Actress Stella Damasus advices women on how to keep their men | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 23 August 2013

Actress Stella Damasus advices women on how to keep their men

Actress Stella Damasus took to her Adiva blog yesterday to advice women on how to keep their men. Read it below
"...let me go to the topic I want to discuss today "keeping your man" This is for the married women o please this is not targeted at single girls. Now we know that the one thing men cannot live without apart from money is SEX. In this forum I really don't care where anyone is from or what religion you belong to, I will be as raw and honest as possible.
I do not understand why women especially Africans do not talk about sex when we know that it is the one thing we do regularly with so much pleasure.
Read the full article after the cut...

Keeping Your Man - By Stella Damasus

Hello ladies,

Been a while since you read from me and I am sorry about that. However I never said I would be the only one writing for this blog. I threw it open to members to send in their articles, concerns, challenges, questions and other things to the Adiva email address and we will publish it.

Not only that, we will get the experts/professionals to help answer some of your questions, I am still waiting to hear from you all.

Anyway I have good news and that is the fact that you will be able to watch me talk more/elaborate on things I will write in the blog. Yes o my YouTube channel will be very very active soon with my new project called Stella's diaries.

You all need to look out for it because it will be very exciting as usual. I will say it the way I see it and I am sure by now most of you know I am not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind.

Anyway let me go to the topic I want to discuss today "keeping your man".This is for the married women o please this is not targeted at single girls.

Now we know that the one thing men cannot live without apart from money is SEX. In this forum I really don't care where anyone is from or what religion you belong to, I will be as raw and honest as possible.

I do not understand why women especially Africans do not talk about sex when we know that it is the one thing we do regularly with so much pleasure.

Anyway our men love sex to the max and we know that for a fact. So how come when we are dating them we are so willing to give them what they want even though we know it is wrong. The first few years of marriage is filled with sex almost five times a day in different parts of the house and at odd hours, but after the few years we start to back down, we start to make excuses, we start to see it as a chore and then we let them know that we are really not interested in them physically.

Wow, what happened to the lady fox, the hot chic, the sexy cat that he got married to?
What happened to the babe that would understand the signal he would give and immediately comply?
What happened those times when he would race home to his sexy energetic ever ready wife who would make him feel wanted?
I know that most of you will say "I have kids who wear me out, I have work that drains me, I got older, my sex drive has gone under, I have a headache" to the point that the man will need to get a visa at your "embassy" to visit his favorite place in the World.

When you do this to him, how do you expect him to come home everyday to look at your tired, grumpy and unfriendly face?

How would you expect him to come home to you complaining about the plumber, your child that was being rude, and your boss that gave you a hard time?
NOOOOOOO please.

At that point he wants you to take him to that special place were the sky is so wonderful and turn his brain around to the point that all you say will sound like sweet music to his ears.
These men are human beings who go through their own challenges, half of which you don't even know because they are trying to save you from all the stress.

What annoys me the most is when we women start to complain and nag about the men not having time for us, and how they no longer find us attractive anymore and that's where the suspicion starts. That's when the saying comes, "if he is not getting it from me someone else must be giving it to him’.

I don't encourage cheating at all in fact it goes against what the bible teaches no matter what. I will not also judge anyone who has been caught in a web he is not proud of for one reason or the other. I believe that if we are truly sorry for our sins and we go to God with the determination not to sin again, he is merciful and will forgive us.

In all of this I know that all men are not beasts, neither are they evil because we married them. I also know that men do not get married and carry it at the back of their minds that they must cheat. That's not how it works please. There are things that we do that trigger things in their brains and these things drive them to do things that they really would not have done. Most of us believe it when they say men don’t think with their brains but they think with their penis. I beg to differ because they know what they are doing and I don’t see how the penis can have a brain that will control the whole body. There is always something that sparks off in the brain that sends the signal to the penis.
You may or may not agree with me but this is what I choose to believe. Most men we married are not so evil and dubious, some may be cowards but cast your mind back to the kind of man you chose to marry and see if there were traces of that character or not.

What men want:
- They want to feel like they are in control of things which is not bad because they are the head.
- They want to feel loved and like it or not they are our first babies who desire words of affirmation no matter how macho they seem.
- They want to feel WANTED all the time, it gives them the confidence that all men crave for.
- They want to know you are still sexually attracted to them.
- They don't want you to make it obvious that you are smatter even if you are.
- They like their space and alone time.
- They don't want to come home to a fat mama who is the opposite of the sexy curvy woman he fell in love with, because she let herself go after they got married. Why should she try and look the same? She is married now, who else does she have to impress? WRONG! Men are first of all moved by what they see before anything else. So when they can't see that anymore or at least an effort to getting back that body that turned them on, they'll probably lose interest in you and find it someone else.
- They don't want to come and hug you after work with you are smelling of onions and oil. At least take a shower before he gets there or if there is no time spray perfume.
- They want to come home to a nice smelling neat and tidy home.
- They want to walk into the bedroom with the bed all made up and clothes arranged. Maybe a small note on his pillow saying I love you and I am glad you are home, that definitely puts an automatic smile on his face even if for three seconds, it keeps him interested in you
- They want you to be a good listener not just a talker.
- They want to know that you believe in them and you are proud of them.
- They want to know that no matter what you will have their back and support them, then ask questions later.
- They just want to see that you are making an effort because no human should expect you to be perfect.
- They don't want another mother but they want you to take care of them the way you would your kids.
- They want a wife, girlfriend, sorry to say (personal call girl) which is not a bad thing because he is your husband who is free to express his sexual desires as long as they are not life threatening or demeaning.

There are so many things I can add and you will not stop reading so let me end this by saying: if you do not try to do at least 60 percent of this regularly, trust me a younger version of you will cross his path and that is exactly how the enemy works. When that younger and more energetic version of you catches his eye, your matter will quietly end. This girl will rock his world so bad that coming home to you will become a chore. These girls can give him all these things and even more that the men find it so difficult to resist. All the money that was supposed to go to you and your children will find their way to her pocket. They can get anything they want from your man because they know the secret to getting and keeping him.

I know that this article will cause a lot of controversial wahala but it is fine because in life people don't like to hear the truth. This might also be an opportunity for people to make silly comments but the truth is I am loving it all. I finally have the attention of people who will ordinarily not want to listen to me or watch me.

Ladies on a more serious note, if you are guilty of these crimes and are depriving your husband of what is rightfully his then don't be shocked when a younger version of you gets the best of him.
I will let you all know when the extended version of this topic will be on my YouTube channel. God will bless your homes and give you the wisdom you need to keep it together.

Think about this objectively, try out what you agree with and discard what you don't. Leave the messenger out of it for a change and see the bigger picture ahead.

Take care of yourselves and remember that I love you all.


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Anonymous said...

written by someone with like 5 ex husbands. ha! funny! didnt even bother reading it

Anonymous said...

Stella,go and sleep.

Anonymous said...

so its cos the lady you snatched her her husband didn't do all these things that's why the 'younger' you came along abi?. go siddon abeg!

Anonymous said...

Stella,go and sleep.

Anonymous said...

so its cos the lady you snatched her her husband didn't do all these things that's why the 'younger' you came along abi?. go siddon abeg!

Anonymous said...

Stella, pls just learn to keep low, no matter the advise you tend to give to girls, they won't listen cos u are not a role model to emulate. Your fans do what you do. So pls kip ur advise to urself maam

@sinzu said...

Oh no...Linda you just didnt. You want people to bash this woman!!! smh...

Anonymous said...

Aaaaah funy. Keep aboderin, nzeribe and the last marriage , he no work . You think this one go work? It is a matter of time. Pls you are the wrong person to preach this message . Keep it to uself or ur daughters

Donscos said...

Pls what of how to keep our women

ChaCha said...

So Stella, these are the things Daniel told you Doris didn't do? And these are the things you are doing to keep her husband abi? God is watching you on 20d I swear down.....

Anonymous said...

my dear ST, wot a wise word, uv said it all cos lv almost gotten into such wahala in my marriage some yrs back but an aunt intervened n just gave me such lecture n advice, to tell u d fact l started applyn it n as God may hv it, l turned my husbaand back home n believe me its really working out more dan wv ever been n with him n my kids, marriage is honey.

Jarule said...

That's just the fact !! some women will give useless excuse of been careless with their man .later if they find out the man is going out with some one who cares for them they will start crying and want to DIE!!!

Anonymous said...

Pot calling kettle black why didn't you use this sort of experience in your last 2 marriages or is there something you've regretted ????in your two previous marriages.

Yemmie Oscar said...

Deep sigh!

Anonymous said...

Practice what you preach!!

Anonymous said...

Pot calling kettle black why didn't you use this in your previous 2 marriages if you're a sex machine and perfect if you were all that you claim that women should be in their marriage i think you're just a time waster advice yourself first before other Oprah wannabe

Anonymous said...

Am really impressed,I hope this effort of yours will not go in vain.Thanks for the tips.

Anonymous said...

100% True. My gf is depriving me, so am getting it elsewhere, e remain to port. Girls that deprive their men are usually secret lesbians.

Anonymous said...

You are soooo much right my dear Stella. I'm a married woman & believe me you said it all. I will make amends to my sexual life to hold my man so tight because he can't do without it. Thanks for ur advice bcos it will make a whole lot of good to me

Anonymous said...

You are soooo much right my dear Stella. I'm a married woman & believe me you said it all. I will make amends to my sexual life to hold my man so tight because he can't do without it. Thanks for ur advice bcos it will make a whole lot of good to me

Anonymous said...

So doris lacked dis tins u just listed right? I guess dat was y it was so easy for u to snatch her ex husband, not wishing you guys bad luck, but we all we see how long you both will last. And am sure u will also lack one tin and another woman will cm and snatch him away. Opps sorry, them we will see whose husband will be next? Please celebrities be careful with ur husbands oooo, no follow ur fellow actress joke with ur husband ooooo.


U killed one already and couldn't keep the new victims now are advising? Get a life.


Hmmm!phew too long,u r right my dear,onye nwere nti ya nuru,after all wht we women desire at all is dt we r luved n cared by our husbands esp attention,so dnt do too much of oke ama m ihe,b focus,unless u dnt like him

Anonymous said...

i really dont get why most people dislike this lady. im so fond of her and she really made a point with her article. God bless u ma'am

Anonymous said...

Keeping a man indeed? How many relationship has she been in which ended up. She has ended her marriage with nzeribe n here she is teaching us on hw2 kip our man..if I slap begins at home n remove wot is in ur eyes b4 u remove another persons own..rubbish!!! Dog of a woman or u think say we no dey hear ur gist n men(entering n comin out of hotel) common go n sit down ashawo preaching2us.

Anonymous said...

True talk for a beautiful wife and mother

Anonymous said...

Too damn loooooog!!!!

Unknown said...

Stella make sense die here!!! Via Twitter @stcharles_ Follow me

Anonymous said...

ohh ohh < that how you took doris's husby?. Thanks not!

Anonymous said...

I love you too dear, nice words

Anonymous said...

I guess u will say that Doris Simeon lacked in most of these areas, that was how u had access to her husband n overthrew her regime. Word sha, u ve said it all n I must admit that u ve bin factual in this area. Anyways let Daniel go back to his wife, encourage him to do so n God will b happy with u.

Anonymous said...

running to get popcorn and coke...cant wait for the comments!!!

Anonymous said...

May God bless you....stella.

Anonymous said...

Your relationships never lasted besides the one with Jaiye!!!How well wud u know bout keepin men!!See Osuofia tellin Mr Ibu you are very funny..

Unknown said...

Nice post.*NOTED*

afrobynature said...


Anonymous said...

How can a woman like this with promiscuous life style advise people about relationship?


*YAWNS* After this write up,ASUU is still on strike?

Anonymous said...

In α̷̷̴̲̅̐͠ long while, I haven't had d grace to comment on any post buh dis z definitely true... So many of us might have reserve of dislike for dis lady cos f d stories we'v had ( and why do I feel like someone wud say z dat hw u'v been keeping ur friend's husband) buh truth z married women shd try to be as sexually active as dey were before marriage

msmss said...

...pretty nice write up but rather too long mehn!!!

princess said...

True talk Aunty Stella

Precious....... said...

Stella, nice write up,frankly I enjoyed reading it. but I hope you did all these for your late husband before he died sha.And I also hope that in another 5 - 10yrs from now you will still be doing all these for your new husband.

@Divalicious_Mia said...

°☺k now I get d reasons y u took Daniel frm Doris Simeon
Anty take a serious sit back n cover U̲̣̣̣̥r shameless face wif U̲̣̣̣̥r hands
Mmtteeewwwwwwwwww #AGBAYA#

Anonymous said...

Carry ur advise waka abeg,mkpi awusa

Anonymous said...

Stella or whatever u call ur self. U don't hv a right to even talk about rships cos u r a husband snatcher! And I hate u. U ruined someone's marriage and u r here coming to talk abt sex in marriage. Rubbish. Anofia!!!!

Unknown said...

True talk M̶̲̥̅̊y̶̲̥̅̊ D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ά̲̣̣̣̥ϫ.....ℓ̊ love you too.

Anonymous said...

Food for thought...well written Stella. God help us all to keep our home and our men.

doink finchway said...

See me see trouble!! See dis ngbeke wey dey advise. Life don spoil.

Anonymous said...

No wonder she's still single.

Anonymous said...

Nix 1.....

Anonymous said...

Nice one nd true talk tnk u ma

Anonymous said...

Grt write up stella, learnt a lot frm dis aticle wil luv to read more frm u. God bless u

Anonymous said...

One Word "HIDE"! Either ur Face or Urslf. But Just HIDE!!! #straightFace#


Anonymous said...

Well said stella all points noted.

Anonymous said...

Nice one Stella

lolade pinky said...

lol @visa,embassy and fav place in d world...nice one stella...

Fast Writer said...

Or rather "Keeping other People's Men"

Anonymous said...

The devil wears prada.......

Fast Writer said...

Or rather "Keeping other People's Men"

Anonymous said...

Yes oh Ms Stella, everything you said is the truth. We ladies are becoming more and more oyinbo everyday; not noticing that our men, no matter how educated, still have the same traditional mind-set and expectations. And we wonder why our marriages are not working?! Let's get back to the basics!

Tomjay said...

Hmmm nice article. She who has ears listen and employ what stella has said. Tomjay say so.

Anonymous said...

No I did not finish the so long a write up she wrote...she disgusts me what with her hubby snatching & bed hopping stories...she lives in a glass house & should not throw stones.

Unknown said...

Stella stella.

Kenny jay said...


Anonymous said...

Nice one Stella

Anonymous said...

Nice one stella, u are just so right abt it write up.

Anonymous said...

Mchewww . And you would know how?

Anonymous said...

Nice one stella,I like d part where u said oil nd onion...u r very rite abt dat aspect...ladies!!!fasten ur seat belt cus it time to go bk to sweet 16 for ur husband!

Anonymous said...

A message from Stella to Doris. She shld ve given it a title "why he left u for me".

Anonymous said...

This bitch!

Anonymous said...

Bunga-Bunga Queen advising us again.Thanks ,,,all the way from Italy

Anonymous said...

'There are things that we do that trigger things in their brains and these things drive them to do things that they really would not have done'

Did u say you have a degree now Madam teacher Nwanjo?how many times will you use the word 'things' in one sentence???please go take lessons from the likes of Chimamanda Adichie.(At least she's doing us Nigerians proud and not hopping from one man to the other)Prof of love my foot!you stink!

Anonymous said...

u r truly ryte stella nd may God help u.

Anonymous said...

wait ooo is it Stella that wrote this episode herself or someone else just did? dammmm Stella, shut up ur mouth in shame bcos u're in no position to advice any woman on such issue..Na wah for some pple oo...SHAME ON YOU STELLA

Anonymous said...

Now we know how u SNATCHED Doris' hubby. come to think of it, I wonder how a lady that could not handle her two marriages can conveniently talk about how to keep a man. pftttttt Stella, i know that you can't wait to get laid by another man. Linda publish this post ooooo.

Anonymous said...

Linda kedu? She is so on point. Especially the SEX part

Chikito said...

True talk oo. The truth is very bitter, honestly. Am married and i know that this is very correct and true. bbm can't watch face.

Anonymous said...

Thats why she could keep her ex husband. Men are all wired differently, they have different needs and respond in different ways. She is stupid! Men that are immoral will cheat regardless of how great the wife is at home, in bed or to him... Its depends on the man and he priorities, majority of men wont let anyone destroy their home regardless of how young, old, pretty, ugly a woman or girl is... A real man is different from a boy #fact

Anonymous said...

e b like say jaiye spirit sleep o, if not no b u suppose dey talk about keeping a man. accepted dt d first man died, d second n third nko? Stella Damasus Aboderin Nzeribe Ademinokan............... u no get shame

Anonymous said...

Nonsense and lack originality. Too many people have written same. It's boring and nonsense. All of it. Stella, go and seat down!

Ginger said...

From all indications I can see you love sex more than any other that the reason you snatch Doris's husband because you can give it to him any how he want? I bet u Stella one day u will be tired and he will go out to get it somewhere else.even though every thing u said is true,I don't think ur the best person to give advice.hiding under act does not give you peace.make restution so that God and pople will forgive.

Ginger said...

From all indications I can see you love sex more than any other that the reason you snatch Doris's husband because you can give it to him any how he want? I bet u Stella one day u will be tired and he will go out to get it somewhere else.even though every thing u said is true,I don't think ur the best person to give advice.hiding under act does not give you peace.make restution so that God and pople will forgive u.

Anonymous said...

Nice one Stella.

Anonymous said...

Wonders will never end see husband snatcher giving ppl advice .now ppl are realy aving guts .she is not even ashame after how man husband

Anonymous said...

I love this post soooo very much. Cos this is rly wat I'm reading about now in a book called 'the act the act of marriage. The beauty of sexual love. God bless us married women and single ladies too.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

She would Know.
Since her marriage to that small boy worked.

And oh yes, she just snatched a married man right?

Madam Stella, I like your acting but pls, some topics should be off limits to you.


Unknown said...

Thanks my ASD, you have hit the nail on its head, the teachable ones will adhere or receive it with pleasure, guess what?; even the 'BABES' out there will apply these facts but the Nagging ones will contend with it. You my best Aunty Stella, keep speaking the truth. I love U....ummmuah

Anonymous said...

stella stella, nice one.. I need to note these down.. *running to collect my pen and paper* hehehehehe

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

Advice from a leopard? Haha! Ok... Girls, over to you guys who need her advice.

Anonymous said...

Interesting Divalicious Stella. You got your groove back by being the younger girl that took a married man off his wife that isn't satisfying him. Nicely said and lesson learnt.

doll (retired blogger) said...

says a woman in her third marriage...yawns

Unknown said...

Article too long for me to finish. I suppose she made some sense in the article, but action speaks louder than words. In another context(born out of your past sins) you're still a "home-breaker"!!!

Jehnypha said...

Lol.. Issorai!

Anonymous said...

Long!!!*yawns*...most pple know abt this so???looool...don't even know y am it cos its coming from stella damasus??oh well.can't wait to read oda pple's comments.ds shld be fun.LOL.*TONI*

Anonymous said...

We know its ur hobby stella...may d oil in ur VJJ never *run* dry...(˘̯˘ )

Anonymous said...

Babe you are on point somehow

olivia pope said...

Go and sleep stella, linda u are very mad to make us read this long article. Mschewwwww. U just got me angry

Anonymous said...

Sharrap madam...what do u kw abt matrimony...ur topic shd be how to snatch anoda woman's re needed abeg;

Unknown said...

"- They don't want you to make it obvious that you are smatter even if you are." Someone teach Stella how to spell "smarter" right!

Anonymous said...

~D great anonymous!

Chinasing said...

Preach the Gospel sister! Set some of us free to a more desirable and happier marriage! I appreciate you taking the time to educate us on this issue. Its true after we get married most of us just get lazy because now we have the man
But the goal is to keep him and happy at that!
To those who will be quick to judge that is fine, but if you ever find out that your man is cheating but don't blame anyone else but yourself for not taking care of your man. Always remember the saying what you wont do another woman will be willingly to do and gladly at that.
Great article, printing this and keeping a copy in my lingerie drawer as a constant reminder.

xtinexxx said...

Ahahahahahahah...u wan keh person nih....nah all dis women go do abi......ohhk...May be Doris simeon didn't do it datz wat made daniel leave her for u...nah lie joor....Even if u do all diz.....Men will still cheat...

Hot Chocolate said...

Beautiful write up... I like!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm,women need to be loved and cared for too anty stella. What if d woman doesn't get dat?

Anonymous said...

The Audacity! Is she giving Doris advice? Shameless woman.

Anonymous said...

Why is it the ALWAYS the woman's reponsibility to make a marriage work!

Women truly are their worse enemy. Stella Damascus writes like she is a teenage girl that do not realize what the reality of life is for women. Stella Damascus can talk like this because she has the means to have a nanny, maid, cook, driver, gardener, gateman and all the household help so that all she has to do is dress up and look pretty for her man when he comes home.

Her life and reality does not reflect that of 90% of Nigerian women. Stop speaking from your place of privilege and do not act as though you are unaware of how it truly is for the average women.

Anonymous said...

Truth of life.for those of you ready to tear her down,please remember nobody holy pass ehnn!

rage said...

Look at a flirtacious,adulterous and senile cretin giving advice on how to keep a man...mtcheeeeww

Olori-aya ADE said...

Well spoken stella I agree with u totally that means u are d small version of Doris simeon;na joke o cos seriously u hit d nail on d head.Good one sis.linda post my comment oo. 1st to comment,waitng for d bank alert o linda

Anonymous said...

Ofcourse Stella it's nice to hear this from you, so that women can keep their husby from ladies like you. Kudos

@Divalicious_Mia said...

Can now see d reasons y u obtained Daniel 4rm Doris Simon
Anty take a sit n cover U̲̣̣̣̥r shameless face wit U̲̣̣̣̥r hands
Local snatcher mtewwwww

Unknown said...

Funny Comments

Anonymous said...

Well this is a good advise coming from a wrong person , ow come u failed in your marriage and went ahead to spoil a fellow woman marriage .


tnxs for d advice,i'ld fallen asleep and slept for 20 min i gess while reading dis message,tnx once again#ella john#

Anonymous said...

Ohhhh I see madam adviser. Dats d trick u use for Ademinokan u really tried. Letter from Stella Ademinokan to Doris Ademinokan... Shameless woman

Anonymous said...

Abi oo

Anonymous said...

C mumu lyk u advicin other on hw 2 keep der marriages. Dat hw u stole doris hubby. U go soon expire no wori

Anonymous said...

Yes o,,I bet that is how you were able to keep your EX- all people should know that a bad man will cheat irrespective of what you do or don't do.... Bad nigerian men like variety full stop..its not about sex at home or not..May i also ask you should the MAN NOT also make effort such as reducing his pot belly,buying his wife plenty gifts and take her out for nice outings and vacations know things he also USED TO DO BEFORE the wedding

Livvsreamblog said...

It look like a story not an article,but there is truth in what she said,some women always becomes boring after there marriage in sex,house keeping,sexy look etc...and this look like an opportunity to some men to cheats...i see alot of sense in what stella wrote.

Anonymous said...

Aunty stella,plz ds kind of topic is not for sumone lyk​ ​ ​U̅ cz dia is no example in U̶̲̥̅̊я̲̅ own life.


Yea! She is right. A woman's vagina is my favorite place in the whole world.

Yucci said...

Thank you very much Counsellor Stella for that long epistle. Now please tell us why even the most highly priced escort girl(Ashewo)who does all the above and more does not still keep the man? Yes, sex is important but there's a whole lot more in marriage! I hope this is for the Homemakers because some Professional women striking a balance between keeping their homes, their husbands and their kids happy may not have the luxury of lounging at home naked and perfumed ready to engage in whatever sex fifty times a day. What about the woman? she does not also require to be pampered and made to feel special and loved? Yes, I am still a tiger in bed after two kids and sex may have helped, but being a bimbo in my bedroom may not get me beyond my matrimonial space. Please next time, let people know that there is more to life and marriage than bedroom acrobatics. Even a call girl knows that. Maybe you have been watching too many films, OOps I were an actress!

Anonymous said...

some element of this is write-up is true but there is more than just Sex to keep a marriage and home, believe me.

EL LOCO said...


ary said...

I don't know about all men liking sex part oh! But I do believe even after 5 years of marriage couple should retain those traits that attracted them to each other. Dress sexy, work sexy, talk sexy, men are attracted by sight, women in action and spoken words. Couples shouldn't lose that. And yes have enough sex, try new things and never be ashamed it's for better for worse.

ary said...

You sound bitter, take some sugar that should help.

ary said...

You sound bitter, take some sugar that should help. You can't snatch a man that doesn't want to be snatched!

Mz MNB said...

i am very sure it Daniel dat told u to write dis rubbish, pointin finger @ his ex-wife doris,, bia stella Aboderin,nzeribe, Ademinokan u no dey shame? ur 2 failed marriage u nor sabi all dis ones bfor d marriage went dwn d drain?i av said it let dose who calls on d name of d Lord desist frm iniquities.. Gosh! dis write-up makes me sick.. *pheeeeew* haba dis lady/woman/divorcee u nor get shame atall o wahalai.. who is advising who? yoruba go say shago nbu go... god radiance to bad rubbish!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thank u! We have heard it all before. She shld go and stfu and sthd! (sit the hell down)

Anonymous said...

How every wey she don tk affect d price of garri 4 market,we all read dis in books,so madam stella tk ur preaching somewia else

Anonymous said...

And what is the man doing to deserve all this.? If a man does not act like a man then he'll be treated like a dog.

I know women who are PERFECT ...fine o, good cook, loyal, submissive, fertile, hard working do him where ever, whenever however yet their stupid husbands still cheat.

A good man is a good man and no strategy is required to keep him. You yourself go know when you get one and all those things mentioned just flow without effort.

Anonymous said...

Alot of people miss d message meant 4 dem cos dey spend time looking at d source of d message,why not just get any positive thing u can 4rm d message(that's wisdom) and give d source of d message a break! Nice one stella, but hw abt d average women,remember u hv a privileged life so its easier 4 u

Anonymous said...



Cool Write-up... She tried sha

Anonymous said...

Your talking abouthow to keep a man, you keep men this fourth husband at ur age u Scatter three dont u think that advice is for u.Useless about Asaba Girl Lo

Anonymous said...

Hillary or whatever your name is I hope you will remember this when someone like stella snatch your husband or your sis and daughters husband.

Anonymous said...

Thank you o...oro ko dun lenu omo ole e!husband snatcher advising on how to keep husband?oshisko..please keep the article in your brain stella because the man you snatched will slip from you too.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of articles telling women how to keep their men. Women need keeping too.

Anonymous said...

we are all human no 1 is perfect.even if she snached some1 else's husband she just hit d nail on d head.d advice she gave is true i av heard alot of wives complainin bitterly about deir hubbies how tins av changed alot after marriage & also hubbies complainin about deir wives.we all need d truth we cant run 4rm it instead lets face it

Anonymous said...

You are a big fool!
Empty head! Mtchewwww!

Anonymous said...

you pipu shud not let dis woman commit suicide oh... my hand no dey oh.....c my armpit oh, hmm no hair.

Anonymous said...


Mena UkodoisReady said...

ROFL@'forget the messenger'. Madam we remember the message and the one who delivers it.


Another woman who believes in the power of vag...>

mshorlie.. said...

@fellow LIBers, why do we get so judgemental at the slightest hint of the truth,stella said it all ,leave her out of this and let us make the best of all she said and make our homes a paradise on EARTH......for those criticising her,sex isnt the only thing that keeps a home ,remove the spec in your eyes before trying to remove the pebble in hers.....GOD GIVE US CHRISTIAN HOMES.

Micheal Gabriel said...

Stella is that why and how you took doris husband? you hypocrite take the dirt off your own eyes,before coming out to give an attention seeking advice,Visit Angel Maryjane David Blog.

Anonymous said...

if you like,cook pasta with spagetti sauce "sinzooed" in fresh chicken karate stew and do the "snakeinthemonkeyshadowkunfupanda" style in bed,if he wants variety,he will simply fuck another bitch.

Anonymous said...

Who told you?!!!
Ewu carbon!

Shawn said...

Nna, see list of what men want.... And i thought women were the ones with a really long list *mtchewww*

All the list in the world wont keep a man or woman if both parties do not play their own parts biko!

Anonymous said...

Don't judge pple harshly.Get to know the truth b4 condeming ppl
You hear!!! Mr Judge!

Anonymous said...

*deep Sigh* Sorry Stella. Its not like I judge you, but really, like seriously, tk relationship advise frm you??? naaaaaah. Its quite unfortunate that either, 1 due to my bias or due to the news that has emanated form this same actress whom I so admire and appreciated, I cnt read this to the end. for 1. You might be a sex machine and still your so called husband leaves you for another. Havent any of you considered that??? I shy away from our so called role models. * Walks away*

Unknown said...

hmmmm after marriage number what?

Unknown said...

Coming from someone who can't keep hers.

Anonymous said...

Ure an idiot

Anonymous said...

Yucci,u just said it all. Dear stella,it is obvious now dat ur looking 4 pity n self righteousness. Ur not in d best position 2 give dis advise 2 married women cos uv bin married 3 times dats not marriage dear,its comfort 4 u,wen suntin goes wrong u walk away. Ur article av seen it sumwhr b4,I'm sure its copy n paste. Just tell us its a letter 2 "DORIS". Nigerians r not STUPID.

Anonymous said...

You are a whoo that's why u have not gotten a life. Try and compose your own talk so we will read then let me see what you will tell us

Chop Chop said...

Many circumcisized women are not sexually active cos that triggering switch has been chopped off or modified to ignor signal for sex.

Anonymous said...

Don't you know nzeribe is a fool

Nwaugo Valentine said...

Stop judging Stella,who are you to judge her? Do you know the true story of the events that spoilt her marriages or brought her to the recent one? if one can have your background check,you may not be better than her.She did well to give us this preview but can you? Her public life as an actress makes it hard for her private life not to come under searchlight.Imagine if all these accusations are wrong? Then you would have killed with your words#change your perception today#Linda,please show this to all and sundry to learn from.Kudoos!

Anonymous said...

Nice one Stella,but it takes two to tango.

Dominion said...

SEE kokolets and dont need such long instruction to keep a wont graduate o

Dominion said...

see kokolets and don't need too much of instructions to keep a won't graduate ooo

Anonymous said...

Ok people,she snatched someone's f**k what? U can't snatch a man dat does nt want 2 be snatched.d guy self be alagbere,if nt he won't approach her abi na she carry herself go meet d man ni? Abegi make una calm down nd digest d good message. Bt try my husband nd u go experience african magic.seriously.

Anonymous said...

This message is not necessary at this time with all the controversy. You should have chosen something different topic to write about, besides what do you mean 5 times a day? Where you addressing jobless men and women ?

Anonymous said...

Lol, People! Don't kill the messenger! She made a perfectly good point that most married men will admit..Sex is very important but it's also not the most/only important factor. Communication, honesty, openness,forgiveness, faith and most of all GOD. I still appreciate her perspective and it does ring true. I have to say (lol) that if we use her formula then she's also the young version of Doris..LMAO..Stella carry go jor, nobody holy pass!

Anonymous said...

How about how to keep a woman so that she will not cheat on her husband and sleeping with other people's husbands? A certain actress was cheating on her husband with another actor and the actor was also married and they made their spouses miserable because of their unholy affair, acting movies together doing everything together before the eyes of every body, though the actress's husband died,she entered another marriage that lasted nine months as a result of the lady's hot pant, now the lady snatched another woman's husband and still choking us with her life all over the internet. How do you control such a woman from cheating? Oya Stella tell us.Linda post this piece, I'm worried I need answers.

kunle said...

Great post and i sense the inspiration was from her snatched husband.

Real Secrets to weightloss and healthy eating

Anonymous said...

This message is not necessary at this time with all the controversy. You should have chosen something different topic to write about, besides what do you mean 5 times a day? Where you addressing jobless men and women ?

Anonymous said...

It infuriate me wen som1 write tinz to make pple learn nd yet dey still make negative comments. Pls u guys should grow up,if u av sontin negativ ab som1 dt doesnt mean u cant learn frm dem. Wot has her life got to do wit she tryin to beta pples home. Funny enuf is dt som of u pple sayin all sort are even worse. We jst eead frm media nd tag pple wit names,r u sure of these stories,av u heard dere syd of d story. Am sure even Linda isnt safe is she writes somtin lyk dis. Stop judgin so u wont b judged.
Tioluwalope Sleek

Anonymous said...

I love dz comment so much

Anonymous said...

My wife is a typical example, i pray she reads this and have a change cos very soon i will be getting more of it out there and then she will understand what she has lost

MY TURN said...

cough cough cough

Apple said...

Shut the fuck up Stella!!! So why didn't your second marriage last??? And again you cheated on Jaiye 24/7! Ashawo!

Anonymous said...

hahahaha, one needs to be high on something to read this article and the comments that follow, *jokes for days*

Anonymous said...

Anon 2.52, my mother once told me that because a person is bad or evil never justifies you acting in a bad or evil way.. How does some evil men's ways determine how you should run your marriage/relationship

I'm sorry to say that is why so many girls will never ever get married. Ask any woman that is above 30, they have had a fair chance at a good bobo that prolly creating a good home with a woman that gave him his chance.

All you ladies criticizing her justification for treating a man right, you are just like all those men who say because one woman messed up, all women are useless and they will therefore deal with them. Since you want to marry Jesus you can wait till you get to heaven.

Ladies don't be deceived, just as you want a man that tends to ur needs, we want women that tend towards ours. Give love a chance, successful marriages need work and sacrifice and you should try and help a guy once in a wyl

Anonymous said...

You will even have girlfriends that are denying their bfs sex for several reasons.. This generation of "my right, my right" right right wud lead us down d wrong way

Anonymous said...

Na today!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

In between working and looking after kids. A bit unfair

Princess Dee said...

I'll come back later n read.Stella writes well but i think the topic should have been 'Actress Stella Damasus advices women on how to keep other ladies'men'
Do the right thing ma'am!

Anonymous said...

Person way useless dey talk

Anonymous said...

Considering how she spelt smarter, I have doubts she is the smarter one.

Anonymous said...

see nigerians. instead of you guys to listen toher u r asking of her previous marriages. thats why u peole wont suceed in ur marriages. dont judge anyhow. But stella mahn men there is nothing we can do oo.

Anonymous said...

@anya how did u know that she killed her husband what is with u people, to start with how many of u here judging her have not sleep with someone's husband or bf pls,is either u learn or hold ur peace cos we are all sinners.she talking to married women not singles ladies

Anonymous said...

@ anonymous 2.10pm. There must be a reason your girlfriend is depriving you. You are probably not performing your duties as a man and she is also probably getting it elsewhere. Stop fooling yourself.

Anonymous said...

U guys insulting stella should check it cos I feel u guys are big FOOLS cos fools don't listen to simple advice. If ur without sin cast the first stone.. we learn from our mistakes..or atleast wise pple do.

Anonymous said...

The lady is suppose to do all dis:
Yet work becos d man doesn't want a liability
She has to be a machine gun as she was b4 pushing children.
A human body can only bear 45 del(unit) of pain. Yet,at time of giving birth,a woman feels up to 57 del(unit) of pain. This is equal to 20 bones fractured simultaneously @ d same tym.
U think all bones go back to complete form? So u can be d machine gun 2 keep ur man?
Stella, in 5 yrs 4rm nw, u wud sing a new song. I rest my case.

Anonymous said...

3rd marriage nd still countin.

Anonymous said...

Madam stella most men love varieties! They don't wanna bang the same tin thru out their lives! So if u like do all the above. A man that wants to taste another, would.

Anonymous said...

One more thing. She shud know she is giving dis advice 2 more commoners . Nt celebraties who can afford plastic surgeries, constant thorough body check up n upkeep.

Anonymous said...

Stella, I shake my head for you! You conveniently left out lacing their pussies with jazz like you do for men yeah? You are nuffin but a hoe. Ladies don't need these advise from a whore like you. Thank God d Internet has made these things all simple. We can find out tips from there . Take a million seats back jooor! Linda, pls stop tolerating this prostitute on your blog abeg. Post this comment oooo....


Fool. Way to a mans heart is his stomach. Penis is secondary. Man gat to be a man but if he remembers your cooking he will not hang out to eat trash. Most of u chase fame and can't cook indomie.

Anonymous said...

I always assumed that Stella was intelligent. It is obvious i was mistaken. She of all people should not be writing this at this time. Common sense is not so common.

Anonymous said...

Abi aiye nshey eleyi ni. Take a seat madam. By force I must stay relevant.

Anonymous said...

@anony4:57pm,u are the biggest idiot ever!thunder fire that ur smelling mouth!

Anonymous said...

You're a big fool. Your girlfriend deprives you. Have you married her?. We're talking about married people. FOH

Anonymous said...

@anony 4:34pm,its obvious ur a snatcher likee stella damaturu aboderin nzeribe aderinokan!shut the hell up!Ape!

Anonymous said...

U na monkey!!!

Anonymous said...

U've said it all!

Anonymous said...

She is talking from experience oh, daniel must have told her the many things that made him leave Doris and she decided to put it into writing and advise other women. Thanks Aunty classy ashawo.

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