Indianara Carvalho's butt beat 27 other women's butt to win the 2014 Miss BumBum Brazil contest. The pageant held yesterday
in Sao Paolo, Brazil. The winner from Santa Catarina state, got about $2k in cash and $23k in modelling contracts. See photos from the pageant after the cut...
Photo credit: AFP/Getty Images
I see small small yanch, #teamtoolz
I'm waiting for the Mr Big Dick contest.
She deserves it congrats girl
Hmmmmm no comment #onelovefromSnow#
E nor get wetin pesin nor go hear for this world!
That's what i call dry Ass of the year.
She's too muscular, d lady in d yellow bikini so hates her. Lol, see bad eye. The last group Booty pic. Miss pink bikini has a better butt.
hmmm...naso e suppose b
Jennifer Lopez Lands Big After Her "True Love"
Wat a senseless pageant.I wonder wat d aim is#rubbish#
hmmm....nawa o
I dont like the nyanch but the boobs makes alot of sense i swear...
Whats special abt this butt in 2014? Pshewwww
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Dis ass don expire
Looks like the best bum won. She works out and it shows on her legs and bottom. This should be a lesson to all those silly Cone (Silicone) inflated bums, the real deal is always the best deal. Look at the last bottom in the photo line up. That bum has a life of its own, the girl in the silver stringy g strap.
This is nice for Brazilians, i think Nigeria should also follow their footstep
Have You Counted The Cost
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3 Things That Makes People Cry
Lesson from the prodigal son
This woman better not near kenya. If not them go beat all d demons wey don possess her comot
Loolz if God doesn't destroy this world soon,he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
wow wow
She no get hips at most african women butt with no hips...oops!
How come. Ojoro ni joor
I felt sorry 4 the judges considering the fact that all the women are stunnin. Ass a booty man, i would wife them all if given the chance. Ain't ashame 2 express that women are created to be loved n taken care of. They r so fragile that the utmost care is needed 2 handle them. I think they learnt most of the evils from the men folks to the extent of surpassin them in the ART. What a tricky World.
Thats the bum that won?
Looks like kpako biscuit
So funny!
Hmmm, I am back,
Hw re u doing lindway? Gud eveni 2 u all liber.
it is well
ITO say so.
Won't b surprise if Mrs bobi is nxt
Just look at those judges. I can only wonder what was going through their heads all through the display of ass. Silliness.
Lol.nawaoh. Tinz wey we dey see 4 dis world plenty oh. Jane
So after everything, it is just $2k.... smh
You sure say dis wan no be transgender, her legs are too masculine. Nice butt sha
Lol, funny oyibo dem, dis one na bum bum? 20naira fofo, una neva see bumbum, if una see am, una go cnfuse sef...
This is really ridiculous
the world hidden under the word. God deliver us from miss bum bum and make us children of your son Jesus, Engr Emy.
Nice butt!
I am not sure if that is the best Butt, what I am too sure of is that something must have gone inbetween that butt and declared it the winner. Ndi ocha na eme ya!
Now I go know the type of ass to look out for
Looks like shit is going to drop already
And they will still insult Kim k smh#didi
crap! the are promoting nudity..they will go naked is next year's contest.
That nyash dry na!
What the hell is this? Not even attractive, chai!
Strong tights like dat of a transgender.
God! Wt sort of nonsense is dis!
Alll dese pageants self, i tire, soo dey will be mr long dick, nd miss fucker.
Alll dese pageants self, i tire, soo dey will be mr long dick, short dick, miss small nd large pussy hole nd miss fucker. Pls madam Aunty linda, dont swallow my comment.
All male judge?
All I can say is we need one of this in Nigeria *Wink
Muscular tighs..Ok bum bum
Lapsu akpu..Ike nsi
She kinda look masculine
What's up with all the shimmer on her butt (btw 1st to post a comment)
I just chuckled. I think that's enough.
Have You Counted The Cost
What Will Be Your Testimony?
3 Things That Makes People Cry
Lesson from the prodigal son
This is End time!!!! Uncalled for though...#Deep Sigh#
I'm impressed by that but ;)
Dis is total RUBISH OO... Well if person done knw say in no fit make am in lyf.. Na bumbum competition b next... S.m.h
it looks like her butt don rust or sumtin lyk dat
Bonario over to you
Lol... how can dis stiff butt be d winner?
splendid array of asses. wow
linda abeg tell me whats the purpose of this stupid contest as i am confused.
This kain pageant. Watching diff shapes and colours of bum bum. Hmmmm. I tire o. Little wonder all d judges are guys. Congrats bumbum lady
dis one is strongggggg
Na wa oooo dia ikee no evn fresh especially d winner... Still askin, wats all dis 4? Rubish!
Na wa oooo dia ikee no evn fresh especially d winner... Still askin, wats all dis 4? Rubish!
So unattractive
So unattractive
Hehehehhehehehehe....eye sore
What a stupid competition, looking at people butt haaaa! o! soon it will be Miss Boobs pageant den for d guys MR D**k.... #sirchux
Is not interesting! so Linda, this ur post fine for ur eye abi?
These butts tho.
Jesus Christ..
So they actually open their butt for those guyz to watch???!!
linda,abeg which one be yansh wey u dey show me dis early morning
Mehn too much sun bath!!!! Not so cool
Wetin person no go see for dis albino people sef......dry reddish shrinked ass
#ndi ara
gud! I want to see Mr Penis too hahahahahahaha
Funny congrats sha
I for like be judge for this kain competition. #straightface#
Miss dis,miss dat...see buttocks on massive display...#lips sealed
Congrats 2d winner sha...
Pls visit my blog
Miss dis,miss dat...see buttocks on massive display...#lips sealed
Congrats 2d winner sha...
Pls visit my blog
What kind of disgrace is this for women in this world? Why do men derive somuch pleasure in putting some ignorants like these into this kind of disgraceful acts? Is this all about money? But wait o, how much winning money have I seen so? So shameful. God forbids. See the bum bum they are even talking about sef. Very ugly looking things. Hahaha, the winner is even very ugly with muscles everywhere in the legs and the bum bum. I dey weep for her
No be lie, hahahahahahahaha.
ah.. where is the bumbum nau?
Chai......dere is God ooooo
Ndi'Ala... everytn na contest. which kind butt be this.. check out the look on that contestant's face by her right in the 4th picture... that look says "bitch! it's not over, until it's over"! hahahaha
Awon oniranu!
Brazil don't have ladies with big bum bum at all. Are these ones butts or nonsense. I got one lady in my street, her bum bum be like that of mountain kilimanjaro. Need more I say? Lemme stop here first.
Chimoo wetin person no go see and hear, so how does this contribute to the pride of womanhood.
Perverts looking at women's butt for free....women are becoming more stupid by the minute....soon going naked on the streets will now be fashionable....wait a minute dat model already did it....God have mercy on all of us...repent oooo
Na wa oooo
Mstewwwwwwww, make them come African see better bumbum.... coca-cola bottle them full ground yakata...
Abegi!!!!, this one no be news jare
This is woman's denigration rather than liberation.look at those judges all men looking women's buttocks and you call this women liberation/freedom. This is demoralising. women of virtue where are u?
no female judge
Who came up silly idea of best butt, i'm sure Sodom and Gomorah was not living a terrible life like this , when God got angry wit them. #So irritating
Brazil is a racist country. Their beauty competitions are all white but the overwhelming majority are black. It has the second largest black population in the world next to naija
ohhhhhh! and guys re the judges.
wonder what this world is turning into
Mind ur sense of humour....dnt blasphem in an attempt to b funny
We are supposed to be ashamed of ourselves. This is disgrace to humanity. May God forgive us.
Okay I am waiting for the big boobs own too n then finally wait for the big dick own too n women will be the judge lol
Am in supportu!!!
Hater, his correct..... Cos this generation is worse than that of sodom and gonorrhoea.
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