Empire star, Taraji P. Henson stuns on the cover of the magazine’s Game Changer' issue. Speaking about the kind of man she wants, the mother of one told the magazine...
"I’m not twentysomething. I’m not trying to find myself—I know exactly who I am and exactly what I want. And I don’t want a fan. I want a man who understands me, who challenges me, who calls me on my sh-t instead of letting me get away with it because I’m supposed to be a star. I want a best friend.
Nd so shall it be..just keep doing you
*cute bree*
Sexy woman
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Taraj bring ur fine ass out here to Africa dat kind of man is right here in Africa. Sexy cookie she really punished lucius abeg make dem release season 2 Cannt wait for it and power season 3
I love taraji any time, any day! So much 4 her bringing terrence to d show!
#iT WiLL OnLY gEt BettER
#iT MusT eNd iN PrAiSE
Pretty chic
She's looking good. Linda take note!
She's looking good. Linda take note!
She's looking good. Linda take note!
Don't worry you cute head cos God will give u dat man that'll be your special friend....#justblvit#
Now dats a woman dat knws wat she does want
Loooks cooool!
Aunty linda
Loooks cooool!
Aunty linda
Loooks cooool!
Aunty linda
My cooky is no doubt beautifull i swear....
She fine...love TP henson
She looks so gorgeous and beautiful.
I wish her all d best and God abundantly bless her.
You said it, you're not twenty something. A girl meets d kinda man u want in her 20s and gets hitched to him in her 30s.
Goodluck with those requirements
Revealed! Read How Sleeping on Your Side May Protect You from Alzheimer’s
She looks great!
Cute graphics (Y)
She looks good!
Aunty linda
She looks good!
Aunty linda
She looks good!
Aunty linda
Hmm. Word
My cookie lyon!
Utaraji... According to my sister wilheminna.
Cookie has spoken!!! Werd!!! I wonder how those 3 - 6 mafia dudes feel like now. Rewind back to the Oscars, a few years back. Can you feel it?
seen and nice
hhmmm! blah blah blah blah. Your clock has been ticking since
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