Mercy Johnson and her daughter Purity caught a train yesterday to
Ikeja during a traffic emergency last night. She said she had
to run with her heels off to catch the train. So you really can catch trains in Lagos? And they even look nice inside. More pics after the cut...
U forget your son or what!!!! Dumebi just like u did in "DUMEBI THE DIRTY GURL"
Moye says so via BB Passport...Courtesy LIB....
Hw much them pay her for this abeg..... This election period am just seeing miracles.....
lagos is moving, Fasola is work lol
#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE
The interior look nice. Just wondering how it will be during peak periods. check out here for sports news
Really great and I am happy dat our railways r now to b reckon wit by our celebrities. This shows we r advancing and joining d league of developed countries.
Matchy outfits.
Stupid propaganda!
God bless President Jonathan. RIP Buhari and his goons.
May you and your generations be cursed a billion times over if you say any negative word to me.
Still looking for help won't stop until I get it
I love this lady...looking good.
Eeeeeeeeeh o! Our Naija District Line
Nice one!
Down to earth woman.I love her.
Fuel scarcity reach your side madam..
Such a beautiful mother and child.
GEJ is working. We'll soon get there.
pls were is dis train in lagos and hw does it operates so dt i can stop using buses.
Nigerians will soon vandalize these trains and later say the government is not doing anything..
Linda, the only reason i dont post comment is because i dont get to see them. Na me be ya #1fan
And they say GEJ is not working?? GEJ till 2019
Like seriously?
Love Mercy
Please click on my name for Fashion/Fitness/Beauty tips
So na fashola do d railway???smh for u
so cool.
Wow I never knew ooo
Just like every other person catches a train....hian!
Abeg, from where to where for Lagos she enter train?
Really cool and thumbs up to her. Thank God our railway r to b reckon wit if not she wouldn't dare board d train if it was otherwise.
Trains has been running in lagos since jare
I noticed it since two years
So no be 2day thing or election thing
Linda do you stay under the rock
@Mercy na our @9jà Kim
While her daughter na our @@North
@Tonto how far now?....@Mercy wen u dey mock don born two already ooo.....while u dey dere dey show us ur @Mr X wen no dey exist pass ur bedroom
Nice, its fun to enter train sometime
Still looking for help won't stop until I get it
Lol.......this is news? Lemme accept it cux its you MJ if further comments
Wow..that's cool
@Good luck EBELE Jonathan is working
1. How much dem pay her 2 do dis indirect campaign?
2. Wetin concern us if she enter train linda?
Really??? That's cool then...
Good train good investment
Really great and I am happy dat our railways r now to b reckon wit by our celebrities. This shows we r advancing and joining d league of developed countries.
Really great and I am happy dat our railways r now to b reckon wit by our celebrities. This shows we r advancing and joining d league of developed countries.
Gej is working, haters are hating!
oh nice
Up Gej! we need you for Four more years!
This is just an ordinary propaganda. GEJ and his supports should tell us how / where to use the trains easily like Mercy Johnson, so that we won't have to drive / board buses to our offices every day. If there is no genuine answer to this, definitely everything about GEJ and his projects are fake.
Nice mother/daughter colour match. GEJ is working!
After collecting money from GEJ. Well done. Toyin Aimakhu is next to enter train. Good for GEJ sha
I didn't even know we have clean trains in Lagos & its not even infested with touts??? Na wa o! Linda take note!
I didn't even know we have clean trains in Lagos & its not even infested with touts??? Na wa o! Linda take note!
GEJ's transformation agenda. I wish this witches of opposition will allow this government to work peacefully. APC only celebrate Nigeria's problems,may God for bid APC. Evil party with evil agenda. Buhari has been out of the country for over two weeks,if GEJ is the one that has been away for two weeks APC parots will make noise everywhere.
You're Oponu of the Highest Order.
Wow train?..dat kul..mercy love ur d best among all always d best..dont mind dem o jst keep being urself nd enjoy life nd marriage
@ Igwe Adaobi, i guess you have been catching the train then lol, because this train system just came back to life for the masses just last year. congrats to GEJ, more to come if elected. 2019
Linda y dont u ever post my comments..
Love this babe always herself
Buhari canceled jakande's Lagos Metro project at a loss of over $78 million to the Lagos tax payers, Jonathan has resuscitated our rail system, yet they are shouting Change, when Jonathan is already changing thing. Nigeria must move forward, backward never.
No be Fashola do am oh, na our swagger presido, GEJ. Up Jona, GEJ carry go, we got your back
As a worker, how much do you pay for a comfortable train like this N750, and if you need to ply it to and fro everyday, that is N1,500 a day. Please include your feeding probably you might be spending N3,000 a day and if you the type that buys something home for your children almost N3,500 or N4,000 depending on what you are buying home, but in average you spend N3,000 a day. Please how much do you need to spend a month? How much is your salary for the month. This is not it at all. If you must give to the masses, kindly bring out something affordable.
Nice one mr president, na Ūя̲̅ hand work be dat
The train does exist. Have been seeing it. Painted in green. Fully air conditioned
Ok please i need to know dis....What is the name of the area where dis particular Train station is located and where the trains patrol either......Coz i find it difficult to believe dis !!!
For a second, I thought she was still in London. So cool! how come nobody is talking about the Lagos train(s) had no idea they've started
No mind them...gej and pdp no go let person rest bcos of the local locomotive wey them manage restore. the whole of six years that's his only accomplishment....nonsense
Abeg, from where to where for Lagos she enter train?
WATCH: How this Yoruba guys abused and molested a secondary school girl
They took everything by force.
They never showed mercy
Watch=>> HERE
Love ds MJ she's dwn to earth
Fake advert. I ain't buyin that shit from this counterfeit Bitch. I ve got a strong feelings that the trains will be grounded after Election that may return the incumbent.
Paid trip!! Would she catch a train on a normal day. Julius Agwu is right.
Dumebi where is thy son?
This chic done dey fine oh.. Luv her jeans jare!!
Pls let's give APC chance abeg...Pls beg i dey beg,APC = Fashola & Tinubu...which means Buhari + APC + Tinubu = A better Nigeria!
What they've done in lagos alone is enough reason to vote apc...
I see Mercy smiling to the bank for a script well delivered.Dear all ,do not be deceived, this is just a political campaign. It is April fool!!!
The train will soon turn to LAG bus after election. I dont know y wil lack maintenance in Nigeria. Corruption!!!
campaigning for GEJ of course.. mtchewwww.. linda, pls bring important issues for us to discuss abeg.. even if she was taking a train ,big deal??? for crying loud, she was taking donkey before coming to civilization
Wow daz nice. Thumbs up 2 my President.
Making life mire easier 4 Nigerians.
Jona is working
Abi o...conversion with a clueless gejite. ...
A:Jonathan is clueless
Gejite:but he restored the railway
A: jonathan is corrupt
Gejite : he restored the train
A: the youth have no jobs and unemployment is on the rise
Gejite: he restored the train
A: thousands are dead because of insurgency and millions more are displaced
Gejite: but look at the locomotive he restored
A: the economy is collapsing
Gejite: look at mercy Johnson riding the train
A: there's no electricity and you're are using gen to browse LIB
Clueless Gejite: I'm gonna do my wedding reception in the locomotive that Jonathan restored
Madam what is propaganda in dis issue?
Abeg go and consult ur dictionary
GEJ is working
Weldone my President
She and her daughter (Purity) even stroked a matching outfit. Kudos
Love ya plenty
She 3 much
Paid job
Paid job
ROYAL PRIESTFOOL, I just had to reply Ur stupidity, u saw a train and u joining d league of developed countries...Ur stupidity outruns even a Crocuta, Proteles
No mind them...just like all the power plants he's "commissioning" but electricity is the getting worse. .
When time reach now, dem go say na Jonah fix rails for Lagos. Well, back to Mercy...this is definitely a propaganda pic cos I don't see her getting into a train in Lagos right now. Mercy, whatagwan?
Adeagbor kabir....u re a fool please if u are married call GEJ to come and impregnate ur wife for u....old cock asking president of ur country to tell u train routes.....ur own fool is too full....infact it is filled to the bream...kc say so.....
If I hear say purity AMERICAN CITIZEN dey enter transformation train lool PDP FAILED !!!
Do u have to reign curses on him? And u think prayers are answered that way ryt? I even tot comments are supposed to be reviewed before posting and I guess this man is ur grand father's age o shows ur upbring
Love my mercy anytime
from Ajegunle to Lekki Lolzzz.
men, i thought they were joking when the said the trains are back in Naija, the inside looks nice and neat, i think the present Govt is trying, how i wish they can fix the power issue and Naija will start sailing wella,more of these kind of pics and less of boko haram menace
She don dey dress oo naso
Rip to You And your generations...God doesnt answer your kinda prayer You This child of The devil!!!
Mercy I love her
Don't you want to do anything, go out and research must govt do everything for you
Yesso! !!!!!! The transformation must continue
Realest girl mercy babeeee you look cool nnem.
Iron lady!lov her type
See your dirty face!
How in the world is this a stupid propaganda?
Did she in any way ask anyone to travel by train?
A woman shared a video on her own social media account, with her followers, and you think is propaganda?
You must be paid to express your opinion on LIB.
<< LIB Addict >>
I love dis gal sha
Madam Maureen, there is dignity in labour.
Go out there and get a job, it doesn't matter how little and quit embarrassing yourself on LIB.
<< LIB Addict >>
Honey, it's not stupid propaganda, it's just that you are too dull, and too full of self-hate to see you have a working president. Keep following Hausa and yoruba, your fore fathers would strike you in due time.
Buhari is not yet the president of Nigeria.
he has the right to travel for one month, if he so desires.
GEJ on the other hand has the primary duty to serve the nation.... if he should leave for two weeks, Nigerians are entitled to know his whereabouts. ......
Nice, wen she back from London nah?
Shey una say jona no dey work abi?
That isn't nigeria,if you check well or even go to her ig page,she's currently in london. She's just messing around.
So she is herself just becos she used d train meant for the poor ni?
Even though I was born and raised at yaba where I use to see trains almost on a daily basis;I haven't boarded one..,sure would try it soon.
Mercy Johnson need to please quit all these self-deluding ads she's embarked on with the PDP for a morsel of meat. Does she truly believe in the Nigerian system?? Where did she deliver her baby?? US abi? why not here in Nigeria? The reason is not hard to farthom - Citizenship! Now how do U preach to me to believe in a system U scarcely believe in? How do U convince me my future is secured in a system U r not prepared to put the future of ur children? People should get real in this country.
No linda you cannot catch train, only okada, smh, how will you know what is happen ending when you are so blinded biased to GEJ despite your non partisan claim, you would have known if it's something negative, I'm be inning to see the truth in what people are saying, APC hood rat.
You can delete my comment for all I care.
abeg na this our lagos be d tin I de see now? really nice..d train looka clean..........................#6God
abeg na this our lagos be d tin I de see now? really nice..d train looka clean..........................#6God
does of u dat doesn't see ur comments u dont check back, and note not everyone GEJ pays money. and u always insultin linda she b una mate? if she b una mate self she b una mate for money? mk una wise up oh
Really you said stupid?.. So boarding a train to avoid traffic is stupid right?... Your Opinion though.
How much was she paid for this stunt? abeg e!!!
all thanks to GEJ for him again please. m sure he will do better
Smh! Most people see n read things and swallow without verifying! Just take a day out to go make enquiries on Train schedules n routes snd U will find out the TRUTH! This story roght here is pure Propaganda and Advert For GEJS campaign. FYI- this train model plys inter state and MJ will never take this out of Lagos because a train trip for Eg which runs Lagos-Ibadan only goes 2ice s week (tues & Fridays) and its a 3hr trip. The one that plys withing lagos to Sango (ogun state) are the Older models and are the ones usually over crowded. So was MJ taking Her own train to Lekki or does she now stay in Sango? Moralof this explanation is for all to be more enlightened before we speak. Yes the train transport sector has been revived, but it's not EFFECTIVE enough to make an impact in the people's lives cause it's inadequate and the services are not efficient
Everything na news for Linda!
Linda dey eat comments and it is very annoying. It isn't encouraging linda. Pls always post pple's comments biko. I hardly comment because of this same reason.
@Anon 8.18, thank U for the factu response. One of the major problems we have in this country is having a non-fact-finding and easily gullible people on the majority. Just look ar the commentaries from people before urs in this post, and U'll understand what I'm talking about. Honestly , I fear for this country.
Omg!!! See campaign..agent of PDP..
Don't know what to say to this, but just want to drop something here..
Urba u are an idiot...Mercy Johnson is simply campaigning for GEJ..she's catching train to aso rock
Fashola at work
Yes he"s working in ur family..Keep deceiving ur self...u will soon get to ur village
Gerout!!! Tranforming ur village...Cat fish like u...They will point n kill u soon!! as libers Sabi insult, them dey fear curse too? Nobody attack this guy at all oh. Choiiiiii!!!
Hiaaaa.....where you learn English from oh? Make them give you balance because them no teach you well well!!!
PDP ke? This is Lagos baby, APC town.
So who did Mr BeluGod? Ur papa huh.
Gej is the best president ever in this country. ... haters like Tinubu can enter lagoon
RIP to ur entire generation starting from u and ur children.
Linda,has given us false news,this is London ooooo,not Lagos,ahhh lindaaaaaa
She has changed shaa...
Oga na security man u be? 5 naira dey suppose charge u before? ur own train nd start charging 20 naira ...ewu.kc say so.
Nonsense!!!! Who cares! May she be alive to see her children suffer thesame fate innocent citizens are suffering in d hands of badluck jonthan. Amen.
Copy! Copy!! If it is not kim & north west matching outfit, it can never be thesame thing as kim & north west matching out. COPYCAT!!!
Annon...u sound like how many trains re plying lagos abi mrs factual.say u dey enter okada no mean say people no dey take cab.kc say so...
Beautiful mother&child. I like MJ a lot.
Hahaha nawa.....o
Good one
So in ur imagination it's Fashola that did d train abi? This is GEJ work and Fashola metroline is still not near completion
Awww Mercy don change finish o. Obviously enjoying motherhood to d last.
#linda's apprentice
What's ur hate about? May that prayer bounce back on u a thousand folds! Haba! Cursing innocent generation for nothing. Oshi
wat is she forming? Kim k and north west????
Na wash jo! I wonder who deceive PDP to think these hungry driven actors can influence any vote. Mercy Johnson of all people. Na wa o. I hope the all don't regret their actions in the future
Annonymous(es) can talk sense and plenty of nonsense! Anyways that's why they are anonymous !!
All na campaign strategy...
'Get'Gej, Get a Life.we support from ikeja, we want you till 2019.
Mercy never wears a food BRa!
I doubt she was paid for dis,she wants to draw attention.
Even half endorsement Mecy no get!
I love her jeans thou!
GOD Give Linda a husband,let 2015 not pass her.
Mercy Johnson, it is glaring that the claimed revival of railway services by GEJ government is a scam. All because of money, you put your integrity and your job on the line advertising unavailable service - deceiving those people that made you who you are. I will implore you to search your conscience and stop this shameful act of hypocrisy (all because of money). Mind you, stop doing what we make you daughter in that pic (and other children) to curse you in future.
I just love u Mercy Johnson
U, ur family ur unborn generation are the biggest oshi, including d biggest ashewo of our time-mercy johnson, her children and unborn generations. Bastards like u and the mercy johnson. GO FUCK UR GENERATION UNBORN!!!
Anonymous 10:44pm, d curses of diz generation is upon u, ur family and generation unborn.
The curses of diz generation is upon mercy johnson, her children and generation unborn. Knowing wot d present govt is doing to innocent citizens, mercy decides to join in d evil and enslave people the more.
Anonymous 10:44pm, may sorrow be ur shadow. If u face my matter, i will face u a million fold bcos u dont know wot people like us are goin thru in d hands of diz fake celebs/ jonathan. Daz why ur d biggest OSHI!!! IDIOT!!!! MUMU!!!! DEVIL!!!!
Thunder fire all if Una n Una ashawo generation for condeming GEJ May sorrows n pain be Una portion for the rest of ur miserable life for talking rubbish. If you dnt hv any thing to say or do with your miserable life I suggest u go hug transformer useless pple. Una no dey take eye see progress . The ogun dat will punish u pple n ur children children children is still doing press up
smh - tell Mercy Johnson to ask ONYEKA ONWENU what happened to her after she marched for ABACHA.
if Mercy Johnson's daughter at 8 gets kidnapped, islamised and married off to an 80 year old man in the deserts of Niger and is pregnanted before she is 10 and the Federal Government doesn't do anything about it till election (a couple of years after); will she be entering train and be paid for doing so?
Stunt for GEJ,The drama can fly for the lovers of nollywood,not for m calibre,she even got a standby photographer.she should come off it and stop lying about a faulty car.
So lovely and humble
But Mercy Johnson has a very tacky dress sense sha o
Purity is now a big girl
Yes she is forming Infact she is better than Kim kardashian and her baby is better than north west, leave her alone u fucking haters. And u dis Nancy should ur fucking mouth up u dumb ass. Rubbish.
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