that the rest of their lives, no matter
what happens to the father. Even if they let him go, he and his child
will have to deal with that the rest of their lives.'
Source: Daily Mail
Good 1!Animals in a human form(5years)
He did very well.
In his shoes imma do same.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Great news.
Law and all its intricacies.
While I'm in full support of this new developemt,I won't be totally against those who are of the opinion that the man should be made to do time for murder/manslaughter.
This is rediculous wot on earth is a matured man looking for in a five year old baby. Wot kind of erection will he have. I guess d guy is a sycopath. God have mercy on some guys who cannot control dia manhood.
Bfr nko dem bin wan jail am?na sef defence na nd dat dead guy na wetin fit am."Death"
He deserves a medal wallahi #headswells
Correct!!!!!!!!!!!!! A million times correct. Uncountable gbosa's for u guys jare. If na for Nigeria now, our police go dey talk another thing. I personally will kill anybody dat ventures near my 2 angelic gurls.
Am so happy dey let dis man go. and for the rapist, i wonder what u will tell God. How many baby gurls have u done dis to and got away with it? Bloody pedophile. With all the free and ripe pussies everywhere, u hunger for dat of a 5yr old. Shame on you.
May you rot in hell. Senator Yerima, ur turn is coming.
ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! Its about time. Common sense law!
Na dis kind tin sopose dey hapen for naija.
I'm happy common sense prevailed. But what would have happened if the father was black... Just wondering...
i place high value on my daughter o
Read a time to lol and trust me when I saw this,'anyman who rapes a woman is an animal to talk of a child who can still be referred to as a toddler. It was an accident yes,but should that happen to my enemy, I can do that as well and sit with the corpse till police men arrive. Zurielle's opinion
Yes! He does have the right to protect is family. Nice move by law
Wonderful decisions. If its me I will purposely kill him God forgive me if I'm wrong
It wasn't his intention tho d deed has been done. Anyway d guy shud b freed joor, no father will b able 2 spare sumone who tries to or is already raping his child.
Bloody paedophile, he got what he deserved! Oniranu oshi. I'm so happy d lil girl's father is nt facing any charges, good to hear. Jungle justice must start on all paedophiles in naija so that d rest will sit up n put a stop 2 der evil ways.
As much as killing is wrong..... Am happy he didn't get charged that dead douche bag deserved the beating..
Eeyaa I wud av killed d paedo too n faced any consequence so far my little daughter is safe. One paedo down!!
He is indeed a good Father. He deserve wot he got, rapping a 5yr old, God wot is dis world turning 2? if i were in d father's shoe, i would have done worst.
*mouth sealed*things are happenin
He got ђã†̥ he deserved!
Very good. Try that with my baby i will kill you!
Well, I can't judge this man, I'm not God but if we place ourselves in this man's shoes as at the time, its not certain that I won't kill the man. If the little girl had the strength to defend herself she might have done the same so its pretty much still defence
Mmmmm I pray the girl will live a normal life and find peace.as for the rapist well he deserve what he got.
Yep, that's exactly what I would do to anyone who tried that shit wi my lil girl. Beat him to death with my bare hands.
I will do worse then the girls father if someone tries that with my little daughter.that serves him good.
believe me he deserved dat jooor. Hw could he? Wat does a 5yrs old girl got dat attracted him 2 act dat way? If no b wickedness. In fact d evil man do or does this days surprise d devil itself. Evrytin man does is frm his heart. Those rapist go learn lesson. 1 rapist die 1 rapist less.
Truly, some people shouldn't be called human beings. I hope he rots n hell!
linda abeg post ma comment
I think the man deserves what he got, since he could not control his third leg, even to a 5yr old.
the killing is highly justified.Anyone who rapes a child or woman should be killed too because tax players money are being wasted during the whole court house brouhaha should he be left not to die
D man did wel, cos if am in his shoes i will do worse dan dat
Tank God his not been charged!
47 rapes 5yrs old!
Wat a wicked world!
Good his dead n gone!
I still don't knw how and why A̶̲̥̅̊ mind wil derive pleasure molesting an innocent and defenseles child.. This is truly the signs of endtime.. Don't want to be judgemental abwt diz bt I hope he rots in hell
men una dick no get respect sha,any were una see una go chuk,abeg e b like say some no fit control deir prick.dat man for kukuma slice d rapist dick.
That father deserves a fucking medal!!!!
This wld serve as a lesson. Rape isn't a good thing at all!
Nyc one! Its a pity d man died bt I tink ge got wat he deserved. So glad d law protected d fada!#dancin azonto#God allowed it jor!
Good 4 him.he shd rot in hell.papa pikin,dnt shw any sign of remorsefulnes.cld any1 imagine wht ds girl wld av felt whn he ws doin dt rubish? he got wht he desav.yeye man.u no fit go meet ashawo? na God go punish u.
Gosh! Pedophiles everywhere!
Nigerian judges shd follow suit
dis is GOOD!
he deserves it
i would have continued to beat him even after death!
jungle justice jare...mahn u never know how u will react in such situation..thats a loving,hurt father right there , so well judged
dis is GOOD!
he deserves it
good,we need more laws like this,he should have chopped off the idiots cock and made him to eat it,while he watch the bastard bleed to death,and then he can call 911
I can't understand how a man can be sexually aroused by d site of a 5yr old.....pervert. he deserved wat he got. I personally think castration wud hv been better but u knw white pple,dey wil take d man nw 4 psychiatric evaluation and say he has one illness den put him in a mental home or rehabilitation centre nd send him back home after 6mnths.
Useless fool, some men are heartless fa as in 5yrs gal oooo.
Serves him right, bastard! Didn't live to tell his devilish act. Suffer not a rapist to live. Tit for tat.
God forbid if i ever find anyone hurting my baby il probably do same
Very good...
~D great anonymous!
Sick demented peadophile. Welldone to the father for defending his little girl.
The little girl's dad did not commit any crime as far as i am concern. He defended his defenseless daughter. The little could have been killed while being raped.
Why should he face charges in the first place, the rapist got what he deserved
I will do worse! Chop off his dick and make sure he eats it b4 beatin him 2death.
That is wat I call justice.
Don't understand d whole story biko
d rapist deserves death.1st 2 comment :p.
Sometimes you just gotta love Texas. This is what rapists and paedophiles deserve
All's well that ends well! If na for 9ja now dem go still hold d girl papa for prison on useless reasons!
The agony of a father!
They should have still castrated him even after he died!!he is a wicked soul,anybody that rapes should be killed and anybody that rapes a child should be castrated n killed!
why d hell will he faces charges??
dat shld b the punishment for rape!
serves d culprit right!
If to say na black man, him for face charge
*runs away*
I won't say the deceased deserved to die but he had it coming. A five year old? Smh
Serves him right,any normal father wld have reacted like dat.
Gud instant jurgement what a heartless idot, dis wil serve as warning 2 his colleques out der.
Good that he was not punished because he will never be able 2 erase d fact that he killed a mann. I wil say things we do for love. Serves d rapist right.....
Chai! I feel 4 d dad of d gurl, he will neva 4get dis day.. M proud of his courage.. If d grand jury dare indict u, na God go punish dem n dia family, pesin go rape dia girls.
So Yerima dey USA? I love that law, I wish they'd enact it in Nigeria.
I know that murder is a crime but am supporting that man cos any grown that's capable of committing such atrocity can as well kill.
You rape my 5 year old daughter, I'll kill you, kill your spirit, kill your soul, then find the mother who raised you and finger her with a broken bottle.
Very good for the rapist. Idiot. Absolutely he was defending his daughter.
D man truly deserves to die + sis linda dat ur headline tho...kofe ye mi at first.
Well well well.... It was a mistake turly! Bt d mad man deserves it...wat wuld hv attracted him 2 a gurl of 5yrs old. Wat is dis world turnin into. If I was d gurl's father I wuld hv cut off his dick wit knife nd stil beat him 2 death...... Plss d gurl's pix shuldnt b released @all....bcos of her future. Its ma 1st tym eva 2 comment.
Well well well.... It was a mistake turly! Bt d mad man deserves it...wat wuld hv attracted him 2 a gurl of 5yrs old. Wat is dis world turnin into. If I was d gurl's father I wuld hv cut off his dick wit knife nd stil beat him 2 death...... Plss d gurl's pix shuldnt b released @all....bcos of her future. Its ma 1st tym eva 2 comment.
how i wish thats how all people that indulge in rape die.
So the peadophile had Jesus in his name and he still did something like this.
Maybe if they start pronouncing instant death on all these peadophiles and sexual offenders, then things would be better. The father would have not only killed him but chopped off his balls.
I would do more than that to him,if I find out he is dead,I would look for his spirit and torture it*spits*Oniranu oshi
I would do more than that to him,if I find out he is dead,I would look for his spirit and torture it*spits*Oniranu oshi
Anon 1.58pm you got a big point Biko. If na my black broad now dem go hol am even though pesin molest I'm dauta . Mtcheeew. As for the rapist good riddance
*singing in Sade Adu's voice* " and its the wild wild west...... " O boy ,some perverts tho.btw the sheriff is very attractive tho
Good...good verdict
D rapist dservs 2 die ova n ova again. Haba 47yrs to 5yrs
The man shld be resurrected and beaten to death again.
He did nt do it right, He should nt av beaten him with bare hands, he should av shot him in d head
Abeg ooo make person no do my dota dis kain tin oh becos even if I cut d person body into pieces like # 20 meat, e no go do me.
jezzzz!! Ur mean!!!@Finger her wiv a broken bottle?#Faints#
Am a mother o..I wouldn't have mistakenly killed him but intentionally..wicked man.no rapist should live.
What a Hero!
Eyaa...e for go Naija na..afterall I heard its perfectly legal to fuck children there..the govt said so..Mr peado..u for nor try that kin runs where normal pipu dey na..
Where's Prince charming naaa. Have been missing ur comment here. Pls come on board. All d comment here are boring without urs.
Abeg go learn how to read
Fucking peadophile...some case shouldn't even appear in court.He should be ripped apart from his hair strains to his finger nails.
Serves him right,old fool!
The girl's father should be rewarded for saving his daughter and the society from a wild beast
Lol @anon 2:53
U dey crase
Stupid man, dat serves him rite.If I'm d psn I ll slice his dick n every part of his body like dexter!
I feel sorry for both victims, child + rapist. Yes! Rapist too cos he wasn't stable. Grabbing her in front of her brother, raping her on her father's property...screams mental instability. and he is obviously an immigrant-Jesus, illegal maybe, so his state of mind went unnoticed/untreated. No sane person will do what he did in d manner he did it. Sad sorry.#JayBeyBlu
Some will receive their judgement here on earth while others will ,in heaven.Kuddos to the girl's father...
I don't support any human being dying in the hands of another but this is in defense of a powerless 3rd party and their law allows it. #LawOfImmediateJustice. Good for him.
Yes, I said so.
Why is the father feeling sorry. I'm a lady and the way I would have butchered the man and sit in his pool of blood. God have mercy on my soul. In nigeria we should start killing these paedophiles because the catch one and never investigate his past crimes. Same offender would have raped hundreds of girls. God pls protect your little girls because the block heads you put in charge of them are defiling them and your girls are losing their innocence and identity. Psychopaths. Anyone come near my boy or girl you will regret the day your mother gave birth to you.
Chai!!!! See matured handsomeness! Those lips! Cute and chubby man. Husband type. I dey wet for office here ooooo! Linda please give me this guy contact..
common sense law RULES!
Thank God the gal was rescued,d dead guy would ve said he wants to die dan involving a 5yr old baby.
Justice served!!!! I like!!! i don't mean 2 sound like a racist but if it was a black man will it be d same? i no Samuel L Jackson has acted a movie like this tho n he wasn't convicted but can't help but 2 think of Trevon's case.
Mums beware! Trust no man when it comes 2 d issue of ur daughters.
Mums beware! Trust no man when it comes 2 d issue of ur daughters.
I think the man deserved it however if this was a black man the judgement will be different.Louis theroux did a documentary on American jails and there was a black man in jail that shot a man for trying to rape his daughter in his own house
Mums beware! Trust no man when it comes 2 d issue of ur daughters.
Self defense and a part of me thinks justice.
Thunder fire you!
Well deserved justice.....
Idiot! May an igbo man fuck u in d asshole. Foolish goat! What has this got to do with igbo people...its high time we stopped hating on igbo people cos they are not better than we are...
Rapist or no Rapist. I won't forgive anyone who hurts my child.
For me people that hurt children, have no other reason to remain on this planet.
Ah Oga sean manuel you don enter oh. Libers no go kill me oh
I thot about dat too. But @ a point I had to re-read the write-up. It was said the man was full of remorse(cos he did not have any intention of killing) and he even tried to save the rapist's life by calling 911. He gave him blows on the head and neck. The black guy by shooting has an intention of killing so he had to be Jailed.(Cos he took the laws into his own hands). Shikenah
*psychopath* thank me later
That what he deserve, and I know the father doesn't mean to kill him, anybody would do anything to protect those people they love
N to worsen it all d rapiest name is (Jesus) Mora Flores,na wa oh someone wit such a name.......... Could actually hurt a fly.
I think am gonna move 2 texas.∂εγ seem fair.
This is the treatment they (paedophiles) all deserve.
U r such an asshole
Faggot!!!!!!! U shameless yoruba thief
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