She shared the photo on her instagram page and wrote "
valentines present have finally arrived and set up.. My hubby is the
best.. Thanks for allowing me to create a new ultramodern gym room. More
equipments on their way.. #Fitbunny #SexyWife #MrsA #fitness #exercise #healthylife ..'
Best gift ever! Pls visit
Nyc way of tellin her bin fat is not an option.
Davido's GF
Good for her
Girls that got perfume and chocolate with 1300naira KFC chicken will come here and start hating on
Nawa o! Money is good. Enjoy o jare
She shld carry go.
Congrats to her
yes ooo, #stayfit is the koko
Linda how much did this lady pay u to make her a celebrity in nigeria? Is it by force to be a household name? I don tire for una
Kai, Dabota this is to make you a House wife and to restraine you from meeting people at a gym centre.. Side Eye...
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..
Waooo ladies leave broke niggas $ open urs eyez oo,lmfao,if nt nga one chance u
Dey eNta!
Slow news day right? How is this news?
gud 4 her
aittyfinest xyz
Keep spending the money darling!
I guess there is no LIB without tmz, perezhilton, or Instagram blogs. Thats why gym equipment is news. You never fail to put the word BILLIONAIRE in front of her name. Why do u feel the need to remind us. SMH
Great gift but it might get boring exercising alone. A public gym feels better some days. ----C21
Money speaking
Enjoy your life bae
She gotta stay hot for him!lindaobserve
Perks of being a billionaire's wife
My dear your own better
Yeye girl... I'm sure you don't gerrit.
He's telling you to stay fit or hit the highway.
Sexy wife ke
Disgusting & Classless, tasteless, empty rubbish.
Na warning d husband dey giv her o, get fat and get out!
Good for her.
Hope he didn't buy d equipment to keep her home, away from the public gym and preying men out there. Lemme bliv he ain't caging Her. Lol
#idontenvyu. Enjoy your boring gymroom.
And you tell me money isn't the koko... ride on woman
And you tell me money isn't the koko... ride on woman
lucky girl
Am happy for her......her God made her that way so enjoy, respect and love your hubby.
Nkene owu kwa news bikonu?? dabota this sabotage that.
Yup....... he will get you all you need to keep fit INDOORS!! Who wan allow fitness instructor near imm pretty wife?
Certainly not Dei Lawson....
Gud one!
So mrs Dabota or.....pls wat av u done or av u bin doin 2giv bak 2d sociey.....dt is one society u are takin from o!!!! Pls so many kids in d northern states ravaged by BH needs ur help...u and ur husband shld do somefin and stop posting 2oppress innocent young gals like me who wants 2marry 6or love and not comfort...
Dear future hubby
Hope u are seeing dis
Uhmmmm ..
Moral Lesson - Ladies always F**k Rich D**k
This girl is living the good life.
When she farts, Linda don't forget to let us know kwà .
How nice of hubby.
What does this mean. Nothing?
Fine swt lady
I want something like this
To see an awesome neckpiece (beaded fur)
awesome and awesome
I really don't like this babe..e be like say she just dey milk ha hubby
Chaiiii!!! Money is good
Good for u
Wen one has a billionaire hubby, everything na giftable, lol! Linda take note!
Ure living d lyf girl.. Seriously..
You forgot #trophywife#. Sexy anyhow u like, he's still got other hoes( he married one) in different area codes.
Pretty woman.
Wht d hell is dis???
Is he making mockery of d wife or wht and to mak it worse it has to hit d news.
Nice one
Linda why is English falling your hand na. Its equipment even if it's one million and nothing like equipments. Abeg correct
Mmmmmm Enjoy my dear its ur time.
The love of money
The love of money
Better Man,knowing d right. stuff 2get 4 ur womAn..AlwaYs representing
Dabota lawson..showing off ur marriage on social media isn't mature attall..u are a married woman nt somekind of celebrity...and u aint married to a celebrity either...focus on ur marriage we dnt nid to knw if ur husband bought u a private jet ...its only fair he does..he is ur husband..stop all dis show offs..lest u loose ur husband soon to dis husband scavengers..#no be you fine pass oh..period
Lol. Cool down lady. Anything to keep your sexy ass at home and not use gym as an excuse. My igbo bro ma ebe ano. Next stop....home salon. No stories/gossip.
...Mama J...
Nice gift. Check more of life exposure articles here@
Money love
No real billionaires wife goes on twitter as much as this one to put her belongings or gifts on show... Just shows she is still the original Bush Gal... It is common knowledge that your husband has money ... Loads of it, just enjoy it quietly honey ... U or it might not last forever....
She is lucky
Dis is what money gets you,a wife as hot as hell,damn!
Way to live.
Linda are u ok? The plural of equipment is equipment not equipments. Stop 'following this babe to shell' lol
Equipments??? Linda u go school na
Linda I thought that you are a graduate of English language. A lot of grammatical errors in your posts.
Lol @ anon 2:23 u wicked! Nice gift in between...
This babe is daft... Like??? Who does this? Your still a learner keep showing the younger ones what they can get when they steal your man from you later on in life...
U bae must be broke,from ur comment I can tell...ntorrrrr
U bae must be broke,from ur comment I can tell...ntorrrrr
nice one...beefers should go nd sleep. she no dey oppress any babe....all we need to pray is for God to bless us richly as well. dats all
Wat are u saying?? Ar u ok?? Cus u seem like u are speaking in tongue!
You who???
Meaning?? Elaborate plz!
U bae must be broke,from ur comment I can tell...ntorrrrr
U bae must be broke,from ur comment I can tell...ntorrrrr
U bae must be broke,from ur comment I can tell...ntorrrrr
U bae must be broke,from ur comment I can tell...ntorrrrr
Plural of equipment is equipment. Take that on board
Illiterate Linda
This shameless insecured sud is teaching young girls to snatch an old papa and marry him cos he is rich and she is been praised by low lives People don't know what is right or wrong or shameful should we blame bad government or bad parental skills or laziness or insecurities or lack of ambition any of my daughters try this mess I will send u back from where u came or rather disown u but it is not my portion I don't understand why this should be news anybody that has money can get it for herself not an old man buying and you showing off his wealth remember all is vanity when our owner comes a lot of questions will be answered ride on lil brain
Kia GOD bless my hubbyoooo.I need dis too
Grandpa is only maintaining his asset......yes hun that is all you acquistion.
equipment has no plural
The guy don use style tell am sey make she no get big belle b dat ooo. She gatz stay fit niyen oo. Dat guy wise jare
Good for her.
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Lol. Na true u talk.
Exactly my tots too....instead of d stupid old man getting her baby things, he's indirectly telling her "madam plz don't even try add weight". What a way of speaking What's on someone's mind tru gift...very bad..
What humanitarian activity have you engaged in yourself, no matter how little? Smh! Hypocrites everywhere.
Abokidawarritout, today is not linda give away so better zip it okay.
It doesnt cost much to get gym equipments u can check amazon nd confirm urslf. Its nt so much a big deal neither is it jst for d rich bt y r u advertising? Pple's husband's did bigger nd better
One million likes to your comments, best comment ever.Dabota should borrow a leaf from Linda Ikeji, help humanity and stop bullying them with your so called "comfort".
Bush girl. No one cares about you.
Is that what you think Dabota? You are simply opressing young girls, help them instead.
Nice gifts for her. Would've prefered she doesn't show off. Only those who never thought they'll get to her level does such. Gyming alone can be boring.
ok madam we have seen it,his a gud hubby baa?
It's her valentines gift , so many other girl put up pictures of their lover and gift. It's not news either even though nothing wrong with it.
No reason to go out (visit gym)....I got it. Igbo kwenu!
My dear enjoy. Appreciate you husband, not all these girl putting cheap gift from useless boys that waste their lives. Btw she is beautiful , plenty filter but beautiful stil
Tell that to the millions of girls on Instagram and Twitter. Social Media is all our generation is about these days.
You wish
Shut up idiot
Exactly, very soon we won't hear from her again. She gon learn
Home spa, home gym, home saloon, home everything . What a miserable life .
Dis people asking God to bless der husbands...... is it so that he can be buy you gifts? gifts that you can buy for yourselves..... God will bless your husband, ask him to bless you too. so that you can buy whatever you so wish for yourself. Lazy, unambitious girls everywhere.
Anonymous 2 cups of sugar will do u good,mhen,u are sooooo bitter!!! Chill abeg,she doesn't know u exist n ur opinion don't matter,focus on ur life and leave others alone
Hahahaha... This aboki is just a clown,lmao,but u are still a noise maker
Why r y'll so myopic? Babe wrote "thanks for ALLOWING me create a gym room" meaning this is what she wanted! Haters will always suffice
Christie don talk ooo
Ah Linda didn't you go to school? The plural of equipment is equipment.
Broke bitches be hating...
Hahahahaha @ anon 2:46
Bae keep fit & look sexy 4 ur hubby jawe, dnt mind d haters.
Buhahahahaha@ onyx's comment
Equipment not equipments please correct.
its not just the equipment, u need to see the packaging.
Good for her...
Foolish small rat u are the polluted generation we cry about in Nigeria she is in her world of shame cos she can't do anything for her self her identity still remains wife of an old man while her mates are achieving for themselves and u smallie u seem not to be exposed bet u haven't left that country so u don't know better lil things matter to u sugared fool
Who she help? Mteww!!!
Who say money no good?!!!
Like me... *seriously crying*
Mumu person.. Hate n die!!!
This is a big news Oo my dear anonymous. If u are a guy, what did u get for ur girlfie? If u are a lady, what did u get for Val?
Y'all should be happy for someone's success first and u will get urs in a million folds. Trust me!
That should be her hubby's business tho. I guess he ain't even bothered.
Haba na, Linda! The plural of equipment is equipment. Kindly edit, please.
Gud 4her
Good for her, enough money things
Good for her, enough money things
good for her.
Mtcheeeew..make she shear the panties wey Aku buy for her na
Good, she gats to keep that shape for him oh is this news?
Y'all came at this girl months ago, now y'all are using your same mouths to sing "money is good o" . Nigeria is the capital city of Hypocrisy, kai!!
Having said that, has anyone of you money-blinded fools thought of the underlying msg of this home-gym? Enslavement. Baba just let chic know she cant come with excuse of "I'm feeling fat, I want to go to gym" and be shagging dem dudes out there. No, work out by yourself, the equipment is there. Personal trainer? Yes, but trust me that house must probably have like 5 hidden cameras per room to capture all angles and one central control room for monitoring. Make una dey hail now o, in a few months, you will all use your same mouths to sing songs of pity for this girl.
Una no dey tire sef ni??? Up LIBers of life!
Money poor substitute for loneliness
Not a moral lesson
Gold diggers &hustlers creed
Aristo things.
Always bying femfresh soap to tight the elastic p8ssy
It doesnt cost much to get gym equipments u can check amazon nd confirm urslf. ...
nice post....
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