Nia and Chris took a blood test last week which confirmed he's the father of the 9 months old girl. Meanwhile, Nia also knows Chris' now ex-girlfriend Karrueche and even partied with her in Vegas around the time she got pregnant. See more photos (including nude pic) of Nia after the cut
According pic of Nia and Karrueche - together in Las Vegas was taken 22 months ago - right around the time Chris and Nia were sleeping together.

See a naked pic here
OMG so na life b dz ???
So he even has a babymama?
Ngwa chris ur turn iji kowa ma obu eziokwu ma obu asi! Lolo1
God please don't let this innocent child take after her mom's kinda lifestyle. These bitches ain't loyal......#i don't fuck broke bitches, well breezy ure so busted!!!!!!
too bad i say
Wawu!!! It has happened. Rihanna will be LOL where ever she's now. Congrats to Nia & Chris Brown.
Jst passing by
double wahala for dead body
These men ain't loyal one bit, smh..
Avoid buyers remorse. Find out how@
So dis guy dey chop whores Raw. Kai!!! Confused.birchassnigga. Oga Jona should be from your Lineage
Phew! Chris tho. I'm just lost for words.
Still don't think that is Chris' baby. This is just media drama!
It happens. She is pretty! Lindaobserve
These things don't happen in on kind of relationship i know of
Gay Life of an Anonymous Writer
Time for child support Chris!
Hmmmmm,be careful whn d next person in u pic may be d one to replace u....
She's doesn't look decent tho. Le gold digger
Really feel sorry for kae, she has suffered emotionally in chris' hands
Fyn girl.......bad life
Yes o my broda
This life is complicated...
Karrauche shld move on abeg.
Na DAT picsure una say be Nude picsure, mtweeee...this girlfrnds In't loyal @ all...
I just hope this won't end like that of Amber and Whiz
Hmmmm.... League of unmarried mothers and fathers... All dese afro-americans and latinos sef....
The Retarded Bitch has nailed Dude Brown 4 Life with that innocent lil kid she brought outta her Dirty Vagina. Feel sorry 4 Mr Brown.
The gal na hoe confirmed ashi she gat hot booty and boobs damn chris couldnt resist
dirty looking gurls...chrisbrown is classless mehn....all dis yeast infested pussies...orisirishi...
She's absolutely HOT though!
Karrueche was aware of rihanna b4 jumping in so make person rest abeg...
The kind of drama in Chris Brown's life, I wonder. Nywaz, I hope he would grow up now that he has bcom a father. Linda take note!
The kind of drama in Chris Brown's life, I wonder. Nywaz, I hope he would grow up now that he has bcom a father. Linda take note!
everybody/celeb got a baby so its nothing new...........................#6God
Can't help buh wonder d kind of life dz two will gv dz little gal.
Davido's GF
Chris Loves em crazy and Wild.... congrats to them
So much trash surrounding these celebrities.
Linda what do u mean by "I thought he was different"? Are u judging him?! Bcos everyone tht sleeps with whoever they r nt married to is also in this category only that a baby dint come out of it. Pls!
U r so busted chris
damn! this is killing his rep!
It's a shame how pretty all these whores are. Could have done better with themselves
Some people are backstabbers, Karrueche sorry o. Next time, you choose your friends well
Some people are backstabbers. Karrueche, you better choose your friends well next time.
She's obviously bad ass..
Yes and she's hot! Don't blame chris for not using protection.
She's obviously a bad ass...
U've started with this ur stupid lindaobserve u better go see a doctor
Dating a celeb is lik dating the devil himself,their ways are not pure
She looks great ifyou're looking for casual sex. Certainly not someone I'd hope to be the mother of my child.
Aunty Linda When are u Sending us Mail or Sms concerning the LIB I'd rather be self made
Don't understand y ds guiy can't just stick with d woman who has bn through a lot of humiliation cuz of him.
Thank God for my girl Rihanna that moment when the one in the pic replaces you
Linda, dis remind me of your popular post "when your replacement is close by". lol
Solomon olayemi aka Antara !! IEX BIU student , I believe you are creative enough to put a sensible signature at the and of your comment. Your " Linda observe " is dead and boring. btw are you not tired of your illegal business in Sweden?
Abeg shut up! Gay people don't cheat and fool around ba? Keep deceiving urself. Ur eye go soon clear, silly gay boy
She's hot. And why are you all blasting her? Poor Karate. Anyway love conquers all. If you doubt, ask Annie.
I dnt. Fink. I wannaa believe dem
Ha!!!oga oo
U always ve a replacement and did d condom burst or he was drunk and didn't use protection men are so stupid
Asewo dey carry belle?
No comment
That's hilarious.... biko bia tule ma kowaa
I tot he was different too, Tufiakwa, Odiegwu.
Na all dis 1 people expect rihanna 2 go thru??i pray oooo no wonder she gbese!
Kerruche what do you expect? This girl set pass you na. Abi you think say Chris Nwa Brown Dey look uche face?....looool
She's hawter than karrruche
Neither do u
Kai, what a rotten mouth u've got
Neither do u
Hmmm she is hot though.... #kelakwo
bitch ain't loyal
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
what a mama fr the baby.. Her eyes highlights many things
And so ?
As stupid as U̶̲̥̅̊ bae....Hope u always rememba to tell dat to ur dad evry mornin
Dis is breaking news indeed if it is really true bcos dis days news can b statement upon counter statement. I hope dis is for real.
Replacement be lurking!
hmmmmmmm. bad girl. fast player.
serves him right though. He doesn't deserve Karrueche.
so chris went ahead and impregnated a hoe
How much is condom!? Coz this is the proof they didnt use one!
This Chris Brown sef
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