It shall be well, it shall be well, is it until you die? Fr Mbaka in another controversial video | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Friday, 6 March 2015

It shall be well, it shall be well, is it until you die? Fr Mbaka in another controversial video

After the cut is another video of controversial Catholic priest, Fr. Mbaka of the Adoration Ministry Enugu, expressing his thoughts on the state of the nation. In the video, Fr Mbaka denied ever meeting Buhari and also asked all those who are angry with him to please forward their account details so he can return whatever money they had given to him. Lol

The Rev. Father said "They keep saying, it shall be shall be well....When? Is it until you die?" Lol. He says nobody should mark any government as a good government because they created roads. He said it's like him being a pastor and giving out holy communion and people praising him for it. He said it's not an achievement, he's just the doing the job he was called to do just like the government. Watch after the cut...


Anonymous said...

Lol now watching....lindaobserve


Cicee said...

These "men of God should stick to their calling and leave politics & politicians alone

Unknown said...

No comment pls oooo said...

na wa

Alloy Chikezie said...

Controversial Fr mbaka.

Your comment will be visible after approval

Miss Port Harcourt said...

God Bless You more My Rv. Father Ejike Mbaka. An anointed priest from birth...Founder & Co-ordinator of A.M.E.N» »Adoration Ministry Enugu Nigeria.

Unknown said...

Well said. Not until we die. Mtchew

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Controversial Reverend.. Your On Your Own..
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

Judeocracy said...

Lol! Speak forth Rev.we need am

snowflix said...

This man and politics lol. All I want to hear from all this pastors and Reverend is the day BH will stop shikena. Anything contrary I am not interested #onelovefromsnow#

Linda Fashion Blog said...

Hes right! Should we be thanking our government for giving us basic amenities? Isn't ur their job?

Unknown said...

Not worth wasting ma mb on.......mbaka duo onu gi iga!

Anonymous said...

Keep saying the truth, God will protect you. Prophet.

Carina Kikelomo Jacob said...

Lol. Na him sabi

Anonymous said...

i agree with Fr Mbaka, why should we be saying thank you for doing your job, that is our right!!!!! Hian!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

How is this controversial He's speaking the truth.

Anonymous said...

Mbaka why by Prophet BBC

Anonymous said...

Am dying for you linda afte seeing your fine breast in that post. Please spread your legs, I want to suck your long clitoris. Please release in my mouth.

ebonyz... said...


Unknown said...

That it's his own opinion

Anonymous said...

This man is an idiot

Unknown said...


#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

Unknown said...

Truth is bitter but I sincerely love this prophet for his straightforwardness and clerity in words. He knows exactly what he is saying.
Gvt shudnt be praised for doing there duties likewise people dont get praised for performing the duty by which they were employed, afterall they r paid for there services.
True talk Father.

Henry Ekene Obianika said...

Na dem sabi.

Linda I said so..

ary said...

So true.

Unknown said...

Na waohhhhhhh! Wetin we no go see!

SUE JORDAN said...

No govt should indeed be hailed for doing what they should have done in the first place. Its their duty to give us roads, power, schools, water, health.....why do they go about boasting like it was charity work???

Anonymous said...

Nigerians don't just like hearing the truth, but this man totally knows what he's saying, wats the job of a Government? If you're working on lagos/ibadan express way so what? What are you in office for? share our wealth with your fellow vultures?

Anonymous said...

Nigerians don't just like hearing the truth, but this man totally knows what he's saying, wats the job of a Government? If you're working on lagos/ibadan express way so what? What are you in office for? share our wealth with your fellow vultures?

Anonymous said...

Foolish man.its very clear you are a politician not a man of God.oloshi

Anonymous said...

Nigerians don't just like hearing the truth, but this man totally knows what he's saying, wats the job of a Government? If you're working on lagos/ibadan express way so what? What are you in office for? share our wealth with your fellow vultures?

Anonymous said...

Nigerians don't just like hearing the truth, but this man totally knows what he's saying, wats the job of a Government? If you're working on lagos/ibadan express way so what? What are you in office for? share our wealth with your fellow vultures?

kclub said...

FACT OF LIFE...infact, I now luv this man dieeeeee. We need men of God like this in this country. Say the truth and let them know

Unknown said...

Ride on fr. Mbaka

Mesky Da ImoFirstSon said...


Linda bear that in mind

Emp said...

Fr. Mbaka. we need more people of God like you.

CELEB said...


KIKIS said...

I love this man. God bless him

Unknown said...

Truth be Told... Well said.

SaintOmo said...

All what he has been saying about the falling apart of this great country are for the betterment of our future, your future and for the future of our children yet unborn. So, I am 100% solidly behind him...after all, the truth is bitter.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

lool...dis Rev Father always speaks his mind...

Unknown said...

lool...All dis Rev Father always speaking their minds..

Unknown said...

lool...All dis Rev Fathers always speaking their minds..

Anonymous said...

This I agree to.

Its not a favor.its not a charity treat.its like praising my dear Linda for bringing news for which she gets paid.The issue here is that we are in a country where we look at paid services as a favor.

Till we educate ourselves on what is due to us and what is not,we will remain on this rollercoaster of unnecessary gratitude

Endy said...

Now u talk wetin dey vex u mbaka,number hunter,Adoration ministry is also in ur name because u are signatory to the account

Endy said...

Now u talk wetin dey vex u mbaka,number hunter,Adoration ministry is also in ur name because u are signatory to the account

Endy said...

Now u talk wetin dey vex u mbaka,number hunter,Adoration ministry is also in ur name because u are signatory to the account

Unknown said...

Can this election just be over already? I can't wait to have my sanity back...

Unknown said...

All is well, l see great things happening in this country soon. People are now specking out their mind.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Ordain man of God

Rough Diamond said...

Mbaka is highly pained! He shld go n take several seats.

Unknown said...

Word Father. WORD!!!

Unknown said...

Lmao...i love this man. Against all odds to bring him down, against all condemnation from catholic bishops and priests, against all insults and accusations leveled against this man of God by his fellow men of God and individual bodies...he still maintained his words and stand tall...unshakable ....i respect him a lot....hes not afraid of all you hypocrites


Anonymous said...

He is so right. They said we create road, university etc, was that not ur duty to perform, it is our right. Uve not done any extra ordinary thing. GEJ, u administration is BAD. Clear for road make GMB take over....#March4buhari#

In GOD I TRUST said...


Anonymous said...

Ehya father Mabaka your parishoners have left sad!!!!! said...

I like the part that said constructing roads are duties of a government and not achievement. Check out here for sports news

Unknown said...

Ride-on my spiritual Daddy,God bless u

Unknown said...

May God almighty put u in ur rightful place. Bloody hypocrite! If only people will wake up and realise how fake this man is...I am glad the population on his adoration ground has significantly reduced.

Unknown said...

May God almighty put u in ur rightful place. Bloody hypocrite! If only people will wake up and realise how fake this man is...I am glad the population on his adoration ground has significantly reduced.

Anonymous said...

fr Mbaka ,:pls I beg u in JESUS name. leave politics alone. it will only dent ur image. face ur calling pls.


chuchu said...


Onyx's Girlfriend (he isn't gay pls) said...

Truth be told.

Unknown said...

This FR Mbaka please face your Ministry so that you will not lose focus of it, its very important. I respect men of God so I dont want to say much.

Unknown said...

is well

Okowright Balaxy said...

We have heard you Mr Perfect Mbaka. APC has given you another money to renew your contract of saying nonsense about the present government. If Buhari was a good head of state, why didn't he transform Nigeria to paradise during his tenure? Is it now that he's brain dead he can transform Nigeria? Please enjoy the small money APC has given to you. Buhari will never be president of Nigeria,except Nigeria will divide and he will be president of his fellow illiterate cows.

Anonymous said...

Mbaka why

Anonymous said...

men that know how to garner attention.

Wonder wat his tots are on homosexuality

Gay Life of an Anonymous Writer

Bukas said...

Mbaka you no get shame. your case is so pathetic that you don't even know your master.may be u fink you are serving God alas you don't know u know serve money. Even after the public ridicule by your kinsman, u still have shame to speak on political matters in the public? Na wao

Unknown said...

Yes, he's vry ryt, tho dey say truth is bitter bt he jst say a simple bitter truth


God will continue to bless you Father.


Unknown said...

Yes, he's vry ryt, tho dey say truth is bitter bt he jst say a simple bitter truth

Emmanuel said...

God see us through

Unknown said...

Prophet of baal

Unknown said...

LMAO this drama is becoming very intriguing. We are all watching. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

LMAO this drama is becoming very intriguing. We are all watching. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

LMAO this drama is becoming very intriguing. We are all watching. Linda take note!

mzmaris said...

Mbaka zuo ike nu biko.....hapu nde politicians....ubochi ikpeazu onye obuna aza aha nna ya....onye obuna anata ugwo oru ya

Unknown said...

He is right
I don't see anything controversial there
Building road doesn't mean you've achieved a great thing
What were you suppose to be doing

Anonymous said...


Joy said...

the fact that he is a man of God make me reserve my comment,but weather he likes it or not GEJ 2015 AND BEYOND IF POSSIBLE!

Unknown said...

Hmmmmmm I dont know what to say but I kind of agree with him because like Amechi said is not about your brother its about your stomach your future,you make the choice!!!JC

Joy Monique A said...

What a Powerful Word

Bellsayzso said...

It will be well with you Fr. Mbaka, at least a man of cloth who is not afraid of saying the TRUTH even under death'threats.
Politicians keep self appraising themselves, they built this, they facilitated that, they gave this.. damn it...thats what they are frigging paid to do...mind u...they dont do it with their money..its with tax and other source of revenue... FG allocates N500m every year to senators to develop their constituent what they do is dig borehole which at d max cost 200k multiply by 10 = N2m and they tell us they are serving us? there's a special place in hell for Nigerian politicians.

Anonymous said...

It is only in animal Kingdom that people advertised and praise government for constructing road, install street light, build hospital and do the basic amenities using people's money or tax ( not their personal money) to do. It absurd and can only happen in NIgeria. I live in UK and not a day have I seen road being commissioned and celebrated or do I see people praising the government for providing the basic infrastructures.

Anonymous said...

It is only in animal Kingdom that people advertised and praise government for constructing road, install street light, build hospital and do the basic amenities using people's money or tax ( not their personal money) to do. It absurd and can only happen in NIgeria. I live in UK and not a day have I seen road being commissioned and celebrated or do I see people praising the government for providing the basic infrastructures.

Unknown said...

True man of God!
Please tell them what God sent you to do!!

Unknown said...

MR EDDY said this heat wan kill person o.

This man sef.

Unknown said...

that's true jare, we just need to commend their, what if they don't do anything?

Unknown said...

I don't have time for that. The holy spirit I know wouldn't tell you to disgrace someone openly. Was God not aware when Goodluck was appointed as the president, there's is always a reason for everything

GALORE said...

@Good luck Jonathan on my mind

No comment

I respect Father Ejike.



What I read in this man's holy rants is wounded ego...
Since Jonathan and the First Lady failed to oblige him with their private contacts, he felt slighted, for which he feels justified to reach them through publicizing unrelenting criticism of them...
Unfortunately, it does not occur to this man that he's only being governed by his scathed ego, and not the Holy Spirit, as he claims laboriously...
This prophetic complex of his sure can't survive an Obasanjo regime...
I commend Jonathan for his full respect for the fundamental right of every Nigeria to free speech and expression...

Anonymous said...

Respect sir!!! You are voicing out what other men of God pretend not to see... God bless you sir!

Anonymous said...

He's very correct...every right thinking man knows Jonathan has done nothing significant.he's more of a failure,but that doesn't make Buhari better,we know Buhari,we know his team too...they are not better,Never will be..Never

tsalz c.e.o said...

All na movie joor

Anonymous said...

You are dumb bonario...Wetin concern pastor with politics?

Anonymous said...

Yoruba woman pls tell me which of your Yoruba states that is developed other than Lagos which is not necessarily a Yoruba state cos the Igbos made the industrial and commercial boom in Lagos while FGN made the infrastructure from when it was a Federal Capital. Talk to your own Governors that have not developed the South West after 16 years of Democracy. So pls stop acting like an ignorant fellow. What does this Priest know about Governance and it's intricacies. Ruling and Administration is not simply Black and White, so Fr Mbaka should stick to serving God and leave politics and Governance to the people and our Rulers.

Unknown said...

A prophet of Baal,please

Juleslouis said...

The man no just send. Well...

Ak the Great said...

this is a mark of a true prophet send to the poor not the bling pastors Like Ayo orits....God bless you man of God....Sai Baba buhari

Unknown said...

Please,shut up your dirty worn out pussy.You hardly reason like a sane person.Why did Mbaka praised Jonathan to the high heaven when the first lady visited his adoration ground on 4-12-2014 only to turn 360 degres and condemn the man on 1-1-2015

Unknown said...

Only the truth shall set us free in this country.

Unknown said...

I just my pple will open their eyes, God continue to bless and strengthen you sir,

Vote no fight

Subomi said...

Very outspoken.. I don’t know him but I can’t fault him for speaking his mind, at the end of the day he is a citizen like anybody else who is entitled to his own opinion about the state of the country. He can speak some funny grammar though “mesmerised cheated”? well ... continue o jare omo ibo said...

I pledge to Nigeria my country to vote Buhari and Osinbajo on 28 of march, to be gentle, loyal on election day, to say NO to GEJ, to be Nigeria president again, with all my strength, to protect my PVC and uphold no violence and trouble.. So help me God..
Forward this to ur frnds if u love Nigeria ur country, enough is enough PDP and GEJ corrupt Government must go. #ihavedecided to vote for #change#

Julz Cakes said...

And you mr anonymous wetin no concern pastor wiith politics? Isn't he a human and a citizen of a country like everyone? Everyone has a right to voice out his/her opinion,even ffk said it recently.The man of God has simply spoken the bitter truth most of us don't want to hear. I think Nigeria and nigerians would achieve the much desired change only when we begin to know and fight for our rights.

Unknown said...

Hahahahahahahaha....are you kidding me?????lols

Anonymous said...

Why did Igbos leave their own states to make the industrial and commercial boom in Lagos- Yoruba land.

Why didn't they make the so called industrial and commercial boom in their own state and villages, so they leave their own states under developed to develop another tribes state. Stupidity and foolishness of the highest order.

They must be more stupid than I thought if that is the case.

Ode, tribalistic goat. Always taking shots at Yorubas for no reason, stupid fools.

Anonymous said...

Hmm Mbaka touch not my anointed on my mind.

GEJ 2019

Anonymous said...

Because he is sayin d truth?..You r doomed for callin him dt name. Blind man wey no dey see hw we r bin led in dis country..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for you, whoever you are.What shall it profit you, if you go to bed tonight & wake up tomorrow blind? Watch what pushes you.Lest it lays you open to a curse above all curses.Mind your business, let the man go about his.

Anonymous said...

Stupid anon 11:55. That is why you will never be rich. Fool

Unknown said...

Madam pls note dat men of God. Are also citizens of the country and are affected by the actions and inactions of the government

Unknown said...

Mbaka,why did you praise Jonathan to high heaven on 4-12-2014?why are you dishonest?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Fr. Mbaka speaks his mind (which is his duty) and gets commended no problem.... GEJ govt gets commended for doing it duty and its a problem for Fr. Mbaka? Nigerians sha...

Unknown said...

I trust God has a plan for dis nation, as for men of God meddling into politics, I really don't no bt I no God's will must surely come tru

Unknown said...

May the Good lord be with you for saying the truth,He never supported GBH or GEJ and he has the right to speak about politics as a Nig ,GBj is fIghting insurgency in Nig because they have threaten his chances for conducting or win nest presidencia election is this not act of selfishness ,Buhari is no option but Our present Government is killing us ,as a youth is reason like this Man of God u will secure the future of ur unborn children

Unknown said...

You just said the thruth and nothing but the thruth.

Unknown said...

ObInna Prophets of God in bible talk politics,they prophesied to the rulers and prophesied situation of the country and the solution,some one got to say the truth,were focusing on roads and water ,we would that reads us,giving him compliments for giving good roads while hunger and poverty is killing the country bad system of education ,he now fight Boko Haram because his chances has being threaten what a selfish act .Buhari is non sense but some one has to tell out dear Good luck truth so we can have wonderful 4 years tenure

Anonymous said...

Mbaka shuld face his job, end time preachers who God never called , we understand your realy intrested in politics , jst tell us wat your contesting for house of rep or presidency foool

Unknown said...


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

He should pls stay away from politics.

Order for your beautiful bedspread @ 79AEFD3B. Delivery available nationwide.

Anonymous said...

U are probably part of the problem of Nigeria, and U feel pricked by his messages

Anonymous said...

@Balaxy when Buhari becomes president pls take the very first flight out of Nigeria, or jump into a lagoon, or lead a Biafran session and U'll get what the Biafrans got. Else U are just running mouth like market women.

Anonymous said...

Obviously U didn't get his message or U simply chose to interprete it ur way.

Anonymous said...

He did not recommend anyone , he only said the leadership we have currently is not doing us any good.

Anonymous said...

If this mesaage prickles U, then U r probably one of the problems of Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

U don't worry, as U are one the chlidren of the people he's referring to. U are comfortably chopping from the loot ur dad has gathered abi?

Unknown said...

Watching this vid brings me to tears. People look so hungry. Can't he share some of his wealth with the congregation? Don't get me wrong I do understand the concept of tithes but you can't keep taking from the poor like this. Africa when are we gonna learn how to lift each other up.

Unknown said...

Hahahahaha! Crase

Unknown said...

I JUST LIKE THIS MAN FR ALWAYS THE TRUTH...y praising gov't official fr doing their responsibility.

Unknown said...

I JUST LIKE THIS MAN FR ALWAYS THE TRUTH...y praising gov't official fr doing their responsibility.

Eze911 said...

If student no pass, he must repeat class - Patience Jonathan
Mr President don fail, you must give Jonathan chance to come back and repeat class - Patience Jonathan.
What is wrong with Jonathan wasting 10 years of your life?
Nothing is wrong with Jonathan wasting 10 years of your life.
Jonathan is ‘bleeding Nigeria to death’. It is time for change - Fani Kayode.
''We are not Bus Conductors that Ask for Change'' – Patience Jonathan

Eze911 said...

As una stomach don shut down una brain make una go collect Jonathan bribe money because of the hunger and insecurity wey E don cause for una lives, make una clean mouth, no worry.
When una brain don wake from the hunger, make una go vote for Buhari so that una children no go suffer the same kind of hunger and insecurity wey Jonathan don cause una and relatives for the past 6 years.
I say no worry, Jonathan no fit do una nothing because say una collect money from am, come go vote for somebody else. Abi, una take something swear oath for am when una dey collect the money?
You no sabi say the money no be Jonathan get am, na all of una get am, straight from una treasury. Even though E don make una accomplices for the thiefu, thiefu, una choice now na to make sure say no future person go fit make una children accomplices for thiefu, thiefu by comoting thiefu thiefu from dem lives and road.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you my Rev. Fr. But for politics, it is GEJ till 2019!

Unknown said...

Abeg dey shld leave politics! Every man has a role 2play in his or her country ! N his is being a priest !

Unknown said...

Retard.wake up from ur dream

aboveDfray said...

Instead of Okotie, Adeboye, Joshua, Oyedopo and the rest of the 419ners to be a voice for the voiceless, they steal from the voiceless and cheer on the biggest thieves in our society. Naija make tuna dey wait for your just rewards in the afterlife while these fat cats are sharing your national cake amongst themselves.

valushi said...

Thanks a lot, Great man of God. You are too much for saying the truth. The uninformed may malign you, but God will always strengthen you. More power to your elbow and remain blessed.

Anonymous said...

I pity u

Anonymous said...

Na wa o.

Anonymous said...

U r correct Ugwu.

Unknown said...

@ugwu u are the wisest here. U just made me know better

Anonymous said...

@GoodLoverMaker, shut the fuck up!!! #EwuCambia

Anonymous said...

Abino-Jos @Cici, they're not citizens with rights abi? Go and find a mugu to buy you chocolate today, and shut up

Unknown said...

If there are no more need of amenities like roads, then there is no need for government.

Unknown said...

Many are called but few are chosen. instead of this idiot to make the Words of God a standard to his life, put and preach the Gospel of Christ first he is busy making political issues the topic of his mass and adoration. what a disgrace to catholic churches and rev fathers in general. i wonder who made him a father.

Anonymous said...

Yes he needed the money then afterwards say the truth. Please let's collect more money from GEJ and Patience. The monies are ours but afterwards let's tell the truth.
Smh - What did GEJ do about Hospitals? His entire crew still go abroad for small health issues like headache.


Unknown said...

Cici shut d fcuk up u illiterate bitch

Anonymous said...

what is politics without Gods people? we all are political animal , open ur eyes

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