The Fishermen was hailed by the judges as "a captivating tale of the tragic unravelling of a family in modern-day Nigeria"
The Man Booker longlist was announced in August.
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Congrats man.
Igbo guy right? Thats how we are. Very smart and intelligent.
Congratulations my man...welldone.
Congrats to him
Congratulations my man...welldone.
Congrats to him.
People still dey read book this age.... Serious matter...... Congrats bro.... #NowPlaying bad man: simba....
Congrats to him
Congratulations to him
A big congrats to him. Linda take note!
A big congrats to him. Linda take note!
Congratulations to him
A big congrats to him. Linda take note!
Thumbs up
Congratulations in advance
Pray he wins it....
Congratulations bro. More to come!
WOW! Thought his being on d longlist was just tokenism.
Oh good 4 him
Marvellous news. Merely to make the Booker long list is a big achievement, and now he has made the short list. I send him hearty congratulations. He's proved a newcomer can make it, and make it big.
Good to know
Aunty linda.....
Good to know
Aunty linda.....
Good to know
Aunty linda.....
linda u do not need to surprise.writing is one of the remarkable natural gift among the Igbo's."cyprain ekwensi,chinua achebe ,chimamanda adichie just to mentione some few marvelous writers/authors.it runs in our DNA
Congrats To Him!
I wish him all d best...
God abundantly bless him and its well wit him. Thumbs up and more power to his elbows.
This book is available on Konga.
Congratulations Dude!!!Proud of you.
Congrats bro
congratulations Bros! http://www.bummyla.com
Wow congrats dude
Wow congrats dude
congratulations!!!! so proud..
To God be the glory. Congratulations my brother. May the award come to you.
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