Dear LIB readers; I don't understand my husband's obsession with sex toys
From a female LIB reader
I love my husband and the sex is good! My only problem is his obsession with sex toys. Whenever we are making love, he uses all kinds of toys on me. He can use sex toys for a whole hour and the sex where he uses his manhood is all under 5 minutes. Whenever we travel, he visits sex toys and buys all kinds and they are all to be used on a woman and nothing for a man. I'm worried about this. I would rather intimacy with my husband than all these gadgets and instruments he likes to use on me. I'm worried about bringing it up as I do not want to upset him.
Talk about it with him and pray about it. Constant use of it and less use of his d**k makes it feel as if you are a harlot, something he's hallucinating over in porn
Hahaha! N thats how uses it on these girls out there....what duyu mean by u don't wanna upset him? Ngwa nodu ka ona apitosigi! U have every right to say your mind, u are his wife Christ sakes not aristo. U De form loyal wife.
Don't be embarassed when he is buying toys to use on you. While he is picking his, you go pick one or two you know can be used on men. There is no way a conversation will not come up when you do that. Then you gently tell him you are not comfortable with the use of the toys. You are his wife Not his bitch.
Dis LIB super story, I hope it wouldn't upset d reader's bcos since she doesn't want to end up upsetting her hubby by not telling him so d problem wil stil persist.
Until she open her mouth to speak up wht is eating her up to her hubby so dat there wil b solution bcos if she doesn't do dis she wil end up dieing in silence.
Pls my people desist frm using sex toys bcos its an unholy act and its pathway is not heaven. Those who hav ears let them hear.
Dis LIB super story, I hope it wouldn't upset d reader's bcos since she doesn't want to end up upsetting her hubby by not telling him so d problem wil stil persist.
Until she open her mouth to speak up wht is eating her up to her hubby so dat there wil b solution bcos if she doesn't do dis she wil end up dieing in silence.
Pls my people desist frm using sex toys bcos its an unholy act and its pathway is not heaven. Those who hav ears let them hear.
I guess he's trying to use that cover up for his inability to last longer than 5 minutes during sex. I will suggest he pleasure the wide with his tongue instead of this toys.
speechlessare you enjoying ut when his using it on you i need only buth the truth. have you caution over that you want linda's commenters to caution him or are do you have another thing in mind santion him.
At least he is fixated with satisfying you.He is obviously compensating for his inability to last more than 5 minutes. Tell him you would rather feel him than the toys, so he would use them less often! Remember that scene between Drago and Khaleesi, where she made him look her in the eyes and have sex with her, than his usual doggy! So tell him what you want.
I understand you, and it's true it will hurt him. He probably knows he can't be long and wants to please you is why he buys the sex toys. Take time to let him know which ones you don't like and which you can live with. It's compromise, baby
U don't want to upset him, so u are putting ur husband first instead of dumb can ppl eh.....u don't like something and u atr keeping quiet, oneday he go insert alien technology into u, in the name of sex toys........ But don't u think he is doing u a favour, this shows his primary aim is to satisfy u
U don't want to upset him, so u are putting ur husband first instead of dumb can ppl eh.....u don't like something and u atr keeping quiet, oneday he go insert alien technology into u, in the name of sex toys........ But don't u think he is doing u a favour, this shows his primary aim is to satisfy u, talk true u know they enjoy am
You don't want to opset him? Stay with your problems then. May be he is having issues like not lasting in bed and him too doesn't want to opset you so he uses the sex toys to satisfy you before he comes down.
I don't see anything wrong with sex toys. Its to spice it up alittle bit or would you prefer he cheats on you. New methods should be created by you darling so that your husband can remain superglued to you.
Hmm... dis one na Wetin too much money dey cause oo... I can imagine if the guy can barely afford a 2 square meal will have such money to spend on sex toys, he'll rather use his God given strength and ability. Well my sister bearit and pray oo.
He probably have erection dysfunction which is why he uses toys to compliment his love making with you. So, you being a smart woman should encouraged him to visit a MD specialist.
Negotiate with him and tell him exactly how you feel because by not speaking up, he might thing you are enjoying it! Perhaps compromise and ask if it can be alternated. Hopefully, he hasn't gotten soooo used to them that he needs them to get it up. Good luck!
really????? U dont want to annoy him, so you rather be uncomfortable most of thye time all your married lifer right?? u r such an annoying person to me right now... i feel bad for you.
is the sex supposed to make only him happy? or both of you? u know, women like you, the time you finally want to explode, you can kill somebody, because you have kept it inside you so long and its building up...
if he's not a monster and he's truly your partner, then find a comfortable time and talk about it and stop being stupid.
Hahahahaha! U cray cray!! That got me cracking for the lady...well maybe he hasn't gotten over playing with toys, now he's grown he's doing it the adult way...I think he sees sex time as play time.......
Dis LIB super story, I hope it wouldn't upset d reader's bcos since she doesn't want to end up upsetting her hubby by not telling him so d problem wil stil persist.
Until she open her mouth to speak up wht is eating her up to her hubby so dat there wil b solution bcos if she doesn't do dis she wil end up dieing in silence.
Pls my people desist frm using sex toys bcos its an unholy act and its pathway is not heaven. Those who hav ears let them hear.
Dis LIB super story, I hope it wouldn't upset d reader's bcos since she doesn't want to end up upsetting her hubby by not telling him so d problem wil stil persist.
Until she open her mouth to speak up wht is eating her up to her hubby so dat there wil b solution bcos if she doesn't do dis she wil end up dieing in silence.
Pls my people desist frm using sex toys bcos its an unholy act and its pathway is not heaven. Those who hav ears let them hear.
Honestly talk to him about or possibly see a who bhave in such manners are either adeventrous or they like three some or if possiblely retrace back to when you guys were dating if he actually lasted long in should say your mind he won't be angry with you
That's trash , u re his wife n not his p***y elesewhere ,if u dnt like it u tell him ur mind , for him to b usin such means he can't satify u fully ? Face him and if there's a problem u guys face it 2geda .. U married a healthy man not sum fuckin toy . Japy
hate u with all my life. The way make comments can be so irritating. U leave upto 10 meaningless same comments in one single post. Pls get lost. I hate u with passion
He have healthy sex life if that will improve you two sex and marriage life let him have as many adult toy as possible if you dont like then move on he will replace you with a woman that lovevsex tow...
Your hubby is merely trying to satisfy you since he can't do so naturally. Try talking it over with him without embarrassing him, you will be surprised of the positive changes that will be achieved.
Hmmmm. Must it be ED? At least she said the sex is good. What if he is into sex toys just to please her or bring in adventure into their sex life? He may be doing it thinking she loves the idea....... Woman if you do not like it just tell him in a sweet way or suggest other things both of you might find interesting doing in place of the toys. You know your husband better than any anonymous on this blog.
Nawa things are happening oooooo. You see communication is one of the biggest problems in marriage. when you keep quiet in the name of not wanting to hurt the other person we get frustrated. Girl craft a nice and respectable way to tell me but you must speak to him about it. After all what are you his wife for????
Seriously d guy need deliverance, woman is beta u call him and say ur mind,stop killing urself,y on earth wil u b afraid to xpress urself to ur husband,plz spill it out,biko
My dear! U v 2 talk 2him. Problem shared is problem solved. Let's face d fact; He can use sex toys 4 an hour & his manhood less than 5mins. Probably, u v been complaining about his inability 2 satisfy u, he try 2 makeup his inability to satisfy u. So if u know how u talk him into using toys, try & talk him out. He can sick medical attention. Pray about it.
AnonymousSeptember 15, 2015 at 2:03 PM. I agree with u I've tried it with my BF and dat was how I was able to put a stop to it, cos he complained he doesn't like me using s**x toys on him and I spoke out as well by telling him dat I've never liked it at first plc and dat ends d case of s**xToys in our lives
My advice for ur s that I think ur husband can not last long, and he is trying to make it up with the toys so that u won't look elsewhere, try and discuss with hi. Bt do it reasonably
Question for you : Was he using the sex toys on you were you were courting and you did not complain? If yes, you have no case because you voluntarily worked into it, therefore you shall leave by it. Certainly, if you raise it now he we surely be upset because it will seems as if you are using his weak point to blackmail him and that may end your marriage.
Sweetie d person u should be complaining to is your husband and not LIB. Getting him upset depends on how u present the issue. He might think u like them. He wouldn't know u don't unless u tell him and maybe he uses them cuz he doesn't last long. Either way communicate with your husband.
Lol... I think he uses sex toys because he knows he can't last more Dan 5 minutes in bed and simply wants u to be sexually satisfied before he cums... Don't u cum when he uses da sex toys??... Imagine him using just his D nd he lasts 5 minutes leaving u frustrated... Whoever said using sex toys is a sin?? DAT means oral sex should also be stopped... Anyway if u still insist u don't like sex toys... Tell him in da heat of da moment during foreplay... Say it in a sexy and irresistible way like "ur D drives me more crazy, I prefer it when u re inside me". DAT sorta thing
Pls tell him. Communicate with him, tell him how u feel and try to understand why he likes to use these toys. Truth is, he might not even know u don't like it. If he's defensive when u tell him, honestly go and pray cuz I don't know what else is going to help. But start by trying to understand why he likes to use those toys more than his actual manhood. Try to isolate and understand the problem, then u can solve it properly.
if you are replaceable because you won't use sex toy means he will replace you anyway.....when you truly love someone though you BOTH make compromises. so decide what is safe for you to use, that you can compromise on sometimes, once in a while and dismiss the ones that are absolute 'no no's'....
I don't think using toys is a problem it's kinda kinky lol.... Poster I don't think u have a problem with the toys, it the fact that he doesn't last more than 5 mins, u need the heat of a real dick jamming into you until ur sore and satisfied at least not feel your legs after the sex, so babe I suggest u get him to try Viagra or cialys or even our local concuction to make him last longer. Ignore all these judgemental people, they are all freaks, in fact it's anal sex they do with their spouse lol.
atleast you are having sex so be grateful. i stay almost a whole week and crave my husbands touch and nothing happens, sometimes even longer, most painful thing is that we are newly married...infact i have resolved to cheat on him because of this... listen, if that's your husbands way of spicing up both of yous sex life, i dont see anything wrong about that. enjoy it and keep turning him on
He is suffering from premature ejaculation and trying to cover up. A real man that can last as long as he desires and knows how to control his ejaculation until his wife is satisfied does not need sex toys.
Biko bring it up n hear his take on it! Speak ur mind biko
Awww me too i lov toys
Talk about it with him and pray about it. Constant use of it and less use of his d**k makes it feel as if you are a harlot, something he's hallucinating over in porn
Ur hubby makes of for lack of sexual prowess with sex toys to satisfy you!
Go tell ur husband hw yu feel nw.....
Hahaha! N thats how uses it on these girls out there....what duyu mean by u don't wanna upset him? Ngwa nodu ka ona apitosigi! U have every right to say your mind, u are his wife Christ sakes not aristo. U De form loyal wife.
Don't be embarassed when he is buying toys to use on you. While he is picking his, you go pick one or two you know can be used on men. There is no way a conversation will not come up when you do that. Then you gently tell him you are not comfortable with the use of the toys. You are his wife Not his bitch.
Nne, pray for him. That's a weird thing mbok!
is he not husband ? talk before it is late, maybe your husband they get better pleasure outside and not knowing what to do uses that to confuse you
uwa nmebi!!...oyibo people yaff finish some people!......
Dis LIB super story, I hope it wouldn't upset d reader's bcos since she doesn't want to end up upsetting her hubby by not telling him so d problem wil stil persist.
Until she open her mouth to speak up wht is eating her up to her hubby so dat there wil b solution bcos if she doesn't do dis she wil end up dieing in silence.
Pls my people desist frm using sex toys bcos its an unholy act and its pathway is not heaven. Those who hav ears let them hear.
Dis LIB super story, I hope it wouldn't upset d reader's bcos since she doesn't want to end up upsetting her hubby by not telling him so d problem wil stil persist.
Until she open her mouth to speak up wht is eating her up to her hubby so dat there wil b solution bcos if she doesn't do dis she wil end up dieing in silence.
Pls my people desist frm using sex toys bcos its an unholy act and its pathway is not heaven. Those who hav ears let them hear.
Hmmm..I believe strongly in communication. Let him know how you feel.
Imagine! No privacy of any sort dese days. So we shld help u tell ur husband u dnt like d toys or wat?
Hmmmm are you sure your hubby really luvs that much? Coz a man who prefers to use toys on you than his real toy sees you like an object of poetry
I guess he's trying to use that cover up for his inability to last longer than 5 minutes during sex. I will suggest he pleasure the wide with his tongue instead of this toys.
Well, well, everything is for a season, soon things will become norma,
I will be worried too. Too much of everything is not good.
Seems he can't go distance,so he wants u to always enjoy yasef
Maybe he sees u as a dummy or he's never can
He's just being adverturous nothing more,but since you do not like him using them on you,then politely talk to him about it
speechlessare you enjoying ut when his using it on you i need only buth the truth.
have you caution over that you want linda's commenters to caution him or are do you have another thing in mind santion him.
#sad indeed
Dis world is gradually turning into something else,,see wetin person come for public d ask, woman idi very stupid !!!
At least he is fixated with satisfying you.He is obviously compensating for his inability to last more than 5 minutes. Tell him you would rather feel him than the toys, so he would use them less often! Remember that scene between Drago and Khaleesi, where she made him look her in the eyes and have sex with her, than his usual doggy! So tell him what you want.
He's probably the type that doesn't last too long. He just wants to make sure that you are super satisfied. But since you ain't comfortable with ém toys, i think you should discuss the matter with him. Bring it up in the most loving way possible, because i know that most men are very sensitive about issues regarding their sexual performance. Goodluck sis.
He's probably the type that doesn't last too long. He just wants to make sure that you are super satisfied. But since you ain't comfortable with ém toys, i think you should discuss the matter with him. Bring it up in the most loving way possible, because i know that most men are very sensitive about issues regarding their sexual performance. Goodluck sis.
You just have to bring it up, you can't keep dying in silence, tell him you don't like it and why you don't like it.
Na wao, lol
It's either your hubby is a gay and he doesn't wanna tell you or he doesn't know how to satisfy(he can't last longer in bed) you. The devil is a liar.
I understand you, and it's true it will hurt him. He probably knows he can't be long and wants to please you is why he buys the sex toys. Take time to let him know which ones you don't like and which you can live with. It's compromise, baby
I think you should discuss it with him, politely let him know how you feel about sex toys. Let him know that you enjoy him more than sex toys.
U don't want to upset him, so u are putting ur husband first instead of dumb can ppl eh.....u don't like something and u atr keeping quiet, oneday he go insert alien technology into u, in the name of sex toys........
But don't u think he is doing u a favour, this shows his primary aim is to satisfy u
U don't want to upset him, so u are putting ur husband first instead of dumb can ppl eh.....u don't like something and u atr keeping quiet, oneday he go insert alien technology into u, in the name of sex toys........
But don't u think he is doing u a favour, this shows his primary aim is to satisfy u, talk true u know they enjoy am
this is totally unacceptable. you the woman allowed it. no man, i repeat, no man will use sex toys on me.
You don't want to opset him? Stay with your problems then.
May be he is having issues like not lasting in bed and him too doesn't
want to opset you so he uses the sex toys to satisfy you before he comes down.
Hmmmmmm that's bad!
Aunty linda......
Hmmmmmm that's bad!
Aunty linda......
Hmmmmmm that's bad!
Aunty linda......
WOMAN!!! Wake up.... he is a 5 mins instant noodles guy, that's why he uses the sex toys on you. How is that so hard to understand? JEEEEZ!!!
I don't see anything wrong with sex toys. Its to spice it up alittle bit or would you prefer he cheats on you. New methods should be created by you darling so that your husband can remain superglued to you.
What do you mean by not wanting to upset him??? Ngwanu, live with it. Linda take note!
What do you mean by not wanting to upset him??? Ngwanu, live with it. Linda take note!
What do you mean by not wanting to upset him??? Ngwanu, live with it. Linda take note!
Then why are you bringing it here?
Hummmmm you have to tell him ni oooo, before he turns your pu**y into a hole for u. But u dsef u are enjoying it that is y u have not complain.
Even you self na him toy.... Abeg tell that gay to find place hang him dickkkk o jare
He's a punk. tell him ur mind fast
Two things are involved, too much of pornography and his trying to make up where he seems insufficient.
Hmm... dis one na Wetin too much money dey cause oo... I can imagine if the guy can barely afford a 2 square meal will have such money to spend on sex toys, he'll rather use his God given strength and ability. Well my sister bearit and pray oo.
He probably have erection dysfunction which is why he uses toys to compliment his love making with you. So, you being a smart woman should encouraged him to visit a MD specialist.
Hmmm pass
Negotiate with him and tell him exactly how you feel because by not speaking up, he might thing you are enjoying it! Perhaps compromise and ask if it can be alternated. Hopefully, he hasn't gotten soooo used to them that he needs them to get it up. Good luck!
I'm avaliable for u
U need to talk to him
Don't worry don't upset himooo....till he goes all 50 shades of Fucked Ups On you....then you will
Hmmm,see anoda wahala,discuss d mata wit him,nd u guys shuld sort tins out,instead of bringing it here on social media..
The nigga is probing his bung hole when you're not around
really????? U dont want to annoy him, so you rather be uncomfortable most of thye time all your married lifer right?? u r such an annoying person to me right now... i feel bad for you.
is the sex supposed to make only him happy? or both of you?
u know, women like you, the time you finally want to explode, you can kill somebody, because you have kept it inside you so long and its building up...
if he's not a monster and he's truly your partner, then find a comfortable time and talk about it and stop being stupid.
Hahahahaha! U cray cray!! That got me cracking for the lady...well maybe he hasn't gotten over playing with toys, now he's grown he's doing it the adult way...I think he sees sex time as play time.......
Dis LIB super story, I hope it wouldn't upset d reader's bcos since she doesn't want to end up upsetting her hubby by not telling him so d problem wil stil persist.
Until she open her mouth to speak up wht is eating her up to her hubby so dat there wil b solution bcos if she doesn't do dis she wil end up dieing in silence.
Pls my people desist frm using sex toys bcos its an unholy act and its pathway is not heaven. Those who hav ears let them hear.
Dis LIB super story, I hope it wouldn't upset d reader's bcos since she doesn't want to end up upsetting her hubby by not telling him so d problem wil stil persist.
Until she open her mouth to speak up wht is eating her up to her hubby so dat there wil b solution bcos if she doesn't do dis she wil end up dieing in silence.
Pls my people desist frm using sex toys bcos its an unholy act and its pathway is not heaven. Those who hav ears let them hear.
Honestly talk to him about or possibly see a who bhave in such manners are either adeventrous or they like three some or if possiblely retrace back to when you guys were dating if he actually lasted long in should say your mind he won't be angry with you
He's your husband ,u just have to make him know hou u feel abt it
He's your husband ,u just have to make him know hou u feel abt it
There u go! U hv to be his bitch as much as u are his wife. That's how to keep them. So long!
Best advice! Nice one. U got my cracked up lol.
That's trash , u re his wife n not his p***y elesewhere ,if u dnt like it u tell him ur mind , for him to b usin such means he can't satify u fully ? Face him and if there's a problem u guys face it 2geda .. U married a healthy man not sum fuckin toy . Japy
Exactly..... On point
hate u with all my life. The way make comments can be so irritating. U leave upto 10 meaningless same comments in one single post. Pls get lost. I hate u with passion
You just have to communicate it to him. If he has a problem you advice him to visit the men's clinic.
He have healthy sex life if that will improve you two sex and marriage life let him have as many adult toy as possible if you dont like then move on he will replace you with a woman that lovevsex tow...
Well said
make una give better advice abeg. sex toys no more of using it all the time. its sin biko.
Why come to LIB to complain shit!!!!
How were you both doing your make-outs during your dating days?!
Or too were a virgin before marriage!?
If you accepted his obsession with sex toys during your dating days, why complain now....
Another nonsense and ingredients!!!!
good sha..
Let him know how you feel about this
Let him know how you feel about this
Your hubby is merely trying to satisfy you since he can't do so naturally. Try talking it over with him without embarrassing him, you will be surprised of the positive changes that will be achieved.
You need your brain checked
Hmmmm. Must it be ED? At least she said the sex is good. What if he is into sex toys just to please her or bring in adventure into their sex life? He may be doing it thinking she loves the idea....... Woman if you do not like it just tell him in a sweet way or suggest other things both of you might find interesting doing in place of the toys. You know your husband better than any anonymous on this blog.
Really? you sabi
Ya pA!
Lwkmd.... Is royal priesthood the cause of your problems?
Yea. The man is obviously a porn addict. Smh
Babe u berra speak up forever is a long time
Ur husband is trying to be adventurous with you cos according to u you enjoi sex with him and maybe he is a Gay
Nawa things are happening oooooo. You see communication is one of the biggest problems in marriage. when you keep quiet in the name of not wanting to hurt the other person we get frustrated. Girl craft a nice and respectable way to tell me but you must speak to him about it. After all what are you his wife for????
It's common these days even women do it. Another thing is since he doesn't last but u don't like it, tell him.
tell him how you feel about it! and secondly he is addicted to porn!
I love toys a lot and my wife has gotten to used to them...she named a vibrator after me.
@Anonymous 3:45, hate or luv it, royal priesthood wil alwaz b prominent on dis blog. So get well soon or go 2d grave wit ur hatred.
@Anonymous 3:45, hate or luv it, royal priesthood wil alwaz b prominent on dis blog. So get well soon or go 2d grave wit ur hatred.
Seriously d guy need deliverance, woman is beta u call him and say ur mind,stop killing urself,y on earth wil u b afraid to xpress urself to ur husband,plz spill it out,biko
My dear! U v 2 talk 2him. Problem shared is problem solved. Let's face d fact; He can use sex toys 4 an hour & his manhood less than 5mins. Probably, u v been complaining about his inability 2 satisfy u, he try 2 makeup his inability to satisfy u. So if u know how u talk him into using toys, try & talk him out. He can sick medical attention. Pray about it.
You are really an onitsha brought up. Local to d core. I wonder y u are on dis blog.
Hate? Wt passion? Hmmmm! Even if this blog is your life. We are all wired differently, u wl get dt when u grow up.
I just hope when u tell him and he stops... the 5 minutes he lasts will satisfy u...
Who told you it's an unholy act? what chapter and verse in the bible says so?
AnonymousSeptember 15, 2015 at 2:03 PM. I agree with u I've tried it with my BF and dat was how I was able to put a stop to it, cos he complained he doesn't like me using s**x toys on him and I spoke out as well by telling him dat I've never liked it at first plc and dat ends d case of s**xToys in our lives
I love sex toys. Wish my husband will use them more!
Ur husb need delivras bi ko
Story dat touches d ass, oh!! Better still ferry tales
Thats so stupid
Sex toys to cover up his incompetence, I feel for him
You have a serious problem if you can hate someone you don't even know!! Get a life and get busy... Silly person!
My advice for ur s that I think ur husband can not last long, and he is trying to make it up with the toys so that u won't look elsewhere, try and discuss with hi. Bt do it reasonably
Question for you : Was he using the sex toys on you were you were courting and you did not complain? If yes, you have no case because you voluntarily worked into it, therefore you shall leave by it. Certainly, if you raise it now he we surely be upset because it will seems as if you are using his weak point to blackmail him and that may end your marriage.
Sweetie d person u should be complaining to is your husband and not LIB. Getting him upset depends on how u present the issue. He might think u like them. He wouldn't know u don't unless u tell him and maybe he uses them cuz he doesn't last long. Either way communicate with your husband.
Lol... I think he uses sex toys because he knows he can't last more Dan 5 minutes in bed and simply wants u to be sexually satisfied before he cums... Don't u cum when he uses da sex toys??... Imagine him using just his D nd he lasts 5 minutes leaving u frustrated... Whoever said using sex toys is a sin?? DAT means oral sex should also be stopped... Anyway if u still insist u don't like sex toys... Tell him in da heat of da moment during foreplay... Say it in a sexy and irresistible way like "ur D drives me more crazy, I prefer it when u re inside me". DAT sorta thing
Pls tell him. Communicate with him, tell him how u feel and try to understand why he likes to use these toys. Truth is, he might not even know u don't like it. If he's defensive when u tell him, honestly go and pray cuz I don't know what else is going to help. But start by trying to understand why he likes to use those toys more than his actual manhood. Try to isolate and understand the problem, then u can solve it properly.
if you are replaceable because you won't use sex toy means he will replace you anyway.....when you truly love someone though you BOTH make compromises. so decide what is safe for you to use, that you can compromise on sometimes, once in a while and dismiss the ones that are absolute 'no no's'....
Oh so sex toys in unholy but you can do blow job?
If E dey put dildo for him own yansh, make you waka far from am.
Same, if E like to enter ya yansh instead of toto and you no like am, waka far.
Keep praying
I don't think using toys is a problem it's kinda kinky lol.... Poster I don't think u have a problem with the toys, it the fact that he doesn't last more than 5 mins, u need the heat of a real dick jamming into you until ur sore and satisfied at least not feel your legs after the sex, so babe I suggest u get him to try Viagra or cialys or even our local concuction to make him last longer. Ignore all these judgemental people, they are all freaks, in fact it's anal sex they do with their spouse lol.
atleast you are having sex so be grateful. i stay almost a whole week and crave my husbands touch and nothing happens, sometimes even longer, most painful thing is that we are newly married...infact i have resolved to cheat on him because of this... listen, if that's your husbands way of spicing up both of yous sex life, i dont see anything wrong about that. enjoy it and keep turning him on
Smart guy. He's fixing his problem before you even know he has it.
Smart guy. He's fixing his problem before you even know he has it.
He is suffering from premature ejaculation and trying to cover up. A real man that can last as long as he desires and knows how to control his ejaculation until his wife is satisfied does not need sex toys.
You might even be the one that asked such a shameless$ useless question, Bitch like u!!!,,,just say hi to your whore mum!!!
Queen B.....i wonder where you are from ..mumu girl
Hit the nail on d head, bring it up
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