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with us;
Website: www.zimafashion.com
BBM: 52CF35D9
Twitter: @zimafashionng
Instagram: Instagram.com/Zimafashions
@Carlos via Nokia Lumia
Who will be my val? 'thinking' #onelovefromsnow#
Oky seen....
Will surely patronize them
Issokay, seen & noted. Linda take note!
Nice one but those clothes am seeing looks like what barbie love to wear.....
ok now
Where they at? Only online ish?!
Is it possible to display discounts on items and when this product is picked to be purchased you say 'Discount doesn't apply'. Mmmmmm
Well Zima fashion just did it to me and they unfortunately have plus sizes on some gorgeous tops and gowns :-(
Really nice stuffs.....
lol dnt mind dem ok.
why you shouldnt fart in a crowded elevator
Here's the scenario.
Its a hot afternoon,you're wearing a suit and you're stuck inside a hot crowded elevator.
The air in the small space is barely breathable with the stenchy combination of mouth odors and damp undeodorised armpits.
Beads of sweat form on your forehead and slowly roll down your face.
At this point you're pissed .It seems this Popular Government building in Port Harcourt (names withheld) haven't serviced their elevators since the Country's Independence.The doors simply refuse to open.You and the other nine or ten occupants of this metallic box are trapped.
Now, just when you think things couldn't get any worse, somebody FARTS!
A silent fart.
And not just any silent fart,the HALL-OF-FAME- MOTHER of all silent farts.
The kind that demonically assaults nostrils and makes dizzy.
continue reading
They remove it whn u get to d last phase. Called them whn I saw d same thing and they explained
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