This article contains stories that most ‘church people’ don’t want to address. So, if you are one of those living in denial and covering up crap going on in the church, this is where you should stop reading. Thanks for stopping by.
Now, for the rest of us, please sit down and switch on your open mind. I want to talk about something I have kept bottled up inside for longer than necessary. I have also decided to use real names, as my defense for any accusation of slander is justification. I tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but. However, feel free to throw your doubt around but know that I am past the shaming game (where victims of abuse are shot down by blame) I am no longer a victim but a survivor who is sharing her experience to help others caught in same web of abuse, guilt and shame. We only get to live once right? So here, it goes…I recently came to know this event too was abuse (recently here means about 6 months ago). It has literally been eating me up having to drive by another billboard advertising preachers, or hearing his name, or even trying to ask about the validity of the entire salvation story and whether or not there is a God that truly watches over his people. That being said, I’m just going to say it as it is. This is a recap of my affair with Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of COZA (Common Wealth Of Zion Assembly) Abuja chapter. This affair I have come to know as a form of abuse as you would see the different elements of abuse very present.
I met Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo many years ago. I was getting bored of the church I was attending and someone suggested COZA. At the time, I had never heard about it. My friend said, go there, I’m sure you would enjoy the word. But he also gave me a strong warning. He said he would advice that I remain a member only and not join the workforce. I agreed. The first time I attended COZA, I felt it was my church and decided I was going to plant my ass there. About eleven months had gone by and I was still attending the services quietly and faithfully. I really did like the church. One day a worker in the church approached me that the senior pastor wanted to see me.
Me? I thought. Why would the senior pastor want to see me? Not the second man but the head nigga in charge? Ok na! I started to think my sin was oozing so bad the pastor could tell I needed Jesus. (Poor old me.) I saw him at the end of the second service (they had two services at the time) and he said to me that he would like me to work with him. I knew I had no intentions of becoming a pastor so I had to ask in what capacity. He said he’d like for me to join a department, preferably the Pastoral Care Unit (PCU).
A few weeks later, against my friend’s advice not to join the workforce, I was a PCU member. All of a sudden, I had some status in church. I was ‘somebody.’ Dress had to be on point, hair, shoes and what not… As workers, we were literally trying to outshine each other or so it seemed. Anyways, I felt like I was a privileged member of an elite circle. Hehehe. (It did feel good though, for the most part.)
About a year after joining the workforce, I was on my way to London for a Masters degree program that would last two years. As was the rule for workers travelling, I wrote to say I would be away for 2 years and Pastor Biodun Fotoyinbo asked that I keep in touch by sending him my number and email when I had settled in London so he “makes sure I continue in the faith” because according to him, people loose their faith when they leave home and he wanted to make sure I didn’t. So, on that note, as soon as I got a phone line in London, I was sure to call ‘my pastor’ to say I arrived safe, had settled in and also gave my phone number.
We had spoken a few times especially when COZA started to stream online. I always watched and would give feedback on quality of production and share a little bit on the challenges I faced settling in a new land. One evening, Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo called me that he was coming to London and needed me to help him make some hotel bookings as the person who was meant to do it couldn’t get it done (this was rather strange as I had never been involved in his travel itinerary) Later that day, he said it had been sorted and my help would not be required but that he would like me to arrange a cab to pick him up from Heathrow. I was happy to help my pastor from Nigeria and even saw it as a privilege. (I would later come to learn that all of this was a calculated attempt to hatch a plan that I suspect was set in motion when I was asked to join the workforce.)
The cab guy was there to get him the next day and when he arrived, he called to ask why I didn’t accompany the cab to pick him up (again, this was strange but I stopped my mind from overanalyzing the situation as I knew I had no business with his visit to London) About two hours later, he called me and said he would like to see me. When I arrived his hotel, I called from the reception but he asked that I come upstairs. I got to the room and tried to stop my mind from thinking why I was going to his room. As he opened the door and invited me in, I had to speak to my heart to stop its palpitations. My better judgment asked me not to go into the room but the kind of reverence I had for Pasotr Biodun Fatoyinbo bordered on fear and I steeped into that room.
“Care for a drink?” Asked Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo.
“No sir,” I said.
“You don’t have to be shy Ese, even if it’s alcohol, feel free and order what you want.” I wasn’t sure I heard my pastor asking me to order alcohol. I imagined it was a test and ignored the voice inside that was saying, “I’d have henny and coke please.” He proceeded to ask how I had been coping in London and if I was a committed member of any church. He also said he thought there was something special about me and wanted to know that I had not strayed from my faith. I really thought he had heard I was doing something I shouldn’t while in London but tried my best to focus on the conversation instead of my straying thoughts. He kept telling me to relax and feel comfortable with talking to him. After a few minutes, he asked that we go to the roof of the hotel as his room was a pent suite and had a connecting door to the roof.
While there, he sat on a reclining chair and asked me to come sit on his laps. This was a bit awkward for me and I froze for a moment as I asked why. He said he had told me to feel free with him and loosen up. I found myself strolling to sit on his laps. At that moment, I felt like a little girl who was experiencing something her mind couldn’t fathom. He asked me to kiss him and all I could think about was seeing him preach on the pulpit back in COZA Abuja, Nigeria, which was my home church. He again said ‘feel free Ese.’ And asked again, that I kiss him.
A few hours later, let’s just say, we were rolling under the sheets. It felt as though my mind had paused. I am not saying I was jazzed, (although it’s possible I was in some trancelike state and didn’t know it but I just was so afraid that I couldn’t say or think otherwise.) That was the beginning of this affair. A sexual affair that went on for a little over a week, DAILY!
I can hear somebody’s mind thinking, ‘well, you weren’t raped.” And I remember a pastor I opened up to when I couldn’t take all the mind games asking if I seduced him. No, I didn’t seduce him and no, I wasn’t raped but I felt trapped in this affair. Come to think of it, how could I have seduced him when I wanted nothing from him? I mean, I was too busy minding my business in London trying to get through with my masters program and I was overly comfortable. And even if I wanted to seduce anyone, it wouldn’t be a married man, not to mention a married pastor.
What I couldn’t reconcile the whole time, was how the same person who preached against the very things we were doing (i.e drinking in pubs, fornicating, committing adultery) was the same person endorsing and encouraging it.
At some point, I got really confused about what Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo and I were doing that I had to ask how he handles it. I will never forget what he said to me. He said and I quote, “I will teach you a level of grace that you don’t understand.” My mind couldn’t fathom that somehow grace was enough covering for not just fornication on my path, adultery on his path and the many lies that was bound to follow what we were doing that was clearly abominable. I somehow dealt with the thoughts and fears that followed on my path. He had said to me that he wanted me to be his girlfriend and he would take me around the world and spoil me with money and things. Somehow, money had never been one of the things that motivated me (I am from a home where all my needs have been adequately met) In all my ‘badness’ through finding myself, I never did things I did for money but more of rebellion against rules and authority.
Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo also said to me that he had a dream where I exposed what was happening to the media. Said it was all over the place and that people were calling me the girl that caused chaos in COZA. He also said I should remember the bible said to “touch not God’s anointed.” I immediately started to rebuke the devil and said I could never do anything like that. I was almost swearing with my entire family as I thought really I had touched God’s anointed by submitting my body to be used. Little did I know at the time that all of these were ways to mess with my mind and even manipulate my thoughts.
Fast-forward a few months later, I was back in Nigeria and my church had become uncomfortable. Anytime I sat in church and listened to Pastor Biodun preach, I felt shame. I finally sent him a message saying I wasn’t comfortable anymore. I was confused and needed to talk about what had happened. He said I should meet him to talk and I did. It was a really weird meeting for me especially when he tried to kiss me at our meeting. I finally realized at this point that he couldn’t help me. I thought God was angry with me and I couldn’t pray so I decided to withdraw completely from COZA. This was the beginning of my mental torture. I couldn’t talk to my family because already, I was the only one attending a different church and somehow my mom never liked the idea. As the days went by I tried to use drinking and smoking to cover up the deep shame and guilt I was battling with. But as soon as the high was over, the thoughts came back and I felt stuck like I couldn’t move forward.
I felt I had to talk to someone and I decided to speak to my then good friend, Ernest Akale but unfortunately for me, Mr. Ernest did not have the capacity to hold what I said to him. He broke down completely the days that followed and I found myself having to pause how I was feeling and what I was struggling with to help my friend be strong. After a while, he withdrew from not just me but his then fiancĂ© and friends. I had to then tell the fiancĂ© what had caused it (she suspected we were having an affair so I had to clear the air) To my surprise she was a lot stronger than her man and told me to suck it up (I’m paraphrasing). She said if she were me, she wouldn’t leave the church but stay to torment Pastor Biodun and collect money from him. Ok! That sounded extreme for me, as my intention was not to blackmail but to heal my broken self. Anyways, I finally found the courage to speak to my then unit head who said he was going to talk to Pastor Biodun but didn’t have the liver to do so. Before long, the story was spreading and naturally getting twisted.
I went to a new church and it seemed like the COZA bug had chased me there. The pastor would always refer to COZA as some example and each time that was done, it seemed like a spear was thrust through my chest. One day, I broke down in the service and started crying uncontrollably, as I couldn’t take another mention of COZA and the pictures it painted in my head.
Very long, boring story cut short, for the last 5 months I gave the whole church thing a big space and break. I wasn’t sure I believed in God. I wasn’t sure I understood what it meant when people said ‘Jesus saves” and I definitely wasn’t sure how to deal with the mental torture that was affecting not just me but my relationships with family and friends. I was very unstable, fearful and worst of all guilty. I got a chance to talk to Pastor Folarin of COZA Lagos Chapter, popularly called Pastor flo about everything. I made an effort to reach out to him because I realized the right thing to do was talk to an elder in the church and seek some sort of remedy to a wrong I believed had been done me.
Instead, Pastor Flo said, Pastor Biodun had confessed to him and they had ‘talked’ about it and somehow that was supposed to be Ok. He asked what it was I wanted coming to talk to him about it when I did, I told him I realized what happened between Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo and I was wrong and not just that I felt abused and manipulated. I also said I thought it was wrong for Pastor Biodun to go on preaching without taking time to deal with his personal character flaws. I said I thought he was danger to all the young women that attended the church. Come to think of it, maybe he meant if I wanted something monetary or material (as someone had suggested when I opened up to her) but the truth is, I never wanted his money (or is it the church member’s money.) All I wanted was to meet with him and have him accept that he misled me, betrayed his wife and the church he pastors. I wasn’t the only lady in COZA who had been a victim of his sexcapades and manipulative patterns but I was the one who could come back after months of struggle with not just my faith but also my affair with him. And I wanted to set things right. I wanted to talk to Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo maybe for closure and I felt like I needed an apology because he played the “touch not my anointed” card to keep me locked in guilt, shame and fear when all along it was a calculated plan and I dare say, it started when he asked me to join the workforce.
Not to mention the audacity to talk about teaching me a level of grace I didn’t understand. I had no intention of understanding a grace that would permit me to go on doing things that were wrong and what’s worse having to carry the burden for almost a year.
Different surprising advises came up in the weeks that followed the rumour making rounds. I was told to hush because Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo had been a cultist in the past and could send people to shut me up. All my so-called friends in COZA withdrew from me and treated me like I had the plague. What was worse was Pastor Flo finally saw my then pastor to ‘talk’ about what had happened with Pastor Biodun and lied that it happened once and was a mistake. My question then became, ‘do these people even care how broken I had become?’ ’do they care about the emotional and spiritual welfare of the people they were pastoring?’ The sad answer was NO. Most of us old members of COZA kept leaving but they couldn’t care less. What was important was to keep growing the church and having more and more cars with stickers that read “More than enough.” Back then, I always felt horrible when I saw another car drive past me with the sticker. I was breaking, I was struggling but no one could help. All they could do was ask me to hide so Pastor Biodun’s goons don’t hurt me. And then the interesting one was if I had evidence to prove my claim. Let me just say here that, it isn’t a claim, it’s a confession to free me from all of the guilt and shame I have had to live with for no reason at all. (That being said, I have evidence to prove all I have said here, the latest being a 58 minutes recording of my meeting with Pastor Flo a few months back)
This is my confession and I cannot begin to describe how much weight has been lifted off of my shoulders just pouring the truth out about what went down. So, to all my ex COZA friends gossiping about me, get your facts right. To those who said they’d help me deal with the pain but didn’t, I forgive you, I have learnt how to deal with it and I am doing just fine. To those who fear for my safety saying Pastor Biodun would send people to shut me up, I really have gone past fearing for my life. To live is gain and to die is Christ (or how does Paul say it again?) And to the only person who ever supported me through it all, thank you, I am learning to be brave. Please don’t think I am perfect in all of this but in line with living my authentic life and putting all forms of abuse behind me, this is where I press the stop button and stop the bleeding. This is where I break the silence and call the church to stand up for what it has been commissioned to do. If you will not enter the Kingdom, please don’t stop others who are trying to enter.
I still remember when I used to nurse the idea of digging up emails, text messages, hotel billings (as once I used my card to pay for his room when his master card failed to work) to prove there was an affair. It was pathetic. Why for the love of heaven was I trying to dig up evidence? I am satisfied setting the record straight. I am ready for any shaming or bashing that would follow because the truth is, because of what I have suffered and come through, I am really not moved by what people say or think about me anymore. I am a stronger woman and a damn abuse survivor seeking to connect with other victims of abuse to show them how to deal with the shame, hurt and guilt and how to come out stronger. Turning their mess into their message.
I am Ese Walter and I have gone through all forms of abuse from family, boyfriends, my ex pastor and some strangers not to break me, but so I stand and so I qualify to help victims. My scars have qualified me and when all is said and done, I will still be standing. I AM WOMAN, I BEND, I DON’T BREAK!
Cheers to the freaking weekend!!!
1 – 200 of 891 Newer› Newest»Alright. Lets hear from the pastor.
Pple who are looking 4 Miracle up and down! Na only God go deliver una 4rm the hand of fals pastor. Via Twitter @stcharles_
Linda,i tell you this girl is not lying ,i experienced the same thing with this same pastor when i was in abuja in 2008/2009 serving at a popular restaurant in abuja,(i was attending the church) after experiencing a similar case with his friend a pastor in lagos PASTOR BOLAJI IDOWU of havester international christian center,i just couldnt take bieng emotionally abused again with a pastor ,so i ran for my life....this men are dirty i tell you,its so so sad,and its time to bring a total full stop to this....HELP!
linda it is fatoyinbo not fatoyimbo
Ese walter! You are just a hypocrite!! Shamelessly telling the world how ignorant and dumb u are!! Smh!! Wat publicity are u tryn 2 gain from slandering sm1's name?? How much were u paid for this cos cheap sluts like you dnt deserve any mercy at all!!! I pity for you. Going arund begging and seeking for pity!! Did dey tie ur leg 2 his room? When u requested for henny n coke wat did u think u were gettg into? When u magically find ur slutty self into his bed what consumed you??? Even d lowest man in d workforce won't even date you and you r here seeking for publicity. I pity ur kind!! Idiot! Mumu of the highest order! Take several seats cos this karma is waiting for you!
Linda u better post this! This ese or wateva her name is need 2 be bitch-slapped with a lawsuit!
Lindiway, am actually the first to comment? Alright, thank you. I can now go back to read the article.
may come back to comment on the post later.
Ahaa...linlin ive been eagerly waiting for you to publish this story. I want to hear what LIBers would say. As for my take , im glad she had the gots to publish this. She hasnt claimed to b a saint but for the so called role model pastor, I hope he gets his due reward. God will judge
Dis is damning !!!!!!
I believe her and wish her well in her healing. I have not bn to the church in almost a yr. Not that i lost my faith in the Lord but the so called men of God.
If this is the truth, You have done the right thing gurl.
pastors and leaders of churches bullshit.... d devil is Really taking over the church....and I just recently heard about lords chosen stuff... where are we really safe......
Wow...just wow!
well u definitely bent
If this is the truth, then you have done the right thing. Let heaven pass its judgement!
Y must it b a public confession u saw that he wadnt rdy to doo all ur demands u came bk to nigeria n nided his attention it wasn't workn u bcme jealous n xposed him tryn to gain cheap popularity mydear God wld judge u as 4u pastor mayGod forgv u if this story is true coz no smoke witout fire but my people mk una no go tempt pastor o him no b spirit rmber no body holy passs ooo
...you dey VEX
Wow!!! U really are a strong woman, thank God you are doing beTter now.
*Deep breath*
Dats how myfriend insulted me bcoz I asked y thy use ipad in coza as bibble if ipad way porn dey vedeos n all wordly tins dey u stil cary as word of God hmmmM tinz dey hapen o abi dem go use ipad cast out deamon
I've been hoping you'll post this. Now waiting for the anonymous comments, that's where exposee are
Is this lady serious? How did he Abuse her for Christ sake. This lady is not in the work force of Coza or has ever been. Secondly check out her face book site, she has never poster any of the numerous activities of Coza on her site. May God punish her for her lies and expose her in the most disgraceful manner ever.
Hmmmm!!! Sad indeed!!! My dear, Jesus is real!!! He saves!!!! He is the author and finisher of our faith!!! He has forgiven you and everyone who is involved in this. Just reach out to Him and He will heal you. Forgive the pastor and everyone involved in this and move on...it might be tough but you'd be the better for it. Also ask God to direct you to a bible believing church so that you can grow in your relationship with Him. God bless you dear.
u read De bible every day and u know De truth am not trying to blame u. u need to plead for God mercy. as of De pastor he is an agent of hell
Stupid ugly runs girl, has she even seen the Pastor's wife? Ese, you don't hold a candle where she stands. Mtewwwwww...
I think she's very brave and strong to come out about been abused/manipulated by a Man of God.
Hmmmm. Well Said, Only God Knows who truly serves him... There would really be surprises in heaven
Like you said, its just one side of the story. I think I would have been a lot more comfortable with dates and years not "fast forward a few months". And I hope this lady is ready for the backlash that I can fathom is coming.
Coza is bringing a lot of pple to God, especially the young generation and the devil is so sad about that. Smh at using her card to pay for the Pastor's expenses, as if...
is this Ese from IUO, MMMM some deep revelation. I don't know why, but i totally believe her story. It's sooo sad that the same people that God has commissioned to win souls are the same ones derailing souls.
Even if this lady's story isn't true, which by the way I think it is, COZA as a church needs to go back to the old time religion. I live here in Abuja and have seen how people flock to this church and have idolised pastor Abiodun fatoyinbo.
This is the only church where there's a resident paparazzi takes your photo as you walk into church, posts it and tag you on facebook. There's a customer service desk in silverbird Abuja for COZA! My God is this a church or a PLC?
It is an open secret that ladies flock there to locate husbands and the men to tap into the 'prosperity' hoax.
I get that really, the gospel must be passed through any medium available but COZA is taking theirs to far!
If you're a first timer, a card will be given to you to mark your attendance and after each step there's a reward including 'Dinner with senior pastor' for the most attendance. Are we still worshipping God or has Church become a reality show? May God help us!
Na serious wah o
Even without hearing from the pastors side, I will say to her that she should have limited the proximity she had with him despite his being a man of God. I neither castigate nor support any of them.
Thou the bible said touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. For some reason, I believe Ese. Why? Because I know pastor Biodu, I have worked with him, had a chat with him one on one and now we are enemies.
The part that bothers me the most is the ex-cultists and death threats.
Society keeps getting worse. What will happen by time my kids are my age?!
I am so speechless..let's b honest she's also at fault for allowing ha emotional needs to over shadow ha spiritual beliefs! I personally don't want to imagine what she's going thru cos dis will ruin any1 in ha situation! It takes d grace of God to pull tru nd b strong..I can't help but say dis thing is rampard honestly I have been in similar situation..d only difference is dis pastor is not married yet but its funny how a man of God will want to make u fornicate ..is it bcos salvation is free? Or cos his grace is free? Dats y we are not bordered anymore? Let's just watch our steps pls! Only God can b d judge of what hapnd btw dem! @xclucivexter!
You go girl. Another one bites the dust. So what next?
Guess its onto the next one.
Gosh! I dont know what to say!..is this really true?.wow!
Wow! Wat a post she gat guts u knw, any way u hav jst set ursef free ESE. No one is perfect.
Smdh.... I 100% believe u, pastors and churches of today are shameless. Kudos for speaking up, I know it couldn't have been easy.
Sooo touching.. If I say I dnt bliv ds den am a big lier... Now I wld summon courage to go and confess abt mine.. I wnt say it out like ds cos I ws on my right sences wen i commited it ...rev fathers and pastors are nothing to standby.. Even d so called elders in d church.. One stil disturbs me wit his dick pix.. God pls hlp me..tears
this is the most annoying,stupid,foolish confession as u call it ever....are u for real like serzly u didnt think of what u were abt to do before kissing and sleeping with him and nw u feeling guilty? Bitch get a life and leave pastors alone.God wil judge them his own way
Hmmmmm....only God knows d truth,buh ds story sure sounds true..keep keeping on girl (Linda,post my comment biko)
What a revelation...dnt ve anything 2 say but tht Let God b truth and let the truth prevail
This is why I don't even bother with church again these days. I worship God from home. Most churches these days are ruled my occultic and demonic personnel
YAAAAAAAAAAAAWN Linda you will pay me cos i sent the link to you.
COZA members will soon start with my pastor is under attack story. RUBBISH.
YEPAAAAAAA! see Gobe for Pastor Biodun oooh
A-freaking-MAZING! I don't comment too often even as a die-hard LIBer but by God this story has a truth tinge to it and I just want to say that for truth's sake, Ese stay strong and if this is fabricated then you know what'll befall you. Please Christians let's all know that our salvation aint tied to any church or pastor but we must live our life by the tenets of God's Word...no Man and I repeat, No Man is PERFECT including pastors and Bishops.
I rest my Case!
Ese Walter if I heard you well, you weren't forced to do all this, ok if Ď„̣̣̥ħ℮ pastor is a dog in sheep clothing,itz a point for anoda day,but gurl u rock a presumed man of God for almost a year n u start feeling bad about it,if itz wqasnt ur intention at first, u shldnt ve continue my dear, u re not clean also even though Ď„̣̣̥ħ℮ pastor is guilty, u had sex wif him not once bt I guessed many times and he never forced himself on u. Gosh why wud continue if not that u re rotten n u enjoyed it..to be candid der must have been a real story u aint telling neither is ur hands clean. Beware of fake pastor n cheap girl wif lil faith in God.
Hmmh, I can't judge anyone, both Ese and the Pastor, only God knows what really happened.
Ese Walter if I heard you well, you weren't forced to do all this, ok if Ď„̣̣̥ħ℮ pastor is a dog in sheep clothing,itz a point for anoda day,but gurl u rock a presumed man of God for almost a year n u start feeling bad about it,if itz wqasnt ur intention at first, u shldnt ve continue my dear, u re not clean also even though Ď„̣̣̥ħ℮ pastor is guilty, u had sex wif him not once bt I guessed many times and he never forced himself on u. Gosh why wud continue if not that u re rotten n u enjoyed it..to be candid der must have been a real story u aint telling neither is ur hands clean. Beware of fake pastor n cheap girl wif lil faith in God.
Ese Walter, I feel your pain and relate with you. You have done great to come out to say this. You are a strong woman. Most of the people that will abuse you here will fall for something cheaper than that. Just keep your head straight and live life to the fullest.
You r one in a million dear. I can imagine ur pain. Will chill for the other side of the story tho
LIbers should please be kind in their comments. It takes great courage for a person to open up like this without minding whose horse is gored.
Wateva yipeeeeee first to comment whoop whoop
God help your children
Ese Walter, I feel your pain and relate with you. You have done great to come out to say this. You are a strong woman. Most of the people that will abuse you here will fall for something cheaper than that. Just keep your head straight and live life to the fullest.
He didn't break you! You broke yourselfb!!! Come to think of it he didn't force you to do anything, u did it willingly because you don't have a mind of your own. Your pastor clearly does not practice what he preaches, you both need deliverances from whatever bondages you may be in. This isn't only a matter of him being a pastor but being a married man. I think you both enjoyed it while it lasted cos it wasn't a mistake, it didn't happen once or twice but for like a year. Its not guilty conscience you're feeling now darling, its really not! Heal yourself from within and move on with your life. PS; I see no reason why u had to bring this into the media though cos its not really needed! You both are GUILTY!
Hmmm! And d moral lesson of d affair being???
~D great anonymous!
i feel the writers pain becos i was once a victim. It all started like a movie.
My then MD( was the founder of MARANATHA CHRISTIAN CHAPEL INTERNATIONAL and FOUNDER /PRESIDING MENTOR MARANATHA INTERNATIONAL SCHOOLS). We were inseparable for over a year and the affair was secret.
i feel serious pain just like the writer every single day of my life and i wish i could turn back the hands of time to make amends.
i shed tears as i type this cos i feel guilty and the pain is killing me.
Na wao... God is watching both parties.... Das all
More power to you, Ese. I cant imagine the torment you have dealt with. God is the ultimate healer and he knows all. He without sin, i dare you to cast the first stone at Ese
Hmmm! And d moral lesson of d affair being???
~D great anonymous!
Firstly,the story is too long for my head,secondly many things happen in church or mosque it's up to the followers whether he/she go there to worship or do other things,at the end it's only God that we judge everyone
Linda, d issue is not whether i believe this girl or not. Cos truth be told, such things n worse things are happening in our churches. However, d question is DO YOU EXPECT THE PASTOR TO ACCEPT GUILT? Even if u hear his own side of the story, i already know his response. The issue now is WHO IS TELLING THE TRUTH?
Pastors, they are all the same. I only pity the people that follow that.
Can you imagine a pastor buried by Oro worshiper, that is Pastor Ajanaku, just wait, they will all be exposed
hard words from a soft girl!hope u feel better
Ask GOD 4 forgiveness and leave ur life at full. Happy weekend 2 u.
*Whew* in BBM Smiley. Long epistle. Truth be told u let urself into this, you had had ur chances to say NO right from the onset but u kept on. Well, now u've bore and still bearing the consequences. But come to think of it #what its not all the truth that's being stated by you. Well there are two sides to a story, let's wait and here our #LoverboyPastor's# version first.
But God dey patient o, If not...
Why do women like to play victim though? You had an affair with a married man and he somehow misled you? Bite me but I don't get how this girl is a victim..Bitches like this make it hard for the real victims..
You made a mistake...buck it up and move on..If your pastor tells you to jump into Atlantic Ocean, will you jump? Is he God? The whole story jump made me angry. Behaving like baby Ann.. are you a baby? A man telling you to sit on his leg and you carry your two left legs and sit....#LongHISS...
Call a spade a spade..you had the hots for Mr Pastor and he had the hots for you..You decided to engage in fuckery and perhaps he isn't picking your call or you were expecting love but didn't get love..Keep calm and Stop claiming victim
@Ese walker,clap for urself, rly dont kw what you intended T̶̲̥̅Ć ̴͡ achieve by this tin,either its a scandal or the truth, dont care,what kw Č‹̝̊̅§ that the fact that he Č‹̝̊̅§ a pastor doesnt make him a spirit & doesnt make him powerful 2wards temptation & sin,he Č‹̝̊̅§ G̶̲̥̅Ć ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅'s elect,but still very human... hope U̶̲̥̅̊ find u̶̲̥̅̊r healing though,buh also remember that this man Č‹̝̊̅§ annointed Çżf G̶̲̥̅Ć ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ & once he has settled W̶̲̥̅̊it̶̲̥̅̊Ń’ G̶̲̥̅Ć ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅,Ďž•̸ε̲̣̣̣̥ have no right T̶̲̥̅Ć ̴͡ judge him...bible says"the gift Çżf G̶̲̥̅Ć ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ Č‹̝̊̅§ without repentance"... pray G̶̲̥̅Ć ̴̴̴͡D̶̲̥̅ T̶̲̥̅Ć ̴͡ judge this the way he alone knws best!
Hmmmmmmm!!!! Soooo sad. What is this world turning into. May God have mercy..... Thank you so much for sharing.
*Whew* in BBM Smiley. Long epistle. Truth be told u let urself into this, you had had ur chances to say NO right from the onset but u kept on. Well, now u've bore and still bearing the consequences. But come to think of it #what its not all the truth that's being stated by you. Well there are two sides to a story, let's wait and here our #LoverboyPastor's# version first. Fingers crossed!
But God dey patient o, If not...
They were having consented sex - END OF STORY
Hmmmmmmmmm.am sick and tired of all ds pastors and dere scandals,we are yet 2 swallow dt of choosen mopol nw ds,young lady I admire ur courage o jire ur free as long as u geninuely seek 4 God's forgive.
i believe her and i think the church should apologise to her and the pastor should step down,,nigerians fear their pastors and always refuse to reason with their heads for fear of being tagged an unbeliever..mtchewwwww..outward Christianity seems to be better appreciated in nigeria unfortunately for us God looks only at the heart and motives
I can imagine the relief you feel right now and I'm happy for you. I have also been a victim but I stood my ground and didn't go all the way. Keep being strong. To all who would defend this 'pastor' hope you wont get disappointed tomorrow. You only know yourself, you don't know the other person.
She sounds stupid. Why will you at this century fall for all that. What planet is she from cef? She is def not born again and she has to get close to God.
***EDO BABE***
I am a victim and d last was even few months ago.May God's mercy continue to prevail.I have gone as far as confession in the Catholic faith and I have made peace with God.The only option is to stay away once you signal such advances.May God's mercy prevail over our lives in Jesus mighty name,Amen
WOW!!!!!!!!!! All i can say to you now is; It is well with you IJN and I sure hope this confession will bring the needed closure you so desired.
Deep breath!
I cant believe Nigerians can be so dumb to believe this scrap story with no evidence,at least let us see the mails and text you exchanged,get us cctv footages etc.If you lie God will deal with you.
WOW!!!!!!!!!! All i can say to you now is; It is well with you IJN and I sure hope this confession will bring the needed closure you so desired.
Wow! Well u r a great writer,but u slept wit him cos he was cute rite?hahahaaa.Ur besty's fiancee must b som real naija babe cos askn u 2 colect cash 4rm him is typical Naija. Lyk 2pac said only God can judge!maidemoselle Linda pls post my comment oo cos if u dnt,i'ma set u up wit som cutie. U heard!
Let the truth prevail
Wahala dey ooo! Nice write up anyways it seems to me that ur a good writer.wonders shall never end.all men cheat including the so called men of God.just like Linda said I cannot draw conclusion pending when the pastor in question react.
hmmm, i believe you girl.
I don't believe this ese and pastor bioduns story,maybe not entirely,she is sounding like a drug addict,just maybe.if they had an affair,sh just does not sound like she was exposing him out of guilt,but u re sounding like a girl who was dumped and is trying to get back at the man who dumped her.u made ur choice,some of these ladies sleep with big pastors,politicians etc just to reassure themselves and prove that they are pretty,ese!my take is...the world will take u seriously when you tell the whole truth.
Well Ese, it is well, I believe you for no reason just bcos my heart pines as i read your story! Truth is: that pastor will never admit to it, so stop hoping he does. I have heard a version of the grace thing before but these people should know that we have conscience if they killed theirs. Many of us think that bcos God forgave David regardless of his sins means that He can dish out same measure of grace to us. Forgive this pastor, forgive yourself. You have done good and God loves You that is why He gave you Jesus!
Blood curling. I hv since given up trying to make ppl understand d hoccus poccus dat is dis modern day pentecostal churches,where robbery,adultery,fornication,scams are explained away using sm demented translation of d holy book. D worst part is dat nigerians claim to be smart ppl,but wen it cms to church matter,we all turn mumu n let sm sweet tlking,expensively dressed modern day scammers continue to take advantage of our undying belief in d supernatural to enrich themselves n even sexually assault our children. In dis country, u jazz everybdy weneva u wave d holy book n tlk sweetly abt seed sowing n the generosity of God in rewarding 'only' those dat empty there pockets of there hard earned money. And cm to think of it,it seems d more d churches d worse our country gets. It is tym for us to open our eyes n see d message God had been struggling to get to us thru d massive maze of our stubbornness.
Woooow! Nne I applaud u! Wat a brave girl! We need more of these women in niaja 2 stop abuses!
***deep breathe****
i believe you with the sincerity of my heart. may God heal u perfectly. but if you're lying. sis, you're on your own.
Sisiter ESE WALTERS i will advic you to go for a DELIVERANCE at the Mountain of fire and Miracles Ministry Prayer city Branch and for the G.O of COZA he also needs DELIVERANCE of against the spirit of Jezebel and he should try get this Boo when the DELIVERER NEEDS DELIVERANCE By Dr. D.K.OLUKOYA
Wow , dis is serious bt left to me dis public confession is nt needed . All u could av done is go back to God , ask for forgiveness n am sure he will bcos he is a fogivin father . And leave the so called pastor to God to deal with, all dis new generation churchs are sumtin else , dey dnt preach the WORD rather on ow to make money and grace commit sin.
I still don't understand why u slept with d man buh I realize dt smtimes we jst tend to follow those we believe in and respect, blindly! Thank God that u opened ur eyes and walked away from dis mess. We shud understand dt we serve God and not any pastor or priest! Believe and practise wat d bible says more dan wat ur pastor says! He's a human being like u and he's nt infallible! Read ur bible, u av also being ordained by God! Respect ur pastor buh dnt follow him blindly
I still don't understand why u slept with d man buh I realize dt smtimes we jst tend to follow those we believe in and respect, blindly! Thank God that u opened ur eyes and walked away from dis mess. We shud understand dt we serve God and not any pastor or priest! Believe and practise wat d bible says more dan wat ur pastor says! He's a human being like u and he's nt infallible! Read ur bible, u av also being ordained by God! Respect ur pastor buh dnt follow him blindly
Ese thanks for writing this. As for the threats seek legal and spiritual aid, pray fervently. I believe your story because I was once a pastor of a pentecostal church&most so called pentecostal churches are full of shit and the pastors are always after money &sweet mouthing in the form of preaching. Don't get me wrong, the word of GOD is power but all dese cultist and people with strange powers establishing churches for the gain of the devil. GOD help us.
I'm sure the reason you gave in was because you held him in so much awe.
Lesson of the day, immediately you start to sense something wrong from your pastor don't give in to anything. All dese so called men of GOD are worse than idol worshippers infact they are the devil incarnate
This is one of the bravest things I have seen or heard. She has done what a lot of pple are too ashamed or afraid to do. As for women like me and Ese whu are out there, God will give d grace to find closure and peace. Somethngs yu jst can't explain. And yes,its Ese Walter Rugbere of IUO.
@cherie jo you make too much sense abeg... This girl is NOT lieing what does she have to gain? she is still single she has put her self out there for public ridicule but doesn't care. You go girl lets expose these wolves in sheep clothing. it has happened in an RCCG parish in surulere the wife caught them and he was ex-communicated.
I know Ese well and i believe her 100%. if you don't believe her no one is judging you, everyone has their own opinion. The girl made a mistake by sleeping with the pastor, YES and she has been battling with that guilt for a long time now. she has done the right thing by coming out to speak the truth.now that Ese's story is out, i have heard about another lady who had the an affair with the same pastor and various other stories.
Nigerians when will you stop worshipping your pastors??? he is man and not God! neva forget that!!! to the issue of the church...i have been to COZA twice and the truth is their members esp ladies dress indecently...but what do you expect when all they preach is wealth and your God is not a poor God...Nigerians when will you ever learn...stop carrying religion on your head... it is not your passport to heaven...leave rightly and justly!!! God help us all!!!
Shut up!!! Dnt judge smbody until u av been in d same condition!!! If u av notin to say oda dn insult den read and move on! She dint beg u to read it.
Hmmm na wa
Anonymous August 23, 2013 at 2:42 PM....U are very foolish...Ode like you..*hissss*...Pastor pls speak up!
Linda i believe this story cos it's not new with pastors. My own friend has been a victim and told me her story when the relationship which was suppose to end in marriage packed up cos of the guy's series of affairs with women. You see, should this be in the western world, the pastor will own up, apologise to his congregation and take time off the pulpit to make up with God and also let his followers get over the saga. But here, the man will keep quiet, or deny and his followers will cuss the day light out of anyone who dares say otherwise. Ese Walters erred too by letting this man go that far with her, but truth is, her story will help liberate a lot people who are under the spell of these smooth talking and mindless pastors and also help her find peace of mind.
ESE we are not fools.Your story is scrap
She is not afraid to call names. She is a trained lawyer so she knows d consequences of slander. Before yu start insulting her,think again. Church is supposed to be a place of restitution but d focus is shifting from d word to our pastors and dats why we have issues like dis. I can relate to dis cos I av been there. I have found peace but it doesn't ever go away completely. I am married now with a child and I still jerk wen I rememba. God will indeed help us.
Tsk tsk tsk! God doesnt answer bad prayers!!! :p
Blood of Man! Dats all I can say.
Na real craz dey worry U. Fool, how on earth will u blame dat poor lady for exposing d God for saking pastor dat was ready to dashed her dreams. E be like say na so u sef be. Idiot. Say something to heal her wound not to add to her wounded heart.
hmm..Only God will save his pple..I dnt knw this lady,but wen u look at wat hapns in COZA the dressing,the way they worship their pastor and everything one will be forced to blieve the story..its not far from wat is hapnin in churches today..i hv seen a lot,i hv also experienced similar cases...the annoying thin is the way this men of God washes ur brain,and act like the whole fornication thin btw u nd dem is right..HMM..God save ur pple..All we can do is pray for the church nd the ministers of it...Cos only God can change this ,as for this story i say its 101% true..trust me..My dear God will help u...its not easy though....
You are beautiful sha, that might be your own cross
If her story is true, God would see her through. Its not right a lot of pastors preach grace as a right 2 sin.God hates sin, God wants holiness and righteousness while we live under grace. All christians be it pastors or fellowers are equal and same b4 God. All christians must stand 4 d truth @ all times. Only d truth liberates.
Oh well.these tns happen.but I love COZA..so much.classy church n dt pastor is jst a hottie.he is chubby but then..he looks good.n his wife looks classy n nice.habits...there re jst some tns we ve to ask God to help us control.some pple jst can't do without sex n its jst terrible dt ds man of God cldnt control himself.say wat u want,but I believe ese.pple will come here n call her names n all wat not but it takes a lot of courage to come out n put a stop to ds kinda act.rather than die of guilt since the kind pastor didn't show any remorse,it was good she said it.I pray she finds a way to move on.I won't judge u.at all.all the best.
Shameless loose whore. You must not wash your garment in public. Confess your sin to God and not the public and u did it to the public cos you want to pull the man of God down. Is the pastor the first man to FUCK you? bitch.
This is indeed abuse. These so called pastors are of such influence upon their flock that it takes a lot of courage especially from a young nobody to resist them.
I believe you. But until I hear from the pastor, no other comments; except that you are beautiful...the more reason I believe you. Be strong
Wow! This is a true eye opener. I am not a Nigerian but have had my fair share of bad experiences with Nigerians. Nevertheless I feel with you, and I'm sure this story is similar in most parts of this world. Just a few loopholes in your story my dear, however it is only God, you and pastor ade biodu....whatever, who know the true story. Keep your chin up, stay faithful and leave the rest to God. Best wishes
Lmsao!!! Nawa oh!!!! God help us!
So even if you and d pastor had a thing blogs and papers are now the God u confess to and heal you..this is cheap popularity + it ws his fiance then his wife.young ldy get some cohesion in your story.
Am just going to say you where naĂŻve and stupid and you allowed yourself to be manipulated. Of course I believe your story and I also feel bad for you as well buh now you've learnt your lesson and I hope this will be a lesson to many o we girls out there cus we all know this things happen all the time.
i actually believe her. She did this to have some sort of closure. At the end of the day, everything in this world is vanity upon vanity. We would all stand before God, our works will be judged.
Why don't I believe this story, is this yet another attempt to gain fame or sabotage the man of God. Oh well, only time will tell. As for me, I don't believe ESE WALTER!!! One bit.
Ese, did your then pastor force his way into your honey pot? and u said u paid his hotel bills when his master card failed, girl how did that happen? when he was already in his hotel room chilling before u meet him. Girl, u have no case. u are yet to say the truth what transpired between both of u. SHAMELESS. Linda for Christ sake post this comment.
Hey shut up there! U must def be a coza member. Stay there with ur ignorant self and don't shine ur eyes. Mumu!!!
Babe,I bliv wat u wrote bout him sayn 'd levl of grace bullshit.'Went tru smtn so simila,recently.affectd my prayer/xtian lyf badly.so much guilt,shame n fear.n when I askd d pastor,au he ws able to carry on without guilt or shame,he gave me simila reasons.it is well.
Ashawo kobo kobo. You want fame period. After u fcuked someone's husband.
I can almost swear you attend that church or one of the Pastor's friends. Infact you are most likely the Pastor Fatoyibo cos the vehemence of your write up gave you away. You should actually hide in shame and not make a comment. I really can't judge your moral standing but you should take the back seat and let her express herself.
Anonymous said...August 23, 2013 at 2:42 PM
And YOU CLAIM TO BE A WORKER in that same COZA church. SHAME ON YOU. Abeg SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GO STAND IN A CORNER BLOODY DAFT TWAT. All the waz up jesus churches its animals like you they breed. idiot.
Linda, wether this is true or not, the fact remains that it happens, n don't forget Jesus said it in the bible dat ' Not all that call me Lord shall enter the kingdom of God' But am still waiting for the Pastor's side of the story.
While in secondary school(went to a catholic school,all boys)my vice principal who was a priest sexually harrassed me.how do u say no to a catholic priest(they re feared more than angilcan priests)?I cldnt say anytn.no one was goin to believe me...these tns happen!they happen always!why take up such position in church wen u can't control the one tn dt the devil will use to disgrace u???ds life ehh...so chima...n pls nobody shld even call her names,cos majority of nigerians re hypocrites!!!it has happened to me.it has happened to a lot of pple.it takes God's grace to speak out n shame the devil!!!all the best ese!*ty*
Due to the lack of reputable agencies and law that look and investigate this type of claims, its a shame its just going to be her words against the pastor's.
God I bless you for the internet....for technology advancement in najia...maybe all these nonsense will come to the forefront when people start confessing......una see wetin some people de do with una tithe...penthouse??....odikwa egwu oh...
My only question for u Ese is: U were enjoyin the sex then abi?..or are u not??..Ode Oshi!
Don't trust all these lay pastors. They are worse than Satan. James Bayo Omisakin is another fake pastor with kids by different women allover the world, pretending to be a man of God.
Oh ye fools.......This is just one side of the story. She should come out with proofs aside this well cooked and written article.
The pastor get better taste...
Please don't speak like a silly person. The comparison with the Pastor's wife is not the issue. Don't be daft in your response.
You sound like a horrible person! Why so judgemental? You are entitled to your opinion but that doesn't mean you should be rude about it, you don't have to insult her that's RUDE.
disgraceful!! what can i say? Am done with religion but not with God ...
I won't say am surprised at all becos God did not leave us without a warning. All u nid 2 liv ur lyf as a gd xtain is in d Bible. Its no longa news dat d world is full of fake prophets. Neida is it news dat most churches re sited jst to generate money. It depends on wot u want. If ur desire is 2 worship God in spirit n in trut as he desires, belivin dat he wil supply ur nids accordin to his riches in glory den u wil trust him completely n quit being a miracle seeker. It is seekin for miracles dat lead us in2 most of dese troubles. As for me, God is my first n last resort.
OMG these coza gang won't let us hear word. Newsflash: is d pastors wife hotter than halle berry? Yet halle berry was cheated on so what's ur senseless point precisely? Men r weak. Shut up and deal with d fact that ur pastor isn't d saint u think he is. If u like don't open ur eyes stay there okay?
Na wa oo. Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo I hope u grace-fully come up and explain to every one.
Sorry am not judging u,ese,but from all u said ,you wer not raped.u consented to it.u and the so called pastor had sex.as far as am concerned, I feel sometin went wrong between the 2 of u.and u decided to black mail him. Pls grow up.abi why d guilty feelings all of a sudden.this u stunt won't work.ask tiger wood's mistress and bill Clinton they suffered it.,not the men
Let's even say you went over to his room out of respect, I really don't know what you were thinking when u decided to oblige his request to sit on his legs (are you his daughter abbi was there no more chairs), what did you think would come out of that. As if dat wasn't enough, he asked you to kiss him and u still went ahead to do so (I will suggest you stick with the jazz story, if not, we can safely conclude you had your own issues too. Anyways, I'll suggest for the sake of the church members that you release the recording as well (if you truly have one) just to put an end to the misleading by the pastors (assuming all this is true). Lastly, Jesus is real and your body is His temple (meaning He lives in you). Call upon Him, only he can relieve you of the heartache.
Good Afternoon Pastor Biodun .. Don't worry the holy spirit will "bitchslap" her if she is lying on your head
Chei did i just read that.OMG this new generation churches and their pastors nO go kill person oo. Endtimes...rem what the bible says abt false prophets...hmm . I rest my case for now
DIS I̶̲̥̅̊S̶̲̥̅̊ very serious,end time
Touchy story but unfortunately her foundation was wrong. First and foremost please never go to church to emulate or worship your pastor...always remeber that it is God you came to worship. Secondly, if you begin to look at all the atrocities tha go on in places of worship then you will loose faith. Politics began from the church and so that shoud be enough to tell you that all manner of people exist in the church. afterall it was in the church that Jesus drove away gamblers. My dear search for God and stop looking up to men who arent perfect to lead you to God. No one is perfect!! Lastly, if you loose the faith or castigate the whole church of COZA (which I do not belong to) because of one person, trust me when I say that no church will be good enough for you in this world...not even where the Pope worships.
Buh dis ese girl shaaaa wicked oh see as she wan dull dis pastor paroles kaiiiiiiiiiii for me shaaa pastor or no pastor we all make mistakes its how we deal with I afta dat matters.
I believe there was an affair, I understand why she spoke about the hypocrisy of the church but what I cant reconcile is...
//While there, he sat on a reclining chair and asked me to come sit on his laps...I found myself strolling to sit on his laps... He asked me to kiss him a. He again said ‘feel free Ese.’ And asked again, that I kiss him.
A few hours later, let’s just say, we were rolling under the sheets. It felt as though my mind had paused. I am not saying I was jazzed, (although it’s possible I was in some trancelike state and didn’t know it but I just was so afraid that I couldn’t say or think otherwise.) That was the beginning of this affair. A sexual affair that went on for a little over a week, DAILY!//
Madam, abeg you be adult, you dont know what sitting on his laps, kissing him and sexing him every single day meant? NA SO. That said I respect your coming out to say it, too many ppl take these men to be holier than God, its time ppl say and saw the truth
White girl complains of sexual harrasment while studying in INDIA-->
Work of word construction!..very funny!
People should learn to realize that pastors are humans and not above sin. A young lady cannot put her future on the line for a lie. There's a lot going on in out churches than we can say but serve God and do what is right for the pastors are just messengers teaching the word
Ese! Ese! Ese! How many times did i call you??????????? Do you have to go this far? So you haven't changed? What stops you from standing your ground from the first day and saying No? May God forgive you Ese....#AmOuttaHere...
this lady enjoyed the affair, After it faired out You are crying and released you have sinned. Why can't you said no in the first time of the affair and called someone that are close to the pastor and shared this with. the Pastor did not rape or force you into it, He asked you to kiss him and you enjoyed it in the hotel. if I where you, I will not let anyone know about the affair and keep it within yourself.
After you don chop the sweetest of the pastor, you should know his is married in the first place has a church member and a worker in the church. Please tell another story and stop spoiling the pastor's name because you enjoy the affair.
Thank God you called it an affair cos you weren't raped. You carried yourself to his doorstep for the 1 week that it happened.To start with,pls stop giving these 'men of God' power by idolising them.that's the only reason the 'touch not my annointed' card worked perfectly..Shame on the people you told and who acted like it was no big deal. I'm proud of you for having guts to come out all the same. However,you are no victim cos you gave him the power he had over you.
there is somethg abt this story that kips me wondering wat on earth is going on this days....someone says ESE was enjoying d affair cos she slpt with him more than once,,,i pray u dont find urself in such situation oo,only God knws but she is darm strong for her to come out and admit it,u dont wanna know d kind of skeleton nsome people have in der own closet oo.
I believe her. Dat church is all jazz n no substance. Girl take heart. God still exist. U just v 2 knw sum pastors r wolves in sheep clothins. Just 4giv yasef, God has 4given u. Just sayin...D Curious1
Ese, did your then pastor force his way into your honey pot? and u said u paid his hotel bills when his master card failed, girl how did that happen? when he was already in his hotel room chilling before u meet him. Girl, u have no case. u are yet to say the truth what transpired between both of u. SHAMELESS. Linda for Christ sake post this comment.
She's a woman. She was "toasted" she fell and now she hates it. It's normal for her to feel that way. You have no reason to call her a bitch. You should get a life.
I was a committed member in this same chuch back then in Ilorin durin my University days.I love the church with a passion and it helped me grow spiritually but at a point in my life i had to leave. I was here for over 6years. I had to leave then because as at the count then they were over 30 ladies that had fallen a victim and these are church members and workers.as one of the old member and an a worker i was privileged to some information. it was so bad that one of my friend 's wife fell a victim. I can say authoritatively that this lady here is not lying. it was so bad that most of these ladies opened up and said how it all happened. what is surprising here is the fact that he didnt learn his lesson then in ilorin instead he strategically relocated to Abuja. All i know is it is high time he comes out and confess to his church members and change for real. There is no doubt that about his calling but all these excesses need to be addressed. i am waiting if he will come out and denied it because a lot of us are waiting if he will deny this and he will be shocked. like i said i have been under him for over 6years but it is just pathetic because a lot of what happened then in ilorin were all manipulation not that these girls seduced him.
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This is why i beat my chest and proclaim i am a catholic cos if a priest is caught with this kind of scandal he is dismissed and derobed! but in this case, how would they dismiss Pastor Abiodun when he found the church..one man church things...signs of end times
How does one even get bored of a church?So, the first mistake was even getting bored of her first church. She needs to have a rethink on why she goes to church!!
Linda, imagine the statement "I was getting bored of the church I was attending" that's the beginning of the problems of my generation! Seeking fun in the church instead of focusing on the author and the finisher of our faith. Did she have such problem where she was bored? The obvious answer is NO. The truth is most youths in my church have moved to one new generation church or the other under the guise of "I'm bored" "It's happening there" deception upon deception. I'm not judging anything here but my generation needs to think deep for what they are looking for. May God save us all!
Before one can make an objective contribution it is fair to hear from the pastor himself. But let me say that one of those words that has helped me is found somewhere in hebrews ........looking up to Jesus who is the author and finisher of your faith. A pastor is human so and is susceptible to human frailty. Why rest the totality of your faith on a pastor? This has kept me all this while. The negative character of a pastor or bishop is not strong enough to take my gaze off Jesus himself!
This sounds like shit to me, even thou am a muslim dat pastor looks way to cool for sometin like dis. I first met him at an event in unilorin! This looks fake
I feel ur pain Ese ad I believe ur story, cos ve been through dis with d so called anointed man of God buh I thank God for giving me d strenght to overcome them.
Both Pastor and church member need serious deliverance from the spirit of the END TIME. THANK YOU
Both Pastor and church member need serious deliverance from the spirit of the END TIME. THANK YOU
N all d ashewo pastor straffers hv come to tell us abt dia pain.srzly u straffed an educated rich dude in d Uk exactly hw painfull is dat abeg. Olodo oshi
what is she healing from? she slept with a pastor ...i believe tha affair happened n im happy she exposed it.my only problem with this story is the fact that she is claimin to be hurting n that he took advantage of her..that's bullshit..
:)..the truth,a lie etc...take good care of yourself..
COZA members defense statement...
He is a man and he is prone to temptations!
wtf! he should leave the pulpit for people who are immune to temptations..man of God indeed! you are a shepherd led your flock to the right path and fucking live by example..if you cant do that then don't mock God by appointing yourself a pastor!!! Shame on COZA members who know the truth and yet defend! bloody hypocrites.
Pastor worshiping members oshiii!
Libers and their brash comments.
The evidence is there.
Very few people answer the warning bells when it comes to these situations.
You tell yourself you are just been stupid for thinking they have ulterior motives.
Then bam you are caught and it takes a long time to realize it was wrong and you would wonder how you got there.
There are things that can't be put into words that she has. These things can not be faked.
Ese no matter what these people say, it wasn't your fault.
Who be dis mumu, shut up if u don't know anyfn, Pastor Fatoyinbo has bn a sex maniac since his days in unilorin, so ask before u talk. Mumu. Idiot!
Esee, i believe your story but i disagree with you when you stated that he abused you. What you both had was a mutual relationship that lasted for over 1year, something went wrong and the center could not hold. Though you didnt tell us what went wrong, i pray God will heal you and restore you.
I attended Coza back in my service year(nysc)at Ilorin and i must confess The way dey dress and all was just not it(d ladies).i begin to wonder how dey intend to lead souls to christ with d ladies dressin so seductively.I also used to attend Harvester christain center back in unilag and I know Pastor B very well.He helped me alot back in school cos i was into lots of tins i cannot even mention.So d 3rd person that commentd and made a coment about pastor B,i think u'v got d wrong Pastor Bolaji.Please watch wat u say so u dnt incur d wrath of God
I am glad this is finally out. i had the same encounter with this same so called man of God in 2011, this time he visited my home. to cut a long story short,no one believed me but i left it for God because i know nothing is hidden under the sun! he is pathetic!!
"Even d lowest man in d workforce won't even date you"how do you know that?she is a beautiful girl and so your claim is wrong!you are obviously biased and sincerly in our society I do not believe a lady will come out and make this allegation for monetary gain...the fact ramain she was abused and used by the pastor....Hmmmm hell is real for pastors that hide under the word of God to mislead people and it start right here on earth..shikena
God bless u Ese, whatever happen don't lose faith in God. Because one man/men act dishonorably doesn't mean God/Bible is false. And God saves.
Its ur type that makes abused victims to hide in their shell and God will punish u brain washed idiots n ur useless pastors! Is it wrong for her to cry out so people will know the stuff d so called pastors re made of? U re even worse than the devil trying to victimise the abused.
I have never dropped any comment here before,but this story is too much for me to ignore. I am going to base my comment on the assumption that Ese is right.
I became "born again" 17 years ago and I can tell you that it has been up and down, but in all these thing one thing is so sure. There is a God somewhere and Jesus is real. During my years has a "church boy", I was privileged to walk in the "corridor of power" of church authority and....WOW......mine was one of the biggest in town then.
Firstly, Pastors have been turned into "mini-gods" because most of the congregation idolizes them. They are human like us, in fact, if my knowledge of the Bible is still good, they were referred to as "weaker". They are more prone to "falling into diverse temptation" because they are more exposed than us. Please, I am not defending them, but let he that is without sin cast the first stone.
Ese, I totally disagree with you that you were abused or pressured into a relationship. There is nothing happening today that has not happened before. How Joseph did it against Potipher's wife still amazes me till today because I don't think I will pass that test,but he did. Joseph is flesh and blood like you and I, and if he can do it, we can do it too. You could have said no and walked out of that hotel, but you CHOOSE(emphasis on that word) to sit on his laps, kiss him and go "all the way". I am not judging you dear because God has not given any man the power and the authority to judge another man (maybe I would have done the same too if in your shoes), but my dear , it was your choice. The first time could be a mistake, but you went on a one week "sex marathon" during the first encounter. Babe....with all due respect,I believe say you sef wan do....(smiles). Anyways, like I said, I am not judging you because I know that I have the capacity to do worse things, but I am just stating why I disagreed with you about the "Abuse" thingy.
Well, to Pastor, I did not "call" you because I personally believe that you have a "call of God" upon your life. I have been to COZA a couple of times in Abuja, but you were never around those times. One thing I can say boldly is that God's presence is evident in that local assembly.Let He who has called you to do His business be the one to judge you. Remember sir that we are all "Christians" before we became "Pastors". If this is true, please amend your ways and go back to your first love.
All good and well, but my dear u should have started by apologizing to his wife and family cos as u've stated u knew he was married and still went ahead. They are also victims of ur choices
Wetin do Biodun Fatoyinbo wife, she's drop dead gorgeous abi, abegi make I hear word joor. Mumu
Who be dis mumu, shut up if u don't know anyfn, Pastor Fatoyinbo has bn a sex maniac since his days in unilorin, so ask before u talk. Mumu. Idiot!
Hmmmmm pianna, what stuff did u hear bout the lord's chosen church??? My ears dey scratch me for amebo.....hehehee. Pls gist me.
hmmmm na wa ooooo. well i guess you got high with the Hennessey and got easily turned on.No be jazz jare and since you did it once u just continued. You really messed up from the start , a decent and wise gal will never go further than the lobby of a hotel. Room??? you didnt sound naive so i guess if this story is true you Screwed up.
Anyone can be caught wit such sin.even king david as annoited as he is ,still commited the sin of adultry against God .we are in d end tIme nd God is ready to expose d wicked.am nt sayin she sayin the truth .only God knows. But in times we are in, get ready to hear anything.God also says it dat he will tell them(false preachers/prophet),depart from me yea workers of evil.
Am not surprised if a pastor at coza cld do this. Back then in school am able to diff church goers by their dressing cos coza goers are the worst in terms of dressing.when I made my findings I was told the pastors are nigga like "wassup" pastors,wonder what d church is turning to.
Ese, kuse, pastor biodun epele o, learn frm your spiritual fathers, pastor adeboye was a victim of such, pastor chris of our daily manner infact three ladies from the pit of hell just like ese came out and claimed to b married to him with kids, then the worse of all was his obituary they posted round town! Pastor B be strong n courageous!
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