I know many of you don't believe this lady is pregnant but she really is. And the baby daddy is high life singer, Flavour. The former Most Beautiful Girl in Nigeria is currently schooling in South Africa after moving from Dubai where she was schooling because single women aren't allowed to be pregnant in their schools and community.
Today, Anna shared photos of just her beautiful face, avoiding the lower part. Waiting to see a pic of her baby bump...
1 – 200 of 290 Newer› Newest»Leave her alone...lindaobserve
Leave her alone or is it a crime to be pregnant? ...lindaobserve
She looks heavy, all showing from her face. Lol
Chai! She get mind oh
Wetin come happen
Why can't these girls have some sense like Adaeze Igwe. She's the only reasonable x-bqueen I know. Good luck to her
She has gotten what she wanted. Maybe now Flavors D**k can rest
You mean she's pregnant for him? I can't just imagine why these artists won't just settle down and stop entering one woman to another. It doesn't speak well at all. Safe delivery oo IJN. Phil 4:13. @Bishop_Dammy
hehe. we are waiting to see the pics of her baby bump o
Hmm.. She's beautiful!
D shuld continue, baby mama things
Chaiii! Anna daris God ooo! So u sef follow join share p*ssy?? Chaiii!
Beautiful bae.
But doesn't look like the
Lady dat was with flavor
The oda day.
Golibe hehe.Flavour na sharp shooter!
0ut of all the men in the world,, a woman chooses Flavour.. smh ----C21
Safe delivery
She looks beautiful.
Nice filters
So this is what winning MBGN is all about?? Smh. Thought she is 19?? What message is she actually trying to pass across to those who look up to her??
Is Flavour trying to take 2baba's crown as 9ja's best 'seed sower' ni?
Just asking o
Hmmmm,na wa o.This lady knew that flavour has a babymama,she still went ahead to get pregnant for him.When will some ladies learn how to respect themselves?
This girl can lie for Africa o.
So after granting an iintervie where she said she doesn't remember when last she has sex, she's actually preggy for Flavour?
Flavour!no mbgn passes u by nawa oooo,dis one don pass nwata makata nma biko!!
Flavour!no mbgn passes u by nawa oooo,dis one don pass nwata makata nma biko!!
Ppl dont understnd men. Now she will learn being a single parent and watching the man u love flirt with skinny girls hurt like death. Experience can be a terrible teacher. God bless the innocent baby
She looks prettier in pregnancy.
I know I'm not suppose to take it personal but I am HIGHLY disappointed in this girl, this is someone our young girls are suppose to look upto as a role model, and she's pregnant for that foolish talented child abuser ( yes that's what he is) Jeeezzz why didn't they even use protection? Doesn't she know he's a star n sleeps around, she's not scared of AIDS or STD's ya? YOU ARE A DISAPPOINTMENT to ur generation, you should hide ur shameful face in Shame.
I drop cap for flavor, see the kind barney he dey chop......lord have mercy......the lady is fcuking pretty.......Arab countries are so fcuked up........what has being pregnant got to do with schooling..... Shameless hypocrites
I drop cap for flavor, see the kind barney he dey chop......lord have mercy......the lady is fcuking pretty.......Arab countries are so fcuked up........what has being pregnant got to do with schooling..... Shameless hypocrites
She's obviously pregnant. Her face is fuller. Flavour!
I guess Flavour is trying 2 tk d title 4rm 2face... as 4 d Lady, am js disappointed, tot as beautiful as she is, she'd av a lil sef worth..! baby mama no2, u shud be vry ashamed.. ode.!
Cute. Love the lipstick colour
Hahahahaha..... Shame no gree her. See fine girl wey for marry better guy decided to settle for a gay man with no ambition of marriage in his time table..
VERULE SAys-Headlines
flaour flovaour and the two foolish ex-beauty queens whose pregnancies are just few months apart. I see another tuface in the making.
#stopfornication #stopImorality
Hiaaaaaan pregnant keh, nawah 4 flavour ooh,while her first baby neva grow, sharp shooter, Anna banner baby mama number 2, #ife love na eme# ihe nsoli in flavour's voice#
Dude's tryna pull some 2face on Naija Chics.
He should visit his mentor in the making 4 some advice.
#His first baby neva grow #
Wishing her safe delivery....
damn flavour stay giving these yellow babes. na wa o. anna movement wasnt pure before sha so no surprises #carryon
Flavor had turned 2face. Nawaooo our celebrities........
Flavour has turned 2face. Our celebrities Nawaoo.
Flavour has turned 2face. Our celebrities Nawaoo.
I'm happy for her and @ the same time hoping it leads to marriage or something meaningful than babymama. so much dislike that title.
Ok!!!!! She's pretty
Beautiful lady..that hair looks painful
Pretty girl like her. Well it's her choice though.
Stupid girl.
Hmmmmmm flavour amu nko. .....na waoo chinedu no.be wet in we talk ooo u Don dey yarn opataoooo
Flavor again??????????? Nawa o!
So dis babe is really pregnant? Na wa o! Is dis all she stands for?
All dem stupid girls getting pregnant for dem stupid boys who don't want 2 settle down. What a generation *hisses*
God! This isn't goodnews at all! Chai I feel for her o. I dnt think she planned for this!
Two baby mamas, hiaaaa!!! Flavour control ur something jare! Or is ur surname Tuface?
Flavour and fine girls sha
So flavour is gonna be father of two kids from different women, these girls are foolish oo,babymama Nia dey reign oo....
Somehow just somehow i thought this was all a joke or a stupid rumor. I don't know Anna personally but i just feel bad for her. Why get pregnant for a man who won't marry you? It happens yes but geez i just feel bad for you. I hope it doesn't cut short your future plans. You are so pretty why this? Children are a blessing anyways i pray you find peace & fulfillment.
Jess! Girls will not kill us. I can't believe this silly girl is pregnant for flavour knowing fully well his baby mama. Girls for once please respect your selves. Stop focusing your mind on money which makes you do unbelievable things. Please
Am highly disappointed. Especially at models. The things they do just to keep up with the trend though? Every girl wants to be like Kim kardashian
Keep it 100 percent stop trying to impress people thereby putting yourselves in a difficult situation.
So flavour is the new tuface?! Why would this girl do this to herself? One minute he is getting all loved up with the first baby mama, then this one, not wanting to be outdone, rushes to get pregnant too! If a baby didn't secure him for the first baby mama, what makes this one think she would fare better?! It's such a shame to see young girls throw their lives away over a guy that is so obviously not into them when they could do much better for themselves! Well, if tuface is anything to go by, perhaps flavour will eventually marry his first baby mama in a number of years to come!
I am extremely disappointed at this girl. This is what happens when a girl with a bright future ventures into modelling they become whores.
We have lost our values as women. We have lost our respect in the quest for money, fame and power. We do anything to be noticed and envied by girls who have low self esteem. Because these girls are the only ones who can be fooled with money and shit.
We keep saying men are disrespecting girls but we are the architect of our misfortune. We go on with the bullshit.
A girl will know a certain guy is seriously in love with his girlfriend still that's same girl goes on to sleep with the guy. How do you expect that guy to respect you?
Pretty lady....Flavour really like better thing sha..
I wonder why dis beautiful gurl has to turn into anoda baby mama, these gurls dnt use their brains at all, all for money n fame..gosh!!
I wonder why dis beautiful gurl has to turn into anoda baby mama, these gurls dnt use their brains at all, all for money n fame..gosh!!
Okay..chubby cheeky in 2nd pic.
Hey ... This is a he-goat at work ... But girls sha
I will never understand why a 19yrs old girl that can get any hot rich cool millionaire will settle for an ibotic bat like flavour, cmon u were mbgn, u re popular young & pretty I guess above all very stupid. I almost feel sorry for her, almost. shame on you girl.
Take full body picture Anna Banana. lol
Igbo girls just always look so local, hairy and bleached. Akpu smelly things
Like she has deleted all her pix on instagram
Eeeeeeyah pity her ministry shaaa *beg genevive do am too so no shaking#anna nxt tym tell mke e use rain coat cover d level b4 e cjuk am enter***clears throat ok o cntinue
She's soooooo pwetty
Dearest Anna, why ? Why? I thought your stupid naïveté was restricted to flaunting your love for Flavour and competing with his other baby mama? Getting pregnant should have been a No! no for you. Being a baby mama isn't a thing of pride and has too many pains associated with it. Ladies should respect themselves so as to be respected.
Her stupidity finally paid off.
Ds girl has jst discharged d title mbgn. Shes supposed to b a role model to other girls. Rather she decided to get preggy for flavour knowing fully well he has a babymama... Plsss Flavour if u r goin around making pretty girls Babymama, pls leave Chidimma out of it!
Waiting to hear from Flavour,he needs to address this issue, the lastest thread is now getting pregnant before marriage,even this small one too done join....Linda see me
Flavour are you a learner? Marry this girl you fool.....
Oh! Biko who cares to see her baby bump or in their village is it pregnancy dat comes first b4 marriage.
It serve her rite, next time she wil learn to zip up wht is in btw her legs mostly away frm d "he goat" called Flavour.
Some girls all d same to be popular how can u spread ur legs for a man who would rather make u a single mother and not marry u and do d same to other girls he provides for u but his one man he can't be in two places at d same time u chose to loose dear
Anna! Its this how Flavour taught you the way of the lord? Na wa o flavour this is number two baby mama? And someone says its wrong to break a wrong relationship of 3years+ just bcos you have been with the girl for long... What do we say to flavour? And to think that this girls flavour is making single mama's are beautiful with talent, which is almost or about to die cause of baby mama thing. God is the judge jare... Just flow your heart and live right, life is to short
Flavour Flavour nna you like better thing... But be careful, I don't want to contribute money for you in twenty years time, cause the way, you'll have to be spending money to mentain these baby mama's with their respective demands, I pray you plan savings or go buy lands not in choice areas, so that in case. Wo! Bro, sha be careful of Otule.
@least she's happy no matter what. Thatz all that matters.
After all d shakara less dan a year after she drop her crown pikin don enter shameeee
They have so worked on this pictures... like seriously
I wish her safe delivery when the time comes
I wish her safe delivery when the time comes
I wish her safe delivery when the time comes
Oga Flavor, control your thing na. Is your middle name 2 face?
I wish her safe delivery when the time comes
Why is she hiding and for how long does she intend to hide? I dey suspect this girl o, maybe she wants to give up the baby for adoption after she births him/her
Ndo inugo.So much stress to be a baby mama abeg
Ashawo. Disgracing yourself and your parents and your state.
Yes she is.. C her nose sef, its bigger dan normal.. #highlydisappointedIsweardown
Let her show us oooo baby mamas on the lose
Hmmm! I dislike flavour kind of life he lives. Second wives now for flavour. Ok we. Are watching them
Her face is chubby and pretty.
She' s more fleshy now.
Fine girl, why na? Is this what your beauty could fetch for you? This babe fall hand sha.
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What a beauty.... But ehmm flavour why now? Thought he already has a babymama,now this? Hmm.
Women will never learn....so Anna Banner you're now the baby mama Nos 2. Wonders shall never end. Well done..... There's no respect for woman dignity in this our generation again.
see what beautiful classless girls are doing to themselves. is flavour wort their pains?mmmtttccchhh
After all d paparazi and their golibe video, of cos she wud fall victim....her face looks swollen, who would believe flavour would score dis goal a second time despite him been GAY.
Lindodo this one don pain you scatter, babes are not smiling.. this one now is another version of stella Damasus, boyfriend snatcher
Well her facial expression showed she is happy.
My bayelsa sister. You fall my hands big time.
But you're still cute though.#dissappointed.
Beutiful girl.But did she intentionally get pregnant for Flavour because "ugegbe flavour" have been showing off as the mother of Flavour's child?This is getting interesting.An epic battle for Flaviur's heart is on.This is a battle of the ex beuty queens.
Beutiful girl.But did she intentionally get pregnant for Flavour because "ugegbe flavour" have been showing off as the mother of Flavour's child?This is getting interesting.An epic battle for Flaviur's heart is on.This is a battle of the ex beuty queens.
Flavour be steady planting seed in them beautiful lady's. Smart. Cute offspring guaranteed. Well, em name na "flavor" sha so make em dey carry Go!!! Pin:2BB00AEE
Now u have to go throgh that stress bcos u cant wait...flavour try marry for once
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And Timi was on instagram defending her. Wayward Bayelsans!
What a fool!!!
But why?
But why?
Na she sabi.
Nah wah for us in this generation ooo. With baby mama issue. Flavour should pls marry them ooo. A woman gave birth for u and u are claiming that you are single. Single.or triple. The child doubles you, the mother either marry her or not will always be an item in ur life because she gave birth for u.... these are things u can't deny. so all u baby papas stop saying u are single oo.
Hmmm hope this guy will choose btw Sandra and Anna. But why are ladies just so desperate without thinking ahead of their future...... Get married to a man that loves u and have a family. Not a baby mama. #Dont rush life.
As u fine reach, not even second wife but second baby Mama...reserve my comment
Seeing the pic of her pregnant will better Nigeria? SMH. ~ceze
Nwa nnaa Na eme ihe Siri ike...
Mscheeeww. And she's just 19/20? Role model indeed.
Beautiful geh
Shame no dey catch dem.na to carry preggie na him dey in vogue with out proper marriage tufiakwa.flavour na_abiana no ready to settle down. Dis guy go worst pass tubaba
Na wa
Baby mama's Gang
She is really beautiful. Flavour all these baby mamas you are making, there is God ooo. 2face is really your mentor
LOL. Anna baby. I see you ooo.
New post on the blog.
Oh yes she is pregnant
Flavour kpachara kwa anya. Even Tu Baba would admit it's not the best to have children from many women. I find it ironic that Flavour says he's not ready to be a father yet but goes about being a father of many children from different women. Your mother is still alive, don't make her live out what is left of her quiet life in pains and agony. I care because as a student I used to give you N50 @ City Center, Enugu every Friday and Saturday where u started off.
Good luck to her
Madam lin lin y did it tk u so long 2 post ds pixs, yea immediately I saw d pixs I knew she ws pregnant nd hw are u sure d father is flavour hmmmmm, amebo republic kia.
Flavour is following the steps of 2face, lolz
Cheap brat! If u knew flavour 10yrs ago in his hustling dayz would u have gotten pregnant for him? Awusah
Flavour, another Tuface in the making...keep it up
Dislike d face coz is over painted. Lolz
Golibe mma gi musiri gi
Oh my God!!! This girl too fine, flavor how can you treat women like this nd still have the nerves to say you are very single. Look at how pweety she is, Sandra is beautiful as well, why re u using these women nd spoiling there lives. U re just taking advantage of dis weak women
Pretty woman.
Her business
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Kaii,this young pikin sef open eye enter baby mama drama.Her family must be dissapointed but it's her choice.Flavour can't stop sleeping around,e dey him body,howz she gonna cope?Oh well,lets watch as the drama unfurls.
Na wa to flavour and these girls with pregnancy. Can't these girls date without taking in? Why are they not even using condom on a guy who is liable of sleeping with multiple girls. One would think that most present girls will be smart and intelligent. Spfffffft
Flavour again. Hmmmm..... Does he want his story to be like Tuface gist? He should know that if he and Tuface stops recording new songs and stick to performing their old hits, Tuface can still afford to survive with his gigs, but he wouldn't.
But seriously I really don't know how some girls think, so she wants to be in competition with Sandra jeez, babe your really dumb and for flavour he is dumber, at the end of the day he won't marry any of them. Well its none of my business just sipping kunu to watch what will happen
Dis gal is just effortlessly beautiful...me likey
Anna see your life o! Now u dey hide for bathroom snap pishure. It is well with you o!
I'm also waiting to see d pics of her baby bump. Heehe
She is obviously pregnant ma, her Nose says it all....
Okk na...she is stiill beautiful tho.
20 year old beauty.
This Shildren!
The pregnancy looks good on her
This girl is just an embarrassment.
Flavour wants to be the new 2face????? Heard this mths ago but didn't Blv the story. This is a dumb idea anna.........just saying....now he has two baby mamas.smh
Good for her!!!
Flavor Pls settle down ,wats up with u and the ex beauties, ,,marry this one and stop impregnating girls everywhere,,,
She's pweedie
So this story is true after all,she's already having pregancy acnes on her face and has put on some weight,Wow! This girl has really disgraced the MBGN crown....Just two years ago she was crowned MBGN and today she's about to be a baby mama? SMH
What a waste, beauty without brains.
This is to quell the rumor but she doesn't know it makes it worse.
But come to think of it...I still have some respect for her, she didn't abort the child.
Nice, pretty preggy things, love her big nose. Linda if you wish to get pregnant I am very available. I have abundant rich protein to knock you out 10 out 10. Please respond.
She's such a beauty. #And sometimes she just dey resemble# Doris Simeon. Lol! Linda take note!
She's such a beauty. #And sometimes she just dey resemble# Doris Simeon. Lol! Linda take note!
She's such a beauty. #And sometimes she just dey resemble# Doris Simeon. Lol! Linda take note!
She's such a beauty. #And sometimes she just dey resemble# Doris Simeon. Lol! Linda take note!
See as she jes dey spoil her future
Hmmmmmmm......I will not say anything until I really confirm she is pregnant.
And just the other day,i saw the other baby mama wearing flavor all over her body in enugu#sigh#He sure knows how to pick them.
Flavour, the new 2face.
Hmmmmnnnnnn. .. Golibe!
Flavour, again
Why will this pretty girl allow flavour get her pregnant, when guys are all over the place.
So she also ended up been a baby mama.....and favour has declared he is still very much SINGLE..I shake my nyash for u silly banner gal..
Fyn gerl
Flavour! Uhmmmm dis fine gal no respect herself @all. Love? I pray!
Pretty Lady.
!She's just a spare tire! How could she. When flavour has a baby mama he still flaunts proudly. I xpect more from a Most beautiful girl..
Flavour again ! Lustful desires..
19 and pregnant
You all should just let this girl be. She already has a lot on her plate.
Why did she do such a thing?Flavour is now turning into 2face Idibia!World pipo
Am sure she woke up like this too.hahahaha opportunist .
Flavor, flavor... He's learning from his uncle Tuface. Keep gathering them.
I am very sure that with time n patients will we see her naked pix.
Why would she go and do this to herself? So young with so much to achieve, getting pregnant for a musician that has no plans to marry you is definitely NOT the next step.
following tu face's path since 1900........
Idoma Boi said so
Another baby mama
Foolish gal....flavour won't marry you if dats wat u are thinking. Wonder wat is wrong with our gals. Beauty fades....
Chai linda! U can burst pple anus eh, flavour sef.... Maybe he is looking 4 a baby boy from dis one. Although babies don't keep a man.
Na WA. See how this girl has just narrowed her choice. That is if this story is true.
Stop acting as if u broke the news first cos Stella dimokok did it first.I still luv u
LMAO!!! Iberibe wu oria.. Goodluck n safe delivery to all flavour's baby mama
I jst dnt understnd y we ladies dnt advice ourselves ......U knw he has a child wit anoda woman u still put head.Until we grow some sense guys will continue to play with us.Naw she's goin to be baby mama No 2 n later flavour will end up marrying sum1 else(dat's if he ever plans of getting married)
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