She wants to do her job without serving alcohol in accordance with her Islamic faith -- just as she was doing before her suspension.
"What this case comes down to is no one should have to choose between their career and religion and it's incumbent upon employers to provide a safe environment where employees can feel they can practice their religion freely," said Lena Masri, an attorney with Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.Charee started working for ExpressJet nearly three years ago. About two years ago she converted to Islam. This year she learned her faith prohibits her from not only consuming alcohol but serving it, too, Masri said. She approached her supervisor on June 1 and was told to work out an arrangement for someone to fulfill passenger requests for alcohol.
"It was at the direction of the airlines that she began coordinating with the other flight attendant on duty so that when a passenger requested alcohol, the other flight attendant would accommodate that request," Masri said. "We know that this arrangement has worked beautifully and without incident and that it hasn't caused any undue burden on the airline. After all, it was the suggestion of the airline."
It seemed to be working out until another flight attendant filed a complaint against Stanley on August 2 claiming she was not fulfilling her duties by refusing to serve alcohol, Masri said. The employee complaint also said Stanley had a book with "foreign writings" and wore a headdress.
On August 25, the airline sent a letter to Stanley informing her that it was revoking its religious accommodation to exclude her from service of alcohol and placing her on administrative leave.
"They placed her on unpaid leave and they advised her that her employment may be terminated after 12 months," Masri said. "We are requesting that her employment be reinstated and the accommodation of her religious beliefs be reinstated as well."
A spokesman for Express Jet declined to discuss Stanley's complaint. "At Express Jet, we embrace and respect the values of all of our team members. We are an equal opportunity employer with a long history of diversity in our workforce. As Ms. Stanley is an employee, we are not able to comment on her personnel matters," spokesman Jarek Beem said in an email.
Source: CNN.
Majority of people online said she should even be fired. What do you think? or as CNN asked, is it religious freedom or discrimination?
1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»Didn't any of the employers give her a copy of the company's policy to study before employment?... Does she think she's in the mosque dinning with Iman?
Rubbish. U eithier accept to serve the alcohol or quit the job. It's unreasonable to bring in ur religious ethics to your workplace.
Maybe u don get job for total filling station sha. Mtschewww
She should go find a job in a mosque! Biko wat nonsense is she all bout.
She just needs to seal this belief ( alcohol) with accepting christ! John 3:16
Didn't any of the employers give her a copy of the company's policy to study before employment?... Does she think she's in the mosque dinning with Imam?
But she's actually at fault here, you work were alcohol is served, and you don't want to serve but still want RO stay working there.
aunty gerarahere mehn.
She's absolutely MAD, am so so pissed men.....WTF is wrong with this Moslems, u see wot religion is turning the world into......u are a flight attendant and u don't want to do ur job, how does serving alcohol affect ur religious life........That's how my stupid cousin came out of chemist business, his reason being that, he can't be selling condoms/sex supplement and can't withstand ppl asking him for condom, but within a period of 2yrs he already have 4kids from different mothers......bulshit
She's absolutely MAD, am so so pissed men.....WTF is wrong with this Moslems, u see wot religion is turning the world into......u are a flight attendant and u don't want to do ur job, how does serving alcohol affect ur religious life........That's how my stupid cousin came out of chemist business, his reason being that, he can't be selling condoms/sex supplement and can't withstand ppl asking him for condom, but within a period of 2yrs he already have 4kids from different mothers......bulshit
She's absolutely MAD, am so so pissed men.....WTF is wrong with this Moslems, u see wot religion is turning the world into......u are a flight attendant and u don't want to do ur job, how does serving alcohol affect ur religious life........That's how my stupid cousin came out of chemist business, his reason being that, he can't be selling condoms/sex supplement and can't withstand ppl asking him for condom, but within a period of 2yrs he already have 4kids from different mothers......bulshit
Her real origin is unclear but if she is an A.A, there's no extent some of them won't go to file a lawsuit. She found a legal loophole and jumped on the gravy train.
Hmmmmmmm dn't knw wat to say ooo...
...Am gettin dere...
Dis girl bu nnooo ezigbo john! Why take d job if she knows her yeye religion forbids some certain tinz. Bia ka nye GI ezigbo okpuru Ishi. What's wrong wit dis pipo?
It's her job n she shld do it
Air hostess is definitely not supposed to have been your career in the Western world. You should have gone to Saudi Airlines, and put simply, moslem airlines anywhere in middle east. Please stop spreading Islam in the Western World.
Balanity-she should be fired, why taking up a job as flight-attendan,If her religion forbid her from touching alcohol. Pure insolence and banality-fire her ass.muslim always think their her more faithful than others.
Na wa....i think is religious freedom ....
I believe there is a way to go abt dis so dat there wil alwaz b balance btw both sides.
Was d manager dumb wen he employed a religious freak???
Me na me Sack...
U go tell me who get company....Ode
Balanity-she should be fired, why taking up a job as flight-attendan,If her religion forbid her from touching alcohol. Pure insolence and banality-fire her ass.muslim always think their her more faithful than others.
In dat case make she go dey work for mosque. Linda take note!
In dat case make she go dey work for mosque. Linda take note!
In dat case make she go dey work for mosque. Linda take note!
That is call Religious Discrimination.
Never in my life will I get into an Islamic flight again. The last one i had with Egypt air was just stupid. No shayo for guys. Na so so juice..mtsheew. You islamists are very MAD.
Hmm, why complain nd nt just quit..
*cute bree*
Nice one lady,muslim are not good in that except kiiling,terrorism and pedople.
#sad indeed
U don't serve alcohol but u can be a suicide bomber...let her be fired abeg. Pretentious Muslims!
She can't dictate to her employers how she would do her job. If the job is against her fate then she should quit. So if a passenger requests for alcohol, she would say no? They would just refund the passenger his money. What nonsense.
I'm not aware anyone has a choice of what and which service to deliver onboard an airplane, religion or not.
I don't think she should be fired but she should be told to review the what the job she signed for requires. The duties cannot be changed to accommodate her religion so she may have to resign since her faith does not permit her to do the job she signed up for. It's like a Christian deciding to sign up for a job that includes satanic practices.
Na wa o.
Joke Sylvia is crushing on Jeff joor. So fuc****ng obvious.
Like someone said when we talk, they would be looking for where to throw bomb or start another global religious jihad. if you cant take the heat in the kitchen, pleeeez gerrout lobatan
I respect ppl's faith but c'mon, if d islamic faith forbids it then quit the job or get fired....
Like someone said when we talk, they would be looking for where to throw bomb or start another global religious jihad. if you cant take the heat in the kitchen, pleeeez gerrout lobatan
She should be fired! This muslims are a pain in the ass.!!!!
Dz one na gobe, original gobe
This muslims wahala too much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So why did u take the job? To think u actually APPLIED for it.
Hey, COME ON! I know you're out there, I can't possibly be the only one, try something crazy. HIT ME UP!
Fuck this evil people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Want the hell is wrong with muslims???!!!! Live and let's live!!!!!!!!!!!!
She should be professional. She'd lose in court.
~D great anonymous!
Y should she serve alcohol and Y should she be fired. I wonder Y pple are very stupid and disregard others believe
Abeg sack her!!! Make she go work for mosque!! Idiot its ur job!!! Same stupid thing dat idiot american woman is complaining about!!! Ur job is ur job, u cant b excluded
Go get another job. Serving alchol isn't drinking it
It is a very stupid idea if she is to be fired because she refused to serve alcohol. I wonder why pple are very stupid and disregard others belief
If majority said she should be fired, I believed the God of Abrahim, Isaac, Ishmael, Jesus and Muhammad (pbuh) will not forsake her. There were many Muslim air line companies who abide by Islamic rules perhaps she seek for one. The world is an ephemeral space which will not last eventually
She should just resign, it won't work.
She should just resign, it won't work.
Leave the job.
with her evil face.
They pretend to be righteous but turn right, left, front and back they are causing problems all over the world. Mtcheeeew.
I love this muslimah!
Quran 24v51; The only statement of the believers when they are called to Allah and His Messenger to judge between them is that they say, "We hear and we obey." And those are the successful.
Well, I do not drink alcohol but I also do not subscribe to religious sentiments either. If you decide to take up a job with a company, you have to accept the culture and practices of that firm. If they serve alcohol, then you have to do it. What i think would be a case is if what you are asked to do is morally wrong or abusive to your sense of dignity. I am wondering if she signed any contract of agreement? Does she have any agreement that as she takes up the job, she would be treated differently? That is not ethical for organisations that grow by the way. She needs to go get job that would not go against her religious belief...I think she should have honourably resigned before she got suspended than violating the company's codes of conduct or as the case may be. I mean that is what Integrity is. May be she is doing that to get sympathy for muslim brothers and sisters?
confused its not ok for her not serve alcohol and a state clerk is jailed for not issuing license to gay???
Who wrote to apply?
Lol this is very similar to the Anti gay marriage clerk. Although she is not committing the act, she feels religious guilt for enabling the act. The flight attendant that filed a complaint seemed very ignorant , I don't see how refusing to serve alcohol is such a huge deal, they can always get someone else to carry out that specific task as there is always more than one flight attendant on board flights! They were wrong to terminate her.
You couldn't serve alcohol, but you can kill, destroy and behead...motherfucking idiot. You want the whole world to believe that Islam is a good religion by not serving alcohol....right? You are deceiving yourself....you Muslims are the greatest alcoholic and chain smokers. I used to to be a Muslim before my conversion.
didnt she sign terms and condition before accepting the work
Abeg that's part of her job specification. If she doesn't want to fulfil her duties then she should go work in another industry or for airlines that don't serve alcohol. Every1 be sueing these days! Mschewww
U deserve it, saving alcohol is against ur religion abii, but sucide bombing is not against ur religion. nor removing ur hajip at nite nd sleep with a man is not against ur religion.
It always about religion for some people. Anyway, whatever works for them. Next pls.
Wen u can not comply wt der rules y did u accept 2 work wt dem? Leave d job n go else whr
Wen u can not comply wt der rules y did u accept 2 work wt dem? Leave d job n go else whr
I will liken this to the case of the lady who refused to marry gay couples because of her religion. This lady should simply resign.
Honestly this is hypocrisy... The christian woman who refused to give gays a license is getting so many supporters and this muslim woman is not offered the same playing ground.... Hmmm...
She should be fired and hired in the nearest mosque. Some ignorant Muslims always feeling nonsense. I remember a flight attendant giving a fellow passenger meals way before the inflight service started cos she just broke her fast and needed to eat asap. If you know where you showered go back there and pick your clothes. You can't reap where you didnt sow
religion is a terrible thing! Are u d one drinking the alcohol?
Mumu...Ode extremist. Na dem commit sin pass
Stanley shld take several seats at d back mehn....didnt u knw wat u signed in for as a hostess ? So while u were workin u converted nd now u cnt do wat u av been doin b4 for ur career sake....abeg fire her m a muslim aswell bt i dont discriminate ...bitch b joking with her career
She is not ready to work. She should be fired
In my opinion it has nothing to do with alcohol , it is a business and u are being paid for it , so why should she be treated special from other employing ??? Abeg she should find job else where Abeg ! I can't allow ur personal matter affect my own business! Simple
Good for her..
Make she quit Na, which kin unnecessary problem be this? She is working in a firm, she either obey the rules or quit. No exception
She should resign if she feels where she is goes against her religion simple
Yes she should be fired!!! If you can't agree to the terms and conditions of a firm u resign honourably...simple
If they can actually jailed that woman that refused to issue gay marriage license why not fire her.... This clearly different thing if you know ur religion does not permit you to carry out ur duty at work then quit simple as that....
◇◇◇◇◇◇ If ignorance is bliss, wipe the smile off my face ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇ ◇
I'm all for religious freedom and equality but serving alcohol comes with this particular job and she needs to find another job if she's not comfortable with the terms, if we were all to pick and choose tasks that work for us at our various jobs, what a chaotic world it would be indeed.
Wish her all the best with her lawsuit.
Good people of LIB kindly visit my very entertaining lifestyle blog, gracias.
Abeg she should get out with her stupid religious belief.ig she does not want to serve alchol let her go get anoda job bloody hypocrite as if d Muslims hav not caused d world enof problem
They should fired her. She's not ready to work, I think she's tired to work already.
She should leave them alone if she can't abide to their rules! If alcohol is d only good law dat Islam has apart from killing innocent souls they should jst gerraway wit it!
When a Christian lady refused to bake a wedding cake for a gay couple she was sued and fined about $150,000. Will try to follow this case and see how it plays out.
Company's policies were not built around individuals and religions. If it's against her religion she should quit d job. It's silly for people to think they can get away with bullshit on religious grounds. Nobody's asking her to drink it just serve d damn client.
Nope she can always get another job that doesn't violate her "religious freedom" or get with the program right? If she was christian or budhist would she sue for not being able to drink alcohol with an islamic airline? Come on!
She shuld be fired joor! Who wuld do d job if all of us put our religion first or whose religion permit alcohol? Rubbish
hmmmmm it is really bad to hear
Seen oo
Let's see how this will play out 'cos the other lady in Kentucky went to jail for not issuing a marriage license
She should resign then since her faith prohibits her from serving alcohol. Mtschew. No be we cause your problem. Go look for the one that serves zobo and kunu.
She read the job description before she applied for the job and she knew she would be serving alcohol.So why complain?She should be fired and get another job that fits her religious practice.
You don't mix business with religious sentiments, if she can not obey the rules of the organization let her resign else they will fire her ass mtewwwww nonsense!!!
You don't mix business with religious sentiments, if she can not obey the rules of the organization let her resign else they will fire her ass mtewwwww nonsense!!!
You don't mix business with religious sentiments, if she can not obey the rules of the organization let her resign else they will fire her ass mtewwwww nonsense!!!
It's not any religious discrimination, it's like a girl frequenting a brothel or a club and she flares up when she's approached. Biko get another job where you wnt have to see alchohol. Muslims and their religious fanaticism. #Pathetic.
It's not any religious discrimination, it's like a girl frequenting a brothel or a club and she flares up when she's approached. Biko get another job where you wnt have to see alchohol. Muslims and their religious fanaticism. #Pathetic.
It's not any religious discrimination, it's like a girl frequenting a brothel or a club and she flares up when she's approached. Biko get another job where you wnt have to see alchohol. Muslims and their religious fanaticism. #Pathetic.
volenti non fit injuria=your consent to run a race should not complain of the injury sustained.She knows what it takes to work as an air hostess....Is just like a bar waiter refusing to serve beer.
Rubbish. She should be fired. She knew it was a sercular organization when she joined. Why ask them to mend their procedures now to suit one specific religion?
Iguess if transexuals can be allowed to use the same changing rooms as children and expose their anomalies, and they are allowed to discriminate against the majority, it is okay for anyone with special ideologies to impose it on others. Here cometh the slippery slope
I don't have a problem with anyone being religious but for heaven sakes, keep your religious fanaticism to yourself. If you feel the job will make you sin, Please leave the Job. It's not your private property. Find a job that will conform with your religious ideologies. #justmyopinion
Abeg make I sit down wait for comments
I don't have a problem with anyone being religious but for heaven sakes, keep your religious fanaticism to yourself. If you feel the job will make you sin, Please leave the Job. It's not your private property. Find a job that will conform with your religious ideologies. #justmyopinion
This is just dumb, did she think it was all orange juice. They should fire her.
I tnk she shud be fired, it's her job. U neva eva toil wf wat brings food to ur table.
Well, being an airhostess is clearly not a job for her!
What did she sign on her employment form?
The attestation aspect.
The arrangement shez talking about was verbal, if the matter go court them go give her changes asap!!!
Really,u cant serve but u can make arrangements for who can serve? Really?
She is not ready to work,,,maybe she is just trying to get attention,maybe she wants to make history, ..she is very wrong,d head tie inside d plane,nope,nonono,
I see no reason why she can't serve it. Na she wahnt drink am? Next!!
Men Muslims should gerra ra here! I've never heard any Muslim come out to condemn the killing of xtians all over the world, I've never heard them condemn the forcing of girls to become sex slaves for jihadists but once it gets to alcohol, bleh! They become saints . When we know some of y'all hide gulder inside kettle. Serve the drink or leave the company, the company cannot pay for the religious choices of every single staff. Very soon, you'll say, you cannot fly on Friday. you signed up for this.bet it, she'll ask for monetary compensation!!!
Honestly speaken she has done well cos everthing has been arranged between dem I like she should fight to d last
Gerrarahia! i will also fire ur non alcoholic ass if i am your boss
Kim Davis was sent to jail for the same offence, exercising her faith. She should have been dismissed and jail too
Wat nonsense is dat, stupid hypocrite, Abeg she shld be fired so som else wil take her position
WTH did she applied for such job when she can't address the needs of her customers? Religious madame
Common she knew what her job description was so if she can't do the job she should step aside ,don't see any discrimination here ,she should have resigned or asked to be moved to ticketing when she converted to Islam
This woman is very stupid, if you cannot work go and work where you wouldn't serve alcohol. Why should you eat your cake and have it. She should go and work in a mosque at least she wouldn't serve alcohol there. Rubbish and nonesense
She should be fired. Then she can go work for her religion. After all her employees pay her and dictate the tune! What nerve she's got! Make she come try am for Naija na.....
.. if she cannot perform her duty to the latter, she should be sacked thats all,.moreover they are paying for ur services..didnt you know ur duties before before applying or accepting the job...mtcheww
Fired alone? Collect back all the salaries she's earned. Nansense
Religion is just brainwashing,the woman should be sacked,religion is man made like men discovered alcohol,and most alcohol come from nature unlike the fraud called religion.If I had my way,this woman should be in jail,brainwashed people,alcohol over stupid religion anytime anyday,religion is the worst addiction to man..Religion is man made simple.
Make she go jare nonsense nah she first be Muslim kilode wats her problem you cannot serve God and mammon oooo ... Its s ur job u know what it entails 4 u were converted so u beyta choose one ur job or ur religion
She should have been laid off as surplus to requirements. She has no business being a flight attendant if she can't serve customers drinks. The airline earns its profit by wooing customers which they must satisfy to retain them. It is from the profit that her salary is paid. She should look for another job.
Then go get a job with a Muslim airline. Am sick and tired of you lot causing problems in our already troubled world. You want to impose your ways of life on everyone. Move to effing Saudi Arabia period.
UK Tog
So all the muslin people working for Guinness and other alcohol brand should quit their job too
Funny woman
foolish woman
islam is just a pain in the neck. forcing their beliefs
May God forgives and give u the understainding all, Ameen........She was only doing away with what her religion forbids, is that too much, most of u will spent averagely 70 years here on earth and spent far more in d grave, some have even spent more than 100 years in there graves, and u r not even bothered?.......It is good to prepare for hereafter not here alone.......I pray God give her a good and well paid job that will allow her practice her believes if she is eventually laid off ...Ameen.
And for those who said she shld be jailed ,she is not a criminal and will never be by God will, but d drunkard has d tendency to perform a criminal act.
All these stuff is nothing but attention seeking which is a disease. 1st of all she just converted to Islam, nd she does not know a shit about the religion. She was not getting any attention in her former religion so she coverted, now here comes the attention. They shld not only FIRE her, they shld THROW her idiocy out of the plane, mumu.
If it's a christian refusing marriage licence to gay couples, she gets jail term. But a nuslim would not serve alcohol, it should be okay. Abeg.
OK naa! Agana asupu Oyibo ka anyi na adi happy!
This is a two edged sword, I would have suggested that since it is a job that means she would serve alcohol, she should quit! Then again she has a right to religion and a freedom of association, she can decide what she wants to serve or not.
This is why the west don't even wanna offer muslims jobs cause of these extremists called muslim -- Touching has got nothing to do than consuming it .. Im a muslim but this extremists are total idiots ... sigh
Linda....swallowing comments since 1960. You must be using my comment to fly at night!
Why are we Christians being hypocrites. If it was a story on a Christian refusing to issue marriage license the response would be sympathetic. I'm so disappointed in the comments. Didn't this arrangement work perfectly? That other woman must be anti muslim or hate Muslims for her to act like that. Don't you carry your bible when you travel? She didn't read Koran in hours of work or something. This is clear discrimination. I'm a Christian by the way
She just dey start
Aunty linda biko
Can't keep calm o its my. Birthday 2day
Pathetic! She didn't know she was going to be serving alcohol before taking the job?
Jet express. Thank you for firing this woman. She is gradually becoming a fanatic. The next thing is to bomb the plane. For her to convert to Islam means she has been seriously brainwashed. Her next lines of actions may include terrorism. Muslims are funny people. They don't drink alcohol but they partake in taxes derived from Alcoholic companies. If you are a true Muslim you won't work in Nigeria brewery or Guinness. They both produce alcohol and they pay your salaries with money derived from alcohol sales. Abi them get different account for Maltina and Star?
I agree
Etihad, emirates and host of other middle east carries serve abundant alcohol. Hypocrite.
Na craze dey worry her, if na bomb now she will willingly serve it. Mumu
She should be jailed. Even Muslim countries tell staff prior to employment that they'll be serving alcohol. Since its the norm in the west, I don't think people need the alcohol clause in the west before taking up employment. On the contrary SHE hold have expressed her reservations as at when employed.
Go to jail maam. She should even be arrested for withholding vital information that would have determined her date as at the time of employment.
No cheap litigation money for you, lazy lady. I hope you're raped by the fiercest lesbians.
Even Muslim countries serve alcohol on board. We effing serve booze!!!!! In fact, these folks gulp more booze than anywhere in the world, as it's an opportunity for free booze for them. Lol Magicblackxxl@gmail.com
moslems are trouble everywhere. FULL STOP.
She should even change her name to Musilat Rakiyat. These people know how to constitute problem wherever they go. Their own don too much. She should just be sacked period. Look for a job in your religious field.
* Linda post comments naa. Ogini di.
I don't get it,if you can't do the job leave the job.
They have discriminate against her. What the world preaches is freedom of faith but the same world power enforce those evil freedom of faith they believe in and castigate on the other ones. For all of those who are negative about her behavior, I cannot blame you because many of you do not even obey your religious command
I am not surprised at 99% ofthe comments above, it only shows you all were raised by drunks. Does she not have a right to practice her religion ? Why dnt u guys condemn the woman who because of her religious believes refused to issue marriage certificates to gays? Which religion even permits drinking? You do not even need to be a Muslim, even right thinking Christians do not take alcohol. Why would they not even offer the alcoholic drink to the pilot.
Very stupid and hopeless hypocrite.What fucken pretence just to cause confusion.Idiot.
Enter your comment...she have right to her religion,God will provide better job for her.
She knew before she applied for the job abii...They should fire her and rest.
Enough of this nonsense. Fire her ass. Let her get another job where there is no alcohol involved. She was doing this job before she converted and she knew what was required of her.
You see, na so e take dey start.Small time now, she go turn extremist and that is fastest and easiest way of placing a bomb on the aircraft. It is good that it is coming out now and like this so that they can handle it once and for all.
Funny woman.......her chief imam will found her job in the mosque.
This woman is very stupid, if you cannot work go and work where you wouldn't serve alcohol. Why should you eat your cake and have it. She should go and work in a mosque at least she wouldn't serve alcohol there. Mumu.
she should be fired immediately, she can't live other people's life for them.
It is highly unfair to dictate to ur employer what u wld and wld not do as expected under ur terms of employment and then still expect ur normal pay, simply resign and find a non-alcohol serving job
This is extremely rude of you, why such a stereotypical ignorant fool
Ur father is effin...
Nonsense Chioma! Which verse of d bible says u shd even drink alcohol. U shd b proud of wat she did
Brainwash u said? Why u dey waste ur time go church den, fool!
Lol@work in a mosque. As what na?dr religion marginalizes women so she shd just resign.
Oh yh did she really not..
Hmm...things we read these days baffle me. The employer is very patient & understanding. She should come and try this in Naija upon job scarcity na her body go tell her. Religious ke
stupid woman she can't drink alcoholic and she can served it and she calmed to be attendance in plane stupid religion what about book haram lsis and other terrorist are they not Muslims stupid religion blood shed people
hhmmm.my sista,jus try n luk 4 anoda job dt will b pleasin 2 ur faith.God knows best.....
Pls quit from this dirty job, God is with you he will never let you down.
True talk
Thank you.
We you people just shut the hell up for christ sake! Can you read and understand at all? Her complaints was resolved by HR only for a jealous co-worker to write a petition against her saying why is she so special? So the company HR now decided to reneged on the agreement.
The fact's that you have a job doesnt implies that you have no right... that will make you a slave people. Its all about negotiation pls! Mind you, i know that for an average Nigeria anything goes so far you brought money home at the end of the month. That explains why we don't even have any moral codes as individual or organisation or a country. She has a good case... just do follow up on this story people!
profits from alcohol sales are used to pay her salary....madam, please go and work in a mosque
Lol.ndi ala
She is a true Muslim, Almighty Allah (swt) has warned us(Muslim) not to near alcohol not talk of taking it. so, if she is sack from job because she can't serve alcohol, Allah will provide a better Job for her.
If the kitchen is too hot then don't get in the kitchen! If you can't serve alcohol then quit , find another job and stop causing problems. Shikena!
What an irony
didn't you know that was on your job profile? popularity stunt
she knew her job role before she took the job, so yea the sack is justifiable.
Jst to serve nt to drink it, abeg make she go sit down for her ouse.
Jst to serve nt to drink it, abeg make she go sit down for her ouse.
if your Faith doesnt support it, dont work there.
she joined that line of work knowing fully well that she would be required to serve alcohol.
shes just looking for attention.
give to Caesar...
If you all are Christians, then shame on you! And if you aren't, still shame on you. If you have problem with her filing a case, then you'all should go hang yourself and hope you wake up from your eternal coma of stupidity. Morons!!!
This Islamic fanatic should resign and go get a job in the mosque
She's very stupid, you don't serve alcohol but always on hard drugs. Codeine,etc. Alcohol is far more better than all the drugs u Muslims are using for highness. Nonsense
It is hypocritical to condemn this lady and still feel like a christian or a Muslim. "She understands the havoc Alcohol consumption does, coupled with it's condemnation by God almighty, why won't she want to desist from it totally?" . All you sin lovers wouldn't see anything wrong in Gay Marriage, Right to Nudity and all the satanic rules but will feel free to condemn what God commands .........SMH
People and their beliefs.its so simple my dear.u quit d job cos according to what u just told us, u haven't converted to Islam when u got d job and a year later, u converted and because u wanted to sit close to Allah in ur afterlife, u refused to serve alcohol. A beg o make I ask, no b d same clients wey wan shayo dey give ur company d money wey dem go take pay ur salary? They paid for those services and it's ur duty to satisfy them my darling.just don't understand y u dey tell us wen u for use ur brain quit d job.cos there are people with d same belief as urs that will server d alcohol and will still see Allah.well good luck and we shall see Wat happens next.linda darling will follow d news.
My dear help me ask her ooo
May God pave a better way for her. But in reality this is an infringement on human right of which the western world are the major campaigner. They should respect her religious dictates and if need be re-assigned her to another role. God knows best.
She converted to Islam while an Employee....can't you read
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