Gabrielle Union talks about Dwyane Wade following Amber Rose | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Tuesday 10 February 2015

Gabrielle Union talks about Dwyane Wade following Amber Rose

Remember when NBA player Dwyane Wade started following Amber Rose on instagram after she posted sexy booty pics of herself on her page? (Read here). Well, Dwyane's wife Gabrielle Union can't believe it made blog/TV news. Below is what she said during an interview on Angie Martinez..
D follows Amber Rose and it’s a discussion on ‘The Real’? For 20 minutes? Who do you think told him about Amber Rose?! I just Insta-stalk her. I don’t actually follow her only because of the backlash that you get. Anytime I like one of Blac Chyna’s photos, I get attacked because they feel like I shouldn’t like a woman like Blac Chyna. Blac Chyna’s one of the sweetest people you’ll ever want to meet. Continue...
I just didn’t want to deal with the backlash [of following Amber Rose], but I was like, ‘Babe, you gotta look…’ Because you know, I don’t always follow her but I Insta-stalk her. Everybody Insta-stalks each other. I was more offended that they didn’t then look into the men that I follow." Continue...
If you’re pretty, I’m following you. I don’t know them. We’re not DM-ing each other. I’m not meeting him at the 7/11 for a diddle. Everything isn’t news. Especially people who don’t know me or us and didn’t stop to think, ‘Gab’s cool.’ I’m not an insecure nutcase. ‘Maybe she told him about Amber Rose and then he followed.’ Because we know, I know Wiz, I know these people.
On D Wade Unfollowing Amber
[Dwyane unfollowed Amber] because of the backlash. I don’t care. I wanted to have someone to talk about. Did you see her azz? It was amazing. I thought it was delicious. I couldn’t wait till the next pit stop on her tour. And then when Wiz responded, I was all in! I’m all in… her and Blac Chyna touring the world, I think it’s genius. But then I was like ‘Wait, how come I’m not hearing about every single person I follow?’ They don’t assume that he’s this some poor athlete victim and his wife is following people.
On why she wanted to sign a prenup:
I was divorced and I came up off of a lot of money, and he wasn’t with me shooting in the gym. My first marriage was to an athlete and just to say he was an athlete, doesn’t mean to say he makes more than me. In a no-fault divorce state, whoever has more, [pays out]. And it’s not factoring in, are you an able-bodied adult person who is capable of working? It’s just half.
That being said, I’ve been there and I’d never want someone to think I’d ever want to be with someone just for a payout. So when both of us go into it saying, ‘I don’t want you for that, I’m not interested in that, I have my own,’ and everyone is comfortable. But I think it’s the idea that women are always fighting to not sign a prenup, but I was the opposite. Only because I came up out of the money, and the way it made me feel…like the love was conditional in my first marriage. Conditioned on what are you giving me? That’s a terrible feeling to have and I would never wish that on anyone else, so let’s take that off of the table. I’m here for you. God forbid it doesn’t work out, I’m cool. I’m an able-bodied person. The whole idea that able-bodied people living off of other adults, it’s infuriating to me. We talk about it on Mary Jane.
On what she learned from her first marriage:
[I’ve learned to be a better] wife, friend, partner, but a lot goes into who you choose. We’ve always been best friends, no matter where we are romantically, that’s my best friend, it doesn’t matter. Just having that kind of foundation, our marriage so much stronger because we have that friendship. That’s why I’ll take that fine if you talk crap about him.
It’s called equity in your home, equity in your feelings. Follow Amber Rose, I don’t care. I think it’s great, but I’m just too chicken to actually follow because I don’t want to deal with people’s mouth, and he didn’t want to deal with people’s mouth, and he unfollowed her. I’m like, ‘Now it’s gonna look like I said don’t follow her ’cause I’m crazy!’ But I don’t care. I’m like, ‘Now you gotta ride it out! Don’t you unfollow her because I’m gonna look crazy if you unfollow and they’re gonna think it’s me.’ But he [unfollowed] because he didn’t want to deal with people thinking he was lecherous.
Again, I was so offended that no one was like ‘She’s following Matt Kemp and he’s topless all the time.’ I’ve never met Matt Kemp. I don’t think I’ve ever been in the same room as Matt Kemp, but he’s pretty [so] why can’t I follow Matt Kemp? I don’t think it says anything about my love for my husband. But Matt Kemp’s pretty. Jesus, let the man be pretty. I’m gonna look at it. Matt Kemp, you take your shirt off [and] I’m clickin’! Do I ever like? I [comment] ‘Way to go!’ I’m gonna comment!
There is nothing like Dwyane getting out of the shower. That is amazing. It’s awesome. But if there’s footage of other people getting out of the shower, I’m looking and I’m commenting.
Everyone assumes that if a man follows video, Instagram models or whatever, [they’re like], ‘The poor girl. He’s looking at other people who are different than her. It’s gotta be just heartbreaking.’ Well, Matt Kemp looks nothing like D, but magically he still getting up to go to work every day, and we’re still married. But there’s the assumption that he’s not heartbroken, and obsessing in the mirror [and] pinching his fat, or [asking himself], ‘Why am I so dark?’ Like, who cares? Come on!
Source: Necole Bitchie


AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Abeg Abeg na dem sabi,make every mallam carry em kettle!

Unknown said...

Well Said!!
.NOTE: Raise Your Words, Not Your Voice. It Is Rain That Grows Flowers, Not Thunder..

AbokiDaWarriBoy said...

Abeg Abeg na dem sabi,make every mallam carry em kettle!

Unknown said...

I love her

CHERRY said...

Okay seen!

Mzz_Mary said...


Anonymous said...

This dia black American english, never str8 forward.

Unknown said...

Cool chick

Unknown said...


OMG!WOMAN said...

Smh . Too much talk. I sense pain undertone.

Unknown said...

I just love this girl

Unknown said...

She's just being mary jane....lah you Gabby...especially your response to Amber rose and chyna questions....following or liking someone's photo doesn't mean anything it's fun


Unknown said...

Don't you just love her? Gabby gives appropriate replies

obiora said...

She is just so real.

lami said...

Hmmm, whatever.

Anonymous said...

Good talk Gabrielle Union!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

I love u gabby! Dis is a real woman!


Lol.... Babe said her piece!!! So, fella's go take a hundred sits backward, and stop drinking panadol on another's headache.....

Unknown said...

hmmm seen.

Juleslouis said...

Maturity!!! And understanding.


Her biz

Anonymous said...

All these stories shows she actually cares!

Unknown said...

Pls can smb explain wat she is tlking abt cos mi nor understand 1 tiny bit of wat she said.

Unknown said...

Dats her own headache biko, I gat mine. To your tents oh Israel. Linda take note!

Unknown said...

Dats her own headache biko, I gat mine. To your tents oh Israel. Linda take note!

Jade said...

Shut up already. Keep your biz out of d press,cos in d end, no one cares.

GALORE said...

Ko kan aye

I no even read am....

We are still battling with APC and PDP time for who follow who...who unfollow who

I hope your new marriage with ds ur new husband last....I think he is not good for you

.but...what's my business?



Baby P said...

Just like me.who cares

Subomi said...

So far its not causing problems in the marriage.. all good

Unknown said...

That's a good one. You go girl.

ximena said...

what is she saying? bikonu? :/

Anonymous said...

I love you Gabrielle Union but I honestly do not understand dse jargons. Choi, is it d same being Mary Jane star..I was struggling to understand d gibberish, all I cld get and say is dt she was being too defensive; Do everytn to keep ur sugar boy Ms Union

jennyif said...

Just v personal love 4 dis lady, no homo


Now this is a woman with confidence

Unknown said...

Yeah Gabby, who cares...come on...Lol

Unknown said...

You are too pretty for all this talk. Haba! E too much now.


Made sense!#real and true go gaaaby!!

Unknown said...

Super story

#Commenting thru Glo 4G LTE

GALORE said...


I no even bother to read that ye ye


destinysweet said...

My pretty black American actress


Unknown said...

Sweetly put ...

Unknown said...

I always knew there was nothing to it
Do we follow people on instagram
Does it mean we all have ulterior motives toward them?
Let's stop making mountains out of mole hills

Unknown said...

I'm dizzy from deciphering the meaning of her responses. Smh.

Anonymous said...

Al u y'al who ve a problem wit reading shud stop commenting rubbish.. U mustn't comment!!!! Read nd understand 1st datz hw it works. She made madt sense btw, u just gotta love her

Unknown said...

Wch kind epistle be dis?

Anonymous said...

Mumu! It's an interview session. They ask you questions and you answer. It's not a press conference


Blablabla. ...Love me some Gabby#Confident woman

Anonymous said...

'I just Insta-stalk her'

Awww,She likes Amber too...everybody loves amber rose :)

Favour belle said...


ary said...

Whatever, I just love Gabby and her cute face

Unknown said...

I so love her reply.Brilliant woman.

jivliken said...

She need not bother......Check this out guys. its pretty cool!!!!!

Unknown said...


jbankzE said...

Buhahahahahaha@I find dat ass delicious..ya right,I jst luv Union menh!

~@iamjbankz SA to President Jonathan 2015~

Unknown said...

Am sooo loving this lady right now!

prettiyz said...

Nice of her,all says make sense

Anonymous said...

Ok, her eye never clear, lol!

MOSI TASH said...

I like this woman sha.......

Anonymous said...

i just love this woman..

Unknown said...

Well said.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Dunno wat I did 2u Miss Linda, atleast try post 1of my comment biko

Anonymous said...

Walayi I dnt undstnd wt ds woman is sayin

Flora said...

true yarn... no tym oo

Anonymous said...

You are a sadist that's why....Senseless fool!

kwacha $$ said...

She made 2 grave mistakes one marrying an NBA player and 2, a guy 16 years younger which would never ever work in this lifetime...

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