Kylie Jenner shows side boob on the cover of Galore magazine | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Kylie Jenner shows side boob on the cover of Galore magazine

Na small small...we will get to the complete nudity Kylie Jenner showed massive cleavage and side boob on the cover of Galore's bombshell generational issue. More photos from the photo shoot after the cut....


Unknown said...

Na wa o....smh

Unknown said...

That's her hubby

Aunty linda

Unknown said...

That's her hubby

Aunty linda

Unknown said...

That's her hubby

Aunty linda

Unknown said...

That's her hubby

Aunty linda

Anonymous said...

I can't tell the difference between the Devil and LindaIkeji.

Unknown said...

Juicy stuff....... Milk factory......

Unknown said...

Linda, no be new thing. Soon she will pose nude, we know them for that.

Unknown said...

Expecting the nude picture.

Unknown said...

She's now 18 nah!, what did u expect?

Unknown said...


I wish her all d best and its well wit her soul.
She wil surely mak a good Minister for d Lord if she turn a new leaf.

Mind Treasures said...

Most times when we walk into big malls, boutiques, supermarkets, we never question their prices. We pay exactly what we see on the price tags and even hand out tips to the staff.
But the moment we are out of these shops and want to buy banana, our bargaining game gets off to the roof. Poor widow with 12 hungry children at home tells you banana is N100. She even takes out her time to explain how difficult it was for her to even buy it, how the economy is so tough.
But we insist that if it's not N50, we are not paying. Some of us even step back into our cars and make to drive away. But because 'half bread is better chin chin', this woman is forced to call you back and sell to you at little or no gain. In her heart, she cries, she's worried about how she'll survive with her children. She silently reassures herself that 'It's well.
God will definitely provide.'' While you happily chop the luscious banana. Take some seconds out and think about this, guys. Please don't bargain hard with small vendors like this. They do business not to buy designer bags, Gucci shoes but to LIVE and EAT!

Unknown said...



Unknown said...

she try!...........

Unknown said...

Na small small she go show us all.

STERN said...

Look at that first pics..her boobs are not balanced

Unknown said...

Na small small she go show us all.

Unknown said...

She been waiting for dis more moment for so long, now dat she hv gotten it let her play. ...

Unknown said...

She been waiting for dis more moment for so long, now dat she hv gotten it let her play. ...

Unknown said...

Issokay! Keep it up! Waiting anxiously for her nudes...

Anonymous Personified said...

O setgokwanu! Still watching for events to unfold

Unknown said...

Na she sabi.

Amaka.u.l said...


Unknown said...

Diz small gurl don old finish....Smh

Unknown said...

Won't be surprised if this young thot put out a sextape tomorrow... being whores runs in their family..

Unknown said...

Won't be surprised if this young thot put out a sextape tomorrow... being whores runs in their family..

Unknown said...

Good 4 her

Lib freak

Unknown said...

Since she's 18, I tink d madness don strt b dat.

Unknown said...

Ugly geh

Unknown said...

Bia Linda enough of this Kylie ugly bitch here.

Anonymous said...

Chai this girl fugly die.

sparkle said...

The ugliest among d Kardashains. Ugly girl in a fake body....

jamar said...

Biko is this girl 18 or 40?

yawanow said...

she looks horrible.

Unknown said...

lovely photos.

Anonymous said...

Awaiting the complete nude.
~D great anonymous!

AC£S said...

Am sure linda can't wait to see her go nude

Anonymous said...

madam its clearly written Galore on the mag not Glamore

Anonymous said...

Wtf, its not like its even new again., with black china going totally nude, bet its d new trend. Check out black china's black ass below!

Unknown said...

She's looking gorgeous but way older than her age. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

She's looking gorgeous but way older than her age. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

She had a boob job! Am 1000000000% sure! Her lip looks horrible

Unknown said...

She's looking gorgeous but way older than her age. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Wtf, its not like its even new again., with black china going totally nude, bet its d new trend. Check out black china's black ass below!

OSINANL said...

Good for her...

Unknown said...

And if she eventually goes nude...what does it add to you?

Anonymous said...

Devil holier than Linda. The only daughter of Sodom and Gomorrah.

AQO said...

Onu ezi! MJ's twin sister, how ya doing?

Jesus is Lord.

gentle said...

Kendall has gone nude when modelling. You dint highlight that. Dnt know why you are trolling this girl linda. I wish you could know how pathetic you look. She has an important awareness programme going on in her ig page, dats more news worthy than this rubbish.

gentle said...

Kendall has gone nude when modelling. You dint highlight that. Dnt know why you are trolling this girl linda. I wish you could know how pathetic you look. She has an important awareness programme going on in her ig page, dats more news worthy than this rubbish.

DIVAMUA said...

Is it me or my eyes, have always noticed her boobs is not symmetrical. Ok I ll keep checking to ensure its not a botched surgery.

Nenelicious said...

Not my business

Unknown said...

Well... buh is kinda looking old! Kim looks younger dan her

Unknown said...

And that's how it starts

chidizz said...

Linda don't tell me u missed the center boobs... lollzz

livingstone said...

these people will not kill us... :( u know u dnt wanna give us y u dey show us?

Unknown said...

Kris Jenner shud pls bring back the old Kylie back cos dis particular one is old and strange....

Blog It With Olivia said...

What has this girl done to her face? She was very beautiful now, am not so sure but it now

#iT WiLL oNLy gEt beTTer
#iT mUsT eNd iN pRaiSe

Anonymous said...

LINDA is evil

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahahaha...Lindiway u be badt girl o. I am patiently waiting, because i know it will happen soon.


Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahahaha...Lindiway u be badt girl o. I am patiently waiting, because i know it will happen soon.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm na wa oo

Unknown said...

See lips,yh na smal smal

Unknown said...

Lin Lin it's Galore mag

Anonymous said...

Na small e dey start

Anonymous said...

Na small small e dey start

SMURF said...

She doesn't look as beautiful like before, seems as if the make up and lips stole her youth and true beauty!

Unknown said...

Cursed family.. dz girl I kip syn it will not end wwll

Lukman said...

Before she reaches the age of Kim, she will be showing us raw Pussy!

Unknown said...

She looks older than her age

Unknown said...


Femi-nist said...

Why are you obsessed with her and what she's doing? Before she wasn't old enough. Now you're obsessed with slut shaming her. Get a grip!

Unknown said...

Oh mehn look @boos

Aunty linda biko

Unknown said...

She is so ugly

Anonymous said...

Ugly baboon! Mtchewwwww! Next

Unknown said...

Nobe say the girl fine sef...mtchewwww

MUVA said...

This girl is looking one kind o. Anyways I comment my reserve

Sweet faced said...

Is it just me or wat?... cos she also wears a bland look on her face...and I really don't fink she is hot or even close to sexy... the magazine no go sell o all I see is a skinny teenager just starting to do yanga wey neva mature.

Unknown said... see what high salary earning ladies go through.

Unknown said...

No be small thing o

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