Jada writes,
Letter to a friend:
You are divorced. Your ex-husband is not being kind or considerate, but you can't harp on it because it steals the energy that should be given to your potential and power. At the end of the day, your survival is at risk, and you complaining about what he is not doing and what he should be doing does not change your circumstances.Continue to read the rest of the letter BUT there's something more hilarious after the cut...someone replied Jada on FB and the reply got so many likes. God forgive me for posting it..so horrible. Lol.
Jada's advice continues
We have to use these circumstances to analyze what we need to do different, how do we need to strengthen, and how we need to be more. You are strong and capable, and now you have been put in a position where you must use your capabilities to change your circumstances without your ex's help or kindness.
In the ideal world, the circumstances in which you and your children are facing are unacceptable, but the most painful realization I have had about this life is that we are not entitled to anyone's kindness or consideration. THAT, is a painful truth.
Stay focused and keep it moving.
JNow the reply from a fan...
Dear Jada,
Please pretty please stop giving unsolicited advise. In case you have not notice, but your family is f-ed up. Your husband goes on romantic getaways with other men. Your daughter is been molested by an old perv and your son is being seduced by a pimp's daughter. You look like you have not eaten in years. Please take care of your family first.
Get off of facebook
P.S.- Don't you have deal with all those illiterate children from your school?
Not nice! :-). For those who have not heard about the school...read below...
The school that Will and Jada Pinkett Smith founded has been shut down. The New Village Leadership Academy — which was located near the couple’s Calabasas mansion, has been troublesome for their marriage since it opened in 2008. A source told the site, “Will told Jada from the start that opening this school could be a legal nightmare. He never wanted to do it.”
The school began facing troubles when rumors surfaced that the couple was reportedly using “Study Technology” — which was developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. This also resulted in accusations that the school had an affiliation with the controversial church.
The site additionally reported that the school struggled with finances that piled up more than $1 million in liabilities by 2011, although Will and Jada charged its students between $7,500 and $12,000 in tuition.
Another source explained that there have been students who went there and claimed that they couldn’t even read when they got out of sixth grade.
The reply wasn't nice but she should really shut up tho. Not everyone is called to be a motivational speaker
And watz hilarious about wat the foolish person replied. The poor lady is just trying to help
Help me ask linda wat is hilarious abt d whole shit dat d lunatic foolish person said,linda dia r sths dat r nt jst funny
I wonder what is hilarious about the reply
Lolz....afi poor lady na
Hmm! Jade z ryt d fan z also ryt so....... I dnt see anytin wrong in both sha
Yeeeeee,seriously? The poor lady should try n mind her business n if she has any frd she needs 2 advise she shld talk 2 d person personally not announce her on fb,she is not divorced yet so she doesn't kw how it feels like,olodo feeling funky.
I luv u Jada.jst leav stay outta ppls biz
Yeeeeee,seriously? The poor lady should try n mind her business n if she has any frd she needs 2 advise she shld talk 2 d person personally not announce her on fb,she is not divorced yet so she doesn't kw how it feels like,olodo feeling funky.
Seriously, she is just trying to help. The person that replied shud go n rest.
I wonder o. Dat's her opinion naa. Dat reply tho
If you have never been married and devorced you will never know why the women think they have an opinion. Which is why they can`t keep there month shut. Blabbing about what they think or what they think they know is a kind of thyrapy for them. So leave Jada alone to keep running her mounth what she is actually doing is trying to help herself and not the other.
I`m married with kids,my husband is under my control so furk her advice. linda pls post my comment
The person that replied has a point. You can't give advice to people when you kids appear messed up on the outside. Look at the girl, almost without control or discipline. The boy? Well never mind! Keep you unsolicited advice lady!
Pls don't condem Jada she's just helping a soul dat needs a piece of advice
Not all that glitters is gold, one wld tink she's got the perfect family but HELL NO!
She is actually referring to r Kelly ex wife Andrea.she nids to focus more on her family.
She is actually referring to r Kelly ex wife Andrea.she nids to focus more on her family.
She is actually referring to r Kelly ex wife Andrea.she nids to focus more on her family.
Hmm.. Adviser!
~D great anonymous!
Will smith is bi???? Nawa ohhh btw I love d smith family
What kainda reply is that? Jada has not said anytin wrong, she was only out to motivate a friend, what's da rude reply for? Na wa o! Haters everywhere.
abeg whats with all these kiss ass comments I see eerm so no one ever asked her to open a school there are too many schools already, what does she know about education to be charging that kinda money for school its not her fault tho the mumus and odes that attended and paid school fees are to blame and if she was giving a "friend" advise about DIVORCE she should have done it privately not everyone wants to know cuz she didn't really say anything useful she said the same generic stuff people always say
Kai I hope dis person jus talk rubbish cos I can't believe fresh prince is in to gay tinz
That person is just hating jare.
Go and shut her up ODE!
That reply is very bad sha the person is seeking popularity, jada pinkett smith continue with ur good work this reply shows that you have really touched the lives of people and the enemy want to stop it please miss jada consign that reply to obilivion
Its nt nyc @ all, evry1 hs deir own battles 2 fight, she's a fighter dats quite clear, n she's fightin her battles in her own way, bt wat I rily hate dou, is dat she n will brought deir children in2 d limelite @ such a young age, wuld ve done dem a lot of gud 2 do sm growin up, kip it up, linda, kudos!!!
Hmmm dt was below d belt. Damn the person who posted that reply wasn't smiling. But is wills smith gay? Hmmm pls not another michael scofield moment.I almost stopped breathing when I read 'To Russia with Love'. sometimes its good to say less and listen more.
The facebook reply is just silly. I don't see anything wrong with what Jada said. Besides, how authentic is the facebook story
Long story.
Long story.
Long story.
Long story.
Whether it's from Jade lo or whoever, one thing is clear. God hates Divorce. If u re a divorcee and re marries, u re living in sin. God hates divorce. The main reason we were created is to worship, praise n please God. Any other thing is secondary. Its so unfortunate that many re chasing shadows. Remember, every soul shall give account to God. Dat is d most important thing.
Oouch!dat was mean,she was jst trying to help na
Even if there is an iota of truth in all the allegations on her husband and children does that mean she should jump into the deep blue sea and not be a part of humanity again??
I'm not divorced but as a female i feel empowered with her advice!!
I totally support the reply. Her family has issues she shd deal with instead of wallowing in denial. Nobody is perfect but u can make a effort. Hw can u allow underaged children tread this world without guidance n hw long will she keep runnning away fom d fact that thr's more to Will's friendship w Dwayne Martin??. In as much as I pray her family resolve their issues, she shd really get off fb n fix her troubled "uconventional" family n their issues. Starting w her kids!
Those who live in glass houses should most certainly not throw stones or advice in this case. I totally agree with the 'replier' . Willow Smith who is 12 came out to say she is bisexual oh and after piercing her tongue and all. Jada can't perch on her high horse and act like a know it all adviser.yes! Complaining and focusing on the wrong done to one especially during a divorce can zap anyone's energy. However, recovery takes time and if what you have to do to recover is vent and complain then please do!
I think Jada's advice is a good one.
I believe her advice is a good one.
#word...deal wif ur problems first b4 advising others.all celebs ve deir personnal problem
So if woman hubby port go another woman side make she siddon dey look?
I guess the fan had a point,tho he hit d nail too hard on the head.she's really got her own plate full
The "fan" writes and spells woefully! Clearly this "fan" is one of the students who could not read properly after 6th grade!
There was notin wrong wit jade's advice. D fan is jst being vry stupid n is deperate for popularity.
Ok. Jada's fam has issues. But where does it say that you can't still try and make other people's lives better even if yours isn't that good? Every single family in the world has issues. Every single one. Saying Jada should shut up is same as saying every single person who has a good word to say to another person should also shut up.
Just my two cents.
Rotfl @ pimps daughter! That will he Kylie Jenner. Kris "the pimp" Kardashian or is it Jenner's daughter. Too funny, evil person there. #JayBeyBlu
that reply is too harsh for an american woman, they are too emotional....
All lies about Jada and her family.Her kids are actually good kids... Haters will always hate
She made a mistake,if I were her,I would av deleted the reply since, before anyone spoils my reputation.
If she isn't divorced for the life of me why give divorce advice. WAY TO GO FAN MAIL.Jada dey your lane abeg.
the reply was 4rm a frustrated idiot. wat has dt got 2 do wit encouraging a friend? so not funny!she wasnt talking 2 evrybody, ots for her friend nd sum1 out dere dt nids d kind words. d idiot nids 2 shut d hell up nd mind his/her biz cos obv whoever it is, is all up in jadas biz. EVE
Lessons learned
This same Jada was all over smith years ago when the going was good..She will not be advicing others on divorce if everything was going on well..That you had a bad luck with your married life dosent mean is a great thing..Lets be honest to ourselfs..DIVORCE IS A BAD EXPERIENCE AND NOTHING GOOD COMES FROM IT NOMATTER HOW YOU PRETEND..
Abey free d woman o,na becos d friend nid d advise na make her asked 4 d advise, e no mean say if her house is nt in order, she no fit advise person.
Hmmm mm
its a good one J.
Jada's post isn't meant for everyone.. Only those who feel affected. Everyone has issues in their respective home but that shouldn't make us keep quite and not say the truth. Nice one Jada!
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