Photo of the day | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Monday, 7 September 2015

Photo of the day

#HumanityWashedAshore Indian Artist, Sudarsan Pattnaik's sand sculpture depicting drowned Syrian boy - Aylan Kudri. Sculpture done at Puri beach, in Odisha, India


Unknown said...

Very big shame!

STERN said...

Quite sad

Paul Samuel Uchechukwu said...

Lol, aunty Linda dis is somewhat funny, i wonder the artist that drew it, so perfect. Love d photo.
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Unknown said...

so sad...

AC£S said...

Sad but true

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

so sad...

aproko manager said...


livingstone said...

creative, touching, on-point....

Eze said...

He shld pls shut the fcuk up, am not saying this is good, but this kid is not the first, thousands have died in worst manner, all thanks to Islam.....he shld be saying shame of war/Islam, if they love peace, ppl won't be dying this way especially children

Anonymous said...

He shld pls shut the fcuk up, am not saying this is good, but this kid is not the first, thousands have died in worst manner, all thanks to Islam.....he shld be saying shame of war/Islam, if they love peace, ppl won't be dying this way especially children
Henry Eze

Unknown said...

what is this, i dnt understand, Linda one day u post live ghost for us, lol

Kerry okoye said...

Woow!!!..sad and creative

Unknown said...

Humanity is's really a shame!!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I still dont understand why this pix is being recreated... its not a thing of joy...

Unknown said...

Dis is so dad

Unknown said...

Dis is so sad

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Too bad.. So sad... Died so young.. Poor soul 😂😩😭

Unknown said...

Too bad.. So sad... Died so young.. Poor soul 😂😩😭.. RIP

Anonymous said...

Still heartbreaking! may he RIP and pray for comfort for his living family. So sad

Unknown said...

Excellent piece of art

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Anonymous said...

This is art in it's finest!!!

anonymous said...

Why are not these muslim rich nations like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, UAE, Qatar and Kuwait taking all these refugees into their countries? Why must they go to Europe? Muslims are the worst enemy of Muslims. They kill themselves more than other religions do. Boko haram has killed more muslims than any religion since nigeria independence. A Kuwaiti minister was reported to have said that they can't accept these refugees because they are lazy people and they won't feed people that won't work. People that are running to safety for their dear lives, you call them lazy. You see how crazy muslims treat their fellow muslims. They say Christians are evil, yet when they have problems, they run to christian countries for salvation

Richard Okere Jr said...

What creativity!..You would think that is a Photoshop in action.. I love men who can communicate their thoughts with almost anything..

Unknown said...

My heart breaks each time I look at dis pix. May his soul continue to rest with the Lord. Linda take note!

dudette said...

Real shame!! Smh

Man Of God said...

the whole world will ever love you Aylan Kudri! RIP little brother

ary said...


Anonymous said...

What rubbish is all these? Wont they allow this poor boys soul rest in peace? Whats with all the internet craze about his death? I see people are so desperate for attention these days it makes you wonder...

Unknown said...

RIP lil boy

Unknown said...

RIP lil boy

Unknown said...

Wooooow this is very cool and creative

Aunty linda

Unknown said...

Wooooow this is very cool and creative

Aunty linda

Unknown said...

Wooooow this is very cool and creative

Aunty linda

Unknown said...

Wooooow this is very cool and creative

Aunty linda

Unknown said...

Wooooow this is very cool and creative

Aunty linda

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Dis is wht I call creativity@its peak. Thumbs up and more power to d elbows of d person dat d dis.

mrs chukwuma said...

Hmmmmmmmmmm so touched with this picture whenever I set my eyes on it

Son sleep on in the Lord

Unknown said...

*tears* RIP lill champ

Lib freak

Collins insider said...

May His Soul neva go near syria.

Anonymous said...

F-cuk them! fc-k the Arab, the Indians! The moslems and all the allah evil worshipers! They are looking for pity and with the dead of this innocent boy, they are getting it from lowly stupid non-moslems.

The top 5 richest moslems countries refuse to accept this Syrians killing migrants... And they are all running to Europe, UK to start a WAR. To start a Sharia. I pity for those poor countries... IN 20 - 50 years, all their women will be wearing hijah or what stupid thing they call it. The men will rape the women, and go free.... They men will kill the women to maintain the honour of their family.

They will cry to get their country back.... But it will be too late.
Shame on all those who don't know the hidden agenda of the killing moslems.

Anonymous said...

F-cuk them! fc-k the Arab, the Indians! The moslems and all the allah evil worshipers! They are looking for pity and with the dead of this innocent boy, they are getting it from lowly stupid non-moslems.

The top 5 richest moslems countries refuse to accept this Syrians killing migrants... And they are all running to Europe, UK to start a WAR. To start a Sharia. I pity for those poor countries... IN 20 - 50 years, all their women will be wearing hijah or what stupid thing they call it. The men will rape the women, and go free.... They men will kill the women to maintain the honour of their family.

They will cry to get their country back.... But it will be too late.
Shame on all those who don't know the hidden agenda of the killing moslems.

Unknown said...

Always thinking from your tiny testicles! Dang!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


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